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Winter green

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Feeling the lack of green in urban winter, some winter evergreen vegetation began to enter the city's gardens, adding a touch of vitality to the cold winter. Evergreen plants often seen in landscaping, such as camphor trees and osmanthus trees in the south, and masson pine and cypress trees in the north. Broad leaved plants are the majority of evergreen plants in the south, while coniferous plants are the majority in the north due to drought.
Chinese name
Winter green
Latin name

Introduction to Plants

Masson pine
Sweet osmanthus trees in golden autumn
Introduction to winter green plants
Rhododendrons some Evergreen plant Common name of. Pyrola There are about 12 species of perennial creeping plants. The leaves are usually clustered at the base of the stem in a rosette shape. The flower spikes are terminal. The Gautheria procumbens is like a bright red berry. It is native to the sandy soil sheltered areas. Its leaves taste astringent, but it has a fragrance because of the winter green oil. Winter green oil is a volatile oil with a pungent taste. It can be used for flavoring candy and chewing gum and treating muscle pain.

Winter green vegetables

The plant is vigorous, compact and dense. The tender melon can be harvested about 35 days after planting. The tender melon is emerald green and long cylindrical. The melon is 24-27cm long and 7-8cm thick. The melon is straight and shiny. A plant of 4-5 melons can grow at the same time without dropping seedlings. More than 35 fruits can be picked per plant. It has developed roots, strong resistance and good disease resistance. suitable sunlight greenhouse Cultivation.
 Winter green Winter green Winter green Winter green Winter green
Winter green
Snow pressed pine
Qingsong Aoxue
Silver wrapped
At the foot of snow mountain
Heavy snow pressed green branches