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Relationship marketing channel

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Relational marketing channels evolved from traditional distribution channels in the process of seeking solutions to conflicts. Relational marketing channels are channel strategies in which channel members cooperate in a team work way to form a close community of interests based on the perspective of maximizing overall interests. Based on cooperation, win-win and communication, manufacturers strengthen their control over sales channels, provide retailers and consumers with more valuable all-round services, and ultimately ensure the realization of the overall marketing strategic objectives.
Chinese name
Relationship marketing channel
Foreign name
Relational marketing channels

Marketing characteristics

Relationship marketing channels are different from traditional ones Marketing channels It changes the "zero sum game" relationship between manufacturers in traditional channels, and through strategic cooperation between manufacturers, it turns enterprises and channel members into a community of interests, that is, to maximize the value of the system on a win-win basis, thus improving the efficiency of channel operation and further reducing the market risk in enterprise channel operation.

Channel type

Relationship marketing channel
Most Chinese enterprises still use the traditional marketing channel model. The relationship between manufacturers and merchants is relatively loose, and the relationship between channel members is still constrained by power and contracts. However, the cruelty of market competition forces domestic enterprises to explore the relationship marketing channel model in order to maximize the system value on the basis of "win-win". Based on the relationship marketing channel model of domestic enterprises, its types are summarized as follows:
1. Enterprise retailers produce and sell closely
Retailers directly participate in the production Marketing Decision The manufacturer gives enough trust to the retailer, and provides high margin and various material and spiritual rewards to the retailer. Make a commitment to ensure the interests of retailers and improve their sense of pride, responsibility and confidence in operation. For example, Jiangsu Suning Group, one of the "troika" of household appliance chain operation in China, has established a close production and sales relationship with the enterprise with capital as the link Jiangsu Sanyo In 2001, Nanjing Panda Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. was established as a joint venture with Nanjing Panda, and capital was injected in the same year in the form of equity participation Feige Air Conditioner Nanjing Company However, this model of retailers investing upstream to establish relational marketing channels also has its own hidden dangers: the excessive dispersion of capital has reduced Suning's Competitive strength , increased the risk of enterprise operation; It may affect its cooperation with other manufacturers, and be excluded and isolated by other manufacturers.
2. Enterprise agent sales close type
Enterprises and agents form a closely related community of interests to jointly distribute goods and jointly develop and control the market through mutually agreed agreements and regulations. For example: chunlan group Three channel revolutions of the company. In 1987, Chunlan began to implement the agency system to expand its market share through industrial and commercial linkage. In the early 1990s, Chunlan realized the second revolution of channels, namely, changed to the controlled agency system. The agent subscribes to order goods, pays the purchase price in advance, and picks up goods from the enterprise in a fixed amount at a fixed time according to the agreement. The enterprise makes a large margin based on the number of shares. In 1996, Chunlan implemented the buyer credit system, and the bank set up a special fund for dealers cymbidium Of loan When purchasing Chunlan products, banks participate in taking risks, forming a new community of interests.
3. Enterprise wholesaler sales close type
Relationship marketing channel
The enterprise absorbs shares from wholesalers, provides material and spiritual rewards to wholesalers, and sends employees to assist agents in sales work. The factory and the business jointly make marketing and sales decisions, and jointly develop and manage the market. For example, Gree Company established a sales company jointly with local dealers in each province. The chairman of the company was Gree Party. The general manager was elected according to the number of contributions of participating dealers. The dealers' contributions became shareholders of the company, and major resolutions of the company were collectively decided by shareholders. Each shareholder shall pay dividends according to the capital structure at the end of the year. In this way, Gree will bind dealers with itself to share benefits and risks. Therefore, in order to ensure their own interests, all participating dealers actively cooperate with Gree to carry out work and do a good job in market development and control. The company flexibly sets wholesale and retail prices according to the feedback information to control all sales links. Gree's relational marketing channel model effectively solves the conflict between channel members and further strengthens the stability of the channel. Channel members cooperate, trust and communicate with each other to reduce Channel management cost And the degree of risk, but there are also some unavoidable problems: enterprises invest in the downstream, which disperses the capital , increasing the risk of the enterprise; The further reduction of profit space will shake the foundation of mutual cooperation, and wholesalers may have to find another way of development; The complexity of company members makes it difficult to manage and control the company, and it is difficult to achieve real cooperation and trust with each other.
4. Other types
For example, Wuhan Zhongbai Warehouse found that fishermen in Jinkou Town, Jiangxia District used the river wind to make salted aquatic products on fishing boats. After investigation and analysis, Zhongbai Warehouse selected special personnel to help villagers in Jinkou, Jiangxia realize corporate operation, and through technical and management guidance, We have jointly developed the Yangtze River aquatic product curing platform integrating traditional technology and modern technology, formed a flow production line with an annual output of more than 800 tons, and produced more than 10 kinds of local products, such as air dried fish, high calcium tank fish, clay pot fish soup, and air dried cured fish.

Implementation countermeasures

1. Ensure the balance of interests among channel members
Among channel members, due to different roles played by each other, their pursuit is also inconsistent. Enterprises often strictly control and manage the market and channel providers from their own point of view, while channel providers negotiate with enterprises on interest relations based on strength for the purpose of maximizing profits.
Interest balance contains two meanings: one is the vertical relationship between the balance and interest distribution among enterprises, distributors and consumers, and the other is the horizontal relationship between the balance and interest distribution among distributors (including traditional distributors and modern distributors). As far as the vertical relationship of channel members is concerned, the improper handling of the relationship between the three when enterprises choose channel models often leads to the imbalance of channels, which leads to the inhibition of demand and the rupture of the value chain. The first is that the interests of the channel merchants have been damaged, which has dampened their enthusiasm. Although the enterprise can provide better products and the market demand is large, the channel dealers lose confidence in the enterprise's products, which eventually leads to the rupture of the value chain. So that on the one hand enterprise A large number of products are overstocked, on the other hand, consumer demand is not met. Second, the enterprise fully noticed the role of distributors in the product distribution process, but it squeezed consumer The performance is often that the price of enterprise products is relatively high and consumer demand is suppressed. Therefore, enterprises must fully investigate investigation and research And properly handle the interest relationship between the three parties.
The second level of interest balance is the issue of channel balance. Many enterprises often try to expand their market share by covering a wide range of channels. However, members of different channels run against each other due to the unreasonable policies of the company. At this time, the focus of the enterprise is not to develop the market, but to adjust, solve channel problems, and balance the channels. The methods adopted by enterprises to achieve channel balance are different:
(1) Ensure the continuity of channel profit chain
Marketing channels
The continuation of the channel profit chain is the primary prerequisite for the balance of channel interests. The market competition is fierce, and the products Profit space Smaller and smaller, enterprises began to squeeze the profits of channel operators, leading to the interruption of the profit chain, and channel operators turned to other enterprises in succession. Therefore, enterprises must explore new profit growth points, rather than ensuring their interests by squeezing the profits of channel operators. For example, measures such as increasing the added value of products, shaping the brand image of products, and realizing the "third party profit" of logistics are taken to increase the value of products and reduce the cost of the whole system operation. So as to ensure the continuity of the channel profit chain and enable channel members to obtain their appropriate benefits. (2) Develop a dynamic price system
Enterprises often use different channels to sell products, but the benefit distribution of each channel member is relatively balanced, so that each channel member can cooperate with the enterprise in their vested interests. However, when an enterprise changes the price discount, rebate or reward of any channel member, it will cause complaints from other channel members and cause internal conflicts in the channel. Therefore, the enterprise must establish a dynamic price system. When the enterprise changes the interest policy of any channel member, it must also adjust the entire channel system accordingly to achieve a new balance.
(3) Clarify the responsibilities and rights of channel members
The ambiguity of responsibilities, rights and interests of channel members and insufficient punishment often lead to channels member Conflict of interests, resulting in market The channel system is paralyzed due to chaos, and the channel vendors are jostling and attacking each other. therefore enterprise We must standardize the behaviors of channel merchants from assessment standards, rewards and punishment measures. for example Coca Cola Company By giving 101 system channels only customer The reward and strict punishment measures for goods distribution make the customers of this channel away from the circulation channel and avoid the offline customers who compete with the wholesale customers for the channel. At the same time, through the implementation of non Carbonated drinks The rebate reward of sales volume is used to stimulate the sales of non carbonic acid products, so as to avoid the impact of wholesalers on other channels by only doing mature brands interest Problems.
2. Establish a sound information sharing mechanism
Trust can reduce the operation and management costs caused by mutual concerns among channel members, promote communication among channel members, and better achieve channel goals
Establishing a sound information sharing mechanism is the key to the operation of relationship marketing channels. Only by realizing the timely and accurate two-way flow of information can the cooperation between the two parties be coordinated and efficient. Smooth information transmission can not only maintain the flexibility of the channel system, but also avoid the rigidity of the enterprise organization and maintain the sensitivity to changes in market and consumer information. For example: KAO corp Through an efficient channel information system company The company can see the daily sales, inventory and demand data, and realize the logistics mechanism of sending products to all 280000 stores within 24 hours. At the same time, the company uses a set of marketing detection procedures of echo system to collect fast information on new product sales together with key investigation groups, consumer feedback and POS data obtained from 216 retailers, so as to timely grasp the sales situation of products and track changes in consumer demand, and maintain a good channel elastic
3. Develop trust relationship with relationship specific investment
Trust can reduce the operation and management caused by mutual concerns among channel members cost To promote communication among channel members and better achieve channel goals. When developing the relationship between channel members, enterprises should pay attention to the following aspects:
Relationship marketing channel
Past performance of channel members. The relationship of mutual trust is based on the sincere cooperation between both parties. If one party has some speculative psychology or private purpose, it is very dangerous for enterprises to develop the trust relationship unilaterally. We should conduct in-depth investigation and analysis on the past performance of channel members to strengthen understanding of channel members. So as to improve the accuracy of their behavior expectations and reduce the risk of cooperation. Analysis of reputation of channel members. The reputation of channel members is the reputation of consumers, which represents the image of channel members in the minds of consumers, and also reflects the business philosophy and pursuit of channel members. Reputation The higher it is, the more it pays attention to its own long-term development, the lower the risk of mutual trust between the enterprise and its development, and the better the effect of mutual cooperation.
The scale of the relationship specific investment. Relationship specific investment is the cost invested by channel members in order to develop their cooperation relationship with each other. It is characterized by irreversibility and submergence. The larger the relationship specific investment scale, the stronger the channel members' desire to develop their cooperation relationship with each other, and the more trustworthy each other will be.
In today's market environment where the industry profits are decreasing day by day, the establishment of relationship marketing channels has become a trend for domestic enterprises. However, the transformation of channel relationship is a long-term and complex process, and different enterprises are moving to relationship marketing in different stages of development channel The way of transition is different, and the methods are also diverse. Enterprises should choose the correct way of change according to their own development.

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