shock wave

[chōng jī bō]
"Shock Wave" of Physics
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Shock wave is a discontinuity peak Propagation in the medium, this peak causes pressure temperature density etc. physical property Jump change.
whatever Wave source , when Movement speed Exceeds its wave This wave form can be called shock wave or shock wave It is characterized by the jump change of wave front, that is, a frontal surface The physical properties of the medium at the front have a sudden change, causing strong destruction. Shock waves usually propagate through the medium of matter.
Chinese name
shock wave
Foreign name
Shock Wave
shock wave
Ernst Mach

Basic concepts

Shock wave refers to Disturbance stay Nonlinear Propagation in media. If its mach number and Reynolds number Large enough, Dispersion Small enough, medium Disturbances in may form discontinuities, which are related to physical quantity Jump occurs, and the motion of discontinuity forms shock wave. There are many disturbances that can form shock waves, such as Blast wave , ballistic wave, thunder, aircraft roar, etc. One sine An example of mathematical description is that Riemann Earnshaw wave formed by the disturbance of type F finally forms shock wave (see Nonlinear acoustics )。 When Mach number is greater than 1, the disturbance is limited to cone Its surface can be used as a discontinuity. If media exists dissipation (e.g viscosity heat conduction Etc.), interrupted Not in a noodles On, but in a thin layer The latter is called interfault. [1]

Production principle

shock wave Is a discontinuity peak When propagating in the medium, this peak leads to the jump change of physical properties such as pressure, temperature and density of the medium. In nature, all explosions are accompanied by shock waves, and the shock waves always become larger than the local expansion speed of the material sound velocity Occurs when. When in S one The wave source of the point is at the speed V exceeding the wave speed s When moving forward, Wave source The motion of (an object) itself will excite the medium Disturbance , thus arousing another wave At this time, the moving object acts as the wave source of another wave, which is a series of waves centered on the moving track of the telecontrol object spherical wave
Since the velocity u of spherical wave is higher than the velocity V of object s Small, so it will form a V-shaped wave with the wave source as the vertex, which is called shock wave.
Usually nuclear explosion Explosion center pressure Sharp rise makes the surrounding air violent shock Formed by wave Shock wave Supersonic speed It is one of the important killing and destructive factors of nuclear explosion Blast wave It can also refer to the intensity caused by supersonic motion compress Air flow. It is compared to the impact of a powerful force that affects something.

Common phenomenon

Supersonic fighter
The speed of an aircraft exceeds 330 m/s“ Sound barrier ”Is broken, accompanied by a atmosphere The shock wave propagates and produces a sound "explosion".
Shock wave phenomenon can be seen everywhere in daily life: Supersonic flight Of fighter jets thunderstorm solar wind , crisp whiplash, etc. Of course, the most famous one is nuclear explosion

Produce damage

The shock wave is nuclear weapon The main factors of killing and destroying.
The killing effect of shock wave on people can be divided into two types:
One is direct killing, that is, the damage caused by the direct action of the shock wave on the human body.
The second is indirect killing, which refers to the object or Ejection Injuries to people caused by objects, such as building collapse and human injury. Therefore, when encountering a nuclear attack, you should lie down in the nearest low-lying place, and do not hide in or behind buildings to avoid indirect injury.