Agricultural revolution

Human beings have changed from food collectors to food producers
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Neolithic Age, about 10000 years ago, probably collected by wild people Wheat It has developed into conscious planting, gradually becoming semi settled and waiting for harvest Farming life style. Humans invented agriculture Animal Husbandry Agriculture It is a great revolution in human history. This revolution is called the first agricultural revolution or Neolithic Revolution
The agricultural revolution foreshadows the arrival of the era of agriculturalization, while the arrival of China's great agricultural revolution reflects the contemporary trend of "turning to the east" and "taking the green road". Since the 1990s, industrialization The disadvantages of "returning to nature" and "taking the road of sustainable development" are increasingly high. Agriculture will be the "fourth wave" following the "third wave", which will fundamentally change the mode of production and lifestyle, and greatly change the political, economic, social and cultural outlook.
Chinese name
Agricultural revolution
Foreign name
The agricultural revolution
Time of occurrence
Neolithic Age (About 10000 years ago)
Occurrence area
west Asia East Asia (including South Asia) Central and South America
Human beings have changed from food collectors to food producers

Overview of the times

The agricultural revolution that took place 10000 years ago
Through long-term practice, people gradually observed and became familiar with the growth laws of some plants, and gradually understood how to cultivate them crop
People in all regions of the world Collection economy On the basis of, they accumulated experience and independently invented agriculture. Due to the differences in economic development in different regions, agriculture appeared at different times, from about 8000 BC to 3500 BC. Some clans and tribes still lived by collecting, fishing and hunting for a long time in the Neolithic Age.
Archaeological data show that there are three major early farming centers in the world, namely west Asia East Asia (including South Asia )、 Central and South America
Western Asian Zagros District asia minor peninsula South, East mediterranean sea Coastal Jordan Palestine Lebanon And other places are the earliest agricultural birthplace in the world, as well as barley Wheat Lentil And other cultivated crops.
China Yellow River Middle and upper reaches Yangtze River Millet and rice
Central and South American Mexico Peru bolivia namely Corn , beans Potato And other crops.
Neolithic Age Animal husbandry also emerged. As early as Mesolithic Age Or earlier, people had begun to domesticate some small animals closely related to human economic activities and life. Dogs and sheep were the first animals to be domesticated. as Iraq Of Palegora Cave Site The skeleton of a domestic dog dating back to 10000 BC was found inside.

Relevant era

Agricultural Revolution in Neolithic Age
Bronze Age , about 4000 BC, due to the use of bronze materials, human beings can carry out the initial farming of hoeing, called The second agricultural revolution.
Iron Age , about 1400 BC [1] Because of the use of iron materials and the domestication of animals, humans can carry out ploughing agriculture, called The third agricultural revolution.
British Agricultural Revolution England The agricultural revolution from the 16th century to the 18th century Enclosure movement And the agricultural transformation resulting from technological innovation, which is considered to be the later industrial revolution One of the important factors that occur.
green revolution It took place after 1945. Mechanization Chemical fertilizer And new varieties crop Resulting in a large increase in agricultural output.
intensive Type agriculture( Intensive agriculture It refers to the agricultural sector that uses various means to invest a lot of manpower and material resources to achieve maximum output Farming method East Asia is typical of the world intensive and meticulous farming Agricultural areas, and North America Extensive agriculture Different.

Far-reaching significance

1、 The emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry has made human economy Paleolithic Age The grabbing economy based on gathering and hunting has been transformed into a productive economy based on agriculture and animal husbandry.
Human beings have changed from food collectors to food producers. This change in the way of obtaining food has changed the relationship between man and nature.
The occurrence of agriculture and animal husbandry marks a leap in human understanding of nature, and marks that human Means of subsistence In terms of production, from relying on and adapting to nature to using and transforming nature. All production activities of agriculture and animal husbandry require human beings to understand and transform the nature more and use natural resources to serve human economy. On the basis of agricultural production, people began to observe the activities of the sun, the moon and the stars, the characteristics of water and soil, and climatic phenomena, and accumulated experience, thus generating preliminary knowledge of astrogeography and mathematics, and pushing human understanding of the objective world to a new height.
2、 The agricultural revolution has brought about fundamental changes in the way of life of mankind. agricultural production In order to sow, manage and harvest, people are required to live in one place for a long time. In this way, human beings gradually turned from migration life in the Paleolithic Age to settlement life.
3、 The agricultural revolution created the material basis for a series of social changes in the future. Hunting Collection economy It is difficult for people to obtain more food than they need to maintain their labor force. Even if they obtain food in a short period of time, they cannot store it for a long time.
Human engaged Farming and Animal husbandry After that, it is possible to obtain more abundant food sources stably, and for the first time, it is possible to produce more food than is needed to maintain labor force and store it. This will enable the population to grow considerably and enable some people to engage in activities other than subsistence, thus generating new Social division of labor The exchange with goods also made it possible for some people to accumulate wealth, leading to the collapse of primitive society.