
[gòng hé zhì]
The system of government in which the state organ elects the term of office
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Republic is the symmetry of monarchy. A system in which the state representative office or head of state is elected. Under the slavery system, there were democratic republicanism and noble republicanism in ancient Greece and Rome. Under the feudal system, there were urban republicanism in Venice, Genoa, Marseille, France, and Novgorod, Russia. Under the capitalist system, there are two forms of republicanism: parliamentary system and presidential system. The former refers to the national system in which the government (cabinet) is composed of the party with the majority of seats in the parliament and is responsible for the parliament, such as France in 1946-1958; The latter refers to a national system in which the President is elected and directly leads the government, and is not accountable to Parliament, such as the United States of America. The socialist republic was founded on the principle of democratic centralism. See "Democratic centralism". [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Relative concept
Parliamentary republic
Germany , Singapore, etc
Presidential republic
America, South Korea, etc
Semi presidential republic
France, Russia, etc

brief introduction

according to legislature And administrative organ Democratic republicanism can be divided into Parliamentary republic Presidential republic Semi presidential republic
In a parliamentary republic country, the parliament has the power to legislate, organize and supervise the government (cabinet): the government (cabinet) is organized by the party or party coalition occupying the majority of the seats in the parliament, and the government is responsible to the parliament. When the parliament passes the bill of no confidence in the government, the government has to resign or submit a petition Head of State Dissolve the parliament and re elect it; As the head of state, the president has only a false reputation and almost no real power. Countries with parliamentary republicanism include: Germany Singapore India Italy wait.
In a presidential republic, the president is Head of State Commanding the army is also overall administrative power Of Head of Government The elected president organizes the government, and the parliament has the power to legislate and supervise the government. Countries implementing presidential republicanism include: the republic of korea U.S.A Brazil Indonesia wait.
In semi presidential republics, the president leads diplomacy and military affairs and is not responsible to the parliament. The prime minister leads the government and is responsible to the parliament. The President ordered that prime minister And related minister Deputy signature: the Parliament can force the Prime Minister to resign through a bill of no confidence. At the same time, the President can dissolve the Parliament with the consent of the leader of the Parliament. The President has no veto power over bills passed by the Parliament. The semi presidential republics are: France Mongolia Portugal Russia wait
There are also many specific forms of republicanism in communist countries, such as soviet Soviet Union )、 delegation Make( Yugoslavia )、 The system of people's congresses (China).
The system of the People's Congress is The People's Republic of China Of Fundamental political system Means that the Chinese people of all ethnic groups Democratic centralism In principle, deputies shall be elected regularly to form people's congresses at all levels, which shall be exercised by the people State power And other state organs shall be elected by the people's congress and responsible to it. Our head of state said chairman Chief executive said prime minister The top leader of the Party said General Secretary


The concept of republicanism originated from the West, and the Japanese in the 19th century took《 Redords of the Grand History of China · Zhou Benji 》The word "republic" was translated and spread. The reason why it is translated as "Republic" is that the Japanese believe that King Li Zhou Loss of government to King Xuan of Zhou be in office, Western Zhou Dynasty After experiencing the autocratic monarchy without the king of Zhou Duke Zhou and Zhao Gong The year of co governance is 14 years of "republicanism", which is closer to the concept of western republic.
As for the origin of the Republic Year, there are two points:
1. Because Zhao Gong The Duke of Zhou and the Duke of Zhou jointly acted as the governing agents. Redords of the Grand History of China ·Zhou Benji: "Zhao Gong and Zhou Gong are two ministers in charge of administration, which is called 'Republic'." Zhang Shoujie's justice quote Wei Zhao He said, "In the chaos, the officials and ministers made peace with each other government affairs , which is called Gonghe. " Song Dynasty Ouyang Xiu "The orthodoxy of the Ming Dynasty": "In the past, there was no monarch in the world during the rebellion of King Li of Zhou Dynasty. Duke Zhou and Shao had been in power for 14 years, and then proclaimed the king. It was a continuation of the unification of the Zhou Dynasty for 14 years. However, those who were in the history of the Zhou Dynasty were called republics when the Zhou Dynasty was recorded and called title for the historians Sima qian and his father Sima tan Also listed in《 Chronology 》。”
2. Cause Total primordial sum Acting in power. The History of the Han Dynasty ·Ancient and Modern Man Table "Gongbo He" Tang Dynasty Yan Shigu Note: "A total is the name of the country; a total is the name of the country; a total is the name of the country; a total is the name of the country; a total is the name of the country; a total is the name of the country; a total is the name of the country; a total is the name of the country; a total is the name of the country; a Zhou Zhao Two public administrations, known as the Republic, have no basis. " Song Dynasty Wang Yinglin A study of poetic geography ·The Republic of China: "In ancient history, there was a total of Bo and He. It was also a good vassal in King Li's time. All the vassals went to Zongyan. Because they were named for their years, they were called the Republic of China, which lasted fourteen years《 Jizhong Chronicle 》, and the throne of Bo and Gan, so it is called the Republic. "