Canonical country

[diǎn shǔ guó]
Ancient Chinese Official Titles
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Ancient official position First name. In charge of ethnic minority Communication matters, rank two thousand stones, belong to officials Nine Translation Orders Martial Emperor Added in the period Dependent country Attached here Hun All captains were subordinate to them. Most of them are those who are familiar with border affairs. Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty Period incorporation Dahong Lu Northern Wei Dynasty Zeng was reinstated, and his position was roughly the same as that of the Western Han Dynasty, also known as Dian is a junior doctor [1]
Chinese name
Canonical country
Foreign name
Classic country
Creation period
Qin and Han Dynasties
In charge of affairs of affiliated minorities
The Book of the Han Dynasty, On the List of Hundred Officials and Ministers, Classic Country
representative figure
Su Wu

historical background

Initially set at Qin and Han Dynasties During the period, he was an official in charge of the country, ranking two thousand stones. Established with the Qin Dynasty tagger Handle internal and external affairs respectively. The Code Country is mainly responsible for foreign affairs, and specific exchanges with surrounding countries are carried out by the Code Country.
The authority of the canonical state is similar to foreign minister In the third year of Yuanshou Subordinate captains Responsible for the management of affiliated foreigners, mainly an official's personal aide There are captains, nine translators, and officials of their respective countries. Dianke( Dahong Lu )Mainly responsible for internal affairs, princes feudal lords Dahong Lu was in charge of all the affairs, including their posthumous titles, the reception and etiquette of the princes.
In the Han Dynasty Authority function Conversion process In China, the authority of Dianke and Dian country has also changed. First of all, the ritual of the pilgrimage of the officials of the vassal state to the emperor was under the responsibility of Dahonglu, and no longer the responsibility of the Dian vassal state, which later only took charge of the surrendered foreigners. specific foreign affairs foreign policy The prime minister, even the emperor, was directly responsible for the formulation of the imperial code. The power of the imperial code was increasingly weakened, and it was incorporated into Dahong Lu 28 years before the Western Han Dynasty became emperor. Northern Wei Dynasty The position was basically the same as that of the Western Han Dynasty.

Classic Country in Poetry

In poetry and prose, the typical country is often referred to as "the country", which is famous for:
① Han Dynasty· Jia Yi Public security policy 》: "Your Majesty, why don't you try to use your ministers as the officials of your country Hun ?”, It also refers to those who once served as the vassal state in the Han Dynasty Su Wu
② Han Dynasty· Li Ling Answer Su's Martial Arts Script 》"The return of Wen Zi (Su Wu) is not worth more than two million yuan, and his position is not that of a typical country."
③ Tang Dynasty· Wang Wei Put it on the plug 》: "If you want to ask the question, your country will pass Juyan."
④ Tang Dynasty· Du Fu Miscellaneous poems of Qinzhou ·The seventh book: "How late is it for the country to return? Loulan hasn't been killed yet."

Relevant historical materials

The Book of the Han Dynasty, on the list of officials and officials, on the list of officials and officials, on the list of officials and officials, on the list of officials and officials, on the list of officials and officials, on the list of officials and officials, on the list of officials and officials, on the list of officials and officials, on the list of official countries: "The official country belongs to the official country, and the official state of the Qin Dynasty, who was in charge of the surrender of barbarians. In the third year of Yuanshou, Emperor Wu, the king of Kunxie surrendered, and added the official countries again. There [2]