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A republic
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The Republic, and“ Monarchy ”Relative. Also known as the "Democratic Republic" republic Country. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Democratic Republic

Concept of Republic

A republic in which the state representative office or head of state is elected and has a certain term of office Organizational form of political power Republics can adapt to different types of countries, but in countries with different class attributes, they have different Class nature ancient Greek Ancient Rome etc. Slave state Both have practiced republicanism; Feudal system Although monarchy Dominant, but some city state as Italy Venice and Genoa in the region also adopted republicanism. The bourgeois democratic republic was founded in the 16th century and was generally implemented in the 18th century, and Parliamentary system Universal suffrage Connected.
Socialist country Implementation and proletarian dictatorship Appropriate democratic republic. [1]

ideological basis

From the perspective of the history of republicanism, Polibia put forward the idea of Mixed regime Thought, modern thinker Montesquieu The thought of separation of three powers also played an important role in the establishment of the republic. [2]

Institutional advantages

Republics combine monarchy Aristocracy and democracy Has many advantages, especially Presidential republic become western world successful democratic system Mode, which realizes Hamilton Elitism And Jefferson Populism Good balance. [2]
modern bourgeois class The state generally adopts a republican form of government. There are two forms of bourgeois republicanism, which are classified according to the different relations among the president, parliament and government. The first form is Parliamentary cabinet system The second form is Presidential system The parliamentary cabinet system takes the parliament as the power center, and the parliament is the highest in the country Authority The government is created by and accountable to Parliament. The presidential system takes the president as the head of state and Head of Government Administrative department and Legislative branch Separate from each other. [3]

Institutional characteristics

The main feature of the form of republican government is that the head of state or government is elected by the people, including Parliamentary republic Presidential republic and People's Congress System Etc.

Parliamentary republic

The institutional arrangement of parliamentary republicanism is characterized by the fact that the head of state, the president, is elected, either directly or by parliament, and generally has no real power; The head of government, the prime minister, has real power and holds the key positions executive power , usually by the parliament Majority party Or the leader of the majority coalition; The parliament elects the government, and the parliament can launch Vote of no confidence If the government is not trusted, it will fall. At the same time, the head of government can also Dissolve Parliament , re-election, and the newly elected parliament will decide his fate.
The typical parliamentary republic is Germany India Etc.

Presidential republic

The institutional arrangement of presidential republicanism is characterized by the fact that the head of state and government is the president, who may be Electoral College Indirectly elected, e.g U.S.A , or directly elected by citizens, such as Semi presidential system Of France Russia The President has greater power in administrative, legislative, judicial, diplomatic, military and other aspects; The Parliament mainly controls the legislative power and can initiate a recall motion against the President, but General procedures Relatively complex; In the possession of the court jurisdiction The three powers are in a state of mutual restriction and balance. [2]

People's Congress System

The representative of the people's congress system is China, National People's Congress It is the highest authority, which elects the government supreme people 's court Supreme People's Procuratorate president And the Central Military Commission. [2]