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Military strength

Military and war affairs or affairs strength
Military strength is related to army and Warfare The strength of something or thing. The concept of military power at all times and in all over the world is not static. Different time and space have different contents. The Warring States Period was a period of great change when the slave society collapsed and the feudal society was established. At this time, the concept of "military power" is more complex than before, but simpler than in modern times period The military strength of a country is the combat capability of its army in war. And combat capability depends on military strategy, military system, and logistics supply. Military strategy is the policy guarantee of a country's military combat effectiveness, military system is the system guarantee, and military logistics supply is the material guarantee.
Chinese name
Military strength
Things or affairs related to the army and war
Real power
military strategy
Policy guarantee for the combat effectiveness of a country's army


World ranking

one U.S.A
two Russia : It inherits most of the power of the Soviet Union and has a powerful armed forces of the sea, land and air. It is powerful and has a strong global nuclear arsenal.
three China
four britain : The British Empire, once able to compete with the world, declined in strength after World War II, but Britain has a high-tech army second only to the United States in the world. Possession of nuclear weapons. The navy is huge and has the power to throw troops in most regions of the world. Britain's military industry is sound and developed, and the penetration rate of advanced weapons in the military is quite high.
five France : A major European country, it was occupied during World War II, and its single air navy is still strong, second only to Russia and Britain in Europe. The military industry is comprehensive and the level of military scientific research is high. It has independent battle command capability and combat system. Having the power to throw troops over a long distance. Possession of nuclear weapons.
six India : With rapid development, it is the first country in Asia to have an aircraft carrier after World War II.
seven Japan : Powerful, technologically advanced, and has several so-called destroyers like aircraft carriers.
eight Germany : Europe has the largest economy and developed industries. After World War II, its military strength has declined significantly, but its military strength is still strong and should not be underestimated. The highest goal of the national defense policy is to ensure the peace, freedom and independence of Germany. It also stipulates that the Federal Defense Force is a purely defensive force that implements necessary security precautions and does not master and seek weapons of mass destruction. Many countries still have a small number of troops stationed in Germany. Its military scientific research level and military equipment are advanced. The national military training is good.
nine turkey : The Turkish Armed Forces is the second largest permanent force of NATO, second only to US Army There are more than one million uniformed personnel in five branches. Turkey is considered to be the most powerful country in the Middle East except Israel [1]
ten Israel : It is a developed country with strong national defense strength and interception capability second only to the United States.