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Factor VIII activity

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Various protein components involved in blood coagulation
synonym Coagulation factor Ⅷ (Various protein components involved in blood coagulation process) generally refers to factor VIII activity
Factor VIII is coagulation factor VIII. Coagulation factors are various protein components involved in the process of blood coagulation. They are partially generated by the liver and can be inhibited by coumarin. For the purpose of unified naming, the World Health Organization uses Roman numerals to number coagulation factors I, II, III, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, etc. according to the order of discovery. Factor Ⅷ (F Ⅷ) was once called antihemophilic factor (AHF) or antihemophilic globulin (AHG). F Ⅷ is a macromolecular complex composed of von Willebrand factor (vWF) and factor Ⅷ coagulation activity (Ⅷ ∶ C). F Ⅷ is an important coagulation factor in the endogenous coagulation pathway. As a cofactor of coagulation factor Ⅸ a, F Ⅷ participates in the activation of coagulation factor X. It is the lowest in all plasma thrombins. There are many pathological changes that may affect F Ⅷ: C. F Ⅷ: C is measured by its ability to correct the prolonged coagulation time caused by lack of factor Ⅷ plasma.
Chinese name
Factor VIII activity
Related diseases
Hemophilia A, deep vein thrombosis, etc
Specialty classification
Hematology Department, Cardiology Department
Inspection classification

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Yang Tiesheng | Chief physician

Peking University People's Hospital Laboratory Department to examine

essential information

Chinese name
Factor VIII activity
Related diseases
Hemophilia A, deep vein thrombosis, etc
Specialty classification
Hematology Department, Cardiology Department
Inspection classification

Clinical significance

The determination of factor VIII activity was initially used for the diagnosis of hemophilia A, which can understand the extent of its deficiency and help to clinical classification of hemophilia A. In recent years, it has been found that the determination of factor VIII activity can also be used for the diagnosis of coagulation disorders and hypercoagulability.
1. Decreased activity: seen in hemophilia A, vascular pseudohemophilia, inhibitor of coagulation factor VIII, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hyperfibrinolysis, some autoimmune diseases, etc.
2. Increased activity: seen in hypercoagulability and thrombotic diseases, especially venous thrombotic diseases, such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, nephrotic syndrome, oral contraceptives, pregnancy induced hypertension, malignant tumors and liver failure.

Normal value reference range
