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Military organization

In military struggle, an entity that combines people and materials established according to a certain purpose and system
Military organization refers to Military struggle In, an entity that combines people and materials established according to a certain purpose and system.
The form of military organization is the product of a certain social and historical stage. It comes into being and develops with the emergence and development of class, country and army. Its content has changed from simple to complex, and its form has become increasingly standardized, specialized and institutionalized.
Modern military organizations include: military leadership organizations, armed forces organizations, military economic organizations, military science and technology organizations, military scientific research organizations, national defense education organizations, civil defense organizations, warfighters organizations, etc;
It can be divided into regular military organizations and paramilitary organizations, open military organizations and secret military organizations, fixed military organizations and temporary military organizations. [1]
Chinese name
Military organization
Foreign name
Military organization/Establishment
military unit
Ten Arrays
Array, circular array, sparse array, digital array, vertebral array
Military establishment unit
Group army group>Group army>Army>Division>Brigade

military unit

military unit It is mainly used to refer to an organization with high internal homogeneity, most of which are from the same service and accept a single command and management. In this sense, a battalion can be regarded as a typical military unit, while smaller organizations such as companies and platoons can be regarded as secondary military units under the battalion. On the other hand, in a broad sense, the term military unit can also be used in relation to non military units. Under this definition, all units existing for military purposes can also be called military units.
Military establishment unit: group army group group army division brigade regiment battalion company platoon squad five

Formation queue

formation (formation) is usually used to refer to the configuration of tactical and small-scale forces during operations or operations.
According to the definition of the US Department of Defense, troops or vehicles are arranged in order to achieve a specific purpose. Arrange more than two aircrafts in order warship ,, or units, under the leadership of the same commander. Common formation: horizontal formation: the troops spread out horizontally in turn. Column: The troops are deployed vertically in turn. While queue, which is similar to formation, sometimes represents different meanings and is combined into another word: Formation To put it simply, queue means the number of troops aggregate Formation refers to the arrangement and configuration of these troops.

Array Array

Formation (sometimes called array) is usually used to describe the deployment of ancient armies in action or combat. Such as fish scale array, goose shaped array, etc. Warring States Period《 Sun Bin's Art of War 》It refers to "eight arrays" and "ten arrays". The content of the eight arrays is unknown, while the ten arrays are: square array, circular array, sparse array, numerical array, vertebral array, wild goose array, hook array, Xuanxiang array, water array and fire array.