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Ice dwarf

A celestial body with a large comet nucleus and more ice than an asteroid
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Ice dwarfs are objects with larger nuclei than ordinary comets and more ice than asteroids.
Chinese name
Ice dwarf
term in astronomy

brief introduction

They are believed to be hundreds of kilometers in diameter, and there are very many of them in the Otyun and Gubai belts. Ice dwarfs are not the official classification recognized by the International Astronomical Union, and they cover more categories than the official classification: QB1 like objects and Small Celestial Bodies of the Pluto More scope.
EN: Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute believes that there are many ice dwarfs that we have not found, besides the moon Triton of Neptune. Stern said that three ice dwarfs with a diameter of 1000 to 2000 kilometers had obvious impact marks. Uranus may have been hit by an ice dwarf to make its rotation axis overturn. Triton, the largest satellite of Neptune, may also have been hit by an ice dwarf.

Ice Dwarf List

Ice dwarfs larger than 2000 km in diameter:
Triton (2707km)
Yinshen Star (2400km)
Pluto (2306 km)