Agricultural proverbs

[nóng yàn]
Proverbs about agricultural production
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Agricultural proverbs refer to proverbs about agricultural production. It is the experience that people have summed up in the long-term production practice. Agricultural proverbs have been circulating for quite a long time, and many ancient books have recorded them. Agricultural proverbs refer to agricultural production. In a broad sense, agricultural production includes agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline industry and fishery. Agriculture also includes crops, fruits and vegetables, sericulture, etc. These contents are all found in agricultural proverbs. Moreover, agricultural production can not be separated from soil, fertilizer, water, temperature and even seasonal, meteorological and climatic conditions, which account for a lot of content in agricultural proverbs. Agricultural production is also carried out by people, so there are many contents in agricultural proverbs that can not be separated from the relationship between people, management experience, etc.
Chinese name
Agricultural proverbs
Foreign name
farmer's proverb
Proverbs about agricultural production
nóng yàn
Come from
Experience summed up in farmers' long-term production practice
"Nine ploughed grains are hairless, three ploughed grains are free of dregs"

Basic explanation

Agricultural proverbs
Agricultural proverbs refer to proverbs related to agricultural production, and are the experiences summarized by farmers in long-term production practice. Agricultural proverbs are produced on the basis of the farmers' understanding of the relationship between weather and agricultural production in the long-term agricultural production practice and continuous deepening and sublimation. Although a few words, it is a profound summary of the relationship between agricultural production and weather.
It originates from agricultural production practice and guides and serves agricultural production practice. Not only in the underdeveloped past of meteorological science, but also today when scientific farming is more popular, it still has practical significance. No wonder the farmer uncle cares about it very much and even remembers it. Now let's share with readers the proverbs about rice from planting to harvesting in Jiading River Bridge, Nanxiang and Malu. I also hope that the new farmers coming to Shanghai can help. "Never forget the river mud rice when you are old enough to plant it": that is, the best base fertilizer for planting rice is grass and river mud, which is also the pond grass mud made by farmers [1]


For example, the popular agricultural proverbs such as "the rice seedlings are good for half a year", "the wheat should be watered with buds, and the vegetables should be watered with flowers", "when the root is white in the summer, the farmer can eat it", and "the rice is as red as the warbler, and all can be supplied by water" can be seen in the late Ming Dynasty《 Shen's agricultural script 》"Inch wheat is not afraid of inch water, inch wheat is afraid of inch water", which was seen in the late Ming Dynasty《 Tiangong Kaiwu 》; "No wheat without ash" and "Harvesting wheat is like fighting a fire" were seen in the early 16th century《 Convenience cartography 》; "It is not hot in June, and the grain does not end", "When the quilt is covered in June, the field does not grow rice" and so on can be seen in the early 14th century《 Tian Family's Five Elements 》; "If you want wheat, see three whites"“ On the third white day of the first month, Tian Gong smiles ”, seen in the Tang Dynasty in the early 8th century《 Government and government officials 》; "If you want to know the grain, but look at the five trees", "Cultivate without labor To engage in violence ”, as seen in the 6th century《 Qi People's Essential Skills 》。 The agricultural proverbs quoted in ancient books are often titled with "saying cloud" or "ancients cloud", which indicates that the quoted agricultural proverbs originated earlier, and they may not always be found in the literature. At least as far as we know, some agricultural proverbs can be traced back thousands of years, such as the one in Zhejiang: "There is no abundant grass under big trees, and there is no beautiful seedling between large blocks", which was also seen in the Western Han Dynasty (1st century BC Huan Kuan Of《 Theory of salt and iron 》Fourteenth: "There is no abundant grass under the thick forest, and there is no beautiful seedling between the large blocks."“ It rains all day long , hurricanes never end "and Laozi Tao Te Ching Chapter 23“ The wind does not last Showers do not last forever. Because the source of agricultural proverbs can continuously trace back to Therefore, we have reason to think that the origin of agricultural proverbs is consistent with the origin of agriculture. The origin of agriculture is far earlier than written records, so the origin of agricultural proverbs must have been before written records.
If music, dance ballad All originate from labor, so agricultural proverbs are really an important branch of agricultural labor differentiated from ballads. The difference between ballads and agricultural proverbs lies in that the former is to pour out the thoughts and feelings of the working people, that is, to focus on social relations; And agricultural proverbs describe the struggle between working people and nature, that is, focusing on production. This kind of distinction is the result of the gradual development later. In fact, there is no sharp boundary between the two. Because agricultural proverbs can also include the experience of "living in the world" in addition to agricultural production. Moreover, agricultural proverbs can also include the experience of "living in the world" in addition to agricultural production. Moreover, the sound of agricultural proverbs is harmonious, rhymed, moving in form, rich in life, and difficult to match with ballads Categorical division This was especially true in the ancient agricultural society. For example《 The Book of Songs 》"July", "Futian", "Datian", "Chenggong", etc., are both songs Farming It is operated by farmers to express their feelings. Along with the development of agricultural production, agricultural proverbs have changed from ballad Gradually differentiated from. At the same time, agricultural proverbs, which belong to pure production experience, are also increasing and enriching, becoming an important part of guiding production.


Agricultural proverbs are the crystallization of experience accumulated by the working people in their long-term production practice, and they will certainly play a guiding role in agricultural production. Especially in the feudal society, the working people were deprived of the right to read and read. Their experience was mainly passed down and inherited through the oral transmission of "father's edict to his son, brother's edict to his brother". Agricultural proverbs are one of them. For example, in the feudal society, there was no contemporary thermometer Hygrometer Farmers use the growth state of perennial trees as the basis for forecasting the farming season. Because the growth of perennial trees reflects certain objective climatic conditions to a certain extent, the agricultural proverb "To know the grain, look at the five trees first" came into being. In guiding sowing date, there are many phenological proverb , such as "white pear flower, planting soybean"; "Camphor tree leaves, peach blossom is red, and white bean seeds are easy to come out of the urn"; And "Frogs Cry, Grains Fall" and so on. More on the basis of twenty-four solar terms It points out the suitable sowing time for various crops: such as "early white dew, Cold dew Late, the autumnal equinox The grass is just in time "; "The autumn equinox is early, the frost falls late, and the cold dew is just in time to plant wheat"; "People are wrong for one time, and places are wrong for one season"; "The white dew is white, just the right time to plant buckwheat", etc. With these proverbs, farmers can grasp the timing of sowing. Another example is "Broad beans and snow wheat at the beginning of winter will not catch up with you all your life"; Proverbs such as "planting oil in October is not enough for your wife to wipe your head" are a summary of the lessons of failure, reminding people to seize the season and not miss the farming season.
If we divide the whole process of crop production into several links, almost every link has some agricultural proverbs. For example, since the sowing of rice, the selection of good varieties includes "good rice, good mother and good girl"; Cultivate strong seedlings, such as "good rice seedlings for half a year"; Transplanting techniques include "whether you can or not, it depends on your feet", "early rice floats on the water, late rice is planted to the waist", etc. Fertilization techniques include "early rice mud is sent down, late rice is blocked three times", "light in the middle, heavy at both ends", etc; Field management includes "feeling the root in the summer, a handful of mud and a handful of grain" and so on. Take rice for example. Zhejiang has about 550 agricultural proverbs. With these proverbs, farmers have played a great guiding role, just as they now have technical guidance manuals. In particular, some old farmers still retain this habit. In 1959, we learned from an old farmer in Lishui County about the local experience of planting millet, and he cited the agricultural proverb that "a needle on the head of a red millet is not afraid of being shallow", and compared millet with sesame, he said that "two leaves on the head of sesame are not afraid of being shallow", which vividly illustrated monocotyledon plants (such as millet) and dicotyledon plants (such as sesame) Different requirements for sowing depth. We are Pingyang County When summarizing the local experience of growing the dragon claw millet (locally known as millet), farmers also cited the agricultural proverb of "half rice, half wheat, and half millet", which shows that the characteristics of the dragon claw millet are not afraid of lodging. There are countless examples of this kind, which is enough to prove that agricultural proverbs play a great role in guiding agricultural production.

Quantitative characteristics


Collection distribution

The Chinese Proverbs collected by Fei Jiexin before liberation are composed of five parts: seasonal, meteorological, crop, breeding, and proverbs. Although not ideal, we can see several characteristics of the content of agricultural proverbs from this classification. According to the author's statistics of 5953 agricultural proverbs in the book, 2961 belong to the seasonal department, accounting for 40.45% of the total; There are 1556 meteorological departments, accounting for 26.22%, and 1020 crop departments, accounting for 17.18%; 251 in the feeding department, accounting for 4.23%; 707 maxims, accounting for 11.91%. Two points can be seen from the percentage of individual distribution: first, the agricultural proverbs of weather and season account for 2/3, reflecting the dependence of agricultural production and development on natural conditions. Timely sowing is a prerequisite for agricultural production. How great changes have taken place in agricultural technology from primitive slash and burn farming to modern machine farming. Only timely sowing can not be changed arbitrarily. In order to correctly grasp the agricultural time, the working people have summed up rich experience and learned enough lessons for thousands of years, so the seasonal agricultural proverbs account for about 40%. Natural disasters such as drought, waterlogging, wind and cold were even more insurmountable threats in the feudal society of small-scale peasant economy, so agricultural proverbs trying to master the laws of natural disasters accounted for a quarter.

Specific data

The agricultural proverbs collected by Fei Jiexin, limited to his personal conditions, are only 5953 in total. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Agricultural Publishing House Lv Ping Mainly, we collected more than 100000 agricultural proverbs nationwide in a planned way, and after merging, sorting and classifying, we got more than 31400 agricultural proverbs, which were published in two volumes. Volume I is about crops, including Field crop , cotton, linen, fruits and vegetables, silkworm, beans, oil plants and flowers. According to the author's statistics, there are about 16200 pieces in total; The second volume is the general introduction and animal husbandry, fishery, forestry and other parts. The general introduction includes soil, fertilizer, seed, field management, water conservancy and meteorology, with a total of about 15200 articles. The results of the two volumes of the book are also classified, which are generally similar to those of Felicity. But the regularity is more obvious. That is to say, among all the agricultural proverbs, meteorological proverbs accounted for the majority, with 7903 in total, accounting for 25.16% of the total. The second is rice, 4573 in total, accounting for 14.56% of the total; The third is wheat, with 3596 items, accounting for 11.45% of the total. The rest are scattered to various crops, and the number of lines is far less than that of rice and wheat. The ratio of the number of agricultural proverbs of rice, wheat and millet is very similar to the author's《 Integration of ancient and modern books 》According to the results of the statistics made by the literature of the Department of Vegetation and Classic Grain, in the "Integration", the literature quantity of rice also takes the first place, all kinds of wheat take the second place, and millet and millet take the second place. The three accounts for more than any other crops. The proportion of written records is so consistent with that of farmers' oral proverbs, which is a true reflection of the objective laws of things. There were only 1571 fruit trees and vegetables in short supply, accounting for 5.00% of the total. In terms of grain, corn and sweet potato were introduced and popularized as late as the end of the Ming Dynasty. The corn soon accumulated 222, of course, the proportion is not high, only 0.70%; There were 366 sweet potatoes, accounting for 1.16%. Since ancient times, agriculture, mulberry, clothing and food have been developed simultaneously, cotton Compared with sericulture, it is a latecomer, but it is popularized very quickly. The accumulated agricultural proverbs exceed sericulture. There are 1243 cotton lines, accounting for 3.95%; There are only 355 pieces of sericulture, accounting for 1.13%. The number of agricultural proverbs on sericulture should not be so small, and the reasons are still to be investigated. Among the two legs of crops and livestock, the agricultural proverbs of livestock are far less than that of crops, only 1433, accounting for 4.56% of the total. This is the feature of the food structure in China's agricultural areas. The pressure of population growth in agricultural areas makes it impossible for agricultural areas to have more land to raise livestock. Among the farm proverbs of domestic animals, pigs are the most common. In the south, pigs are farmed omnivores, and no grassland or pasture is needed. One prominent point of livestock proverbs is that there are many agricultural proverbs to identify livestock, and they are very vivid and well grounded, much like the "Xiangma Jing" and "Xiangniu Jing" since the Han Dynasty, but the sentences are only short.

Content characteristics


Regionality and universality

The regionality of agricultural proverbs actually reflects agricultural production The regionality of. For example, different regions have different crop types, different sowing and harvesting seasons, etc. Zhejiang agricultural proverb: "wheat yellow grows flax, and ephedra grows wheat", while Shaanxi agricultural proverb is "wheat yellow grows millet, and millet yellow grows wheat". This is because crops vary from region to region. The North China agricultural proverb "seven gold, eight silver, nine copper and ten iron", "no farmland in autumn, no decision in the coming year", which reflects the leisure in winter in the north and the farming system of one crop a year, which is not the case in the south. The Zhejiang agricultural proverb "three years of grass planting, bad fields become good fields", "rotten winter vegetable dry winter wheat", which reflects that winter in Zhejiang is not planting green manure, but planting wheat Rape, broad beans, peas, etc., seldom enjoy leisure, let alone cultivate land for winter in July and August. The biggest regional difference is the sowing date. The suitable time for wheat planting in North China is: "The white dew is early, Cold dew It is late to plant wheat in autumn. "In Zhejiang, it is" the early cold dew, the late beginning of winter, and the right time before and after frost ". To plant sesame and millet, North China is: "Xiaoman sesame Awn seed Valley ", Zhejiang is" the first to yield sesame and the second to yield millet ".
But in many agricultural proverbs, there are similar sayings despite different regions and conditions. For example, the saying of "dry flowers and wet pods, stone harvest per mu" of soybeans has been used in all parts of the country; The Zhejiang proverb "Cutting wheat is like fighting a fire" is the same as the North China proverb "Harvesting wheat is like fighting a fire"; "Every inch of wheat is afraid of water, every inch of wheat is afraid of water" in Zhejiang Northern Jiangsu There are the same agricultural proverbs in other places: "It is not hot in June, and the grain does not end", "It is difficult to buy a big belly with money", and so on are all universal agricultural proverbs. This is because they reflect the biological characteristics of crops. The biological characteristics of crops are the expression of their own heredity, and the environmental conditions and cultivation principles required by crops are often common. There are also some cultivation links with the same basic principles, such as deep tillage, fertilizer increase, intertillage and soil cultivation, which are generally the same in agricultural proverbs. For example, the farming saying in North China and Shaanxi, "If there is no dung for farming, it is just like muddling"; The northern Jiangsu agricultural proverb "Do not apply manure, just fool around", and the Zhejiang agricultural proverb "There is no uncle in farming, just enough fertilizer"; As well as the North China agricultural proverb "hoe has three parts of water" and the Zhejiang agricultural proverb "hoe will produce water when drought comes", they both mean the same thing.
Regardless of the regional and universal characteristics, from the perspective of the similarity of its expression forms, it shows that a certain agricultural proverb may have originated in a certain region at the beginning. As it spreads, each region will adapt to its own regional characteristics (such as crops, farming systems, seasons, oral habits, etc.). The most obvious example is the sowing date, which is almost "××× early, ××× late, ×××××× just in time" It has become the common expression formula of local agricultural proverbs.

Generality and scientificity

Generality and scientificity are the most important characteristics of agricultural proverbs. As agricultural proverbs are passed down orally, they must be short, fluent and easy to remember. But its content is very rich, so it must be concise, profound and thought-provoking. Many agricultural proverbs seem simple and plain, but they actually contain profound scientific principles that need our analysis and explanation. For example, the agricultural proverb of planting green manure: "If you want good grass, you should always be dry." Generally speaking, grass likes wet soil, but the joy of being wet does not mean that you do not need air. Farmers especially point out that "you should always be dry.". According to scientific research, 70% of the soil moisture in the grass seed field is the best. As the groundwater level decreases, the thickness of the oxidation layer increases and the thickness of the reduction layer decreases, which can make the roots and nodules develop well. This is the generalization and scientificity of agricultural proverbs. Other words such as "wheat sprouts, vegetables flowers" summarize the key to fertilization of two winter crops; "Direct cutting in the mountain garden, oblique cutting in the swing garden", pointed out that sweet potatoes should adopt different cutting methods according to different water conditions. "Cow dung is cold and horse dung is hot", which seems unreasonable. In fact, due to the different drinks of cattle and horses, the activities of microorganisms in the dung are different, and the ability of fermentation and heating is very different. Some cultivation measures affect not only yield but also quality. As a farming proverb points out, "Nine hard grains have no hair, and three wheat cuts have no dregs", which is very reasonable. How to explain it thoroughly is also worth considering. Some agricultural proverbs can only reveal their theoretical significance through scientific research, such as "it is difficult to plant three yellow rice when planting rice" and "it is difficult to buy a big belly when you have money". Farmer rice expert Chen Yongkang The problem of "three yellow and three black" has been passed for several years Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Jiangsu Branch and Comrade Chen Yongkang carried out scientific experiments together, and initially made it clear that "yellow represents a physiological state at a turning point in the process of late rice ontogeny. Every time yellow falls, the plant turns to another new stage". This is a preliminary explanation of the three yellow issues, but there are still different views of the debate. There are still many agricultural proverbs with strong generality and profound scientific principles that need to be analyzed and improved with modern scientific knowledge or through specific experimental research.

Mass and Popularity

Most of the authors of agricultural proverbs are working people, which determines that the ideas and feelings of agricultural proverbs must be expressed in a form that is popular with the masses, full of life and soil flavor, and easy to remember and communicate with each other. Among them, the most common one is to link production technology measures with human relations, which is most easily accepted by the masses. For example, before pulling out the seedlings, it is necessary to apply a little starting fertilizer to facilitate the root development, but not too much. The agricultural proverb says, "When the seedlings get up, they also need snacks". It is just right to use "snacks" as a metaphor for the role and weight of starting fertilizer. It is a big problem to grow wheat without ash fertilizer in winter. The agricultural proverb emphasizes the importance of ash fertilizer with "no ash, no wheat, no wine, no dinner". The rice is short of nitrogen fertilizer and its leaves are yellow, so it is in urgent need of more fertilizer. The agricultural proverb alleges that "the rice is yellow and the owner owes it money for bean cakes". After topping the corn, it can promote the plant to grow vigorously and the stick is strong. The agricultural proverb uses the analogy of "corn without its head is as strong as an ox". Others, such as "sweet potatoes are not afraid of shame, they are planted until autumn", "planting grass and river mud, children's sugar stalked water chestnuts", "show the yellow rice, eat candy; show the black rice, do not eat" and so on, are lively and meaningful good agricultural proverbs. When we inherit the heritage of agricultural proverbs and summarize the characteristics of agricultural proverbs, we must grasp the characteristics of the masses and popularity of agricultural proverbs.

structural analysis



In order to better summarize the agricultural proverbs, it is necessary to analyze the syntactic structure and expression methods of the agricultural proverbs handed down for thousands of years, so as to learn some useful experience for the development and creation of new agricultural proverbs.


The sentences of agricultural proverbs are simple and concise, but if we arrange and analyze a large number of agricultural proverbs, we can find that the sentences of agricultural proverbs are also quite complicated. In terms of the number of words in each sentence, according to the author's classified statistics of 15823 national agricultural proverbs (about 360000 words), the least is 3 words, and the most is 196 words. If the words with different numbers are called a "sentence category", there are 56 different sentence categories from 3 words to 58 words: from 60 words to 196 words, there are 34 sentence categories, and there are 90 sentence categories from 3 words to 196 words. It is worth noting that the number of sentences owned by each category in these 90 sentence categories is unbalanced. Most of them are concentrated in 12 sentence categories, including 10, 8, 14, 12, 7, 6, 13, 5, 16, 20, 9 and 11, with 14524 sentences in total, accounting for 91.79% of the total; Among the 12 sentence categories, 6 sentence categories including 10, 8, 14, 12, 7 and 6 are the most, 11857 in total, accounting for 74.93% of the total. In addition, according to the statistics of Zhejiang agricultural proverbs, the same distribution situation also exists.
·The expression and characteristics of the syntax of agricultural proverbs
Agricultural proverbs are the proverbs that people spread orally. Except for some cases (such as Jiujiu Song), the number of words in each sentence should not be too many, otherwise it is not convenient for oral transmission. Although some agricultural proverbs can amount to more than 100 words, they actually account for the vast majority of no more than 20 words, and most of them are no more than 14 words. And because the content of agricultural proverbs is very rich, too short to express more content, so there are not too many five word, four word and three word sentences with less than six words. In all 15823 agricultural proverbs, there are only 468 five word sentences, accounting for 2.95%; There were only 150 four character sentences, accounting for 0.94%; There are fewer three word sentences, only six sentences (due to space limitations, the distribution of each sentence category is not listed here).
·The Distribution of National Agricultural Proverbs and Zhejiang Agricultural Proverbs
Sentence category |90 sentences of national agricultural proverbs | accounting for% of the total | 24 sentences of Zhejiang agricultural proverbs | accounting for% of the total
10 words | 3899 | 26.64 | 324 | 30.00
8-character sentence | 2185 | 13.80 | 151 | 13.96
14 character sentence | 2149 | 13.58 | 113 | 10.45
12 character sentence | 1335 | 8.43 | 12 | 10.36
7-character sentence | 1182 | 7.47 | 111 | 10.26
6-character sentence | 1107 | 6.99 | 92 | 8.51
Total of the above 6 sentences | 11857 | 74.93 | 903 | 83.54
13. 15, 16, 20, 9, 11 sentence types | 2667 | 16.86 | 127 | 11.74
Total of the above 12 sentences | 14524 | 91.79 | 1030 | 95.28
Other sentence types in total | 1299 | 8.21 | 51 | 4.72
Total | 15823 | 100.00 | 1081 | 100.00
Note: National agricultural proverbs include crops, fruits and vegetables, animal husbandry, meteorology, seasonal and other aspects, while Zhejiang agricultural proverbs are only for crop cultivation.
The sentence type consisting of 20 words or 28 words (similar to the five and seven unique words in the old poems) does not have an advantage in the agricultural proverbs (373 sentences with 20 words and 132 sentences with 28 words). On the contrary, it is also worth noting that half of the 20 words and 28 words, namely, 10 word sentences and 14 word sentences, have an absolute advantage.
Among the six sentence categories of 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14 words, which account for more than three quarters of the total number, there are 5 even numbered sentences and only 7 odd numbered sentences, which also conforms to the habit of our people to express in pairs in spoken or written language.
·Examples of sentence patterns contained in various sentence categories of agricultural proverbs
In each sentence category with the same number of words, there are several ways of expression. For example, the sentence category with the same number of words can be 5 words plus 5 words (represented by 5+5, the same below), or 3+7, 4+6, 6+4, and so on. Here are some examples of five sentence types: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12:
◇ 8-word sentence
Sentence pattern | Example sentence
4+4 | Planting in clear water, transplanting in mixed water
2+2+2+2 | Dry planting, early survival; Come on, come on
◇ 9-word sentence
Sentence pattern | Example sentence
4+5 | Not afraid of drought, but afraid of broken hoe
5+4 | 70 days buckwheat, 80 days rain
3+3+3 | In June, sell quilts and buy ash
◇ 10 word sentence
Sentence pattern | Example sentence
5+5 | Can you plug in? Look at your feet
4+6 | One jin of seed is better than one jin of seed
3+7 | In autumn of July, apply from inside to outside
3+3+4 | One crop of grass, two crops of rice, good grass and good rice
4+3+3| the summer solstice Back pressure, a load of seedlings, a load of potatoes
◇ 11 words
Sentence pattern | Example sentence
5+6 | One hill, not one thousand hills
6+5 | White rice is planted in the flower and grass fields, and there are grain picks on the hills
4+7 | One dung seedling is better than a thousand dung fields
7+4| Beginning of Autumn Plant one day earlier and receive one day earlier
3+3+5 | Breaking the dung tank, no need to throw it, many meals in the field
5+3+3 | No fertilizer for farming, you cheat it, it cheat you
◇ 12 word sentence
Sentence pattern | Example sentence
6+6 | Fagopyrum is not old without frost, wheat is not yellow without wind
5+7 | If you want to harvest more grain, you should plant two kinds of mung beans
7+5 | All kinds of sweet potatoes are planted with rice, and the yield is high every year
4+4+4 | The first hemp sees the seedling, the second hemp sees the chaff, and the third hemp sees the frost
3+3+3+3 | Spring time, summer time, spring time, summer time
13 word sentence
3+3+7 | Plant in autumn, plant in summer, and harvest cabbage before and after winter.
3+3+7 | The white dew is early, and the cold dew is late. It is appropriate to plant wheat in autumn.
14 word sentence
7+7I In winter, a three layer quilt will be used to sleep with steamed bread in the next year.
According to the examples in the table above, we try to classify 1081 items of 24 sentences in the Department of Crops in Zhejiang Agricultural Proverbs into 64 sentence patterns. If we classify the national agricultural proverbs, there will certainly be more sentence patterns. It should be pointed out that the common sentence patterns are basically concentrated in the common sentence categories, and the rest are relatively minor. Moreover, due to errors in oral recitation or written records, as long as there is a discrepancy between a word and a sound, it will cause changes in sentence patterns. For example, in the form 4+7 of the 11 word sentence category in the table above, "a thousand dung fields are better than one dung seedling", if the word "lai" is removed, it belongs to the form 4+6 of the 10 word sentence. Therefore, from the perspective of inheriting the heritage and creating new agricultural proverbs, it is worth noting that it is not to ask how many sentence types there are in agricultural proverbs, but to pay attention to those sentence types that are most commonly used and easy to remember and recite. For example, 9 words of "rice with roots and bacon", "turnips in spring and melons in autumn", 10 words of "autumn, regardless of size", "winter, only hair dressers", 13 words of "autumn, rain harvesting, ponds and dams to rush to repair", "spring, summer, first millet, then hemp planting", The 14 word sentence "hoe the skin, hoe the mud twice, hoe the flowers three times, and hoe the flowers four times" is a good sentence pattern that is easy to recite. It is worth inheriting and learning.

Rhetorical method

In addition to the complex changes in the syntactic structure, agricultural proverbs are also rich and colorful in terms of their rhetorical methods of expression. The farmers know that they express their production technology experience through various rhetoric methods, and I would like to give examples as follows:
Agricultural proverbs are good at using metaphors, so they are easy to understand and accept. There are two kinds of metaphors in agricultural proverbs, one is simile, the other is metaphor. There are many similes, such as "when people are weak, longan and litchi; when the ground is weak, river mud and grass seeds", "when cooked soil is added to raw soil, it is like a patient eating pig's stomach", "when winter snow is a wheat quilt, the more it is pressed, the longer it will be", and "when broad beans are covered with mud, it is like three to nine cotton padded clothes". The metaphor is as follows: "When the seedlings get up, they also need snacks", which means that the snacks are fat when they get up. Both similes and metaphors are compared with people's life, which is more intimate and easy to understand.
There are many agricultural proverbs Metonymy The technique is to represent the whole with parts and abstract with concrete, which is more vivid. For example, "No villain , starve to death ", here" mud leg "represents the working people, and" oil mouth "represents the exploiters. Another example is "across heavy mountains, more loads, across rivers, more baskets", which means that planting in different places can increase production. It is difficult to specify the distance and principle of planting, and the agricultural proverb is represented by "one mountain" and "one river".
This is a technique that is widely used in agricultural proverbs. Farmers like to use euphemism and implicit words to express their original meaning, such as "cutting off the wheat root and breaking the grinding core", which means that wheat needs to be cultivated frequently, and after the cultivation, production can be increased, but he does not need to use explicit words such as production increase. Instead, he says that wheat processing and grinding a large amount of wheat flour may break the grinding core, so as to encourage people to do a good job in field cultivation. Others, such as "the dragon dance in the wheat field, and the wheat is also born", refer to the suppression effect of wheat seedlings; Sunstroke "There is no bottom, there is no grain, there is no rice" means that failure to bake the field will cause lodging and blighted grain Of; "The sesame field will be sunny for three days, and go home to wash the oil bottle" means that drought is conducive to the sesame harvest; "One chopstick is long when planting beans at the beginning of winter, and two beans for one pair" is a warning not to lose time in sowing; "Gold emerges from the corners of the field" is to encourage people to make full use of the vacant land to plant various crops; "Cutting vegetables with sorrow and collecting sesame seeds with tears" means that sesame and rape are easy to thresh and lose a lot when they are mature.
This is also a common technique in agricultural proverbs, which is often used to emphasize the importance of certain measures or links. For example, it is important to emphasize the importance of rape wax fertilizer: "Thousands of waterings are better than wax manure"; Emphasize the importance of rice irrigation before and after the summer vacation, and use "thousands of cars, not as good as one car during the summer vacation"; Emphasize the importance of fertilization in seedling fields and say: "Yes Giving One hill can't be used for thousands of hills. It's better to use one hill than a thousand hills. " When encountering such extravagant agricultural proverbs, one should not take them literally Direct solution We should recognize that it is a way of exaggeration.
Generally speaking, things are compared to people, which is full of appeal. For example: "Soybean deafness, the more hoeing, the more accessible"; In fact, it means that soybeans need intertillage to grow well. "The wheat buttocks itch, and the more pressure, the more willing to grow" means that the suppression promotes tillering.
It is often seen in agricultural proverbs Expression technique For example, "more whipping, cut rice rice; more shaking, cut rice wine"; "The first hard work is piling up, the second hard work is digging the root, and the third hard work is holding the round", "The rice is yellow and the owner owes it money for bean cakes"; "Two heads a year is good for all kinds of sweet potatoes and rice"; "Maize marriage, children and grandchildren"; "Mai Ridge is narrow and narrow, and there is no more than half an acre of wheat per mu. The wheat is wide and wide, and one mu is worth half an mu"; Beginning of summer Sowing, picking cotton fat blossoming, small full sowing, picking cotton collapse "; "White dew, white mystery, autumn equinox rice head Qi"... and so on.
To facilitate oral recitation, ellipsis is one of the important techniques of agricultural proverbs. Most nouns are omitted as subjects. For example, "A thousand baskets are better than one basket at the root", which means that grass can be used as ash fertilizer without grass and Vegetation ash Two nouns. "Early pestilence and late frost, no pestilence and no frost, frost and beginning of winter" refers to the relationship between rape sowing and toxin disease and frost damage, omitting the word "rape sowing". "Smallpox does not marry its own grandmother" is a provincial word for corn. There are also omitted verbs, such as "in the middle of the winter solstice, warm, the head of the winter solstice, frozen cattle", which means that the winter solstice meets the middle or the beginning of the month.
Some compare the different biological characteristics of the two crops together. For example, "when the wheat and millet are dry, the rice should be soaked; the wheat should not be soaked, and the rice should not be exposed to the sun"“ Red millet Tansan sunset, go home to change the pot; Sesame field will be sunny for three days, go home and wash the oil bottle "," half of the rice will be empty of the wheat "," rotten winter rape and dry winter wheat ", etc; Some compare the different technical requirements of the same crop, such as "early rice should be planted together, and late rice should be planted in the", "early rice should float on the water, and late rice should be planted at the waist", etc; Some compare different technical requirements for operation, such as "planting in clear water, transplanting in muddy water", "plowing gold before winter solstice, plowing iron after winter solstice", etc.

Other grammatical features

There is also a prominent way of expression in agricultural proverbs, which is to use the intermodulation position of the subject and object or the intermodulation position of the attribute to reflect completely different meanings. For example, "fields are not equal to seedlings, and seedlings are not equal to fields", "wheat is not separated from beans, and beans are not separated from wheat", "wheat yellow grows flax, and ephedra grows wheat", "more seedlings bully grass, more grass bully seedlings", and so on, are all achieved through the subject object intermodulation position. There are also "inch wheat is not afraid of inch water, inch wheat is afraid of inch water", "90% yellow old, 100% yellow old, 90% yellow old" and so on.
From the above preliminary analysis of the syntax and rhetorical methods of agricultural proverbs, we can realize that agricultural proverbs are not only rich in content, but also practical, that is, they also have rich innovations in the syntax and rhetorical methods of expressing content. This is undoubtedly a lot of inspiration for us to sum up, analyze and create new agricultural proverbs in the future.

Correctly Understanding Agricultural Proverbs

As mentioned earlier, one of the characteristics of agricultural proverbs is their popularity and popularity. It seems that the ease of understanding of agricultural proverbs is not a problem, but the fact is not always true. Due to the regionality, generality and historical factors of agricultural proverbs, some situations have changed. Sometimes it is not easy to understand a agricultural proverb completely and correctly. For example, the author heard that Pinghu County A farmer said a farming proverb: "In the middle of the winter solstice, make a cup of coriander." He said he was not clear what it meant and asked everyone to explain. Another time, I heard a farmer in Henan introduce the farming proverb "You can't participate, just plant", which is also unclear. For agricultural scientists, with modern agricultural science knowledge, understanding agricultural proverbs should not be a problem, but it is not always the case. If you are not fully familiar with the various characteristics of agricultural proverbs, it is easy to "set the past by the present" and understand too much. For example, "the end of the summer heat is not seen, and Bai Lu is taking no pains", which originally refers to the drainage and drying of single cropping late rice. Some comrades think that the end of the summer heat is not seen, and that it should be closed at this time. If the end of the summer heat is not seen, it will be too late to Bailu, and the leaf area coefficient is too small to make full use of light energy... This is an excessive example. "A thousand waterings are not as important as one watered with wax manure" was originally meant to emphasize the importance of wax fertilizer, but some comrades just understood the saying that only one application of wax fertilizer is enough, which obviously did not start from the characteristics of the agricultural proverb and understood too much. In the process of sorting out, there have also been instances where we try to be clever and change the original right into wrong. For example, "Don't panic at the Tomb Sweeping Day in March, and leave the rice seedlings early at the Tomb Sweeping Day in February". In the sorting, the "three" and "two" were changed to "Don't panic at the Tomb Sweeping Day in February, leave the rice seedlings early at the Tomb Sweeping Day in March", but it was wrong. According to our preliminary experience, we should pay attention to the following points on how to correctly understand agricultural proverbs:
(1) Pay attention to the common sense of astronomy, meteorology, calendar and solar terms. It has been pointed out in the section of the content classification of agricultural proverbs that two-thirds of agricultural proverbs belong to meteorology and seasonal things. Therefore, to correctly understand agricultural proverbs, you must have some knowledge in this area, including common stars and constellations, calculating the heavenly stems and earthly branches of the day, month, and day, as well as the "nine ninth", "three volt", spring club Autumn Society and so on. These things have become more and more distant from our daily life. If we do not have these common sense, it is not easy to understand such agricultural proverbs. For example, "You can't drop the ginseng, just plant it". The ginseng is one of the seven constellations in the west and China in the ancient 28 constellations Reference star Do not fall as the standard, to determine the wheat sowing date. "Ji and wind, Bi and rain", "The moon is in Ji, the wind blows sand", etc. Ji and Bi are also the names of constellations. "When the society is divided, the weather is ripe, and the society is divided, and there is no need to eat", which refers to the relationship between the Spring Society and the spring equinox, or between the spring equinox and the grain harvest and failure after the spring equinox. "When the society is divided, the late rice is top and bottom; when the society is divided, the late rice is big." Here, the society refers to the autumn society, and the autumn equinox. This statement is groundless in itself, but if you can't understand what the division and the society mean, there is no choice. There are many such proverbs.
(2) It is necessary to pay attention to the ellipsis of agricultural proverbs. Agricultural proverbs often need to be abbreviated due to the limitation of spoken language, and the abbreviated is often the most important subject. This is not a problem under specific conditions in specific regions, but for those who collect, collate and annotate, the number is too large, and they are often confused, which requires us to have a wide range of biological and agricultural knowledge.

Examples of agricultural proverbs


Beginning of Spring - Agricultural Proverb

On the first day of spring, hundreds of grasses sprout.
One year's plan lies in spring, and one day's plan lies in morning.
At the beginning of the spring, farming should be considered early.
One person has no plan in mind, but three people sing a play.
One year's plan lies in spring, and one's life's plan lies in diligence.
People are not lazy when they are industrious, and people are lazy when they are alkaline.
People are diligent and not lazy. The granary is full after autumn.
Reading is inseparable from the desk, and farming is inseparable from the field.
Spring contends with the day, and summer contends with the time. It's not too late for a big event in a year.
When a ship arrives, it doesn't wait for passengers.
Man wrongs one day, and earth wrongs one year.
Ten million measures will be taken to increase production, and it is most important not to delay the farming season.
It rains at the beginning of spring, so we get up early and go to bed late.
If you want good crops, it's early all the year round.
A spring breeze versus an autumn rain.
It is cold in spring and rainy in summer, cold in autumn and dry in winter.
The cold rain in spring is blowing, and the cold rain in summer is cut off.
It's cold in spring and rainy in summer.
Clouds cover the moon on the 15th day of August, and the 15th day of the first month Snowing lamp
It snows and lights on the 15th day of the first month, and it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival.
Gather flowers instead of flowers, but look at the three eights of the first month.
The spring snow melts ten feet, and there is no place to put wheat.
Spring Fever Strong , turning cold and snowy.
Two springs and one winter make the world warm.
Spring neck is short, early warming, often cold in late spring.
Spring neck is long and the Spring Festival Gala is rare.
Spring freezes people, but not water.
In spring, six or nine cattle were beaten, and seven or eight or nine cattle were used.
Eating the Spring Festival meal, we are warming up day by day.
If you don't understand the 24 solar terms, you can't manage the garden and cultivate the fields.
Look at the land and farm, go to the sea and see the sky.
People change according to the solar term, and ensure that they can eat.
As the weather changes and people remain unchanged, it is difficult to increase production through farming.
Cultivate the land without looking at the sky. Don't complain if you are blind.
When farming is not feasible, we must beg for hardship.
Farming is not in time, and the hoard is short of food.
Look at the sky and look at the land to grow crops.
The first day is sorghum, the second day is millet, seven grains and eight wheat, nine fruits and ten vegetables.
When visiting relatives and friends, don't forget to discuss farming.
Also early, also late, also deep, also shallow, also diligent also lazy; It should be early, it should be late, it should be deep, and it should be shallow cease Follow the weather, measure the soil fertility, and farm scientifically.
The more you plant, the sweeter you will be.
The land doesn't recognize its father and mother, so it gathers more food.
Seventy two lines, one line for each farmer.
In 360 lines, farming is the best.
Everything grows in the soil.
If you want treasure, find it in the dirt.
The grains and miscellaneous grains are several meters long.
Pearl is the treasure, rice is the king.
Agriculture is flourishing, and every industry is flourishing. Grain and cotton are not cut off.
There is no grain and cotton production in the fields, and factories and cities lack food and clothing.
If there is no grain in the fields, it will be difficult for thousands of families to buy and sell.
If you have food in your hand, don't panic.
The ground is Cornucopia Grain is the treasure of treasure.
Land is a cornucopia of gold and silver.
The land is a cornucopia. It depends on your hands and feet.
The ground is a gold scraper. People are diligent and not lazy.
People are diligent to produce treasures, while people are lazy to grow grass.
The earth is a treasure bag with infinite potential.
Playing dragon and tiger is better than playing earth.
do well Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline fishery The majority of farmers are rich.
It depends on water and mountains, and the plain mainly depends on grain and cotton.
As a farmer in the plain, he can't read it when he moves to the mountain.
It's better to accumulate wealth have a slight skill in hand
It's better to help with technology than money and goods.
If you want to be rich, you should be professional. Scale operation is the way out.
No responsibility system, no unity of mind, no unity of output, no seriousness.
It is linked with production and heart.
Contract work, combine production and cure Poor man And cure laziness.
When responsibility comes to the field, everyone strives to be a technician; The responsibility comes to the household, the household
Every family has team leaders.
The responsibility falls to the person, the cadre is not competent to supervise the work, the slippery person does not pick light work, lazy
People don't idle away their work.
When the team arrives, the team turns over; Coupled to the household, the household worries; Person to person
Strength, where to refresh the joint.
Big pot rice, clear water soup; Two pot rice, a little fragrant; Small pot rice, Saimi
Big pot rice, lazy hands and lazy feet; Two pot rice, careless; Small pot rice,
Never stop.
Big contract, strong method, drive, yield, kill big pigs, kill big pigs
Sheep will never eat the food supply.
We should do a lot of work to increase production. Both cadres and the masses like it, and both individuals and collectives can
Rich, the country has to build warehouses.
If you want to be rich, build roads.
The moon rises and sets:
Junior One, Junior Two, Junior Three, Junior Four Make a noise
Not in January, but in the second day.
Two year old and three year old, the sky is dark and the moon is full.
The second year and the third year saw the crescent moon.
On the third and fourth day of the lunar month.
On the eighth and twenty third days of the lunar calendar, the moon rises and sets in the middle of the night.
Fifteen is not sixteen yuan, and seventeen nights is less than half.
Fifteen six, two heads are exposed.
Seventeen eight, dusk grope about in the dark
Eighteen nine, sit and watch.
At twenty, the moon rises one hour.
Twenty-three, the moon rises at midnight.
Twenty four five bright moon Out.
In the 24th and May, when the moon comes out, it will make cattle.
Twenty seven eight, the moon came out for a moment.
Twenty eight nine, light comes out and twists [1]

Example 1

No seed in spring, no harvest in autumn.
Jujube sprouts and grows cotton.
Don't rain at the beginning of summer. The plow and harrow hang upside down.
The Dragon Boat Festival in May is sunny, and the rotten rice is scraped from the field.
There is no green rice with cold dew, and the frost is all old.
Where there is water, there is grain. There is no water to keep crying.
The reservoir is a treasure, preventing drought and waterlogging.
Rice field water is mostly syrup, and wheat field water is mostly Arsenic
Man depends on food, and rice depends on fat.
Rice grows in fertile fields, grass grows in lean fields.
The soil is fat and the grain grows, and the pig is fat and the meat grows.
Everything is born in the earth, all by two hands.
As long as you work hard, gold comes out of the soil.
Good seed grows good rice, bad seed grows barnyard grass.
Three years without seed selection will fail to increase production.
A good son is a good mother, and a good seedling is good for farming.
The crops are not well matched, cause an exchange of partners by mistake between two couples engaged to marry We should suffer losses.
Before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, plant melons and beans.
Mai Xiuhan, look at the cattle.
The snow breaks during the Qingming Festival, grain rain Break frost.
Peach blossoms fall in the dust, wheat is beaten in the mud; Peach blossoms fall in the mud and wheat is beaten in the dust.
When the wax and snow are not closed, the farmers have food; Spring snow If you don't close, you will lose your heart.
sunrise Carmine , there is wind without rain.
The sky is red all over the northwest at sunset, not The rain came It's the wind.
When it rains, it is not late.
Sunshine, rain, moon Midday wind
The sun set in the Black Cloud Cave, and the back skin was sore in the Ming Dynasty.
When the sun rises in the east, it will be windy.
When the moon wears coir raincoat, it will rain.
There is no star at midnight, and heavy rain is coming.
If you want to know whether it's hot tomorrow, just watch the night Star density Not secret.
Dark clouds catch the sun, and the rain is thick at midnight.
Carp spots have appeared in the sky, so I don't need to turn over to sun the grain tomorrow.
The sky is full of clouds, and the ground is drenched with rain.
Cotton cloud, rain quickly drenched, cylinder valve cloud, sunburn.
Southeast wind, dry pine; Northeast wind, rain ancestor.
east wind Churlish It rained heavily at midnight.
At the south foot of the west wind brake, the mud head should not be white.
The wind of hundreds of grass in the southeast at the beginning of summer, and the weather is good for a few days and nights.
The wind is dry in the light summer heat, and the weather is good day and night.
The southerly wind and heavy rain in May, and the southerly sea in June will dry up.
Rainbow high and sun low, coir raincoat in the Ming Dynasty; The rainbow is low, the sun is high, and the sun will scorch the back.
be struck by lightning Spring Festival The Waking of Insects The rain never stops; After thunder wakes the insects, it is good to grow beans in lowlands.
Huoxi (lightning) in the south opens the fire door, and Huoxi in the north has The rain came
east Huo Huo (Lightning), Xihuohuo, still doing divination in the Ming Dynasty.
There was a thunder in the light heat, Huangmei Turn it upside down.
When the morning fog disappears, it will be sunny. If the morning fog does not disappear, it will be rainy.
The sun in the fog breaks the stone.
In June, it will rain to white dew.
Three days of fog and dew send westerly wind. If there is no westerly wind and rain, there will be no emptiness.
It rains in the morning and stops after dinner. It can't be sunny after dinner.
Before rain Do not let the twist (light rain) fall heavily, and do not stop after the rain.
A fall (It rains) One bubble makes it easy to run after falling; If you drop a nail, do not stop.
Snake aisle, heavy rain; Snakes climb trees, and it rains heavily.
Chickens chirp the wind, ducks chirp the rain, ants block the way to rain.
Dragonflies circle the sky in groups, but it rains for three days.
When moss grows on the bottom of the river, there will be showers; If the chimney doesn't smoke, it must be rainy.
On the eighth day of the first lunar month and the eighth day of February, cats and dogs are all frozen. cold wave Coming)
The southerly wind blows on the second and a half days in August, turns on the same day in September, and turns once in October.
There is rain in the Qingming Festival, but there is no rain in the Qingming Festival.
The falling rain at the Dragon Boat Festival is not bad, and the falling rain on the sixth day of the lunar month is rotten.
In the summer solstice, three days of fog, you should feel the way out. (Rainy)
When the stars disappear on the 20th day of the first month, Lilila arrives at Tomb Sweeping Day.
The rain hit the head of the yellow plum, and there was no sun for 45 days. The rain hit the feet of the yellow plum, and the water cart broke the feet of the cattle.
Before the autumn comes, step on the wild ox. (Drought needs Bailing water
Rain beat Qingming Festival , until the summer solstice.
It's early in the morning and late in the morning. Grain rain is just in time to plant cotton.
Qingming scraped the earth from the grave and left it for forty-five years.
It should be sunny at the Qingming Festival and drenched in the valley rain. Grain rain without rain, later cry rain.
Clear and bright, six animals thrive; The clear and bright rain damages all fruits.
There is rain in the valley, but there is no rain in the valley Late
Don't let the summer fall.
The east wind came early in summer, and the wheat water was waterlogged.
It's never too late to plant anything when you arrive at Xiaoman from the beginning of summer.
A gust of wind blows at the beginning of summer, and the wheat is gone.
Before and after Xiaoman, plant melons and beans.
Xiaoman is warm, hoe wheat and grow miscellaneous grains.
After ten days of planting, ten days of planting will not be empty.
The awn seed is not planted, and then it falls to nothing.
Grain in Ear came on the stage, autumn ploughing Keep up.
The north wind blows over the awn seeds, and the dry weather breaks the roots of green seedlings.
The summer solstice is hot without rain, and it is rare to get overcast in ten days.
There is no rain in the summer solstice, and no rice in the store.
There is no hot summer solstice and no cold winter solstice in the future.
The summer solstice is windy and hot, and Chongyang is sunny in winter without rain.
When the summer solstice comes into the valley, farming is like watering the garden.
The east wind blows in the summer solstice, and the water rushes in half a month.
In summer, no potatoes are planted, and in summer, no beans are planted.
The wind does not move in the summer, and the frost comes late.
When the beginning of autumn comes, dung accumulates in the fields.
There is no rain at the beginning of autumn and little rain in autumn; White dew without rain, hundred days without frost.
In the beginning of autumn, the clouds are used to mow grass, and the white dew is used to cut the fields at the autumnal equinox.
There is no rain at the beginning of autumn.
The autumn rain is drenching, and the next year's harvest is good.
Cultivate high mountains and white dew in summer plain In autumn, outside the door, the cold dew grows in the river.
The drought in the first autumn will be reduced by half, and the treatment of summer and rain will be as expensive as gold.
The weather is fine with white dew, and the grain is like silver.
The white dew is early, the cold dew is late, and the autumn wheat planting is just in time.
The autumnal equinox does not cut, the frost blows the wind mill.
The autumn equinox millet cannot be cut, and the cold dew millet cannot be raised.
The grain rises to the top of the mountain, and the cold dew does not forget to turn over the ground.
Morning glow If you don't go out, the sunset will travel thousands of miles.
In winter, it is covered with three layers of quilts and sleeps with steamed buns next year.
The cicadas chirp in the rain and predict the arrival of sunny days.
Early earthworks hear cicadas chirp, and late earthworks welcome the rain.
Sparrows hoard food to fall snow.
Ants build their nest to rain.
Fish diving, yes The rain came
Swallows fly low to rain.
When a toad comes out of a hole, it will rain steadily.
Earthworms climb on the road, and the rain is in chaos.
Turtle tide is a sign of rain.
Pig carries grass, cold wave comes.
The chickens stay late, the ducks crow, and the wind and rain will come soon.
Grandpa and Grandma, mow wheat and sow grass.
In 1929, he did not act; 39499 walking on the ice; May 9th and June 9th, look at willows by the river; When the Qijiu River is frozen, the eight nine swallows come, nine nine plus one nine, and the cattle go everywhere.

Example 2

24 solar terms and agricultural proverbs
When the solar terms wait for no one, spring wins gold.
It was warm at the beginning of the Spring Festival and cold in February at the beginning of the Spring Festival.
Beginning of Spring Festival dew, autumn water filled the road. Standing full of rain until the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains and clears day by day.
First lunar movement Lei Lei When the snow turns, the thunderstorm in February will not stop. In March, the thunder will crack four times. In April, the fragrant rice seedlings will be knotted.
Spring fog and frost, summer fog and thunder, autumn fog and rain, winter fog and wind.
The rain is better than the rain, and the crops are a treasure in spring and spring.
Planting trees and planting willows before and after the rain.
The 15th day of the first month Snowing lamp One ear of grain weighs half a jin.
The Waking of Insects When the barn is full of wheat, a handful of bran will be planted during the Qingming Festival.
There is thunder when people wake up and insects eat in groups. After the Insect Waking Festival, we can't rest on the farmland.
Vernal equinox As soon as the day and night are flat, we should go first in plowing and soil moisture conservation.
The spring equinox is early and the summer is late, and farming is proper during the Qingming Festival.
Fear of spring frost before and after the spring equinox, and the wheat sprouts will be hurt at the sight of spring frost.
Qingming Magu Yuhua, a summer spot Bean seed Sesame. The wheat is strong when it rains on the Qingming Festival.
The clear and bright days break the snow, and the valley rain breaks the frost.
There is no wind during the Qingming Festival, and Ma Dou has a good harvest.
grain rain Inch by inch, mulberry leaves are good for feeding cattle; Grain rain weather is fine, the silkworm rearing lady wants to get on the rope.
Beginning of summer Sunny, coir raincoat full Tiancheng The coir raincoat hangs under the eaves at the beginning of summer. The southeasterly wind blows from the beginning of summer, and the fish net is opened for 45 days.
Before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, plant melons and beans.
Small full, mango seed irrigation. grain full When it's sunny, the ears of wheat ring.
In April, the awn seed wheat is cut, and in May, the awn seed wheat begins to sickle.
Awn seed Mang seed is busy planting. Mang, once planted, is white.
The day is burning with awn seeds, and the summer solstice is rainy.
When it rains every day, either the loach is silted up or the plow buckle is broken.
Sunstroke Plant sesame seeds with a pot of flowers on your head.
The rain falls, the heat falls, and the head dies Yellow seedling Thirst kills cattle.
There is a thunder in the light of summer, and it turns upside down Make Huangmei
In the northwest, carp fly into the house.
the summer solstice On the tenth day, the straw is green, and the small office will die without cutting wheat.
On the summer solstice, there is rain and three volts of heat, and Chongyang is sunny in winter without rain.
The Dragon Boat Festival and the Summer Solstice are good places in high mountains.
There is rain at the beginning and rain at the end.
If you spend time planting autumn, you will not harvest it.
The seedlings are strong in autumn when it rains in three volts, and strong in winter when it snows.
Small heat, fruit and bean knot, small heat, grain knot.
The wind is dry in the summer, and the sky is fine day and night.
There was a thunder in the light heat, and the yellow plum turned back.
A drop of rain in the summer heat is full of gold.
towards Beginning of Autumn , chilly; Autumn begins at dusk, and it is hot until winter.
It is planted after the sixth autumn on the first lunar month and before the autumn on the first lunar month in July.
Manage the summer heat If it doesn't rain, it will be hard to harvest even if it is solid.
White dew After three sunny days, the chaff will turn white.
The white dew is early, the cold dew is late, the autumnal equinox It is time to plant wheat.
Cold dew One to Paraquat Don't delay in collecting potatoes.
Cold dew and broad beans frost down wheat, and wheat and barley are planted.
Wheat is afraid of the rain at the end of the morning, and rice is afraid of the frost.
If there is no rain in Chongyang, it will be 13 days.
First Frost Can not afford onions, the longer the heart more empty.
Beginning of winter A fine winter without rain.
The beginning of winter is clear, and firewood is piled up all over the ground; When winter falls, firewood is as expensive as elixir.
If there is a northwest wind at the beginning of winter, the next year will be a bumper harvest.
light snow The next year will be full of snow.
Wheat under light snow Maimang Do not use wheat in heavy snow.
Winter Solstice The first seven days are frost, with rice but no sugar.
The winter solstice is windy and cold.
The winter solstice is sunny and bright, and the coming year will be peaceful.
The frost before winter is often dry in recent years, and the frost after winter is often straight in the evening.
It is neither cold in summer nor hot in autumn.
slight cold Festival fog, the next year rich grain.
The severe cold is not cold, and people are uneasy.
After the cold wave, the day turned clear, and a westerly wind turned frosty.
Winter solstice rain, New Year's Eve sunny; The winter solstice is sunny, and the New Year's Eve is muddy.
Clouds cover the moon on the 15th day of August, and snow lights on the 15th day of the first month [2]