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Wanqu County

Heze Place Name
synonym Unjust sentence (Unfair sentence) Generally refers to Wanqu County
Wanqu, also known as Unjust sentence , Yuanqu, Wanju, Wanting, the old city is in today's Shandong Province HeZe Southwest is one of the oldest place names in Heze.
Qin home Unjust sentence County, Hanyin. Xijin Jiyang County Northern Wei Dynasty, Sui Dynasty Jiyin County Tang Genus Caozhou Song Dynasty changed Wanting County, Jin Yi Yu River. Redords of the Grand History of China · Buddhist seal book 》: "Huangdi De Baoding Wanqu is in the Guiyu District. " Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty King of Chu and Yuan Liu Zhi, the son of Wanqu, is the marquis of Wanqu.
In 2007, HeZe Archaeological exploration, the old city of injustice lies in Heze City Peony District Forty miles to the southwest, the east gate of the ancient city of Yuanju is 347 meters in wall and 234 meters in outline. The east gate is 3.3 meters above the ground and 6 meters underground to the city base. Archaeologists agree that it is the old city of Yuanju in Han, Wei, Jin, Tang and Song dynasties.
Chinese name
Unjust sentence Injustice Wanzhou sentence Wanqu Wanting Pavilion Injustice pavilion
Administrative Region Category
Jiyin, Caozhou
geographical position
Mudan District, Heze City, Shandong Province
Famous scenic spot
Lacquer Garden City, Boiling City, Zhuangzi Wentai

Historical evolution

The Qin Dynasty set up Wanqu County, also known as Unjust sentence , Yuanqu, belongs to Dongjun. Hanyin Jiyin County (Governing Dingtao, now Dingtao in the northwest).
Xijin Jiyang County Northern Wei Dynasty, Sui Dynasty Jiyin County (Governing Zuocheng, now northwest of Caoxian).
Tang Genus Caozhou (Governing Yin, northwest of Caoxian today). Song Dynasty changed Wanting County, Jin Yi Yu River. [1]

The Old City of Unfair Sentences


Geographical orientation

Fan Wenlan's "General History of China", "Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Place Names of China", "Heze County Annals" (Guangxu Edition), "Heze County Local Annals" (Republic of China Edition), etc. are all recorded in the southwest of Heze;
The "Unified Annals of the Qing Dynasty", "General Annals of Shandong", "Annals of Caozhou Prefecture", "Records of Southern Cao Literature", Gu Zuyu's "Summary of Fang Yu's History Reading", Ye Guishou's "Records of Archaeology in Shandong" and other records all record that the unjust sentences are about 40 miles southwest of Heze City.

archaeological exploration

Wanju County, Jiyin County
In June 2007, the two level cultural relics departments of Heze City and Mudan District explored the abandoned city site of Longwangmiao Administrative Village, Malinggang Town, Mudan District. Three hundred meters east of Ehulao Village, there are two ancient sites 10 meters from the north to the south, initially designed to be built with rammed earth. A number of tiles and pottery fragments were found.
Wanting County, Xingren Prefecture
According to preliminary exploration, the north site is 3.44m high, 13m long from north to south, and 5m wide in the middle; The southern site is 3.2 meters high, 8 meters long from north to south, and the east-west width is the same as that of the northern site. There are nine meters of rammed earth on both sides of the east and west under the surface of the two sites, and the depth has not been explored; The ground between the two sites is 3-4 meters underground, which is undoubtedly the passage for ancient people. The rammed earth wall of the northern ruins extends to 234 meters 45 degrees to the northwest, and rammed earth can be seen at a depth of 3 meters. When it is explored again, the tools are not enough. The rammed earth wall of the South Site is 243 meters to the southwest, all of which are rammed earth. The shallow part is 40 cm away from the surface, and the deep part is 2 meters away from the surface. 200 meters away from the South Site, there happened to be a new ditch with an east-west direction and a depth of 2 meters, which cut through the rammed earth wall. According to the survey, the top of the rammed earth wall here is 1m from the ground surface and 6m wide. From the surface, there is still rammed earth at a depth of 5.4m, and at a bottom width of 14.5m from east to west. According to preliminary calculation, the rammed earth wall is about 9m high, 3m wide at the top and 15m wide at the bottom. Through analysis and research, we believe that this site should be the east gate of an ancient city.
Later, a rammed earth wall was found outside the east wall of Longwang Temple 160 meters northeast of the site. Through exploration, the wall is southeast and northwest trending, with a preliminary length of 153 meters. It is equidistant from the city wall extending northwest of the northern ruins. The south end of the east wall of Longwang Temple is 20 cm underground, and the northwest wall is 1.5 m underground. According to the exploration, the wall is about 7-8m high, 2.5m-3m wide at the top and 12-14m wide at the bottom, which should be the outline of Yuanju City.
The ruins of the ancient city conform to the documents of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and also to the record in Shuijingzhu that the city of injustice is in the east of Jiyang, and Rongcheng (today's Changgangmiao Site in Taoyuan Town, Caoxian County) is in the north and south. According to the Records of Caozhou Prefecture in the 21st year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty, the old city of injustice is forty miles southwest of the state (Caozhou). Today, Longwangmiao Village is about 40 miles southwest of Heze City. The ruins of the abandoned city were unanimously recognized by archaeologists as the ancient city of injustice in Han, Wei, Jin, Tang and Song dynasties.

The scale of unjust sentences


Yuanju County

The city of Yuanju has existed for more than 1000 years from the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty. Its geographical location is very important, and its scale must be equal to that of similar counties in the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty. Changyi County, Han Dynasty Kaocheng County It is equivalent to the level of Yuanju County, and its city size should be roughly the same.
Download the "Records of Yuanhe County · Jinxiang County" of the Tang Dynasty: "The old city of Changyi is 42 miles northwest of the county, more than 10 miles around the city, and more than 30 miles around the outer city."
Kangxi Year《 Kaocheng County Annals 》On: "Han Dynasty Kaocheng County , formerly called Mei County, was changed in the Eastern Han Dynasty Kaocheng County The inner city is nine miles and thirteen steps, while the outer city is thirty-six miles. The city site of Jin, Wei, Tang, Song and Jin remains unchanged. In the twenty fifth year (1288) of the Yuan to Yuan era, it was in the Yellow River. " Kaocheng The scale is equal to the injustice sentence, and there should be no major fallacy.

Household population

In the Tang and Song Dynasties, counties outside the capital were divided into five grades: those with more than 5000 people were called "Wang", those with more than 4000 people were called "Jin", those with more than 3000 people were called "Shang", those with more than 2500 people were called "Zhong", and those with less than 2000 people were called "Xia". The county of Yuanju could not be verified in the Han Dynasty, but was called "Wang" county in the Tang and Song Dynasties.
According to Taiping World Records, there were 74300 households in Caozhou in the early Tang Dynasty, 1936 households in four counties of Caozhou in the early Song Dynasty, including Jiyin, Yuanju, Chengshi and Nanhua, and 75998 customers. According to Records of Nine Regions of Yuanfeng Caozhou Jurisdiction over Ji Yin, Yuan sentence, Cheng surname Nanhua In five counties of Dingtao, there are forty-two thousand three hundred fifty-eight households and twenty-two hundred fifty-two customers. " Where the multiplier is "tight", Nanhua Dingtao is a "Shangxian" county, that is, there are more than 10000 or 20000 people in the three counties. To help Yin and injustice are all "Wang" counties, whose households should be between 20000 and 30000, and the population should be between 70000 and 80000.

The territory of unjust sentences

Yuangu County, Jiyin County
Yuanju County has a vast territory. The north boundary is Pushui. Shuijingzhu: Pushui flows from Puyang to the south and east, five miles south of Lihu County (Lizhuangji Village, Mudan District). The Pushui River flows from the north to the east of the Dongming City, through the south of Lihu to the fishing Taipei of Zhuangzi, then flows eastward to Huiqushui, Yougou, and then flows eastward to Huiji Shuiye. It can be seen that the Pushui River is just the northern boundary of Yuanquxian County.
Xijing to Dongming County Changxingji. According to the "Kuo Di Zhi", Wentai is located 65 miles west of Caozhou Yuanju County. "Han County. In the fourth year of Wude, Jiyang County was set up on the west boundary of each county, belonging to Qizhou. In the first year of Zhenguan, Jiyang was abandoned and incorporated into Yuanju." It can be seen that the southwest boundary of Yuanju County is at least from Matou Town of Dongming County to Sanchunji (Wufucheng), It has jurisdiction over the east and north of Lankao County in Henan Province.
The southern boundary is Jishui, which was called Guangji River after the Five Dynasties. According to Shuijingzhu, the county seat of Yuanju is located in the sun of water supply. The water flows eastward from Xingyang, Henan Province to Fengqiu, Wufu (Sanchun) Jiyang In the south of Yuangu County, it passes north of Rongzhou (Changgangji, Taoyuan Town, Caoxian County), south of Anling (Weiranzhong), north of Taoqiu, and flows into Heze in the northeast. Jishui is the natural boundary between Jiyin County and Yuanju County.
The east boundary is Yougou. Yougou, also known as Yuanshui, flows from the north of today's Changgangji of Caoxian County to Jishui (Heshui, Guangji River), passes through Dahuangji, Wanghaotun, west of Heze City, Wudian Town, and Baihuji of Mudan District, and forms a north-south line, which is the eastern boundary of Yuanju County. Download "Yuanfeng Jiuyuzhi · Caozhou": "Look, injustice sentence. [Cao] thirty-five miles west of the state, four villages. There are Heshui, Yougou, and Beijigou."
According to the above analysis, the territory of Yuanju County is equivalent to most of today's Dongming County and the west of Mudan District, which is called a big county. No wonder historical and cultural documents attach so much importance to Yuanju County.

Yuanju Site


Boiling City

"Records of Yuanhe County"; The city of cooking dates is forty miles northwest of the Yuan sentence (equivalent to 37.3237 miles today, about 18.6618 kilometers)
Chinese Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Place Names 》: Jujube City is in the southwest of Heze County, Shandong Province. In the Annals of the Counties and Countries of the Later Han Dynasty, there is a saying in Jiyin County that dates are boiled.
"Cihai": Boiling water, the name of the ancient town. Wei Di in the Warring States Period. In the south of Dongming County, Shandong Province today. Toponymy of Dongming County 》: 16 kilometers south of (Dongming) County, Dongmingji.
Historical Atlas of China 》Note: 18.5 km northwest of Yuanju.
Accordingly, it is 18.5 kilometers southeast from Dongmingji, near the northwest of Dahuangji in Heze City.

Lacquer Garden City

According to the Tang Dynasty's "Kuo Di Zhi · Cao Zhou · Yuan Ju", the lacquer garden is 70 miles north of Yuan Ju County (equivalent to 65.3165 miles today, about 32.6582 kilometers);
Download "A Tale of the Taiping Universe, Caozhou, Unfair Sentence" of the Song Dynasty: "The old town of the lacquer garden is fifty miles north of the county. Zhuangzhou is the place of officials, and was formerly put in prison. Today, there is Zhuangzhou Diaoyutai in the north of the lacquer garden city."
Chinese Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Place Names 》: In the north of Heze County, Shandong Province, "Records of the Historian, Zhuangzhou Zhuangzu" Zhou tasted as a lacquer garden;
According to the newly revised Heze County Chronicle, Zhuang Zitai is in Nanhua Left. Press, Nanhua used to leave the fox county, and Tang changed its name to leave the fox.
Fang Yu's summary of history reading 》: Li Erzhuang in Nanhua today. It is now the collection of Lizhuang in the northwest of Heze City.
Accordingly, there is Lizhuangji 32.6 kilometers to the south, in the south of Huangfuzhuang Village, Wanghaotun Town, southwest of Heze City.

Wen Tai

According to Kuo Di Zhi, Wentai is 65 miles northwest of Yuanju (equivalent to 60.651 miles today, about 30.3255 kilometers).
According to Taiping Huanyu Ji, Wentai is sixty miles northwest of Yuanju (55.3735 miles today, about 27.6867 kilometers);
Chinese Dictionary of Ancient and Modern Place Names 》: Wentai is in the northeast of Dongming County, Zhili. "National Policy" The Qin Dynasty attacked the Wei Dynasty seven times, the border city was completely pulled out, and the literary platform fell.
Dongming County Annals: Wentai is located in the northeast of (Dongming) County.
Accordingly, it is 30 kilometers southeast from Zhukou Village, about 4 kilometers northeast of Dongming County, and about 1 kilometers southeast of Lishe Village, Malinggang Town, southwest of Heze City.

Historical records

1. Historical Records· Buddhist seal book
In autumn, it is lucky to go to Yongyang and live in the suburbs. Or“ Five Emperors Taiyi In addition, it is advisable to establish a harmonious society and be close to the suburbs. The question is still pending. Qi Ren Gongsun Qing He said, "This year, when we got Baoding, the winter has already begun Shuo Dan Winter Solstice, and the Yellow Emperor. " Qing You Reading Books He said, "The Yellow Emperor obtained Baoding Wanqu and asked about Guiyu District." [2]
2. Historical Records· Filial and martial history
In autumn, it is lucky to go to Yongyang and live in the suburbs. Or "Five Emperors, Taiyi The assistant also. It is better to be peaceful and go to the suburbs ". The question is still pending. Gongsun Qing, a member of the State of Qi, said, "This year, we won the Baoding Xin Si Shuo Dan Winter Solstice , and the Yellow Emperor. " Qing You wrote: "The Yellow Emperor obtained the Baoding Wanqu and asked in Guiyu District. The district antithesis said:" The Emperor obtained the Baoding Divine plan , is Ji You The winter solstice of the new moon is the time of heaven, again and again 。” So the Yellow Emperor To push forward the policy of welcoming the sun (Policy). Later, he took the lead to get the winter solstice of Shuodan at the age of 20. Twenty years later, he pushed for 380 years. Yellow Emperor Xiandeng On days. [3]
3. Historical Records· Jianghou Zhoubo Family
The work of the ancestor Peigong At the beginning Mesone Attack Hu Ling from below. The side and the opposition, and the war, but appropriate. Attack Feng. Strike Dangdong of the Qin army. Returning the army Stay with Xiao. Re attack Dang and break it. lower Xiayi , first. confer titles of nobility upon the meritorious Five Doctors Attack Mongolia and Yu and take them. hit Zhang Han Riders, palaces. Ding Wei Di. Attack Yuan Qi, Dong Min, and take it from Li in the past. Attack and gnaw mulberry, and climb first. Strike the Qin Army A Xia , break it. Chase to Puyang , bottom Juancheng attack All closed Ding Pottery , Attack Wanqu , get the single father order. Night raids Linji , attack Zhang, roll before, break it. hit Li You At the foot of Yongqiu. attack Kaifeng It is more likely to go down to the city first. Later Zhang Han Corbel , Peigong and Nape feather The troops are drawn to the east like Dang. From the beginning, Pei returned to Dang, one year old in February. King Huai of Chu He was granted the title of Duke Pei, Marquis Anwu, as the Prefect of Dang. Peigong worshipped the Bo as the order of the tiger, so as to determine the territory of Wei from Peigong. Attack the East Sheriff Yu Chengwu , break it. hit Wang Li Army, break it. attack Changshe , first. attack Yingyang Gou , absolutely Hejin hit Zhao Ben Jun Shi Bei. Attack Nanyang in the south, defend the enemy, and break Wuguan Close Break the Qin army Lantian To Xianyang, to destroy Qin. [4]
Jiyin County , so the beam. In the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Jing Ji Yin State Emperor Xuan Mannose It was renamed Dingtao in the second year. China's oldest known book of geography 》Heze is in the east of Dingtao. genus Yanzhou Two hundred ninety-five thousand households and one million three hundred eighty-six thousand two hundred seventy-eight. County 9: Dingtao, so Cao State , brother of King Wu of Zhou Shu Zhenduo Sealed. Yu Gong Tao Qiu is in the southwest. Taoqiu Pavilion. Unjust sentence Mang changed to fix pottery and said Ji Ping, Yuanju County It is called Jiping Pavilion. [5]
5. Book of the Han Dynasty, Biographies of Fu Jin Kuaicheng
Believe in Marquis Wu Jin She , with Mesone From Wanqu attack Jiyang broken Li You Army. Attack the Qin army in Bonan and the northeast of Kaifeng, and kill one thousand cavalry generals, with the first 57 ranks, Captive Seventy three people were awarded the title of Linpingjun. War again Lantian In the north, there were two charioteers and horses, one cavalry commander, and twenty-eight captains. Fifty seven people were captured. to Overlord Peigong was the King of Han Dynasty, granted She Jue the title of Marquis Wu, and moved to Qidu Wei. [6]
6、《 Old Tang Script ·Geography 38
Unjust sentence, Han County. In the fourth year of Wude, it was set in the west of each county Jiyang County It belongs to Qizhou. Zhenguan In the first year, Jiyang was abandoned and incorporated into Unjust sentence [7]
Unjust sentence county
7、《 Taiping Huanyu 》Volume XIII
Yuanju County Forty seven miles to the west, the old ten townships, and now the eight townships. Old county of this Han Dynasty. At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, it belonged to the State of Liang and the State of Jing Jiyin County Later Han Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Song Dynasty Yuanju County Later Wei Dynasty was restored, and the county remained unchanged. Sui Dynasty the name of a kalpa After three years of county strike Caozhou Boiled jujube The old city. It's forty miles northwest of the county. [8]
8. Qing Dynasty Gu Zuyu Fang Yu's summary of history reading 》Volume 33
It is forty miles southwest of the city state. Han County Jiyin County Injustice Wan Sentence, sound qu. The Emperor of Jing granted the prince of Chu Yuan the title of Marquis of Yuanyuan, Yuanwan and Qu. Later Han Dynasty still belonged to Jiyin County. Sui Genus Caozhou Tang Yinzhi. Qianfuchu, rebel leader We advocate chaos here. Medium and four years, Li Keyong Hit the Yellow Nest and chase it Unjust sentence And return. The Song Dynasty still belonged to Caozhou. In the second year of Daguan, it was changed to Wanting County. Golden time falls into the river. Jiuyuzhi: The city of unjust sentences is 45 miles west of the state. Duguan City is also in Qinxian County, northeast of the prefecture. Early Han Dynasty Zhou Bo Attack Duguan, Dingtao, and attack Unjust sentence , yes. Also known as Duguan County in the Han Dynasty Shanyang County , Houhan Province. [9]
9、 Yang Shoujing Water classics annotation 》Volume VIII《 County and Country Annals 》Yue: Yuanqu County Boiled jujube City, that is. [10]