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Internal absorption of medicament
The internal absorption of medicament means that no matter which part of the crop is applied with medicament, such as root, stem, leaf and seed, it can be absorbed by the crop and transmitted to all parts of the plant along with the transmission of plant body fluid; The amount of medicine transmitted to each part of the plant is enough to poison and kill the pests that damage this part, while the medicine does not hinder the growth and development of crops. Agents with internal absorption and conduction performance are called Inhalation insecticide The advantages of the internal absorption insecticide are mainly that it is easy to use, the spraying is not necessarily very considerate, and the method of seed treatment can be used to save time and medicine. Inhalation insecticides can also be used to control pests hidden in the shade, such as aphids and red spiders on the back of leaves. Inhalation insecticides are suitable for dry control of pests that suck plant juice. For example, aphids also suck pesticides into their stomachs when they sting crops. From this point of view, the mode of action of inhaled pesticides also belongs to stomach toxicity.
Chinese name
Internal absorption of medicament



After being absorbed by plant roots, stems and leaves, pesticides can be transferred in plants or transformed into more toxic substances. Intoxication caused by insects feeding on poisonous stems and leaves is called internal absorption. Agents with internal absorption are called internal absorption agents, such as omethoate, monocrotophos, etc. This mainly refers to prevention and control Prick suction mouthpiece Sometimes, the mode of action of the used inhalants is classified as stomach toxicity.


The ideal internal absorption agent mainly has the following processes:
Plants absorb chemicals → chemicals are transferred (or transformed into more toxic substances) in plants → they are metabolized into non-toxic compounds after a period of action.
The roots, stems and leaves of plants all have absorption functions, so there are many ways in which absorption occurs.
Endoscopic agents entering the plant body mainly conduct towards qualitative direction, that is, upward transmission along the direction of transpiration, so the effect of root application of endogenous agents is better than that of leaf application. In addition, the amount of downward transmission of agents for leaf treatment is less, and the internal agents should also be evenly sprayed.
Some insecticides on plant leaves can only penetrate into tissues quantitatively, but can not be transported in the body. This method is not inhalation, but Introgression
Main process of internal agent