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Internal customers

People who have business communication with each other in the internal structure of the enterprise
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inside customer It refers to the mutual existence of internal structure of the enterprise business Those who communicate, including enterprise employees, include shareholders, operators, and employees.
Chinese name
Internal customers
Foreign name
internal customer
Enterprise employees, shareholders, operators and employees
Realize the economic benefits of the enterprise


In the traditional business philosophy, customer It is just a narrow concept, which only refers to external customers. From the perspective of modern enterprise management theory, it is often more extensive and far-reaching to divide customers into internal customers and external customers than to focus only on external customers.


stay Modern market economy Under these conditions, successful enterprises, especially in the service industry, have two keys to success: one is to have a good market share suitable for their products or services; The second is that the enterprise has a scientific management system and efficient execution. The two are organically combined and complement each other. For the former, the key point is customer satisfaction and loyalty, while the latter is closely related to the retention rate and work efficiency of enterprise employees, which is what we usually call the overall satisfaction of internal customers and external customers. Only by achieving the overall satisfaction of customers can the economic benefits of the enterprise be finally realized.


The satisfaction of these employees is often more important to the survival and development of enterprises than external customers. Without external customers, our staff can find, find and develop. Without excellent internal staff, the enterprise cannot establish an efficient and loyal staff group, and the enterprise has no way to talk about external customers. Having an excellent staff team depends on the retention rate of employees. Therefore, the satisfaction of employees (internal customers) is the premise and basis for enterprises to obtain benefits, and external customers are the goal and motivation of internal customer satisfaction. When the satisfaction of internal customers and external customers becomes unified, the enterprise's benefits can be maximized. When participating in market competition, enterprises should first consider how to build a platform, how to create a good working environment, how to create a harmonious working atmosphere, and how to promote the effective release of employees' personal value on the platform provided by the enterprise, so as to improve employees' satisfaction. It can be said that the satisfaction of internal customers is the basis for enterprises to create target value.