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common market

[gòng tóng shì chǎng]
By reaching some agreement between countries
Common market. Common Market refers to the abolition of merchandise trade Tariff and Quantity limit And to non member states Import of goods The collection of common tariffs also stipulates that production factors (capital, labor, etc.) free flow [1]
Chinese name
common market
Foreign name
Common market
By reaching some agreement between countries
Old Name
Caribbean Community and Common Market

brief introduction

The common market is regional economic integration Formed Community of interests , which is characterized by the complete elimination of tariff barriers among member countries, and the unification of tariffs for non member countries free flow
common Market ratio The customs union went further. It also allowed the free flow of capital and labor among participating countries. The EU realized a common market at the beginning of 1993. [2]
common market It refers to two or more countries or Economies By reaching some agreement, not only free trade , established a common external tariff And also realized the free flow of services, capital and labor International economic integration Organization. The common market is the complete abolition of tariffs and Quantity limit , establish uniform tariffs on non members, and allow production factors You can move freely between members.

Main differences

Economic Union It means that two or more countries reach an agreement not only to achieve the goal of the common market, but also to coordinate the economic policies of member countries on the basis of the common market. The remarkable feature of the economic union is that, on the basis of market integration among member countries, it further realizes the coordination of policies to ensure the smooth operation of market integration. Such policy coordination includes fiscal policy Coordination monetary policy Coordination and Exchange rate policy Coordination of. Such policy coordination will fundamentally help commodity market capital market and labour market The smooth operation of the WTO has, to a large extent, eliminated some adjustment directions of the economic policies of the member governments, or the interference brought by the inconsistent adjustment degree to the normal operation of market integration. The Economic Union is economic integration A higher degree of economic integration organization. Countries participating in such integration organizations should not only frequently transfer their intervention in commodities, capital and labor, but also government intervention Or regulating the economy Policy tools Turned over to supranational International economic integration Organization. Some integration organizations have gone further and still need to realize monetary union The typical economic union in reality is“ European Economic Community ”。


Southern Common Market
Southern Common Market (MercosurorMercosul, Spanish: MercadoCom ú ndelSur Portuguese :MercadoComumdoSul; Hereinafter referred to as the Common Market) Brazil Argentina Uruguay Venezuela and Paraguay etc. South America Regional Trade Agreement, RTA )In 1991, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay signed the Asuncion Agreement, and in 1994, the Black Gold Market Protocol was revised to establish the organizational structure of the common market. The purpose of establishment is to promote free trade and free circulation of capital, labor and commodities.
The common market originated in 1985, De facto Raul Alfonsine and President of Brazil ProgramadeIntegraci ó nyCooperaci ó nEcon ó micaArgentina Brasil
bolivia Chile Columbia Ecuador and Peru And other countries Membership Venezuela signed the membership on June 17, 2006 agreement , and became member state The organization has a mission to integrate Central and South America.




Cross Strait Industrial Common Market European Community be known formerly as European Economic Community , alias Common Market. European countries to promote Europe Economic integration And established economic organizations. The European Economic Community the Second World War Post establishment; Its purpose is to promote lasting reconciliation between France and Germany, develop the economies of member countries, make them form a large common market, and try to establish Western Europe National Political alliance To ease the war between them fear What the European Community has pursued since the 1950s Free trade policy It has achieved great success in promoting trade and economic prosperity in Western Europe.
European Economic Community It was formally established in 1957 in accordance with the Treaty of Rome, and its purpose is to promote:
① Cancellation of trade barrier
② Establish a single commercial policy towards non member countries;
③ Final coordination between member states Transport system Agricultural policies and general economic policies;
④ Cancel the measures taken by private and government to restrict free competition;
⑤ Ensure that labor, capital and Industrial and commercial enterprises Home mobility. The initial member states of the Community are France Belgium Luxembourg Netherlands Italy and West Germany UK (United Kingdom) Denmark and Ireland Joined in 1973, Greece Joined in 1981, Portugal And Spain joined in 1986. The former East Germany was admitted as part of a unified Germany in 1990. 1995 Austria Finland and Sweden He joined the European Union and thus the European Community.

primary coverage

In 1955 sicily Messina The establishment of Western European Common Market Finally, the treaty was signed in March 1957, and the European Economic Community came into operation in January 1958. The European Economic Community has four main institutions: the Commission, the Council of Ministers, the Court of Justice and European parliament The latter two institutions also deal with the other two branches of the European Community—— European Coal and Steel Community and European Atomic Energy Community ——Related affairs of.
from the beginning, European Economic Community One of the main objectives of WTO is to eliminate the tariffs and quotas imposed by member countries on the exports of other member countries. Therefore, in January 1959, the European Economic Community implemented the first reduction of internal tariffs; This measure proved to be excellent and effective in promoting trade among member countries, so that by July 1968 all intra Community tariffs had been abolished. Between 1958 and 1968 Trade volume This is quadrupled. At the same time, the European Economic Community has already adopted a common external tariff, and all its member countries have Imported goods A uniform tariff will be levied at that time.
European Community
In 1962, the Community established a common agricultural policy, which included the system of jointly guaranteed prices; This system can prevent the import of agricultural products from the low-cost market outside the Community and provide protection for agricultural products within the Community. Whereas Price support Expensive and agricultural products Country of production There were complaints. In 1979, the Community agreed to gradually eliminate Agricultural subsidies Instead of intervening in prices to prevent Price of agricultural products Drop below the fixed level.
The European Community was established on July 1, 1967. It is the merger of the European Economic Community European Coal and Steel Community and European Atomic Energy Community And composed of. Previously, these three separate organizations had their own committees (the European Coal and Steel Community's committee was called the "supreme authority") and their own councils. After the merger, there is a single "Commission of the European Communities" and a single "Council of Ministers of the European Communities". Other administrative, legislative and Judiciary The merger was also carried out in the name of the European Community.
In 1993, the European Community became the basis for the establishment of the European Union. meanwhile, European Economic Community It was renamed the European Community. Western European countries are small and geographically connected, economic structure And institutions Development level Closer to each other Political system sense of worth Read ideology religious belief They are basically the same, with highly developed economic production and close economic and trade exchanges between countries. These things in common are European Community The establishment of provides the possibility. World War I Since then, many people of insight in Europe have proposed to establish European Union In 1922, Kaleji of Austria promoted the Pan European Movement, and in 1929 French Prime Minister briand The concept of the common market was put forward, but under the situation of great powers competing for hegemony at that time, the alliance was not built, but became World War II The main battlefield of. After World War II, the special environment faced by Western Europe provided a realistic possibility for the European Community.


1、 The urgent need for the rapid development of productive forces
After the war, productivity was greatly improved economic cooperation With a wider scope, the internationalization of production and capital has been greatly strengthened, and many large multinational companies have emerged, which has made the six Western European countries more closely linked economically. How to deal with the economic relations between countries requires the coordination of an international institution beyond the scope of a country.
2、 Postwar State monopoly capitalism The high level of development provides a basis for international coordination
After World War II, in order to coordinate the economy, all countries generally strengthened the state's intervention in the economy, and the system of state intervention in the economy became increasingly perfect, which prepared the conditions for international coordination. International coordination is actually the international application of the principle of state intervention in the economy.
3、 Postwar international situation The change of status with Western Europe impels Western Europe to take the road of unity
Western European countries in the early post-war period Pain Soviet Union The threat of the US has to rely on the protection of the United States, which has led to political inequality between Western Europe and the United States, economic constraints, and the loss of the status of a major power in the past. They realized that it was impossible to compete with the United States and the Soviet Union only by relying on the strength of one country. Therefore, only by strengthening the alliance between countries can they maintain their position in Europe and even the world. The rapid economic development of Western Europe in the 1950s and 1960s made the call for unity even stronger.
4、 The US policy towards Europe in the early postwar period, to a certain extent, promoted the union of Western Europe; It mainly refers to the U.S marshall plan When the United States was implementing the Marshall Plan, it had a prerequisite that Western European countries should unite to propose a general aid plan to the United States and promise to reduce tariffs and trade barriers; Politically allow West Germany to join NATO , on Atlantic The problem of rearming Germany was solved internally, which eased France's fear , which eased the relationship between France and Germany and accelerated the European union, intentionally or unintentionally.
On March 29, 1957, the heads and foreign ministers of France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Rwanda and West Germany Rome Signed two treaties, namely《 Treaty of the European Economic Community 》EURATOM Treaty, collectively referred to as the Treaty of Rome; It was ratified by the six countries and came into force in January 1958. The Treaty of Rome does not stipulate a time limit or a procedure for withdrawing from the treaty, but there are provisions welcoming other countries to join the treaty. This is Openness This also shows that the six Western European countries regard the Community as a broader European integration The foundation and starting point of.


Caribbean The Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) is Caribbean Region Of economic organization , is based on Barbados Guyana Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica Signed by the Prime Minister in July 1973《 Treaty of Chaguaramas 》It was officially established on August 1, 1973. Caribbean Community and Common Market Replaced the Caribbean, established in 1968 free trade Association. The Secretariat is located in the capital of Guyana Georgetown
The purpose of the Community is to promote regional economic cooperation and realize Regional economic integration The main task is to carry out economic cooperation through the Caribbean Common Market; Coordinating Member States foreign policy Provide services and cooperate in the fields of health, education, culture, communication and industry.
member state Head of Government Meeting is the highest decision-making body common market Council of Ministers Composed of ministers designated by member states; The Secretariat of the Community is the permanent working body; The Community has 11 ministerial level permanent councils: health, education, labor, diplomacy, finance, agriculture, mining, industry, transportation, science and technology, tourism, etc. There are 13 members (until November 2004): Antigua and Barbuda Barbados Bahamas Belize dominica Grenada Guyana Saint Lucia Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago Montserrat Suriname There were 15 original members. In February 2004, Haiti ex-president Aristide After its overthrow, CARICOM froze Haiti's membership. and Jamaica The membership of Aristide was also suspended for allowing him to take temporary refuge.

both sides

Cross Strait Industrial Common Market
common market Cross Strait Common Market In 2001, well-known political figures from Taiwan Xiao Wanchang Proposed economic policy The policy was truly implemented and announced in 2005 Chinese Kuomintang The Lianhu Communiqu é signed with the Communist Party of China, in which "cross-strait" refers to the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
The Chinese Kuomintang and the Importance of Taiwan Private enterprises The cross-strait common market policy, which is actively promoted, claims that it can actively find an economic outlet for Taiwan and solve the political, trade and industrial problems between the two sides. But on the other hand, Taiwan ruling party Democratic Progressive Party The main opponents of this policy believe that the cross-strait common market is actually a copy of the first China market, and that this policy will lead to "blind flow" Taipei Park "," Taiwan will become an island "and other sequelae.
reference resources European Union The ultimate goal of the cross Strait common market is to gradually move from economic integration to political integration. The policy believes that the development of the European Union has also gradually developed from the coal and steel agreement to the current European Common Market. This experience can also serve as the foundation of the common market between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, provided that the political differences between Taiwan and the mainland of China are diluted and economic and trade cooperation is fully sought. Advocates of the common market believe that this approach can get rid of the political force between Taiwan and the mainland of China, and make both sides face peace, security and Principle of reciprocity Lower the barriers and costs of economic and trade exchanges. At the same time, it can also solve the problems brought about by the implementation of "abstinence from emergencies, patience" and "three links".
In terms of details, the focus of the cross-strait common market is actually: comprehensive economic exchanges between Taiwan and the mainland of China, and through this exchange Cross Strait Economic Cooperation Mechanism. Details include comprehensive, direct and two-way direct sea and air flights, strengthening investment and trade exchanges, agricultural and fishery cooperation, and Taiwan's agricultural products in the Chinese mainland for the domestic market Cooperate and strike together economic crime

Central America

Central America The Common Market is composed of five Central American countries developing country Regional Economic Cooperation Organization December 13, 1960 Honduras Nicaragua El Salvador and Guatemala In the capital of Nicaragua Managua It signed the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration (commonly known as the Managua Treaty), which entered into force on June 3, 1961. July 1962 Costa Rica The treaty was also signed. These five countries were in the capital of Costa Rica on August 2, 1962 San Jose Sign and establish Central American Common Market Agreement, the Central American Common Market was officially established. Headquartered in the capital of Guatemala Guatemala City The purpose of the organization is to promote the economic integration of Central America, coordinate the economic policies of member countries, gradually eliminate tariffs among member countries, unify foreign tariffs, and finally realize the regional liberalization of trade , establish free trade area and customs union The Central American Economic Council is the highest authority of the organization. It is composed of economic ministers of member countries and is responsible for economic coordination and cooperation among member countries. The Executive Council is responsible for implementing the provisions of the General Treaty and the resolutions of the Economic Council. After the establishment of the Central American Common Market, it was gradually cancelled among the member countries tariff barriers And implement a unified foreign tariff. By 1969, 95% of the tariff items in the region had been granted free trade status, and the remaining 5% were commodities arranged by international agreements or other special agreements. Therefore, tariff exemption has been achieved among member countries. stay foreign trade On the one hand, 98.4% of the commodities entering the region are subject to uniform tariffs. In 1969, the two countries broke off diplomatic and trade relations due to the armed conflict between Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. Hong also closed the Pan American Highway And announced to withdraw from the common market, which made the organization face a serious crisis. In 1973, Honduras returned to the Common Market. In August of the same year, the five countries established the "High Committee for the Reconstruction of the Common Market". In October 1975, the presidents of the five countries and Panama The leaders jointly studied and formulated the Central American Social and Economic Community Programme. In 1980, the foreign ministers of the five countries and Panama issued the San Jos é Declaration and decided to intensify research on the restoration of the Central American Common Market. However, due to the political turmoil and heavy foreign debt burden, the member states trade balance . Saving limited foreign exchange, destroying the common Tariff system , make Interregional trade There has been a sharp decline year by year. Suffer from international market And is unable to take common protective measures, integration process Slow. Since the 1980s, in order to revitalize the common market and promote the economic development of all countries, the five countries vice president He held a series of meetings and consultations with the Minister of Economy and other officials, and called for international society Support for Central American Development plan And efforts to achieve economic integration. The European Community is the second largest export market and investor of the Central American Common Market. Since 1984, the European Community, Central America and Contadora Group The foreign ministers held five meetings on strengthening political and economic cooperation with Central America and reached some agreements. The United States is the largest export market and investor of the Central American Common Market, USAID Provide part of the funding to the Common Market headquarters.