shock wave

American Marvel Comics superhero
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The shock wave (Havok) is U.S.A Marvel Comics Superhero Movie , debuted at《 X men 》(The X-Men) No. 54 (March 1969). His real name is Alexander "Alex" Summers cyclops (Cyclops) Scott Summers' brother, Vulcan (Vulcan) Gabriel Summers' brother X men Members.
Chinese name
Alexander Summers/Alex Summers
Foreign name
Alexander Summers/Alex Summers
Havok Holocaust

Character background

Alexander Summers is cyclops Scott Summers And Vulcan : Gabriel Summers's brother, the relationship between the three is extremely different. Compared with his brother, Alex has a much better impression of other heroes. After the laser eye was wanted by the avenger, Captain America He was asked to lead other mutants on his behalf, and Wanciwang 's daughter Polaris (Polaris) Lorna Dane's feelings are quite complicated.
Current and former names, codes, titles and nicknames
Scope of use
Alexander Summers
Alexander Summers
Legal Name Abbreviation
Alex Summers
Alex Summers
Common name, official name
Magistrate Summers
Goblin Prince
Alex Blanding

Character experience

Last moment with parents
Alexander Summers is the second son of Christopher Summers and the younger brother of Cyclops. His parents knew about the existence of the Shia Empire because they accidentally met the spaceship of the Shia Empire, and were attacked by the spaceship. Before their plane crashed, Christopher fixed them on the parachute and ejected them from the plane to protect his two sons.
The Summers brothers survived unharmed and were sent to an orphanage where they spent their childhood. Alex was later adopted by a family. During the period when he was adopted, the evil scientist Mr. Jingou learned about Alex's potential. Mr. Jingou encouraged others to kidnap Alex and his foster sister Haley. Alex showed his power for the first time and burned the murderer. Mr. Strange was surprised to find that Alex's potential had exceeded his brother Scott - although he had not yet learned to control it. After that, Mr. Jingou purged Alex and Haley of all their memories of this event.
When Alex grew up, he went to college and got a degree in geophysics. That is, when he was in college, he met members of the X-Men for the first time and learned that the laser eye was his brother.
shock wave
During this period, his power became more and more obvious. It seemed that only when he was close to death, he could control it. Therefore, he has always been afraid of his great power.
Later, Alex was captured by Larry Trask, who was intent on destroying the mutants. Larry Trask gave Alexander a special suit of clothes so that he could control his power - in fact, it was also to monitor the cosmic energy in his body. Alex also got his own code - shock wave. Then the X-Men rescued Alex.
Later, Alex joined the X-Men and began to associate with Polaris, but this aroused the anger of Iceman who was also interested in Polaris. Later, during the fight against Z'Nox, Alex and Polaris became more and more close, and soon the two decided to have a romantic relationship. The two men are not official members of the X-Men, but they still provide assistance to the X-Men for many times. However, in one adventure, Polaris was manipulated by Malice, leading to the end of their love relationship. Alex soon rejoined the X-Men. Finally, he learned that Christopher, who had become a member of the pirate star blocker, was his father who had been separated for many years.
During their return to the X-Men, Alex and Madeleine had some emotional development - Madeleine's ex husband, Laser Eye, abandoned her and married Jean Grey. But under the control of N'astirh, Madeleine became the queen of goblins, and she tried to use Alex to turn the world into a demon dimension. Alex finally gets rid of her control, and Madeleine chooses to commit suicide after discovering that she is Jean Grey's clone.
After shock wave and Wolverine I became friends and experienced a long adventure together. After they traveled to Mexico, they were attacked by a terrorist organization, and the shockwave was unfortunately injured and unconscious.
When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital. Nurse Scarlett McKenzie took good care of the injured shock wave. However, Scarlett actually served the Russian scientist Meltdown, who tried to use the power of the shock wave to destroy a nuclear reactor and then transfer the energy to Meltdown. Scarlett seduced the shock wave, made him fall in love with her, and deceived him to absorb the energy of the reactor. The shock wave then witnessed the process of killing Scarlett by Meltdown. The angry shock wave used energy to attack Meltdown, but on the contrary, it strengthened the strength of Meltdown. However, Meltdown was killed by Wolverine who came later, and the shock wave sent all the nuclear energy into space.
In the process of escaping Reavers' pursuit, Shockwave unfortunately lost memory and drifted to Genosha, a country that enslaved mutants. He became a senior officer there and hunted many X-men. In the fierce battle with his brother's laser eye, the memory of the shock wave was restored. However, he concealed this, successfully deceived Cameron Hodge, the leader of Genosha, and gave him a fatal blow in the battle, saving everyone.
Shockwave began to participate in the work of leading the X special attack team, participated in the infinite war and the infinite glove event, and gradually began to participate in the cosmic level war. And he and Polaris were reunited again. In an experiment conducted by Grey stone, a member of the X special attack team, the test device suddenly exploded, causing the shock wave to be transmitted to another parallel world, where he experienced some adventures as the leader of the X war police.
However, the body of the shock wave was found in the main world, but at this time he had been in a coma. With the care of nurse Annie Ghazikhanian and the assistance of her son Carter, Shockwave was revived. When he got together with Polaris, Polaris asked him to marry her - he didn't make it clear, and the wild animals on the side immediately congratulated them, but Shockwave didn't say anything. Maybe because he felt that he should marry Polaris, but at the same time he felt that he did not love her as before. No one knows that when Shockwave was in a coma, Annie's son Carter connected Shockwave and Annie's dream. In the dream, they fell in love. Later, Carter said that he didn't want to see his mother live a lonely life, but he thought Shockwave also lived a lonely life, so Carter thought they could be happy together.
On the eve of Shockwave's marriage, his brother Scott deliberately invited a stripper with deformation ability to dance striptease in front of everyone as Annie in order to verify his marriage determination. This makes the shock wave extremely upset. The night before the wedding, a dream made the shock wave feel strongly: the person I love is Annie! At the wedding the next day, Shockwave unexpectedly announced the end of the wedding to everyone and canceled his engagement with Polaris. Carter told Shockwave the fact that he controlled Shockwave and his mother's dream, but Shockwave did not blame him, but instead strengthened his idea of loving Annie - it is worth noting that Annie has started to associate with the Iceman. At this time, Polaris, who was hit hard, completely lost her mind. She frantically attacked the shock wave and tried to kill Annie and Carter. However, with the help of Red Tank, the shock wave successfully stopped her.
Shockwave and Annie communicated for a long time. However, after an Exodus attack on the X building, Annie felt that being too close to the X police would lead Carter to be in crisis all the time. Annie decides to take her son away. She hopes Shockwave can go with them, but Shockwave still intends to fulfill its responsibilities in the team. Annie left the shockwave with her son and then disappeared.
After Annie left, Shockwave tried to repair his relationship with Polaris - although Polaris has started to reconnect with his ex boyfriend, Iceman. In the M day event, Polaris lost her ability, so she planned to leave the X-Men, and Alex decided to leave with her. But soon after Polaris was kidnapped by Apocalypse. Shockwave returns to X-Men in order to save Polaris. At the risk of being infected with the super plague, Alex spared no effort to save Polaris.
At the suggestion of Professor X, Shockwave, Polaris, Marvel Girl and others began to stop their brother Volkan's crazy revenge on the Shia Empire. Shockwave was reunited with his father Christopher. The relationship between Shockwave and Polaris has developed rapidly during this period. Polaris forgives Shockwave for everything he has done in the past, and the two have resumed their relationship. After Christopher was killed by his son Volcan, Shockwave became the new leader of the pirate star blocker, and began to fight against Volcan, while assisting Lilandra to restore the throne.
In order to stop Scy'ar Tal, Volcan announced a truce with the pirates who blocked the star. But in the final battle, he betrayed Alex, threw him into the sun, and intended to use the ultimate weapon to destroy the pirates who blocked the star and Scy'ar Tal together. Although Alex, who absorbed the energy of the sun, defeated Volcan, he had to give up resistance because the Greek Arab Imperial Guard had taken the pirates as hostages. Alex and members of the pirate star blockers were later imprisoned in underground prisons, where they suffered inhuman torture and torture every day. After finally accumulating enough energy in the prison, Alex successfully escaped from prison with the help of Lilandra and other team members, and went to the Kerry Empire led by the Black Bat King.


Shock wave is an extremely powerful Mutant He can absorb cosmic energy such as radiation, electromagnetism or heat in the environment, and transform it into energy shock waves through his own body, while heating the surrounding air, or transforming the energy into plasma, and sending it out in the form of concentric circles, thus creating a very terrible destructive force. Under normal circumstances (the earth), the shock wave takes 16 hours to absorb all the energy it can absorb. It can release energy from any part of the body, but it is usually launched through the arm. He is immune to most forms of radiation and heat. To himself and his brother cyclops They are immune to the ability of the two of them to resist their brother Vulcan The power of. (Similarly, Volcan cannot resist the energy of the shock wave. Whether Volcan can resist the energy of the laser eye is unknown, but Volcan can control the energy of the laser eye.)
The shock wave's power is not obvious but better than his two brothers. When the energy released by the shock wave hits the target, it will supply the molecules with huge heat energy, and the objects will collapse due to huge energy and temperature changes. Even the Edelman metal will be melted by this energy. The minimum energy released by the shock wave can make the object shift or only make people feel headache. When exercising his ability, he does not need air as a medium. He used to absorb the gamma ray of Haoke and send out energy waves to knock it down, as well as suppress it with the energy of volcanoes Wanciwang The shock wave can absorb the energy of the star in the star and be completely immune to the radiation of the star. After that, the shock wave can overwhelm or even defeat the star Vulcan
Capacity regulator
Like his brother Volcan, he can also make his energy fly as a downward thrust, and the speed increases with the absorbed energy. It is speculated that the speed of light can be reached, and the ion area around his body can make him live in vacuum. When the energy in the body is too high, it will be released automatically, so you must wear special restraining clothing to avoid danger.

interpersonal relationship

member of family
Oscar Summers, the distant ancestor of the father of the adoptive family;
Patrilineal ancestors Daniel Summers, Amanda Mueller (Black Womb), Gloria Dayne (Fontanelle);
Grandfather Philip Summers;
Grandma Deborah Summers;
Father Christopher Summers (Corsair);
Mother Katherine Summers;
Andrew Blanding, adoptive father;
Foster mother Joanna Blanding;
Brother Scott Summers (Cyclops);
Brother Gabriel Summers (Vulcan);
Brother Ahmet Abdol (Living Monolith)
Sister Haley Blanding (adopted sister);
Brother Todd Blanding (adopted brother);
Madelyne Pryor Summers (Red Queen) (sister-in-law);
Sister-in-law Jean Grey Summers (Phoenix) (sister-in-law);
Cal'syee Neramani (Deathbird) (sister-in-law);
Wife Madelyne Pryor Summers (alternative wife);
Son Scotty Summers (instead of the real son);
Daughter Katie Summers (alternative reality daughter);
Nephew Nathan Summers (Cable);
Niece Aliya Dayspring (Jenskot) (niece replacing reality);
Nephew Hope Summers (instead of real nieces);
Niece Rachel Grey (Marvel Girl) (alternative real niece);
Niece Rachel Summers (Mother Askani) (niece who replaces reality);
Nephew Nate Grey (X-Man) (a nephew who replaces reality);
Nephew Stryfe (clone of nephew);
Tyler Dayspring (Genesis), nephew;
Big niece Hope Summers (adopted big niece);
Successor or impostor: Bermuda Schwartz、 Alexander Nathaniel Summers

Film and television performance

In the movie "X-Men: First War" released in 2011 Lucas Tyre Play [1]
At the first introduction, the shock wave was solitary confinement in a government prison, which was a request made due to his ability.
When Sebastian Shaw invaded their base, Darwin and Shockwave tried to defend it. Shaw was shot with energy by the shock wave, and then put it into Darwin's body. Because Darwin could not adapt to such energy, he finally exploded and died. He blamed himself for the indirect death of Darwin, which also made him an X-Men. At first, it was difficult for him to control the release of energy, but the shock wave finally used equipment that concentrated his ability to solve the problem. (In "X-Men: Apocalypse", the shock wave no longer needs an energy suppression suit to control the energy released by itself.)
Films released in 2014《 X-Men: Reversing the Future 》China, played by Lucas Tyre [2]
Shockwave was called up by the US army, so it was forced to leave the X-Men and deployed in the Vietnam War. He was placed in a special department with the mutant toad and ink. William Stryker tried to give them to Bolivar Trask for experiment again, but the evil women disguised to enter saved them all. Alex learned that the evil women were alone and no longer acted with Magneto. After Magneto broke into the residence where the mutant equipment was stored and took away the anti brainwave helmet, the shock wave energy suppression battle suit also appeared there.
Films released in 2016《 X-Men: Apocalypse 》In, Lucas Tyre returns to play [3]
Alex is the brother of Laser Eye Scott. After his ability showed, Alex escorted Scott to X College, and then accompanied Zewell to investigate the tremor caused by the revival of the apocalypse of the ancient mutant.
When Apocalypse attacked the Academy and held Professor X hostage, the shock wave destroyed the main brain to prevent it from using it, and then tried to attack the Apocalypse again, but accidentally hit the engine of the X jet, causing an explosion that engulfed the entire Academy. Although Fast Silver rescued everyone, the shock wave was still too close and died in the explosion. (In fact, the energy form of the explosion can be absorbed by the shock wave)