military surgeon

In 2009, Deng Chao starred in TV series
open 7 entries with the same name
China 25 episodes
zero Useful+1
"Military Doctor" is a military anti Japanese drama produced by Beijing Left Bank Tang culture Liu Huining Directed, Deng Chao Li Xiaoran Zhang Jiayi Ma Yashu Etc.
Adapted from Lin Zhe's novel, the play tells a moving story about a hot blooded overseas doctor who turned around in various forces and finally chose to be an anti Japanese military doctor to heal the wounded.
The play was broadcast on Hubei Comprehensive Channel on April 15, 2009 [1]
Premiere time
Chinese name
military surgeon
Type of work
Military affairs, romance

essential information

Chinese name
military surgeon
Type of work
Military affairs, romance
Production area
Liu Huining
Wang Gong
film producer
Tang Min
Production company
Beijing Zuoan Tang Culture Communication Co., Ltd
Mainland China
Premiere time
Network broadcast platform
letv PPS Youku
Number of sets
25 episodes
Duration of each episode
45 minutes
Issuing company
Beijing Zuoan Tang Culture Communication Co., Ltd


When the ancient city was in danger, the fifth brother returned to his hometown and reunited with his childhood sweetheart, the third sister. However, the weather was not what people wanted. Lord Guo wanted to marry the third sister to a rich family and become a child. The third sister vowed to die. So he left home while everyone was sleeping. En Chun, who grew up together, learned that he followed the third sister to participate The New Fourth Army The Guo family claimed that the third sister was dead because of their face. The man took advantage of his power to go to the Guo family and asked the second sister to marry instead of the third sister. In order to save the second sister, the fifth brother married the second sister. He opened a clinic in Guojiagu Building, and soon the second younger sister gave birth to a daughter Baohua for the fifth elder brother, who lived happily.
In the summer of 1938, the Kuomintang troops entered Ximen Town. Due to the lack of military doctors, the Kuomintang army requisitioned the clinic of the fifth brother. Mr. Zhang admired his brother's superb medical skills and wanted to take him with him. After a fierce ideological struggle, he agreed to go to the front with the army, but did not join the army. The war on the front is fierce, and more and more wounded soldiers are injured. The clinic is full of wounded people. Five brothers are operating without sleep. The second sister saw that the fifth brother was working so hard that she also went to the clinic to help. The casualties of the battle upgrading team in the front line have expanded, and a pre war hospital needs to be established. The five brothers bid farewell to their wives and children, and took the water tiger to the front line.
On the battlefield, the five brothers saw the bloody scene of killing, and a fierce battle with the Japanese army, the national army won, but also paid a heavy price. After this battle, the five brothers adapted to the battlefield environment, but also strengthened his determination to cure the disease and save the people. When the troops were transferred, the fifth brother, for the sake of national justice, said goodbye to his wife and children again and went to the north with the team together with Shuihu in the face of the second sister's detention. On the way, the five brothers saw the cruelty of the war and felt more responsible.
The Japanese army retreated temporarily. The repaired national army patrolled the streets in twos and threes. Everywhere, the soldiers of the national army bullied the people. The fifth brother was very disappointed. He knew that the Kuomintang army was not the army he imagined. The temporary hospital was built. At dinner, Mr. Zhang met Miao Feng, a beautiful widow who opened a wine shop, and lived a comfortable life selling wine and singing opera in the wine shop. But the good times didn't last long. The Japanese army pressed the border, and the army went to the front again. In a fierce battle, the whole army of the Chinese army was almost wiped out. Mr. Zhang died in battle. Before he died, he gave his fifth brother a briefcase and asked him to give it to Miao Feng. A cannonball exploded near Brother Five, who passed out. Miao Feng also disappeared.
The seriously injured fifth brother was sent by Shuihu and the New Fourth Army to the third sister's health center. Due to the blockade of the Japanese army, the hospital of the New Fourth Army was very simple, and there was a shortage of doctors for lack of medicine. The wounded fifth brother, with a high fever, operated on the wounded of the New Fourth Army, and finally fainted on the operating table. The New Fourth Army entered Jiangping Town and joined En Chun. En Chun saw the Kuomintang uniform of his fifth brother was very eye-catching, so he asked him to change his clothes. The third sister and En Chun disagree on the issue of the fifth brother joining the New Fourth Army. En Chun cannot be relieved because his fifth brother joined the Kuomintang Army and cured the Japanese. But the third sister thinks that the army needs doctors like the fifth brother.
En Chun and the third sister sent the New Fourth Army uniforms to the fifth brother. But the fifth brother still insisted on not joining the army, and Enchun couldn't help being furious. Five elder brothers left a letter and left. The fifth brother decided to return to Ximen Town. In his opinion, the second sister Baohua was the one who needed him most. The second younger sister worked day and night at home alone, and lived a hard life. Fortunately, uncle Shuiguan took care of her, and she survived any hardship. One day he finally got a letter from his fifth brother. He learned that he was fine and was a doctor in the Communist Party. Second sister has confidence in life again.
The fifth brother accidentally found that the bag left by Mr. Zhang was full of gold bars. The fifth brother understood Mr. Zhang's last words and came to Miao Feng's wine shop. Due to the chaos of war, the short distance from the New Fourth Army station to the ancient city of Ximen has become ten thousand miles away. Along the way, they broke through the Japanese sentry, experienced difficulties and obstacles, arrived in Shanghai, ready to return to the ancient city by boat from Shanghai. Unexpectedly, the airline stopped and the five brothers and water tiger were trapped in Shanghai. Shuihu finds work at the dock and asks about the private boat going to the ancient city. It happened that the fifth brother met Miao Feng in a steamed stuffed bun shop. Miao Feng was living in Shanghai with the strength of Mr. Zhang. The fifth brother gave all the gold bars left by Mr. Zhang to Miao Feng. Miao Feng was very moved to buy a lot of daily necessities for him. He hoped that his fifth brother could stay and live. Facing Miao Feng, who was still charming, his fifth brother thought of the second sister who had waited hard at home and decided to leave.
Shuihu bought a boat seat back to the ancient city at the dock, and let the fifth brother return to the ancient city of Ximen. A few guns sounded outside the old city, and the New Fourth Army troops entered the old city of Ximen. The liberation horn sounded in Ximen Town. The New Fourth Army was warmly welcomed by the people when it entered the city, setting off a revolutionary upsurge. The third sister persuaded the fifth brother to join the New Fourth Army. Look at the lost look of the second sister. The fifth brother chose to stay with the second sister and live a good life. He politely rejected the third sister. The second sister was deeply moved. She found the third sister and took the military uniform and gave it to the fifth brother. En Chun received a tip off letter saying that the fifth brother is not innocent. En, just for the sake of justice, can only temporarily detain the fifth brother and suspend his post. The second younger sister and the third younger sister felt aggrieved for the fifth elder brother. The fifth elder brother himself was calm and jokingly laughed at himself: he was not destined to join the army. The third sister always thinks that Enchun has prejudice against the fifth brother. It was not until she overheard that En Chun lost his temper with the party representative and used his head to guarantee the innocence of her fifth brother that she fully understood En Chun's painstaking efforts and that her husband was an open minded person.
The Japanese invade Ximen Town again. En Chun leads the New Fourth Army to rise up and fight against the Japanese invaders. Finally, they are outnumbered and lead their troops to retreat. The third sister was seriously injured in the battle, and was rescued by the water officer and carried back to the second sister's home. The fifth brother and the second sister secretly hid the third sister for healing. Chen Shiniang was unwilling to teach her children Japanese at school, so she was dragged to the town square by the devil to make an example. At the critical moment, Japanese officers were shot with black bullets, which led to a carpet search of the ancient city. The close search of the devil made it a big problem how to transfer the third sister out of the city. At this time, Shuihu came to the door. It turned out that it was Shuihu and his brothers on the mountain who shot the black gun in the square. When Shuihu learns about her, she agrees to help her leave Ximen Town. Who would have thought that at the critical moment, in order to cover the fifth brother and the third sister, the second sister had to deal with the devil and stayed.
Pan Wannian was very excited when he overheard the news that the third sister was going to escape. She wanted to go to the Japanese to tell the secret and receive a reward. She stopped him. During the dispute, she got it. The anonymous letter that she had told the New Fourth Army about the fifth brother was also written by Pan Wannian. In her indignation, she shot and killed Pan Wannian who had beaten her all her life. With the help of Shuihu, the fifth brother and the third sister moved safely under the eyes of the devil. Before parting, the fifth brother decided to go back resolutely, unwilling to leave the second sister. The second sister was locked up by the Japanese and questioned the whereabouts of the fifth brother, but the second sister did not say. The Japanese also arrested the Guo family, young and old. Mrs. Guo died on the spot after a heart attack. The devil was so distraught that he ruined the crazy Cui in front of the drunk Guo Mingxuan.
Five brothers come back. The Japanese show a kind face. Not only let the second younger sister go, but also took the fifth elder brother as the guest of honor. It turns out that the Japanese heard about the special skill of Wuge's artificial blood and asked Wuge to work for the Japanese army. In addition, the clinic was reopened for the fifth brother to celebrate. With the sound of firecrackers, the Five Brothers Clinic reopened. However, it is totally different from the first opening scene. Under the surveillance of Japanese soldiers, everyone was indignant. Only Guo Mingxuan was drinking, laughing and laughing. Guo Mingxuan drank with the devil who had ruined his wife. He was drunk all over his face and spilled wine on each other. When everyone shook his head for his unyielding virtue, Guo Mingxuan suddenly pointed at the nose of the devil and angrily scolded him. Guo Mingxuan was pointed at by countless guns. Guo Mingxuan laughed, and a match lit the devil who was splashed with wine. He died together with the devil.
Five brothers would rather kill their own arms than work for the Japanese. The Japanese were angry. In order to attract the Communist Party, they killed two birds with one stone. The Japanese said they would kill five brothers. Before the fifth brother was sentenced, the third sister came to rescue with Shuihu to protect the fifth brother and the third sister. Before dying, the third sister returned the rouge box to the fifth brother... The Japanese officer who killed the third sister was seriously injured, and the Japanese military doctor could not help him take out the bullet. The Japanese want five brothers to operate. As long as this operation is done, the fifth brother will be free, or else he will kill the second sister. The second sister killed herself in order not to drag the fifth brother. The five brothers, who were devastated and discouraged, agreed to the Japanese request.
On the operating table, the fifth brother calmly finished the operation, and the officer monitoring the operation was very satisfied with the fifth brother. Fifth Brother: I have finished what the doctor should do. It's time for a Chinese to do something, and he took out the gun of the Japanese officer on the operating table. On the battlefield full of flames of war, the charge horn remembered that several soldiers shouted for a wounded man: the company commander, the company commander, and the medical staff could not see the company commander's face clearly, but a rouge box fell down [2]

Diversified plot

    Episode 1
    In the operating room, the fifth brother is carrying out the operation in an orderly manner. Just after the operation, the fifth brother received a telegram from the old city. Seeing the telegram, the fifth brother remembered how his elder brothers and sisters had treated him when he was a child. He frowned and signed the telegram "No such person". The seriously ill sister-in-law learned that the fifth brother still refused to forgive herself, so she lost confidence in survival. She felt that she was dying. She must see the fifth brother before dying. So the elder brother of the Lin family decided to go to Chen Shiniang for help. At the same time, typhoid fever was prevalent in the ancient city, medicine was in short supply, and many people fell ill. Mr. and Mrs. Chen set aside the school to take in the sick poor people. But the disease gradually spread, and Teacher Chen also got sick. At this time, Chen Shiniang thought of her fifth brother, who was a doctor in Chengli, and she repaired a book and asked Shuihu to send it to her fifth brother. The fifth brother received the letter from the teacher's wife and immediately prepared a medicine to return to the ancient city of Ximen with Shuihu. The fifth brother returned to the ancient city and immediately dealt with the disease to stop the spread of the disease. At this time, the three younger sisters who had been childhood sweethearts with the five older brothers had grown into a beautiful girl. He also teaches in foreign schools. The third sister was delighted when she learned that the fifth brother was coming back, and she deliberately changed her clothes to look more beautiful. At night, the fifth elder brother sent the third younger sister home. Before leaving, the fifth elder brother gave the third younger sister a rouge box contest. The eldest brother came to see the fifth brother, hoping that he could forgive his ignorance, and said that his sister-in-law was also ill, hoping that the fifth brother would also visit her. Under the persuasion of Mr. Chen, the fifth elder brother forgave the elder brother and sister-in-law and returned to the Lin family.

    Episode 2
    As the third sister and En Chun were too close to printing and distributing the anti Japanese leaflets together, they attracted gossip from people in the town. This word was heard by Lord Guo, who was so angry that he put the third sister under house arrest in the drum tower of the Guo family and helped the third sister quit her job as a teacher. The third sister was very angry with her father's behavior when she learned about it. En Chun learned that this was because of him, so he went to the Guo's house to explain it to Lord Guo. But Lord Guo didn't wait for En Chun to speak, so he taunted him and drove him out. Teacher Chen died because of overwork and heart disease recurrence. The fifth brother sighed with emotion that he had learned skills, but he could not repay Mr. Chen for his kindness. When the third sister learned of the death of Teacher Chen, she bought Guo Mingxuan, the drunkard's brother, with two jin and ran out of the drum tower. But when she ran to the school, she saw the mourning hall of Teacher Chen. En Chun persuaded her to leave this feudal home. En Chun's ideals and ambitions infected her, which paved the way for her departure. When the third sister returned home, Master Guo found her angry and wanted to beat the third sister. As a result, the second sister was injured in confusion. The third sister asked Guo Mingxuan to invite the fifth brother to see the second sister. The second sister watched the fifth brother attentively, and also had a good opinion of the fifth brother. Chen Shiniang found a pistol and anti Japanese leaflet mimeograph under En Chun's bed. She was worried about En Chun's safety. En Chun spoke excitedly to Chen Shiniang about the spirit of communism and expressed his determination to participate in the revolution. The fifth brother went to the dock to buy back the ticket of Shanghai. He learned that Shanghai was bombed by Japanese planes and the hospital was destroyed. His vacation can be extended indefinitely. He planned to open a western medicine clinic in the ancient city.

    Episode 3
    The sister-in-law advised the fifth brother that he was old enough to get married. The fifth brother said that his sweetheart was the third sister. The sister-in-law promised to find the matchmaker to go to the Guo's house to say goodbye. The matchmaker Sun Anning accompanied the Lin's sister-in-law to the Guo's house to propose marriage to the fifth brother and the third sister. Boss Guo was angry when he locked the third sister at home, and immediately said that she did not agree with the third sister to marry, and married the first sister and the second sister in order. The second sister sent tea to the sister-in-law. The sister-in-law looked at her modesty and generosity at a glance. The eldest sister told the third sister in the evening that the Lin's sister-in-law had come to propose marriage for the fifth brother and the third sister, but her father was rebuffed, and the third sister was disappointed. Boss Guo loves the three younger sisters very much. So he thought that the third sister must marry a real big family. Moreover, after the third sister was married out, a man would restrain himself, so he entrusted someone to find someone else for her. Mrs. Guo's younger brother found a top land owner family with a radius of 100 miles for her to marry her third aunt. Mr. Guo was reluctant to let Mrs. Guo's younger brother leave for the time being. Red flags were displayed on the streets of Ximen Town, and the New Fourth Army entered Ximen Town. They posted slogans everywhere, handed out leaflets and began to recruit soldiers. The fifth brother listened to the propaganda of the New Fourth Army and looked at the leaflet. En Chun came to him and told him that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated to fight against Japan. The Communist Party established the New Fourth Army and actively encouraged him to join the revolution. Tell Brother Five that communism is a rainbow in the sky after the storm. The fifth brother seems to understand but not understand. The third sister wanted to go out when she heard the news of the New Fourth Army conscription. Boss Guo didn't allow her. After the third sister insisted repeatedly, she had to let the eldest sister keep watching the third sister before she was allowed to go on the street. On the street, the third sister met the fifth brother. The third sister asked the fifth brother to join the New Fourth Army together. The fifth brother said that his ideal was to be a doctor to help the wounded and save the dying, and he was not interested in revolution. The third sister glared at the fifth brother with hatred and went to the recruiting office to register herself. The third sister came home in military uniform, which shocked the whole family. Boss Guo cursed Big Sister for not looking at her, and promised her to go out for a while and cause such a big trouble. Boss Guo ran to kneel down to the 8th Route conscription cadre, who agreed not to take the third sister away.

    Episode 4
    The fifth brother wants to talk to the third sister, but because of the behavior of the third sister during the day, boss Guo is more strict with the third sister, and the fifth brother has to wander in the rain outside the building. At this time, Boss Guo had a stroke, and the fifth brother came in to stabilize his condition. Mrs. Guo's younger brother told Mr. Guo that the person he had been looking for for the third sister had sent a letter urging him. Mr. Guo felt that he was no longer fit, so he wanted to take care of the marriage of the third sister temporarily, so he agreed. After the fifth brother learned that the third sister was going to get married, he fainted in a hurry because of the rain and fever the day before yesterday. The Guo family is very lively, and the betrothal gifts givers are arranged in rows, which is very impressive. The third sister saw this, and it seemed that Boss Guo was really going to marry himself out, so she quarreled with Boss Guo and decided to run away from home at night. The rain fell in torrents, accompanied by thunder and lightning. In the rainstorm, the third sister ran for her life. A faint cry came from behind. The fifth brother woke up and felt that he had come to the Guo's house to propose marriage in person. The third sister died. Five elder brothers stood in front of the door like thunder, standing there dumbfounded and unable to say a word. Chen Shiniang saw the farewell letter left by En Chun, and En Chun went to the New Fourth Army to join the revolution. Boss Guo thought he had killed his third sister, so he died in the cemetery in a hurry. The Guo family has suffered so much that Mrs. Guo has fallen ill. He married Guo Mingxuan for joy. When the fifth brother asked about the cause of mother's death, he learned that it was lack of medicine in Ximen Town that led to the death of dystocia. This strengthened the determination of the fifth brother to open a clinic in Ximen Town. So the fifth brother immediately went to the dock to buy tickets and went to Shanghai to buy the necessary equipment for opening a clinic. That is to say, because of the war, all the ships have stopped sailing. I had to go back depressed. Due to the death of the third sister, the fifth brother was in a trance, so he took the second sister as the third sister in front of the Guo family. During the conversation with the second sister, she learned that Mrs. Guo was ill. When she mentioned seeing her fifth brother, she immediately woke up. The second younger sister watched the fifth elder brother's professional pulse taking, reporting the name of the medicine, prescribing the prescription, and was fascinated. During this period, the second sister showed incomparable understanding with the fifth brother.

    Episode 5
    Shuihu found a boat for Brother Five and they went to Shanghai to buy medicine and equipment for a clinic. Shanghai was full of exiles during the war. The air defense alarm sounded, and the five brothers and the water tiger came to the dock with equipment in a panic. A group of wounded soldiers passed by them. Brother Five's first reaction was to stop and treat the wounded soldiers. The wounded soldiers who were treated were deeply moved. Before leaving, they gave a collective salute to the fifth brother. When the fifth brother faced these wounded soldiers, his eyes were moist. When the third sister died, the in laws learned that the second sister of the Guo family was not inferior to the third sister, so they used their power to force their relatives to the Guo family and threatened to shoot them all if the Guo family did not follow. The Guo family is helpless. In desperation, the second sister said that she already had a family, and the fifth brother was her husband. The officer who forced him to marry his second sister left regardless of setting up his second sister. When Shuihu and his fifth brother learned that someone was going to the Guo's house to force him to marry, they hurriedly pushed the equipment to the Guo's house. The officer's horses were frightened, and the gun went off and hit him right on. The fifth brother set up a simple operating table on the spot and operated to save the officer. When the officer learned that the fifth brother was the husband of the second sister, he thanked the fifth brother for saving his life and spared the Guo family. In front of the whole town, he admitted that Second Sister was his wife's fifth brother. In order to pay the responsibility, he agreed to his sister-in-law's request to go to the Guo's house to propose marriage to Second Sister. So the second sister married into the Lin family.


screen credits



Deng Chao Ornament Lin Bingkun
Dubbing -
Remarks Five Military Doctors
Li Xiaoran Ornament Guo Sanmei
Dubbing -
Remarks empress
Zhang Jiayi Ornament Mr. Zhang
Dubbing -
Ma Yashu Ornament Guo Ermei
Dubbing -
Huang Ailing Ornament Chen Shiniang
Dubbing -
Huang Man Ornament Miao Feng
Dubbing -
Zhou Yancheng Ornament Water tiger
Dubbing -
Li Shaofei Ornament Chen Enchun
Dubbing -
Luo Jingmin Ornament Boss Guo
Dubbing -
Chen Huijuan Ornament Mrs. Guo
Dubbing -
Tan Wen Ornament Guo Damei
Dubbing -
Ding Kai Ornament Pan Wannian
Dubbing -
Zhang Yutong Ornament Guo Mingxuan
Dubbing -
Song Lei Ornament Xiaocui
Dubbing -
Liu Xu Ornament Brother Lin
Dubbing -
Jamina Ornament Sister Lin
Dubbing -
Chen Liangping Ornament President Chen
Dubbing -
Ma Yuhong Ornament Sun Anning
Dubbing -
Sun Jun Ornament Adjutant Xue
Dubbing -
Yin Yuanzhang Ornament Commander Ma
Dubbing -
Wang Shuangbao Ornament Japanese officer
Dubbing -
Wu Tiejun Ornament Man in Black
Dubbing -
Jiang Chengzhi Ornament Tiger cub
Dubbing -
Liu Hengfu Ornament Lin Bingkun (teenager)
Dubbing -
Zou Yi Ornament Baohua
Dubbing -
Zhang Shiqi Ornament Baohua (small)
Dubbing -

Employee List

publisher Liu Wei, Zhang Xiaolu
producer Liu Kening, Liu Shengli
Supervised by Liang Fengyi, Liu Junjie, Tan Tieying, Li Xiaofeng, etc
original Lin Xi
director Liu Huining
Associate Director (Assistant) Zhang Yutong
Scriptwriter Wang Gong
Photography Chen Zhuo
clip Wang Xuefei
prop Bai Chuntao
Art Design Thank you
Action instruction Yu Yonggang
clothing design Zheng Hailing, Zheng Anli
lighting Guo Guimao
sound recording Yan Jun
Theatrical affairs Xu Xingzhong
Field record Ding Ziguang, Wang Dapeng, Shen Lei
Source [3]

Role Introduction

Lin Bingkun
performer Deng Chao
dubbing -
The fifth brother, a refined returned doctor, has the noble soul of a doctor and the strong will of a soldier. Wandering among the New Fourth Army, the Kuomintang and the Japanese army, he finally chose to join the anti Japanese army for the sake of national justice, and finally grew into a generation of famous doctors after being tempered. I met three women in my life and finally returned to my second sister.
Guo Sanmei
performer Li Xiaoran
dubbing -
She was a childhood sweetheart with her fifth brother. She made positive progress. Because of the war and family, she could not get together with her fifth brother. She fled to the army alone and became a soldier. In the New Fourth Army, she happened to meet the five elder brothers who were taken by the Kuomintang to be military doctors. The two married men forced their love and took the scalpel in their hands to join the war.
Mr. Zhang
performer Zhang Jiayi
dubbing -
A ruthless division commander of the Kuomintang had a great influence on the five military doctors during their involvement in the Kuomintang. He is both overbearing and naive. He is both romantic and professional. He has transformed from a sworn enemy to a tacit lover with the tavern widow Miao Feng. He takes off his teacher's military uniform and sells wine with her.
Guo Ermei
performer Ma Yashu
dubbing -
Gentle and virtuous, she was robbed by the warlord to be her aunt. In order to protect the Guo family and the second sister from accidents, the fifth brother married the second sister. After marriage, the two lived a quiet life. The kind-hearted second sister was gentle and considerate, silently supporting and caring for the fifth brother. The fifth brother finally returned to the second sister and was kidnapped by the Japanese army to save the fifth brother.
Source [4-7]

Music soundtrack

Wang Dazhi and Dai Lu
Wang Dazhi, Dai Lu, Wang Hua
Postscript [8]

Behind the Scenes

  1. one
    Before filming "Military Doctor", Deng Chao still had mental pressure. He felt dizzy when he stood in front of the operating table when he had "medical phobia" when he was urinating. Finally, I overcame my psychological barrier, and his first scene in the play was surgery.
  2. two
    Li Xiaoran hoped to play in the war scenes when shooting Harbin at Night. In the Military Doctor, she also wore a military uniform for the first time. Although there was no shooting scene of her, she was also very successful in rescuing the wounded and the dying in the rain of bullets [9]
  3. three
    In addition to being a doctor, Deng Chao is also a father in the play. He is very fond of children when filming. For example, before shooting, Deng Chao prepared sugar and Wangzai steamed buns to help children enter the play [10]

Broadcast information

Broadcast time
Broadcasting platform
April 15, 2009
Hubei Integrated Channel [1]
May 15, 2009
Three sets of China Education Station
December 13, 2010
Shanxi Satellite TV [11]

Drama evaluation

From a doctor to a military doctor, the play interprets the war from a unique perspective, explaining the damage and destruction of the war to both sides. The plot at the end of the play is particularly profound. When facing the Japanese who also need treatment, Brother Wu performs the duty of a doctor, performs surgery for him, but then resolutely kills the Japanese. At this moment, he is also performing his duty, It is not only the duty of a military doctor, but also the duty of a Chinese soldier. The play is unique in the exploration of the soldiers' hearts. It has a true restoration of the shaping of the values of the blood thirsty children during the special period of the war that took place 60 years ago (Sina Entertainment Review) [12]
The two great professions, doctor and soldier, blend well in Military Doctor, and are vividly presented on the screen. From the elegant overseas returnee doctor to the just and brave soldier, they have experienced twists and hardships and ups and downs in life. The "Five Brothers" have the noble soul of a doctor and the strong will of a soldier, and Deng Chao's "style" in the "Five Brothers" The charm and excellent acting skills have made a perfect leap again (Netease Entertainment Review)
There are not only countless soldiers, but also women in the cruel war. In the era of war, there is pride, kinship and love. Actors such as Li Xiaoran and Ma Yashu interpreted different women in their own way in the play, facing the war and showing their enthusiasm for the nation from different perspectives. The three sisters of the Guo family devoted themselves to the revolution and finally gave their blood; Guo Ermei, as a traditional woman in old China, had to deal with Japanese devils at a critical moment. Apart from her kinship, she seemed to show a fearless pride (Sina Entertainment Review) [13]