Condensed matter physics

One of the largest and most important branches of physics today
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Condensed matter physics is a research Condensed matter Corporeal physical property And Microstructure And the relationship between them, that is, by studying the Electronics Ions atom and molecule To understand its physical properties. Condensed matter physics is one of the largest and most important branches of physics today. On the one hand, it is the outward extension of solid physics, which makes the research object include many liquid substances besides solid substances, such as liquid helium Molten salt liquid metal , and liquid crystal latex And polymer And even some special gaseous substances, such as Bose Einstein condensation Bose gas and quantum degenerate fermi gas On the other hand, it also introduces new Conceptual system It is not only conducive to dealing with many difficult problems left over by traditional solid physics, but also easy to be popularized and applied to some more difficult problems solid More complex substances. Historically, solid physics was founded in the 1930s and 1940s, while the name of condensed matter physics first appeared in the 1970s. In the 1980s and 1990s, it gradually replaced solid physics as a discipline name, or understood solid physics as a synonym of condensed matter physics. [1]
Chinese name
Condensed matter physics
Foreign name
condensed matter physics
Properties and microstructure of condensed matter and their relations
research contents
Solid state electron theory, macroscopic quantum state, etc [1]
Discipline code
fourteen thousand and fifty [2-3]

Discipline Introduction

Condensed matter physics is today physics One of the largest and most important branch disciplines. Its research level is from macroscopic mesoscopic reach microcosmic To further understand all kinds of condensed matter physical phenomena from the microscopic level; Material dimension from three-dimensional To low peacekeeping Fractional dimension Structure from cycle to Aperiodic And quasi cycle, complete to incomplete and near complete; The external environment, from conventional conditions to extreme conditions and the interaction of various extreme conditions, has formed a more profound and universal theoretical system than solid state physics. After more than half a century of development, condensed matter physics has become physics The most important, rich and active discipline in semiconductor magnetism Superconductor And other major achievements in many disciplines have played a key role in the field of modern high-tech science and technology New materials New devices and new processes provide a scientific basis. One of the important characteristics of condensed matter physics is the endless hot research topics and emerging interdisciplinary disciplines; Another important feature is its close connection with production practice. Many research topics often have both fundamental research With the nature of development and application research, research results are expected to be rapidly transformed into productivity.

Origin and development

Condensed matter physics originated from solid state physics and Cryophysics Development of. In the 19th century, people gradually deepened their understanding of crystals. French physicist A in 1840· Bravais All 14 arrangements of three-dimensional crystals are derived, namely Brave lattice In 1912, German physicist Feng· Laue Found X-ray Crystalline diffraction , creating a new era of solid state physics. Since then, people can Diffraction fringe Study the microstructure of crystals.
In the 19th century, Britain was famous physical scientist Faraday At low temperature liquefaction Most of the gases known at that time. In 1908, Dutch physicist H· Onnes Put the last gas that is difficult to liquefy helium Liquefaction has created a new record of artificial low temperature - 269 ° C (4K), and found that Superconductivity phenomenon superconductivity It has broad application prospects. The theoretical and experimental research of superconductivity has made great progress in the 20th century. The record of the highest critical transition temperature has been constantly refreshed. The research of superconductivity has become one of the most popular fields in condensed matter physics.
Main problems in condensed matter physics today High temperature superconductor Of theoretical model

theoretical basis

An important theoretical cornerstone of solid state physics is Energy band theory , which is based on One electron approximation On the basis of. But condensed matter physics Conceptual system Is derived from phase transition And Critical phenomenon Based on the interaction multi particle theory, the theory of Ordered phase The disordered phase on the other side is not ignored, but is reflected in the critical area between the two Scaling law And Universality The physical behavior of. [1]
L. Landau 1937 for Second-order phase transition Proposed Symmetry breaking Later, it became the main axis of the concept system of condensed matter physics. In a particular State of matter One of Symmetrical element There can be no ambiguity about the existence of. When a symmetrical element in the original phase changes temperature or Transformer The sudden loss in the process means that the phase transition and the ordered phase have occurred. introduce Order parameter Used for qualitative and ration To describe the deviation between the ordered phase and the original phase. When the temperature drops to zero (0K), the ordered phase reaches ground state Instead of the ordered phase at zero temperature excited state But the excited state has recovered and broken Symmetry The tendency of. The low-energy excited state is nonlocal Quasiparticle Is called Meta excitation Collection of. Nonlinear The localized excitation state is called "Chenwei" topological defect. Both elementary excitations and topological defects will affect different physical properties. [1]
When the material is at high enough temperature Gaseous , which is uniform and Isotropy In terms of statistical significance, the translation and Rotational symmetry , and the ones that govern it Laws of physics The symmetry of is the same. Cooling will make the gas coagulation As a liquid, although the overall symmetry remains unchanged Short program Cool down again and make the liquid freezing As a crystal, the symmetry of translation and rotation is broken, and the remaining symmetry belongs to 230 Space group One of. Solid colorful Physical properties Yes and Symmetry breaking Closely related, and most of the liquids with attractive physical properties are liquid crystal Or complex liquid, also related to some symmetry breaking. Crystalline state The meta excitations in are Lattice vibration or phonon , is the key to understanding the thermal properties of solids, Crystalline state The topology defect in is dislocation , is to understand the solid plasticity And strength. [1]

research contents

The basic task of condensed matter physics is to clarify Microstructure And Physical properties So as to judge some types of condensed matter Microparticle Whether the collective of( Wave particle duality )It is of the utmost importance. Low electronic mass, normal atmospheric temperature It obviously presents quantum characteristics; The ions or atoms are heavy, and only liquid helium Or at very low temperature (μ K to nK) alkali metal The quantum characteristics of atoms are highlighted only when the gas is thin. This also explains why the low temperature condition is very important for the study of condensed matter physics. Microparticle It is divided into two categories: one is Fermion , with half integer spin , obey Pauli exclusion principle The other is Boson , with integer spin , the same Energy state Allow any number of particles to occupy. The physical behavior of these two kinds of particles is quite different. [1]

Solid electron theory

The study of electronic behavior in solids has always been the core issue of solid state physics. This is still the case in condensed matter physics. The behavior of electrons in solids can be divided into three regions according to the interaction between electrons. [1]
① Weak correlation area. Based on electronic receiving lattice Superscattered Energy band theory , which provides a suitable theoretical framework for the electronic behavior in solids. It has been applied to semiconductors and simple metals with extraordinary success, and also forms the theoretical basis of semiconductor physics. [1]
② Medium correlation area. Including general metal and strong Magnetic material Landau's Fermi liquid theory successfully describes general metals and three He in liquid Meta excitation And physical behavior. W. Developed by Cohen and others density functional theory It provides efficient and complex computing Structural materials The theoretical framework of the electronic structure in. The exchange interaction between electrons (including direct, indirect, super exchange, double exchange and itinerant exchange) leads to the magnetic ordered phase( Ferromagnet , antiferromagnet and more ferromagnet). Excited States of Magnetic Ordered Phase( Magnon And Magnetic domain )It also provides an understanding of its physical parameters and Magnetization curve The physical basis of ferromagnetism is formed by the opportunity of ".". [1]
③ Strong correlation area. Bad metals with very low electron concentration are involved. The energy band theory was established soon, E Wigner It is assumed that the Coulomb repulsion force makes the electrons localized on the Wigner lattice, and then N. Mott thinks that NiO and other oxides are caused by correlation insulator , i.e. Motel insulator. 1960s Kondo Chun For diluted magnetic alloy resistance The minimum phenomenon is theoretically explained as Kondo effect In the 1980s and 1990s, strange physical properties were found in a series of doped Mott insulators, such as Copper oxide Found in High temperature superconductor , manganese oxide Giant magnetoresistance effect Etc. In addition, it is also related to the Kondo effect Lanthanide and Actinide series Many ordered phases and abnormal physical properties have been found in heavy electron alloys. The research on the physical properties of the above kinds of strongly related substances has not yet been satisfactorily solved. [1]

Macroscopic quantum state

Cryophysics The major achievement of the research is the discovery of superconductivity in metals and alloys (resistance T c The following sudden drop is zero, flux All are repelled and become completely diamagnetic) and Superfluid phenomenon Viscosity coefficient stay T c The following sudden drop is zero). The appearance of these macroscopic quantum state phenomena is Gauge symmetry wave function Phase can be any value). As early as 1924 Einstein According to Bose Einstein statistics Proposed Bose Einstein condensation The assumption that the ideal Bose gas will appear at low temperature ground state Macro Number of particles %. four He atom is a boson, so four He Superfluid After discovery, F. London proposed Superfluid state It is the result of Bose Einstein condensation. The description of superconductivity proposed by London electrodynamics Of London equation It actually contains Macroscopic quantum state The concept of. 1952 V Ginzburg And the phenomenology proposed by L. Landau Superconductivity theory The complex order parameter similar to the macro wave function is explicitly introduced to describe Superconductive state 1957 J Badin And put forward the correct Superconducting microscopic theory , i.e BCS theory The key is that a pair of electrons in momentum space Electron phonon interaction And formed Cooper Yes , so that Electronic system It also has some characteristics similar to boson system. In 1972, it was found below 2.7mK three He superfluid state, three He atom is also a fermion, so this is also Fermion Pairing results. From the symmetry of the order parameter, we can judge the characteristics of the paired state: Conventional superconductor Is the spin singlet of s wave pairing, High temperature superconductor Is the spin singlet of d-wave pairing, three He Superfluid It is a p-wave paired spin tristate with magnetism. There are also some suspected p-wave pairing Unconventional superconductor , under study. The mechanism of unconventional superconductors has yet to be clarified. In 1995, E. Konar et al eighty-seven Rb gas is cooled to extremely low temperature (μ K) to realize Bose Einstein condensation, which extends the research field of condensed matter physics to rarefied gas at extremely low temperature. [1]

Nanostructure and Mesoscopic Physics

Since the physical properties of some simple materials have been relatively clear, since the middle of the 20th century, efforts have been made to classify different materials according to specific structural dimensions (related to a certain physical property Feature length )To organize materials and devices complex So as to obtain excellent physical property If the selected structure size is within the nanometer range (1-100 nm), it is nanostructure At the end of the 20th century, this field has aroused widespread attention in academia and society. [1]
quantum mechanics Think particles can pass through nanoscale barrier And present Tunnel effect Using this effect, tunnel junctions such as Sandwich structure , such as semiconductor Tunnel diode , single electron superconducting tunnel junction Cooper Yes Superconducting tunnel junction. The latter embodies Josephson effect Has become Superconducting electronics The core device of. Using the spin dependent tunneling effect, a magnetic memory with tunneling magnetoresistance has been fabricated. [1]
If the composite structure enters the range of electronic Fermi wavelength quantum confinement effect , resulting in Quantum well Quantum wire And quantum dot semiconductor quantum well It has been used to prepare fast transistors and high efficiency lasers. The research on quantum wires is also fruitful, Carbon nanotube The revealed rich and colorful physical properties are the proof. Quantum dots can be used to prepare Microcavity laser and Single electron transistor Magnetic quantum wells can be made of ferromagnetic metals and non-magnetic metals to present Giant magnetoresistance effect , can be used as storage The read head of. These examples illustrate that Nanoelectronics (including Spintronics )Will become Solid state electronics and photonics The mainstream of development. [1]
nanostructure stay fundamental research It also played a very important role: integer and fraction were found in two-dimensional electron gas quantum hall effect As well as Wigner lattice, Luttinger liquid theory was verified in one-dimensional conductor, and mesoscopic quantum transport phenomenon was found in some artificial nanostructures. [1]

Soft Matter Physics

Soft matter Also called complex liquid, it is between solid and liquid Phase liquid crystal latex polymer And so on. Most soft materials are Organic matter Although it is disordered on the atomic scale Mesoscopic scale On the other hand, there may be some regular and orderly structure. For example, the liquid crystal molecule is rod like, although its center of mass does not have position order, the orientation of the rod may be ordered. Another example is that the polymer is composed of soft long-chain molecules. Due to the relevance of long-range disorder, it follows a similar Critical phenomenon Of Scaling law The establishment of liquid crystal physics and polymer physics in the 1970s and 1980s successfully extended condensed matter physics from traditional hard matter to soft matter. Soft substances are exposed to small external stimuli (temperature, external field or external force )Its physical property is characterized by its remarkable response, thus producing obvious practical effects. One The button battery Driveable LCD watch A few years is proof. In the process of changing soft matter, the internal energy changes very little, and the change of entropy is very significant, so the change of its organizational structure is mainly driven by entropy, which is quite different from the hard matter driven by internal energy. Entropy induced order and entropy induced deformation are soft matter Self assembly The physical basis of. [1]
Organic matter( Small molecule and polymer )The electronic structure and electronic properties have also received extensive attention. Organic light-emitting devices and electronic devices are under development. [1]

research hotspots

Hot spots in condensed matter physics: ① discovered in 1984 Quasicrystalline state ;② Discovered in 1986 High temperature superconductor YBaCuO two Yttrium barium copper oxide );③ Established in 1984 nanoscience ;④ Material LaSrMnO discovered in 1992 three Of Giant magnetoresistance effect ;⑤ New High Temperature Superconducting Material MgB Discovered in 2001 two

development direction

The theoretical basis of condensed matter physics is quantum mechanics , basically complete and mature. However, due to the large number of twenty-three Microparticle And the research objects are further complicated, new structures, new phenomena and new mechanisms are still emerging in endlessly, which need to be explored from experiments, theories and calculations, and still pose a strong challenge to human intelligence. [1]
Condensed matter physics is closely related to the development of high and new technology. Information, materials and Energy technology The challenges faced in the 21st century will provide opportunities for the further development of condensed matter physics. Condensed matter physics still exists Interdisciplinary There is much to be done. With the development of condensed matter physics, materials with complex structures have been increasingly involved. The cross penetration between it and chemistry has become more and more obvious, and even the boundaries between disciplines have become blurred. It and biology The cross penetration between them is also changing with each passing day, which includes mutual support in experimental technology and joint exploration in mechanism and theory. [1]