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Common agricultural policy

The Agricultural Integration Policy of the European Economic Community
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The Common Agricultural Policy is the abbreviation of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Economic Community. European Economic Community Agricultural integration policy. The main contents are as follows: (1) Within the Community, agricultural products are subject to uniform price, free circulation, tariff exemption, and preferential purchase of products from member countries. (2) Protective tariffs shall be imposed on countries outside the Community, and the difference tax shall be levied on imported agricultural products according to the difference between the international market price and the internal unified price. (3) Establish a common agricultural fund (called the "agricultural guarantee and guidance fund") to subsidize exports to the common sector, improve competitiveness in the international market, stabilize and adjust the prices of agricultural products in member countries, and support member countries to carry out agricultural structural reforms (i.e., merge small and medium-sized farms to expand farm operation scale). Since the implementation of the policy, the trade and export of agricultural products within the Community have increased, and the concentration of capital and production in the agricultural sector has accelerated, which has played a positive role in developing agricultural production and stabilizing the market. However, the high price of agricultural products has affected the lives of the masses, and at the same time caused overproduction. The price paid to support the price of agricultural products is high. The agricultural economic situation and interests of the member countries of the Community are different, and there are also differences and contradictions in the implementation of policies. The change of the currency value of some member countries makes the unified price unstable and has to be compensated by taxation and subsidies. At the same time, the massive imports of agricultural products from the United States deepened the contradiction between the Community and the United States. [1]
Chinese name
Common agricultural policy
Foreign name
The Common Agricultural Policy
The abbreviation of The Common Agricultural Policy refers to the common agricultural policy of the European Union. The policy aims to stabilize the European agricultural product market, ensure the normal supply of the market at reasonable prices, and ensure the income level of farmers. The implementation mechanism of this policy is quite complex, including price support and trade restrictions.