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Spinocerebellar ataxia

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Name of neurological disease
synonym Ataxia (Ataxia) generally refers to spinocerebellar ataxia
spinal cord Cerebellar ataxia yes Hereditary ataxia The main type of. The common feature is middle-aged onset, Autosomal dominant inheritance And ataxia. clinical manifestation In addition to cerebellar ataxia Ocular Motility Disorders , slow eye movement Optic atrophy Retinitis pigmentosa Pyramidal tract sign Extrapyramidal system Levy Amyotrophy peripheral neuropathy And dementia, etc.
TCM disease name
Spinocerebellar ataxia
Foreign name
Spinocerebellar Ataxias
Visiting department
Multiple population
middle-aged person
Common causes
common symptom
At the initial stage, the steps are unstable and the limbs are shaking; In the middle stage, the pronunciation is vague, the eye movement is not smooth, and the muscle uncoordinated feeling is aggravated; Late stage speech is very unclear, unable to stand

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The certification expert of this term is

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Ma Tao | Deputy chief physician

Department of Neurology, Wuxi Second People's Hospital to examine

essential information

TCM disease name
Spinocerebellar ataxia
Foreign name
Spinocerebellar Ataxias
Visiting department
Multiple population
middle-aged person
Common causes
common symptom
At the initial stage, the steps are unstable and the limbs are shaking; In the middle stage, the pronunciation is vague, the eye movement is not smooth, and the muscle uncoordinated feeling is aggravated; Late stage speech is very unclear, unable to stand


gene Exon CAG copy number Abnormal amplification produces poly glutamine Caused by.

clinical manifestation

1. Initial stage
When walking Walking Unstable, swaying limbs. Slow reaction and accuracy Becomes worse.
2. Medium term
When speaking, the pronunciation is vague, and the tone cannot be controlled. The eye movement is not smooth, and the images are easy to overlap. The sense of muscular incoordination is aggravated and unable to write. Sometimes I feel Dysphagia , easy to eat Cough
3. Late stage
The speech is extremely unclear, even unable to speak. Weak limbs, unable to stand, need to rely on a wheelchair instead of walking. The ability to understand gradually declines, and finally loses consciousness and sleeps.


1. Brain nervous system Clinical examination.
two magnetic resonance MRI )Check.
3. Gene testing.


Judge whether the patient exists according to the clinical examination procedure of the brain nervous system cerebellum and Spinal nerves The maladjusted morbid state, and then will ask him family history (including deceased relatives), through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and gene testing, to determine whether the patient has Cerebellar atrophy Symptoms.


This disease is a degenerative disease. At present, there is no drug that can cure it. The focus is rehabilitation treatment, so that patients can maintain the highest Self care ability It can also be treated by stem cells. After treatment, the patient can recover the ability of self-care, mobility Language ability , writing ability, etc. l-dopa It can relieve rigidity and Parkinson Symptoms, Chlorine aniline Butyric acid can reduce spasm, Amantadine It can improve ataxia.


Although there is no medicine to treat this disease at present, if we can pay attention to body maintenance, pay attention to diet, daily life, take regular exercise and cooperate Cerebellar atrophy The rehabilitation training required by the disease and persistent practice will help slow down the deterioration of the disease.