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Typical environment

[diǎn xíng huán jìng]
Environment type
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Typical environment originally refers to the specific environment where typical characters in literary and artistic works live, form their personalities and drive their actions. Engels said that he was "a typical person in a typical environment". (Letter to Hagnes) The unity of typical characters and typical environment is a basic principle of realistic creation. The typical environment in news works refers to the historical background and realistic environment in which the typical news came into being. Properly describing the typical environment is an important link to convey the spirit of the times and enhance the depth and breadth of typical reports. The typical environment in literary works can be made up, while that in news works must be true. [1]
Chinese name
Typical environment
Foreign name
Typical environments
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Proposed time
Middle and late 19th century
Typical environment is the summation of various social relations and natural conditions in real life, which is deeply summarized by writers with distinctive and unique artistic personality and affects the formation and development of characters' personalities, and makes characters inevitably act like this. The typical environment can not only reflect the specific and unique social environment and natural environment of the characters' activities in the works, but also reflect the style and characteristics of the times in the historical period of the characters' lives, as well as the trend of social development.
In literary works, even in the same historical period, the same social environment, and the same subject type, the typical environments described are different. That is, in the same work, each typical character is also in a different, specific and unique typical environment. The typicality of the characters in the works can only be most profoundly and fully revealed in the typical environment, and the typicality of the environment can only be best demonstrated through the development and change of the characters' typical characters. The dialectical and unified relationship between the two is manifested through the unfolding of typical plots.