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The official of Dali Temple in the Ming Dynasty
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Feng En (1496~1576), Zi Ren, Songjiang Prefecture Huating (Today Shanghai )People, the fifth year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (1526) Jinshi , official to Dali Temple Official
Feng En is an official with integrity, outspoken advice and impeachment Zhang Fujing Fang Xianfu Wang Xuan , person“ Four Iron Imperial Historian ”。
Full Name
the ming dynasty
one's native heath
Songjiangfu Huating (today's Shanghai)
date of birth
Date of death
Key achievements
Impeach Zhang Fujing, Fang Xianfu, Wang Xuan
Highest office
Dali Temple Official

Character's Life

Feng En lost his father when he was young, and his family was poor. He was raised by his mother, Wu. Feng En studied hard, New Year's Eve There was no rice and it rained. The room was wet. Feng En was still reading in bed, with an easy grace
In the fifth year of Jiajing (1526) Jinshi , Ren pedestrian Be ordered to condole Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Wang Shouren He became a student of Wang Shouren. To Nanjing official in charge of the discipline of public functionaries As usual, the imperial historian Executions , do not give the file to Criminal Department , the Ministry of Criminal Justice will not reply Ultimatum Feng En requests minister of punishment It is still reported to the imperial historian. various Cao Lang The Imperial Historian is my subordinate. Feng En said, "You have to be brave. If you want to know the essence of things, you have to know the truth review Ears. " With the consent of the Minister of Justice. Feng En patrols Shangjiang Commanding Zhang Shen to kill, he was immediately sentenced to death. Grand total Hajj Officials of Nanjing censorate Correct as usual. Duyu Shi Wang Xuan Autocracy, request such as Beijing Imperial Platform, after the matter is over, allow Argument Feng En and In progress Lin Tuyuan and other officials had the same argument.
Ming Shizong adopt member of a privy council Proposed to build the southern and northern suburbs separately queen In the northern suburbs of Silkworm, an imperial edict was issued Courtier As seen by Chen, the imperial edict repeatedly denounced the dissenters as evil. Feng En said: "It is very difficult for officials to speak up. The Ming imperial edict directly admonishes them and slanders them as evil people. What's the right way to go? This is not your majesty's intention. It will influence the ears of crafty and sycophants who want to believe them. Nowadays, it is difficult for scholars to be honest if they regard silence as sophistication and Jianer as provocation. If they are afraid of dissent in advance and slander them as evil, they must agree with each other, and then they can do the same. Kuang Tiandi has been worshipping together for more than a hundred years. Should we change it lightly? Rites: 'Men don't talk inside, women don't talk outside'. The queen lives in Jiuzhong, should she go far out of the countryside? I would like to call a halt to the second discussion, so as not to be misled by those who hope for good things. " Feng Encao knew he might be severely punished when he was careless. Feng En was even more excited when Ming Shizong didn't blame him for the incident.
In the winter of the eleventh year of Jiajing (1532), comet See, issue an imperial edict to be frank. Feng En was far away from heaven, and his humanity was near, so he listed the ministers who were evil and righteous:“ Bachelor Li Shi Be careful and modest, Apple juice Disruption is not his strong point. Zhai Luan Accessory potential hold an office without achieving anything Only things are ambiguous. minister of works Xu Zan Sincerity and ease, though lacking Broken There will be no fee if you don't pay. Minister of Rites Summer sayings He learned a lot and was an unruly talent. He was able to control his position and save the prime minister. Minister of War Wang Xian Rigidity and unyielding, understanding and promising. minister of punishment Wang Shizhong A few ignorant advances and retreats make you feel depressed. minister of public works Zhao Huang incorruptible and uncompromising Self support, discipline and prudence. minister of personnel Zuo Shilang Weekly I am talented and knowledgeable, honest and understanding Insufficient. Right valet Xu Gao The lecture is convenient and academic is devious. Left Waiter of the Ritual Department As clear as water Gathering disciples to give lectures, the ordinary practice is not popular. Right valet Gu Dingchen Alert and dredge, the situation is long, and the equipment is heavy. Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War Qian Rujing Quiet and ethical. Huang Zongshi, the right handyman, though good at literature, made things because of people. Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Punishment Wen Yuan You can send it to Femoral humerus Right valet Zhu Tingsheng Honest and unyielding, modest and conservative. Li Shi, the left minister of the Ministry of Work funny Only when you are near can you make a difference. Lin Ting, the right handyman, has a talent tool that is desirable, but he is accessible and does not stick to it. " Feng En tried his best to discuss the bachelor degree Zhang Fujing Fang Xianfu Among the three, Wang Xuan, the Imperial Historian of the Right Capital, said: "Fu respects the strong and hates the dangerous, while he hates the opposite Everything is under way Wei Liangbi The painful words cannot be repeated. The external decoration of my husband is sincere, but the internal decoration is deceitful. Before the official department, private remote countryside , repay the gratitude and revenge, and I will never reach. Yesterday he pretended to be ill. His Majesty sent an envoy to levy on him. His courtesy was sincere. The other side disdained Yan Jian, went to the mountain to study until the edict was passed, and then Xinran took the road. The Minister of the Ministry of Public Officials should not be used. Why not join the cabinet? The disease of offering husband was cured. Today, he is also appointed to take charge of the official department. He will surely call on friends and play tricks on prestige, which is not bad for national affairs. If you don't, you will be like a ghost, like an Yu. The only enemy is loyalty, and the only plan is revenge. Today I will play down an official, and tomorrow I will play the tune of an official. The prime minister will hate it if he doesn't hate it. I don't want your majesty to send me to your heart, but I will act as a traitor and serve myself even to this extreme. Moreover, the Imperial Court is the leader of the discipline. Your majesty will not change his mind as soon as possible to be honest and honest. If the imperial historian's order comes out, he will follow his perseverance to be qualified for his duties and do harm to the people of the world. What a victory! Therefore, the official is called Fu Jing, which is the ultimate comet; 鋐鋐, the comet of the belly; Xianfu is the comet of the gate. Three comets will not go away, all officials will not be reconciled, and the general government will be unjust. Although you want to eliminate disasters, you can't have it. " Ming Shizong was furious and attacked Feng En Royal Guards Prison , trace the name of the messenger. Feng En was tortured every day and nearly died several times, but his confession remained unchanged. Only the Imperial Historian Song Bangfu I once went to Nanjing and talked about the gains and losses of the imperial government and the ministers. Song Bangfu was jailed and dismissed.
In the spring of the 12th year of Jiajing (1533), Feng En was moved to Criminal Department jail. The Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty wanted to take the position of minister of virtue, politics and law, and put him to death. The minister of the book, Wang Shizhong, said: "Feng En's reputation is half destroyed, and it is better to commute his sentence to exile if he is not dedicated to eulogizing ministers." Ming Shizong became more angry, saying: "Feng En is not dedicated to honoring three officials, but only to Great Rites Therefore, Qiu Jun is supreme, and death is a lingering sin. The time is to deceive the public accept bribes from litigants Yeah? " So he dismissed Wang Shizhong from his official position, took Wen Yuan's salary as a servant, and relegated him Doctor Zhang Guowei Yuanwailang Sun Yun was a handyman in a remote place, while Feng En was sentenced to death. Feng Xingke, the eldest son, was 13 years old, Fuque Cry out grievances. He crawls day and night Chang'an Street , see official hats and canopies—officials When someone passes, he climbs up and cries for help, but no one dares to speak. At this time, Wang Xuan had been appointed minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Wang Tingxiang Ren Du, the Imperial Historian. When Feng En failed to sit properly, Shangshu asked for forgiveness, but Shizong refused to listen.
wait until trial at imperial court Wang Xuan, as the main writer, sat facing the east, and Feng En knelt facing the palace alone. Wang Xuan ordered his soldiers to drag them to the west, and Feng En stood up unyielding. Feng En scolded the soldiers and they were frightened. Wang Xuan said, "You often go up to Shu to kill me, and I will kill you first." Feng En scolded, "The Holy Son of Heaven is up, and you are a minister, and you want to kill with personal hatred Speech officer yeah? In this place, we should not be afraid to speak to the hundred bureaucrats! I die for the fierce ghost attacking you. " Wang Xuan was furious and said, "You should be honest and conceited, but many people give you money in prison. What is it?" Feng En said, "It's ancient justice to show mercy in adversity. How can you accept money, Selling officials Jueya? " Feng Enli counted the events and kept exposing Wang Xuan. Wang Xuan became more and more angry. He pushed the case and wanted to beat Feng En. Feng En's voice grew louder. The quotation of the imperial historian Wang Tingxiang and Shang Shu Xia Yan was generally relieved. Wang Xuan stopped a little, but still felt true. Feng Enchu Chang'an Gate Scholars and people are crowded with visitors. All sighed and said, "An imperial historian, not only has an iron mouth, but also has iron knees, gall bladder and bones."“ Four Iron Imperial Historian ”。 Wu Shiji, Feng En's mother drum outside the court for people to beat and file complaints Cry out grievances. No response.
In 1534 (the 13th year of Jiajing's reign), Feng Xingke wrote a request to die instead of his father. In the winter of the same year, when things became urgent, Feng Xingke pricked his arms and wrote a bloody letter to loosen it, bound himself under the palace and said, "My father is young and Bereavement Grandmother Wu's dutiful education, at the end of its establishment, was made an imperial historian. The whole family received the salary, tried to repay the landless, worried too much about personal plans, and was trapped in the great revolution. Grandmother has been more than 80 years old in Wu. She is so sad that she can only breathe. If my father dies today, so will my grandmother Wu. When my father dies and my grandmother dies again, I will not live alone. His Majesty Ji pitied him, set up his ministers, pardoned his ministers and fathers, and delayed the life of mother and son. Your majesty pays his ministers without hurting their hearts. Your majesty's law will not be harmed if you are punished. Please extend your neck to wait for the white blade. " General envoy Chen Jing Play for him. After Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty Commiseration , Order Department of Justice Again. Shangshu Nie Xian After discussing with the Du Imperial Historian Wang Tingxiang, the law cited previously is not beautiful with emotion and law, so it is better to use the law that is not true. If you lose, redeem and return to duty, the Ming Shizong will not allow it. Therefore, Feng said that he valued law more than kindness and asked for punishment for guarding the border. Is allowed. So he demoted to garrison Leizhou Wang Xuan was also dismissed two months later.
In the 16th year of Jiajing (1537), he was pardoned and returned. Feng En lives at home, especially for virtue in the countryside.
Muzong of Ming Dynasty Take the throne and record the first direct speech. Feng Ennian has been more than 70 years old, so he went home to pay his respects Dali Temple Official resign from an official post Fu Cong had a speech to praise Feng Xing for being a filial son. He died at the age of 81. [1-2]

Family members

The eldest son: Feng Xingke
Child: Feng Shike [1]

Character evaluation

Wang Shizhen : Duke Feng died of loyalty, and his filial son Jun died of filial piety. However, no one died.
Feng En's Stone Carving
Wang Shouren take a heavy burden and embark on a long road Feng Shengzai. [2]