a farmer

[nóng mín]
People engaged in agricultural production for a long time
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Farmers refer to those engaged in long-term agricultural production People. Utterance《 Guliang Chuan ·The first year of Chenggong: "In ancient times, there were four people, including scholars, farmers, workers and businessmen scholar , farmer , artisan and merchant Four people ".
On July 4, 2022, the Office of the Steering Committee of the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival Organization issued the Proposal for Benefiting and Supporting Farmers of the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival. [3]
In February 2024, the European Commission announced to shelve the plan to reduce pesticide use to reduce agricultural pressure. It marks that the EU has made new concessions to farmers on environmental issues. [5]
Chinese name
a farmer
Foreign name
Foreign name
People engaged in agricultural production for a long time

Lexical concept


essential information

Item: farmer (farmer)
Farmers are using wooden automatic water tankers to irrigate farmland
Pinyin: n ó ng m í n
Phonetic: ㄋㄨㄙˊㄇㄇㄣˊ
Synonyms: farmer, farmer
Basic explanation: long-term engagement Agriculture People who produce. [2]

Citation explanation

Transplanting seedlings
A farmer.
Guliang Chuan ·The first year of Chenggong: "In ancient times, there were four people a farmer There are businessmen and workers. " Fanning Note:“ a farmer , sowers and cultivators. "
Yan Zhitui, Northern Qi Dynasty《 Yan Family Instructions ·Mian Xue: "When you are alive, you should have a career, a farmer Then measure the crops, and the merchants discuss the goods and bribes. "
Song Dynasty《 History of the Old Five Dynasties 》:“ Wang Shenzhi , Xintong, a native of Gushi, Guangzhou. The father, the world a farmer 。”
One of Zhu De's original rhymes with Director He Xiangning:“ a farmer We turned around and fought hard for nine years. " [2]

Basic meaning

Farmers are picking tea
The concept of farmer has the characteristics of time dimension. When studying the problem of farmers, we should consider the limitation of time interval for farmers. History is a long river of time. Farmers are a dynamic category in the river of history. Productivity is the most active variable in the development of social history. In different historical periods, the structure of productive forces is different. There is no abstract farmer separated from the structure of productive forces. Different structure of productive forces will inevitably determine different forms of farmers' existence.
Secondly, the concept of farmers has the characteristics of spatial dimension. In the reality of social production and life, different geographical spaces will have different structures of productive factors due to different conditions such as resources and environment; Therefore, the concept of farmers also has spatial characteristics. Farmers in Europe and Asia are different in geographical and spatial factors.
Thirdly, the concept of farmers has the characteristics of value dimension. Different scholars have different views on which characteristics should belong to the connotation of the concept of farmers. This also reflects a different problem of value judgment. Studying and solving farmers' problems, whether scholars or governments, are always bound by specific values. In order to promote the national economic and social development, it is necessary to adopt the strategy of giving priority to industrial development or agricultural development, which reflects not only the problems of different development strategies, but also the problems of value orientation. To judge which problems are the key to farmers' problems, different value orientations will lead to different judgments.
Fourth, the concept of farmers has the characteristics of domain dimension. The characteristics of the domain dimension of the concept of farmers mainly mean that different fields should be considered when defining the concept of farmers. We can define farmers from the system field, such as the household registration system; It is also possible to define farmers from an economic perspective, such as agriculture and other industries; We can also consider defining farmers from a cultural perspective. Whether to study farmers at the institutional level or at the economic and cultural levels, the three aspects should have different starting points. The characteristics of farmers are different in different fields, so the means to solve farmers' problems should be different in different fields.
The four-dimensional characteristic of the concept of farmer shows that the specific farmer is always a point in the four-dimensional space. The coordinate names of these four dimensions are: time, space, value, and domain. This requires us to consider four dimensions of the research object when we study the problem of farmers; Otherwise, it will only increase the ambiguity of the problem and the difficulty of solving the problem. For example, the topic of the study of the peasant nature of contemporary Chinese intellectuals has four-dimensional characteristics. Contemporary, reflecting the time dimension; In China, it reflects the spatial dimension; Intellectuals reflect the domain dimension; Peasant nature contains the characteristics of value dimension. Because the research object of the above subject has four-dimensional characteristics, we can have a more accurate positioning of its connotation. Otherwise, if the time dimension is reduced, the above topic will be changed to study the peasant nature of Chinese intellectuals; This change means that the "contemporary" time interval will be extended to the whole historical interval, and the results will greatly increase the difficulty and ambiguity of the research. Generally speaking, when we study farmer issues, with the gradual reduction and relaxation of the four dimensions of the farmer category, the difficulty and ambiguity of the research issues will also increase accordingly. Only by using four dimensions to grasp the farmer object studied at the same time, can the problem be clearer and the research conclusion be more accurate.

Historical evolution

After the founding of New China by the Communist Party of China in 1949, with the completion of the rural land reform plan, all rural residents obtained land. At this time, farmers became "self farmers", but the maintenance time was very short; along with Cooperative movement Great Leap Forward and People's communalization The identity of "owner farmer" soon changed from "member of agricultural cooperative" to "member of people's commune", and the identity of "member" reached Household contract responsibility system It was fully implemented in 1984.
With the disintegration of the people's commune system, rural residents began to actually re own land, that is, in theory, "household production quotas", and farmers began to fully own the right to operate land. In the past, the collective economy dominated by grain production was transformed into the private economy operated by farmers themselves. Rural areas have changed from planting industry to diversified industries in the past, and township enterprises (basically transformed into private enterprises after the 1990s, that is, "private enterprises") have developed rapidly. So far, according to Agricultural production structure Changes and employment routes, farmers began to evolve.
In economically developed areas, there are groups that are both industry and agriculture. Most of them are young and middle-aged rural labor force, that is, they are employed in local enterprises, while giving consideration to household agricultural production. They are mainly concentrated in industrial and commercial developed areas, such as coastal areas, suburban areas and market towns in inland areas.
A large number of rural labors have been transferred to cities, and their identities have different titles in different periods, such as "migrant workers" and "migrant workers"; Due to the restriction of the urban-rural dual household registration system, these people, unless married to the local people, until 2005, were all foreigners (from other provinces) who could not take root in the local area, unless the household registration law was introduced and every citizen was given the right to freely choose a household registration. This is more stringent than the restrictions imposed by the US government on the immigration of Chinese farmers.
The commodity economy began to take root in the thoughts and actions of farmers, and there was a widespread relationship between employment and being employed in rural areas. With the division and development of industry, some rural families began to operate small "family farms", and the industry shifted from food production to other fields, such as flowers, fruits Economic forest Many family workshops in suburban areas Economies A large number of marine aquaculture farms of various scales have emerged in coastal areas, many of which have become "farmers" in fishery and animal husbandry. Since 1980, various privately operated convenience stores, shops and restaurants have spread all over urban and rural areas. The original identity of urban and rural farmers is to set foot in various fields of modern industry. By the 1990s, short-term employment and employment relationships began to generally appear between farmers and families in rural areas; The operation of agriculture and other industries of farmers or families, and the construction of various families (represented by farmers building houses) have changed from the former "mutual assistance" to employment relations. At the same time and in the same area, each farmer can be either an employee or a simultaneous employee (hired by each other). An industry in which the middle-aged labor force of rural residents operates or helps to operate household agricultural production in busy farming seasons, and works in cities in slack farming seasons to join the industrial army.
Since 1980, farmers have been given various titles according to their industrial priorities.
Food and agriculture refers to the farmers (farmers) and production organizations dominated by grain production.
Fruit farmers refer to farmers and production organizations mainly engaged in fruit planting, including melon farmers and peach farmers.
Vegetable farmers refer to farmers who mainly grow vegetables. Flower farmers refer to farmers who mainly plant flowers.
Cotton farmers, farmers and production organizations focusing on cotton planting, mainly in Xinjiang and other regions cotton Production area. Since 2000, a large number of migrant farmers from Sichuan, Gansu and Henan have flocked to Xinjiang to pick cotton. They have been called "cotton farmers" by the media and their special transport trains have been called "cotton farmers trains". At most, they are also "seasonal cotton farmers"; These people are known locally as "cotton pickers" in Xinjiang.
Breeders refer to families mainly engaged in animal husbandry and aquaculture, including fishermen and herdsmen.
Specialized households, a term used in mainland China in the 1980s, mostly refer to family production units in rural areas with larger production scale than ordinary families and production characteristics. For example, "transportation specialized households", whose family income mainly comes from transportation, taking into account the traditional grain planting, had a much higher income than ordinary farmers at that time, which could be at least several times higher at that time.
In the draft outline of the 13th Five Year Plan, promoting agricultural modernization is listed as one of the goals. Niu Dun, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Permanent Representative of China to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, believes that reducing the number of farmers is a necessary condition for agricultural modernization.

Related concepts



Sociologist and commentator on issues concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers Aju It is believed that the most commonly used method in the academic world is to define the concept of farmers from the perspective of occupation worker ”Is the core of this concept. According to this standard, those engaged in agricultural production are farmers, and those not engaged in agricultural production are not farmers. Therefore, when selecting model workers and winners of labor medals, trade union organizations always involve farmers in the evaluation, and farmers' professional attributes can be reflected here. our country legal profession And policy makers used a very simple method to identify farmers, namely the household registration standard. After the official implementation of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Household Registration in January 1958 Rural Household Registration And the "dual structure" of urban household registration management system. All with urban residence registration A resident of (no matter what occupation he is engaged in) is a city resident; A resident with a rural hukou (no matter what occupation he is engaged in) is a farmer. This is the only standard to recognize farmers in China's law. That is to say, farmers have become synonymous with those who have "agricultural household registration". From the perspective of people's awareness, if we define the term "farmer" at this stage, it is "rural people registered in rural areas and registered as agricultural residents". Compared with most countries in the world, the household registration management in China is closely related to employment, medical care, housing and other social welfare benefits, in addition to performing the registration function of population families. Obviously, in the past, the definition of the concept of farmers in China was not a concept of occupation, but a concept of identity.
Ai Jun believes that there are several different views and consciousness in the interpretation of modern farmers and traditional farmers. If the implementation of our household responsibility system for linked production solves the problem of eating for urban and rural people, and agricultural industrialization solves the problem of how rural areas learn to go to the market, tens of thousands of modern rural business entities with production rights, management rights and management and distribution functions are needed to connect the two. This may be a model urgently needed by modern agriculture, and farmers are naturally agricultural laborers of this entity. For a long time, China has implemented a "dual structure" Household registration system , "agricultural household registration" and“ Non agricultural household registration ”This kind of household registration barrier system makes "agricultural household registration" people, even if you have been engaged in non-agricultural work outside for decades, as long as your identity has not changed, still qualify you as a farmer. Therefore, household registration has become an insurmountable barbed wire between farmers and non farmers. The word "farmer" has evolved from simplicity to complexity. When the household registration system is not unified, we actually refer to farmers who have "agricultural household registration", and protecting migrant workers actually refers to protecting "workers with agricultural household registration". From the perspective of people's understanding, if the term "farmer" is defined at this stage in China, it is "rural people registered in rural areas and registered as agricultural residents". He believes that the concept of farmers is a dynamic development concept, it is not a static and unchanging concept, and farmers are not lifelong. In today's market economy in China, with the free flow of talents, free choice of employment and increasingly cross integration of industrial division of labor, it is difficult to find the inherent concept of lifelong system, whether workers, intellectuals or farmers. Many concepts are changing with the development of society and people's cognition of their social functions. The word "farmer" has already contained many social factors.

Three Rural Policies

The so-called "three rural issues" refer to agriculture, rural areas and farmers.
In fact, this is a trinity of residential area, industry and subject identity, but the three focus are different, and the above three issues must be considered in an integrated way. As a large agricultural country, China's "three rural" issues are related to economic development, social stability, national prosperity and national rejuvenation.
The agricultural problem is mainly the problem of agricultural industrialization. market economy It is market-oriented and allocates resources according to the market economic form The unsmooth purchase and sale system of agriculture is an important reason for the slow development of agriculture. It is often heard that farmer brothers complain that they can not sell or sell things too cheaply after planting, and their roots are not following the market rules. The integration of production, supply and marketing is a good game for agriculture to play in the market economy. The party and government play a key role in creating the "production, supply and marketing" chain. Another problem of agricultural industrialization is that China's agriculture is basically a self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy, without economies of scale. After joining WTO, how to deal with the challenge of intensive agriculture abroad? This will be a serious problem faced by China as a big agricultural country. While liberating the surplus labor force, China should speed up agricultural mechanization to improve Agricultural labor productivity And meet the challenge of WTO entry.
One of the outstanding problems in rural areas is the reform of the household registration system. In the past, the household registration system divided urban and rural areas into two parts, which resulted in great differences in economic development and cultural level between urban and rural areas. This kind of household registration system in the traditional Planned economy The bottom is the necessity of top-down administration socialist market economy Today has been unanimously questioned by the theoretical community. The household registration system reform that has sprung up all over the country has been "cutting" at this unreasonable system, hoping to further liberate it Rural surplus labor However, it is necessary to look ahead: after the reform of the household registration system, if the liberated surplus labor force cannot be reasonably resettled and channelled, the resulting migration tide will cause considerable pressure on social security. Therefore, the steps of urbanization need to be controlled, Small towns It is a necessary supporting measure to dispel the dual opposition between urban and rural areas and reform the household registration system.
On September 19, Beijing officially issued the Implementation Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration System. All 31 provinces in China have issued their own household reform plans, and all of them have cancelled their agricultural household registration, marking the withdrawal of the dual household registration system of "urban people" and "rural people" that has existed in China for more than half a century.

Peasant festival

Farmers are the largest majority of China's population and the basis of the CPC's governance. The vast majority of farmers have made significant contributions in various historical periods, such as revolution, construction and reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that at no time should agriculture be neglected, farmers forgotten and the countryside indifferent. The Central Committee decided to set up the "Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival" during the critical period of poverty alleviation, the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and the first year of implementing the rural revitalization strategy, which conforms to the new requirements and expectations of the new era, will greatly mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of hundreds of millions of farmers, and enhance their sense of honor, happiness, and gain, Gather the great power to fight poverty, build a well-off society in an all-round way, implement the rural revitalization strategy, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. [1]
The year 2018 is the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up“ Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival ”It can show the great achievements of rural reform and development, show the great creation of Chinese farmers, and enhance the determination and confidence to accelerate the construction of a socialist modern agricultural power. [1]
On June 21, 2018, the State Reform Office held a press conference on the "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival". At the press conference, Han Changfu, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that with the approval of the CPC Central Committee and the approval of the State Council, the annual lunar equinox will be set up as the "Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival" from 2018. [1]
The fifth Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival will be held in September 2022. In order to further substantiate the contents of the festival, the Office of the Steering Committee of the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival Organization issued the Proposal for Benefiting Farmers and Helping Farmers on the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival on July 4, proposing that the party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, and social organizations at all levels throughout the country launch a number of practical and effective measures to help farmers produce and harvest. [3]
On September 13, 2022, the golden autumn consumption season of the 2022 Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was launched in Beijing. The event invited farmers from Hainan Qiongshan, Henan Xixia, Chengdu Xinjin and other places to make video connections to celebrate the harvest and welcome the event. [4]

European farmers

In February 2024, the European Commission announced to shelve the plan to reduce pesticide use to reduce agricultural pressure. At the same time, farmers across Europe continue to demand higher prices for agricultural products and relax EU environmental regulations. European Commission President Von Delaine said that the original proposal to halve pesticide use by 2030 "has become a symbol of polarization", and she asked the Commission to withdraw the proposal. This marks that the EU has made new concessions to farmers on environmental issues. Von Delain said that the voice of farmers should be listened to, but also stressed that European agriculture needs to shift to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production model. [5]