public service advertising

Advertising activities providing free services to the society
zero Useful+1
Public service advertising is not for profit but for the society Free service Advertising campaign. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the public welfare advertising activities have increased day by day, and the moral and Ideological education Played an important role, such as fire prevention and anti-theft carried out by relevant departments Protect forests Birth control , Maintenance public order Do not spit on the ground and other advertisements are all public service advertisements. In 1979, media organizations all over the United States volunteered to donate space and time with a total value of 600 million dollars to the American Advertising Association for public service advertising. "Love me, China, repair me the Great Wall ”It is a creative and profound Advertising slogan July 8, 1984, by Beijing Evening News Badaling Special Zone Offices Beijing Daily Economic Daily Workers' Daily The joint sponsorship and publicity activities for repairing the Great Wall also have the nature of public service advertising. Countries in the world The advertising industry in China has carried out public service advertising activities to varying degrees. Advertising serves the economy, but it also serves the society, consumers and promotion Two civilizations The development of public service advertising activities is the embodiment of the above four service views. [1]
On November 12, 2019, Beijing International Public Service Advertising Conference The Public Service Advertising Production and Broadcasting Consortium of a series of special communication promotion activities released the "2013-2017 Evaluation Report on the Effectiveness of Public Service Advertising Support Policies for Radio and Television", Public Service Advertising Production and Broadcasting Alliance Formally established.
On May 8, 2024, the State Administration of Radio and Television released the 2023 National Radio and Television Industry Statistics Bulletin, which shows that in 2023, the broadcast time of radio public service advertising programs will be 612300 hours, a year-on-year increase of 3.92%, accounting for 45.08% of the broadcast time of radio advertising programs. The broadcast time of TV public service advertising programs was 1.2201 million hours, up 7.49% year on year, accounting for 56.27% of the broadcast time of TV advertising programs. [8]
Chinese name
public service advertising
Foreign name
public service announcement
Public interests and welfare improvement
Production team
Relevant government departments

Basic concepts

Public service advertising usually It is done by the relevant government departments, and advertising companies and some enterprises have also participated in the funding of public service advertising, or are completely handled by them. While they are doing public service advertisements, they also take this opportunity to improve the image of the enterprise and show the concept of the enterprise to the society. These are all public service advertisements Social What has been decided, so that public service advertising can well become the enterprise and The public One of the communication channels.
Public service advertising Non commercial advertising , is the society Public welfare undertakings One of the most important parts of advertising, compared with other advertisements, it has a very special sociality. This determines one factor that enterprises are willing to do public service advertising.
The theme of public service advertising is social, and its theme content has a deep social foundation. It is based on the ups and downs, emotions and joys of ordinary people's daily life. And use unique creativity, profound connotation, artistic production and other advertising means to correctly guide the public in an unalterable way, a clear position and a healthy way.
Public service advertising Target It is also the most extensive. It is a kind of information for all the public Communication mode For example, in public service advertisements advocating smoking cessation and drug rehabilitation, direct viewing is only aimed at smokers and drug addicts, but the harm of smoking and drug abuse has already hurt other people in the environment and their descendants. Whether it is a direct audience or an indirect audience, it is social and human.
Therefore, public service advertising has the most extensive advertising audience From the perspective of content, most of them are our social themes, which leads to the fact that it basically solves our problems social problem , which is more likely to resonate with the public. Therefore, public service advertising is easy to penetrate into people's minds. Our enterprise will be more easily recognized by the public through such advertising.
Public service advertisements on bus bodies
The earliest public service advertisement Appearing in the United States in the early 1940s, also known as the public Service advertisement Public morality advertisement is a non-profit advertisement serving the public. China adopted Television media The first public service advertisement broadcast was in 1986 Guiyang TV Station "Saving Water". Then, on October 26, 1987, CCTV Launch《 Advertise 》Columns, so that public service advertisements do not have to be like commercial advertisement That is a word of gold, and makes public service advertising affinity in advocating healthy social fashion. Tasting with heart is really convincing.

Different definitions

1. Public service advertisement : Refers to advertisements that serve the vital interests of the public. For example, advertisements on fire prevention and theft prevention, sanitary transportation, environmental protection, etc. are all advertisements for the benefit of the public. [2]
2. Public service advertisement It refers to advertisements that provide services for the society without making profits Benefit , Themed realism And performance.
3. Public service advertisement: this is a philanthropic undertaking Raising funds from the society, striving for donations, and various Social public welfare Advertising activities carried out by the organization, such as smoking ban, alcohol abstinence, disaster relief, safety, family planning, and AIDS prevention.
4. Public service advertisement: Enterprise or Social groups It shows its function and responsibility to the society, and it shows that what it pursues is not only to profit from business, but also how to solve social problems and environmental problems An advertisement that clarifies this intention to consumers. [3] (《 Dictionary of advertising terms China Photography Press 1996)
5. Public service advertisement : It is produced and released for the public, not for profit. It appeals to pay attention to social issues through the transmission of certain ideas, regulate their own behavior with the criteria consistent with social public welfare, support or advocate certain social undertakings And social fashion. [4] (Chinese Advertising Dictionary, Sichuan University Press , 1996)
6. Public service advertisement : Demands of enterprises and social groups public service Content advertising. Public service advertising agencies are engaged in a wide range of activities, including social, welfare, education, and even international mutual understanding. [5] Modern Advertising Dictionary, edited by Zhou Nanyan, Chaoyang Hall Cultural undertakings Limited Liability Company, March 1996 edition, page 97
7. Public service advertising, Generally speaking, it refers to non-profit advertisements serving the public. [6] Some Thoughts on the Development of Public Service Advertising, Pan Dajun, Beijing Business School Journal, No. 1, 1997
8. Public service advertisement It is also called "public service advertisement". That is, not for profit, but for public interest Service advertisements are often issued to promote an idea or opinion to solve social problems.
9. Public service advertisement : Not for profit, but to form a good public life order and basic public Code of Ethics , and directly serve the short-term and long-term interests of the public. From this connotation, the key of public service advertising is not to make profits, not only for direct purposes, but also for indirect purposes. Xu Fenglan : Definition of Public Welfare Commercial Advertising and Public Welfare Advertising, Zhejiang Radio and Television College Journal, No. 1, 1999)
10. Public service advertisement Government departments and society Public institutions , enterprises, media and other units, groups or organizations publish advertisements that are not for profit and seek social and public interests. Ding Ding On the Development of Public Service Advertising in China《 Ningxia Social Sciences 》No. 2, 1999)
11. Public service advertisement It is to call the public's attention to a social problem through advertising, or to educate the public in order to improve the quality of the public and better engage in work and study. (Zhou Kalin: On the Publicity and Guidance Function of TV Public Service Advertising《 China Radio and Television Journal 》June 2000)
12. Public service advertisement It refers to the advertising activities organized to improve and solve the problems of social common interests. Ni Ning : On Public Service Advertising and Its Communication《 The press 》, Issue 3, 2000)
thirteen , so-called public service advertising It provides services for public welfare actions and public welfare undertakings, and it is beneficial to the society by promoting Morality Code of conduct And ideology. (Ma Yumei, Zhou Yunli: On the Social Value of Public Service Advertising《 academic exchange 》, 2002, Issue 2)
14. Public service advertisement , refers to the artistic Expressive technique , to the society Public communication Advertising activities for their beneficial social concepts to promote their attitude and behavior changes. The form of public service advertisement is lively and short, with various expression methods, which is easy to be accepted by the audience. (Zhang Mingxin《 The Secret of Public Service Advertising 》Guangdong Economic Publishing House, January 2004)


from Advertiser According to identity, public service advertisements can be divided into three types.
The first is the public service advertisements directly produced and released by the media, such as TV stations and newspapers. For example, CCTV often publishes such advertisements. This is the politics of the media social responsibility
The second is the public service advertisements issued by special social institutions. such as the United Nations UNESCO United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF、 world health organization , International Wildlife protection organizations Published separately“ Protect cultural heritage ”"Children are affected The right to education Benefit "," Don't discriminate AIDS People "“ Protect rare animals ”Such public service advertisements are mostly related to the functions of publishers.
The third is the public service advertisements issued and produced by enterprises. such as Boeing The company once released "Let people get together" Ericsson Published public service advertisements such as "Care comes from communication". The enterprise not only did good deeds, but also established its own Social public welfare Image.
From the perspective of advertising carrier, it can be divided into media public service advertisements, such as advertisements published on TV, newspapers and outdoor advertising , such as public service advertisements on stations, buses and road signs. From the public welfare Advertising theme The above points can be divided into political policy topics, such as 20 years of reform and opening up, meeting the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, rejuvenating the country through science and technology, promoting democracy and the legal system, and poverty alleviation; Festivals, such as“ five one ”, "Teachers' Day", "Double Ninth Festival", "Tree Planting Day", etc; Social civilization, such as environmental protection, water conservation conserve energy ,reduce emissions Care for the disabled; Health, such as anti smoking National fitness , love eyes, etc; Social focus categories, such as laid-off, anti counterfeiting Eliminate pornography and illegal publications , anti drug Project Hope Etc.

Development status

CCTV 2011 Excellent Advertising agency The award ceremony was held in Beijing on the 23rd, CCTV For the first time, two special awards for public service advertising were set up in this activity, and public service advertising was sent to the whole society at the meeting proposal This move is expected to open new space for public service advertising.
according to Head of CCTV Hu Zhanfan Introduction: On the one hand, setting up public service advertising awards is to encourage institutions and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to public service advertising and encourage a wider range of forces to participate in public service advertising. On the other hand, it also forms a cooperation mechanism of strong and strong cooperation to form more popular and fully realize public service in future public service advertising creation communication effect This is another practice of CCTV in the development path of both public service advertising and commercial advertising.
In order to advocate public service advertising, on December 22, 2011, CCTV held a public service advertising project with the theme of "gathering strength, spreading civilization" Launching ceremony , announced 2012 as the year of public service advertising of CCTV, and launched 7 specific measures to promote the sustainable development of public service projects. At this award ceremony, CCTV set up two special awards for public service advertising for the first time - CCTV's excellent public service in 2011 Advertising production Company and excellent public service advertising creativity award, including Advertiser United International Advertising Co., Ltd And Beijing Kuiyou Advertising Co., Ltd, Zhang Deyuan Won the excellent public service advertisement creativity award.
"We know that advertising is also oriented, and public service advertising is more oriented and Social , Yes Social civilization The flag of "is the benchmark of national ideal." School of Advertising, Communication University of China dean Huang Shengmin According to analysis, since 1986 Guiyang TV Station The broadcast of "Saving Water", which was filmed, shows that the cause of public service advertising in China has gone through 25 years and has made significant progress. However, on the whole, the number of public service advertisements in China is still low, and the operation mechanism of public service advertisements needs to be improved. At present, we should advocate more media and advertising professionals to pay attention to and develop public service advertising, show our country's public service ideal, show our country's temperament and spiritual pursuit, guide social fashion, and promote public service advertising Socialist core values
Public service advertising originated early abroad. stay Europe and America developed country Public service advertising has been quite popular, especially TV public service advertising. TV public service ads were first seen in the United States, France and other major national television networks, such as the United States ABC And CANAL+in France. Later in Europe and America Multinational enterprises And institutions have also joined in the production and release of public service advertisements. Public service advertisements broadcast by European and American TV stations are mostly issued by some international or national organizations and institutions, such as the international red cross world health organization National Institutes of Health United Nations Children's Fund A large number of public service advertisements have been published. Some large companies spare no effort to produce public service advertisements while releasing commercial advertisements.
as IBM "One family from all over the world", GE "Light up life", etc. These large companies are keenly aware that although public service advertisements do not directly promote their own products, they can highlight the Social responsibility awareness And love, establish a good and noble social image of the enterprise, and strengthen the brand image of the enterprise through frequent broadcasting, so it actually plays a role in promoting itself. These companies combine commercial advertising and public service advertising, and work together to firmly occupy the leading position in world advertising Material spirit Double harvest.
In China, the cause of public service advertising has also made great progress. Public service advertisements on buses, roads, displays and public places in major cities are very common. Public service advertisements in the media have also increased rapidly. Especially TV, CCTV《 Advertise 》The program is the first public service advertisement on Chinese television. Almost all TV stations above the municipal level have public service advertising periods.

Relevant regulations

In order to standardize the management of public service advertising and expand its influence State Administration for Industry and Commerce Issued on February 25, 2016《 Interim Measures for the Promotion and Management of Public Service Advertising 》And make provisions for media units to publish public service advertisements.
The measures stipulate that, Government website News website Business website The website, client and Core products Publicity and display of public service advertisements in a prominent position.
Radio stations and television stations broadcast public service advertisements in each program every day according to the provisions of the press, publication, radio and television departments.
Major central newspapers that publish more than 16 pages per day on average will publish at least 8 public service advertisements per month Full page If the average daily publication is less than 16 pages but more than 8 pages, the total number of public service advertisements published each month shall not be less than 6 full pages; If the average daily publication is less than 8 pages (inclusive), the total number of public service advertisements published each month shall not be less than 4 full pages.
The measures require that the quality of public service advertisements should be guaranteed, Value orientation Correct, in line with the country laws and regulations and Socialist morality Specification requirements , reflecting national harmony Social public interests Languages Standard use, proper artistic expression and good cultural taste.
The measures specify that the content of public service advertisements should be different from that of commercial advertisements social responsibility Content does not belong to public service advertising.
In March 2023, the State Administration of Market Supervision revised and released the Measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, which will come into force on May 1, 2023. Article 3 stipulates that: The State encourages and supports the development of Internet public service advertising campaigns, spreads socialist core values and excellent traditional Chinese culture, and advocates civilized practices. [7]

Related organizations

On November 12, 2019, Beijing International Public Service Advertising Conference A series of special communication promotion activities - the public service advertising production and broadcasting consortium initiative activities National Convention Center Held. At the event site, the Evaluation Report on the Effectiveness of Supporting Policies for Public Service Advertising in Radio and Television from 2013 to 2017 was released, Public Service Advertising Production and Broadcasting Alliance Formally established.
The first batch of members of the "Public Service Advertising Alliance" include: Beijing Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd Japan Aeon Group (China) investment Ltd., Guangzhou Haoshire E-commerce Co., Ltd., Hong Kong Jiang's International Zhongduoying limited company Far East Holding Group, Shenzhen Longgang fire brigade Agents include: Beijing Hong'an Film and Television Cultural media Limited companies China Advertisers Association Beijing Yiguang Cultural Media Co., Ltd Guizhou Tianma Media Co., Ltd Media representatives include: China Education Television Movie Channel Hubei Satellite TV Sichuan Satellite TV Henan Satellite TV Heilongjiang Satellite TV Guangdong Satellite TV Guizhou Satellite TV Liaoning Satellite TV Jilin TV Shandong Education Satellite TV; The National Public Service Advertising Innovation Research Base provides a creation review platform.

content validity

Only by deeply understanding the characteristics of public service advertisements can we create good public service advertisements. As a branch of advertising, public service advertising not only has some commonalities of advertising, but also has its own personality. Through comprehensive analysis, the author believes that public service advertising has the following characteristics.

Public welfare

Public welfare is the most essential feature of public service advertising. It is not for enterprises to obtain economic profits, nor is it Political groups In order to obtain political support, advertisements that serve the public in a pure sense do not contain any commercial interests. Their purpose is to benefit the public and contribute to the development of society. Just like Pan Zehong《 Introduction to Public Service Advertising 》It points out that public service advertising is aimed at the general public, aiming at the current problems and bad fashion, through short, light and special advertising forms Expressive technique , arouse the public's appreciation interest, conduct well intentioned exhortation and guidance, correct mistakes, establish a new style, influence public opinion, and dredge social psychology , regulating people's social behavior , to maintain social morality And normal order, promote Social health Harmonious and orderly operation to achieve harmony between man and nature Sustainable development For purpose advertising [51].
It can be seen that the reason why public service advertising is called public service advertising is that public welfare is its essential feature, and it focuses on the common interests of the whole society. Throughout the publicity theme of Chinese and foreign public service advertisements (protecting ecology Protect the Earth Eugenics , opposing cults, advocating science, opposing war, advocating polite social customs, patriotism, etc.

Non profit

Non profit It is an important feature of public service advertising. That is why it is different from commercial advertising. No matter which group, organization or department publishes the public service advertisement, its purpose is non-profit. Beijing Broadcasting University Professor Lu Shengzhang of the Department of Advertising once said that the purpose of commercial advertising is to obtain economic interest In order to make money, people who spend money on advertising should get direct economic performance ; Public service advertising is to spend money to advertise and deliver information to the public, only to arouse the public's attention to some social hot spots and public welfare events, and serve the society. It is a manifestation of the spirit of dedication to society, not for profit.
It can be seen that public service advertising is not a corporate image advertising for a certain enterprise or organization, nor is it for the promotion of certain goods or services, so its purpose is not to make money, that is, non-profit is an important feature of it. For example, CCTV has been broadcasting public welfare non-stop Advertising film It will not only spend a lot of TV space, but also spend a lot of manpower and financial resources to produce public service advertising films, and these expenses cannot be rewarded by the cost of goods like commercial advertising. This kind of free economic payment is itself for Social services Regardless of their own economic returns.


Public service advertising is not concerned about one person or a small number of people, but about social issues that people generally care about, so it has social characteristics. This feature is reflected in the theme of public service advertisements, such as environmental protection Respecting teachers and valuing education The themes of eugenics and upbringing are of universal social significance, and its sociality is inseparable from public welfare. Public service advertising depends on sociality Major themes As a propaganda content, it can arouse strong resonance of the public, be generally valued by the public, and thus play a role in advocating a New fashion Or promote one New ideas Or to stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the public or to exhort and warn the public.
Because the social issues that people care about have a distinctive epochal nature, the sociality of public service advertising is often characterized by the times. It is based on the contemporary society and carries out public service publicity against the hot and difficult issues of the times. For example, in 1998, China's laid-off employment was the focus of the time, and most of the public service advertisements in that year encouraged laid-off Keep the spirit of self-improvement and correct Outlook on career choice Publicizing the theme.


The popularity of public service advertising is determined by the fact that its audience is the public. Other commercials face a specific target audience Therefore, the form and content of its advertising should conform to the characteristics of the target audience, while the audience of public service advertising is the general public, with different educational levels and understanding abilities. Therefore, public service advertising must be easy to understand, which requires not only that the content of advertising should have universal significance, but also that the form should be popular and simple, and the language should be accessible, easy to understand 1:3 flavor suitable for most people. Only in this way can public service advertisements really serve the public.

Production principle

The creation of public service advertisements should not only follow the creation principles of general advertisements, but also reflect the Principle of personality The personality principle of public service advertisement creation includes the following aspects.

Political principle

Public service advertisements promote ideas. Conceptual genus Superstructure The ideological and political principle is the first gist.
The ideological and political principle also requires the taste of public service advertisements to be elegant. It means to Ideological Unify with artistry, and integrate ideology into artistry. At the 43rd Cannes International Advertising Festival, there was an anti racism advertisement with four brains. The first three were the same size, and the last one was significantly smaller than the first three, Text description Africans, Europeans Asia Human and racist (both marked under the corresponding brain). Let the audience think and experience for themselves. Unique creativity is amazing.

Advocacy principle

Public service advertising to the public Selling concept or Code of Conduct , should be carried out in an advocacy manner. Both the sender and receiver should have equal communication. It is absolutely unacceptable to assume the posture of an educator, to be condescending, and to speak in the tone of teaching others a lesson.
This doesn't mean that public service advertising can't Bad behavior Speak with bad atmosphere. The advocacy principle of public service advertising requires us to adopt Focus on positive publicity , reminding and persuading, and communicating with the public on an equal basis. There are many successful examples in this regard, such as "cherish the summer vacation", "your family is looking forward to your safe return"“ Protect water resources ”"Children, don't join the ranks of smokers", etc.

Emotional principle

Human attitudes are rooted in emotions. If the idea can be attached to the emotional component that is easy to be perceived, it will arouse resonance, not to mention the oriental nation attaches great importance to emotion.
as Fujian TV Station The broadcast of an advertisement of "Cross Strait friendship and reunion" successfully appeals to the concept of the reunification of the motherland.

Creative Features

How to make the public feel interesting, curious, relaxed and patient, so as to make the public accept it from the bottom of their hearts skillfully, is the primary topic of producers. For example“ brownout Go out and turn off the lights. "Let's have a look Russia How do advertisers do it. In a group of animated pictures, a couple quarreled so much that the husband could not bear it, packed his clothes and ran away from home. The wife woke up from a dream and cried bitterly with several children in her arms. Not for a moment door Suddenly, her husband appeared at the door. The husband is back! The wife and children were about to turn tears into laughter, but the husband reached out and snapped the switch off the wall, slammed the door and left. The room was dark at once. Caption: Save electricity, people Walking light Extinguish. This is creativity, an unexpected outcome.
Compared with commercial advertisement Public service advertising is relatively free in creativity, because commercial advertising will Advertisers Constraints. The public service advertisement only needs to conform to the national moral And the law, less restricted, the creator has more room to play.
A good TV public service advertising creativity should generally have the following characteristics:
Deeply reveal the essence and thoroughly analyze the reason
CCTV A warning was broadcast Smoking hazard Public service advertisement of life. TV picture In the middle, the word "smoking" is displayed in a striking position, and the combination picture of smoking endangering health is displayed on the background. The "fire" on the half of the word "smoke" ignites a cigarette and burns furiously, burning a series of amazing figures:
Every year in the world caused by smoking death toll 3 million, accounting for 5% of the annual death toll; One person dies every 10 seconds because of smoking in the world;
The average smoking rate of men over 15 years old in China is 61%
The deep voice over further reveals the essence:
Smoking is the key to the success of war, hunger and plague After that, it is the biggest threat to human survival.
A set of astonishing figures and an enlightening warning tell us the harm of smoking in essence, which makes people frightened and self aware, thus receiving good publicity and warning effect.
A good advertising creativity is the crystallization of wisdom, which will double the warning and enlightenment effect of public service advertising.
High artistic concentration and subtle metaphor
TV public service advertisements must be compact and short, and should not be sloppy. But for them Publicity effect But it requires that although it is short, it is still fine, and the feeling is really strong. This requires that what we tell people be highly concentrated in a dazzling moment.
Shandong Province An award-winning public service advertisement in 1997 can be called an unforgettable masterpiece. At the beginning of the advertisement The apple blossom Full of screens, after the flowers wither, green leaf The branches bear a Apple The bigger the apple grows, the bigger it becomes. When the fruit disappears, two small apples come out again, and when the fruit disappears again, four small apples come out... After several times of concealment, the branches with numerous fruits are full of thin and defective fruits. At this time, the overburdened apple branch was broken with a "click" - the picture stopped. A voice over with profound meaning came from the distance: human beings should also control themselves.
The concentration of art and the ingenuity of metaphor can shorten the time and length ten times, and increase the appeal and persuasiveness one hundred times.
Moderate exaggeration and incisive vigilance
Good advertising creativity can not be separated from subtle metaphors, but also from appropriate and accurate exaggeration. The public service advertisement of cherishing water resources broadcast by CCTV tells people frankly that "China is a Lack of water resources After ", he went on to warn people that if we destroy water resources recklessly, the last drop of water we see will be our own tears! On the screen, a crystal tear drips from a beautiful big eye. People are shocked by what they hear, which is really a warning motto and a good point pen.
Watching TV public service advertisements often, I always feel that the creative styles are different, and each has its own advantages: there are direct reports to enlighten the mind; There are amazing witticisms and criticisms of the current situation; There are words of warning and thought-provoking; In short, a TV public service advertisement with excellent creativity will always be fully reflected by means of sound, image, subtitles, sound and other TV means Creative effect In order to produce the best social results And achieve the goal of alerting and educating people. It is an artistic enjoyment to watch creative public service advertisements.
Public service advertising is not just Government action It needs the participation and support of the whole society. If more entrepreneurs can realize this and actively participate, China's future public service advertising will have a broader world and better prospects.

Advertising examples

establish Civilized city
Speak civilized words and be civilized
Create a new society together, and use civilized language with us
Create a civilized city and build a harmonious Guangzhou
Hands in hand hold up a sky, heart to heart to speak civilized words. Civilized words are indispensable to life, and laughter is indispensable to the crowd
Strive to be civilized citizens and create a better home
build Civilized city Be a Civilized Citizen
People in a harmonious society have deep feelings and deep meanings
The earth is a big family Everyone needs to be civilized
Everyone strives to be a civilized citizen. Everyone is the image of the special zone
Build a Civilized Home Together and Create a Harmonious City
Embrace the future life with love will be more exciting
harmonious society Civilized society
Beautiful homeland of civilized society
protect natural environment Highlight urban civilization
Walk with civilization to add luster
Everyone's heart to heart to create a civilized city
Creating a Civilized City and Building a Harmonious Society
Advocate a new style of civilization and build a beautiful home together
Create a civilized city and build a harmonious home
speak Social morality Be a Civilized Citizen
Building a harmonious and civilized city depends on everyone's concerted efforts
Solidarity, strength, civilization and future
Create a civilized society and build a beautiful home
Charm XX Civilization XX
Civilized XX is more wonderful with you
XX spirit creates civilization XX
Cultivate a civilized image everywhere Everyone is a civilized citizen
Hand in hand maintenance Public morality Jointly build urban civilization
XX is my family's civilization depends on everyone
Create civilization together in the same hot spot
Care for XX and share civilization
Everyone's family is a civilized family. XX depends on everyone
Civilized XX Charming City
Civilization XX starts from me
Civilized XX, hand in hand, harmonious society, heart to heart
Civilized XX Charming City
Work together to create civilization XX and build harmony XX side by side
Create XX civilization
Large scale public service advertisement
Everyone needs a civilized city, and the city needs everyone to be civilized. Civilized city, everyone loves you, and your participation is more wonderful
Create a Civilized City and Build a Harmonious Society
Civilized and friendly
Create harmony everywhere to show civilization
Civilization such as Chaoyang Keep warm
Build a civilized XX and create a harmonious home
Seeking Truth and Morality to Build Harmony XX Upward metranS Civilization XX
Establish a new style of civilization and build a harmonious XX
Speak Civilized Words, Do Civilized Things, Do Civilized People, Build Civilized City
XX is the window of China I am the window of XX
Be civilized XX people and build a civilized model city
Talk about civilization from children to love XX from small things
Let love fill XX and leave civilization to XX
It's hard for others to help Gift Rose Hand lingering fragrance
Hand in hand to create a civilized XX heart to heart to create a beautiful home
Create civilized XX and build a harmonious home
Civilized XX makes XX more famous
Civilization XX is world famous
Civilization and harmony Social civilization Promoting benefits
Establish the Scientific Outlook on Development and Strive for a National Civilized City
Carry Forward Congfei Spirit, Advocate Interpersonal Mutual Assistance and Create Civilized XX
I am proud that I am XX civilized people
Unite as one, hand in hand, and jointly build a new XX civilization
Add harmony to society and make XX more civilized
Creating civilization starts from every bit and building harmony starts from you and me
Be a civilized XX and a good citizen with integrity
Work together to build a new environmental protection XX
Everyone is responsible for creating civilized XX
Let civilization nourish XX and make Shenzhen more harmonious
Let green and hope grow together
Courtesy first for car dealer XX
You give XX a clean XX gives you very comfortable
Let me make the traffic more smooth
Civilized flower Normally open XX Spring
make Green Community Create civilization XX
Building a Civilized Road and Cultivating Harmonious Flowers Together
Civilized XX everyone participates in XX civilization everyone benefits
Civilized XX, smooth and peaceful
Alba takes public service ads and plays SM with painful expressions. Tears flow from her eyes
Jointly create a civilized home, enjoy a better life, gather one flower and one tree, and show civilization in every move
Hand in hand protect the environment Heart to Heart Care Home
Jointly build ecological homes and share blue water and sky
Greening is XX's landscape civilization is the city's name card
(Note: Please replace "XX" with the place name you need)
to prohibit smoking
1. Smoking is the biggest threat to human survival after war, hunger and plague.
2. Please don't smoke for the health of you and your family.
3. Perhaps, your fingertips are holding the lives of others - please do not smoke (smoking is prohibited in hospitals)
4. Here, the incense fire will not continue
5. Your cigarettes and my oil are destined to prevent us from falling in love - smokers are forbidden
6. Never light your cigarette, it will turn you into a wisp of blue smoke (no smoking at gas stations)
7. If you want to smoke, Time bomb By my side! (No smoking at gas stations)
8. Temporary happiness, eternal pain - no smoking
9. Ignite your smoke, pollute the air and kill people. Where is your conscience!
Non smoking public service advertisement
10. Please don't let your selfishness ignite my building - no smoking (no smoking in shopping malls) 11. Smoking suffocates our children (illustrated above)
11. A group of public service advertisements against smoking by HCG
A group of public service advertisements against smoking by HCG
In addition to smoking lung cancer . It will damage the skin and lose life... There is also a strong reason that—— Second-hand smoke Harm people.
12. It doesn't matter if you smoke and commit suicide. Don't drag your child to be buried with you!
[Foreign Creative Anti smoking Advertising]
Civic duty Blood donation
1. Waves make rivers surge, and blood makes life boil!
2. A small part of our love is their whole life.
3. Life flows because of you.
4. What is more valuable than your blood is your true feelings.
5. Refuel for life with love!
6. You who donate blood, your soul is like a rainbow; Your blood, life surging.
7. True love flows and blood is connected
8. The nation rises in dedication and lives in blood
9. Limited blood and unlimited love
10. Blood is precious, and the quality of saving people is higher
11. A good man gives a drop of blood, and the sick man gets rid of his worries
12. Blood is valuable, and helping others is more expensive
13. I hope people will live long and warm
14. Blood, the source of life, the bridge of friendship "
15. Why is blood thicker than water? Because there is love in it
16. Do you want to contribute to the society? Are you willing to give some love to others? Please attend Voluntary blood donation
17. Little by little, the blood is thick, and humanity and fraternity are everywhere
18. One piece of blood, ten thousand pieces of love. It's the most glorious thing to donate blood for free
19. Donate blood and love, and the blood will be stronger
20. Donate blood for free, refuel for life with love!
21. One drop of blood, one heart, one love
22. There is true love in the world. Give blood to sow love
23. A little blood to help others, a good spirit of love
24. Your blood is transfused into me, and your love is melted into my heart
25. Donate blood for free, start with me, save the dying and heal the wounded, and warm the world.
26. Warm blood is the symbol of life, and free blood donation is the symbol of civilization and progress.
28. Recommend my blood and ignite others' life.
29. Donate blood for free to reflect your noble spirit.
30. Let the blood connect our hearts together.
31. Free blood donation, little love and rebirth virtue.
32. Donate blood for free, let love never lose blood.
purchase Body color
Pu Cunxin, a public service advertiser for AIDS prevention
1. It's a pleasure to win the prize. Your participation is very important. 2. Dedication is selfless pride, and grand prize is the return of love.
3. Good luck comes with enthusiasm.
4. Movement is the foundation of life; Wealth is the pursuit of life.
5. Sunshine always follows the "body color" after the wind and rain.
6. Love needs a long time. Miracles are around.
7. Sports lottery is hand in hand, and the public welfare is linked to the heart.
8. Sports lottery makes people look back, lucky to travel all over China.
9. Sports is our eternal pursuit, sports colors are our Forever friend
10. Invest in affectionate, dreams come true.
11. Lottery people trust Chaoyang together, Football Lottery Create resplendence again.
12. Use your few dollars to exchange a few bottles of water for the poor victims.
Project Hope
1. Save a penny, give a love, warm the truth of the world.
2. You help, I help, everyone helps; The same song, Everyone sings
3. Every drop of water becomes an ocean, and every love becomes hope.
4. Plant a tree and reap green shade; Give a love and hold a hope.
5. Kindle hope with heart, and spread the world with love.
Protect cultural heritage
1. To truly pass on the masterpieces left by our ancestors to future generations is Chinese children Responsibility.
2. The magic weapon through time and space - cultural heritage.
3. Only with history can there be modernity, and only with heritage can we know the rise and fall.
4. Respect history and look forward to the future.
5. Universe hero, life is short; Inherit civilization and cultural heritage.
1. To protect animals is to protect our peers.
2. There are no animals on the earth, it is a world without vitality.
3. Whether there were birds or eggs first, you don't know, I don't know, only birds know;
yes Bird first You know, I know, only birds don't know.
4. Animals are close friends of humans, and humans are trusted partners of animals.
5. Don't let our children see animals only in museums.
6. Everyone is responsible for protecting animals.
Caring for others
1. Send out a love and reap the bright sunshine.
2. Give (or send) roses to others, and you will find a lingering fragrance in your hands.
3. Be good as water, and be virtuous.
4. Time is changing, time is changing, and what remains unchanged is our care.
6. Give a love for yourself and others.
Drug control
1. Cherish life and stay away from drugs.
2. Drug taking is not only to suck up your family property, but also to suck up your family, even your life.
3、 ecstasy , life can't stand such a shake.
4. Keep away from drugs and care for the future.
5. One time drug taking, lifelong drug abstinence.
6、 Smoking gun One, the sound of artillery was unheard of, and his wife and son were separated;
tinfoil One piece, without the fire, burned all over the house.
7. Reject drugs and shake your head at ecstasy.
environmental protection
1. Only when trees are green can the earth have a pulse.
2. Don't take anything away except photos; Leave nothing but footprints.
3. The earth is my home, and greening depends on everyone.
4、 A flower Every grass has its own life, and every leaf has its own feeling.
5. When I came, I gave you a fragrance, and when I left, I was clean.
6. The grass has life, leaving more "green" under the foot.
7. The grass smiles at you. Please take a detour.
8. If you want to bring spring into your home, you have no choice but to fall.
9. I am a little bird, always flying and not high.
10. 1+1=2, a tree+a tree=a forest
11. Green is the nature of the earth
12. The earth is my home, greening depends on everyone
13. Protecting trees is protecting yourself
14. Fragrance comes from flowers, beauty needs your care
15. Green—— Source of life
16. It's a pity to break through the green carpet. Why not take more steps
17. Red flowers and green grass are planted all over the garden. When the wind sends flowers and fragrant dishes
18. The flowers should be appreciated when they are blooming. Don't break the flowers and admire the branches when they are empty
19. Flowers and plants Laugh in the bush , enjoy its appearance outside the garden
20. I bloom for your beautiful heart
21. The flowers taken away have a short life, and the beauty left behind is forever
22. I hope you don't stretch your hand, and flowers have their own tears
23. The forest is the oxygen manufacturing factory
24. Green vegetation, smiling flowers, fresh air and good environment
25. Plant a tree and a flower, and the world will be better
26. The grass is lovely and everyone loves it
27. Distance creates beauty, and close contact is declined
28. Walk around three or five steps, leaving grass green
29. Cherish the trees around you and start from childhood
30. There are no plants on the earth. It is a lifeless world
traffic safety
1. A glass of wine for the driver brings tears to the relatives;
2. Drink a few drops of good wine and shed countless blood and tears;
3. Take safety on the road, take happiness home;
4. Go out happily and come home safely;
5. Hand grip Steering wheel , always want to be safe!
6. Love me, chase me, never kiss me.
7. Don't drive after drinking, and don't drive too fast
8. Safety is a blessing, speeding is a curse
nine Drinking instead of driving , driving without drinking
Young volunteers get some action
1. Enthusiastic dedication to society, the truth warms the world.
2. Unity, friendship, dedication and progress.
3. Lei Feng is in my heart, dedicated to walking with me.
4. New century, new youth, new style.
5. A youth and a love, love to the world.
care for AIDS patient
1. You and I are involved in the prevention and treatment of AIDS.
2. With the nourishment of love, they will have more courage to fight against the disease.
3. They are afraid of illness, but more afraid of indifference.
4. Love each other and share life.
5. Ai and being loved are connected Red ribbon
water saving
1. If human beings do not save water and protect the environment at this time, the last drop of water they see will be their own tears.
2、 Protect water resources Life is forever.
3. 70% of the human body is water, and the water you pollute will pollute you sooner or later. Leave pure water to the next generation!
4. Save water, starting from the drop.
5. Now, people are thirsty for water; In the future, what will happen if the earth is thirsty?
6. Cherish the source of life and "close" every bit.
7. If we don't cherish water resources, Quanzhou It will become a white state.
8. Don't let water tap Lonely tears.
1. Sincere face, unlimited communication.
2. Use your sincerity to change the true feelings of the whole life.
3. Integrity - Life pass check
4. Only integrity can grow up.
5. Losing integrity is worthless.
6. Credit is intangible wealth.
7. Honor lies in hard and honest work.
8. People without faith are not only ashamed of morality, but also tired of economy.
Respect the old
1. To be kind to the old is to be kind to yourself.
2. The old and the old, the young and the young.
4. Whose family is old and small, respect the old and love the young.
5. Parents are children's teachers, respecting the old and loving the young is a virtue.
6. If there is no star child shining in the sky, she will be dark; If there is no warmth in the world, she will fall into the woods. Love the old and children as you love yourself!
7. When wrinkles cover your forehead and your hands cannot smooth them, let love flow into your eyes along the wrinkles; When your eyes are filled with childishness and your hands cannot erase it, let love shine in front of you. Respect the old and love the young, human virtue!
Social morality
1、 High altitude parabolic , hit a hole on the ground, hit the head
2. Turn, corner, don't cheat.
3. When you can't throw rubbish, you lose your face.
4. Speak social morality and be respected by the society.
5. Don't click the French Open easily.
6. Put yourself in the other's shoes. Do not do to others what you do not want.
7. A good word, three winters are also warm, bad words hurt people, June is still cold.
8、 One porridge and one rice When thinking is hard won; Half a silk, half a thread, and constantly thinking about material difficulties.
9. Politeness costs nothing, but it can win everything.
10. Neighbours are brothers, respect and yield to each other.
11. Improve the quality of the "population" and ensure the export quality. Do not export into "dirty"
12. Don't "drench" on high
Care for the disabled
1. Emotional disability brothers and sisters , offer a sincere love.
2. Help the disabled, you and I.
3. Helping the disabled is a sign of social civilization and progress.
4. With your and my help, others' health can be improved.
Fighting against corruption and upholding integrity
1. Greed is like a balloon. There is only one extreme expansion outcome - self destruction.
2、 Incorruptible government When there is corruption, there will be no corruption. Running day and night, the prison is the end.
3. Gongshengming, Lian Shengwei
4. You're not late for dinner—— Honesty and self-discipline Maybe it's about dinner?
5. Embezzlement of a needle stings people's hearts.
6. Life is work, and labor is human life.
Meaning of life
1. Life is like a mirror, you smile so she smiles, you frown so she frowns.
2. When you are as blue as a orchid, the valley and the wind are long and quiet;
You should be like a bamboo. You should be noble, bright and persevering;
When you are like a chrysanthemum, keep clean and enjoy yourself;
You should be like a plum, smiling at frost and snow, and never break your pride.
3. Face up to the meaning of life and enjoy the warmth of family.
Laid-off reemployment
1. You can't wait for a job. It's up to you to see if you have a future How can we go there?
Work is not reliable. It depends on what you think.
If you have a chance, it depends on what you do.
2. Maybe it's more suitable for you to change your position.
3. Smooth the rough, More journey.
4. If this bowl is broken, you won't eat?
5. In the past, there will be another sky.
6. Replace the socket and it will still glow.
Respecting teachers and valuing education
1. Teacher training is like wine, which can brew fragrance for a long time.
2. According to legend, we respect teachers and value education.
3. Respecting teachers and valuing education Chinese nation Good tradition!
4. Respect teachers and start from small things.
1. Respect life and pursue growth.
2. Give your heart a space, find yourself a direction, and give life a hope
3. Self support from childhood and self-improvement from childhood.
4. Cherish health and cherish life.
strike pirate
1. In order not to deform your idol, please put an end to piracy.
2. The gorgeous coat can not hide your empty soul, nor can it deceive the bright eyes of the masses.
1. Words with meaning, every sentence conveys the truth - propaganda window;
2. Seeking Knowledge, Carrying Knowledge Away -- Reading Room
3. Your love can support a cause—— Project Hope ;
4. Be virtuous, think of the source when using water tap water
5. Lazy people will not leave a vigorous figure here (exercise ground)
6、 It's time to move Never step out of time - a message from the door
7. My image All in Between your actions (message from the wall)
8. Know I'm waiting for you? (garbage can)
9. Don't make me cry for no reason (faucet)
10. I left quietly, just as I came gently (reading room)
12. Bits of love tap water, please wipe my tears (please save water)
13. In every move, don't forget my hungry mouth( garbage can
14. It's hard to find a bosom friend in the world, and it's hard to cultivate the campus lawn (please take care of the lawn)
15. The martial artist loosened my bones, and the artist tightened my eyebrows - the desk
16. Flushing along the "toilet" - toilet
17. Exhale like a orchid, because your heart is fragrant like a cymbidium( Beauty of language
18. Heaven and earth "grain" heart, cherish food and never erode (canteen)
19. With a flick of phlegm paper (snap fingers), your demeanor is gone!
20. Waiting for your love! (Window)
21. Hurry to come and rush to go (Public toilet)
Mind communication does not need too much words. (Note: Please keep quiet)
Don't tear it because it's interesting
Only take away full knowledge, leaving no regrets.
Take away knowledge and leave a good book.
Absorb the source of knowledge, showing your true talent and learning.
Romance is the longest without talking.
Mo Lu, a tailor, should be able to close the scissors.
Seeing from ancient and modern times and at home and abroad, the ear needs a moment of silence.
Academic Building
Noisy is helpless to seek knowledge. Fighting is harmful to civilization.
With the noise, I can't be calm; With fighting, others can't think.
Civilized language starts with me, and civilized behavior starts with me.
Civilized your language, elegant your manners.
residence community , community and other public places
1. I will look after you in the dark, and you will look after me in the morning—— Corridor light say
two Children learn It needs to be quiet, and the neighbors need to rest in silence - do not "make noise" when you are quiet.
3. Don't "drench" yourself when you are high. To love your neighbor is to love yourself.
4. The exhaled smoke is harmful; What you inhale is poison, which is harmful to yourself.
scenic spot
1. "One tour" is to stop on the wall, and "here" is to stay in memory.
2. Throw into the embrace of nature, please don't stain her beautiful clothes.
3. Remove the dirt Hello Me, Mother Earth has just changed a clean dress - the trash can said
4. Take away the beautiful memory and leave the beautiful mind.
Parks, squares, scenic spots
In public places, virtue is tested without invigilation. I wish you qualified.
Distance produces beauty , declined close contact. (Protect the lawn)
My appetite is very big. The peel Paper scraps Take it all.
"Phlegm spitting" is appropriate, starting from me.
Let your spitting be as elegant as your speaking.
The flower taken away has a short life, but the beauty left behind is forever. Please leave "green" under your feet.
The dustbin said: What you threw away is exactly what I need.
Take away the beautiful memory and leave the beautiful mind.
I like your affectionate gaze, but I hate it knife Express my unforgettable memory.
Leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but beautiful photos.
find in helping others
1. To help others is to help yourself
2. Help others and be happy
1. Food safety, people's well-being Cai Wenyuan
2. Frequent inspection and strict control, food safety is more important than mountain
3. Keep food safety in mind, and health and happiness will accompany you
4. Popularize food scientific knowledge , improve Security precautions ability
5. Establish an integrity system to ensure food safety
6. Pay more attention to food safety and take more responsibility for limited life
7. Implement the food safety project to promote the harmonious development of Zhejiang
eight Safe food Lianwanjia, food safety depends on everyone
9. Work together to ensure food safety and ensure people's health
10. Feeling for food safety and building a harmonious home
11. Man is iron, rice is steel---- Dongguan Kaihua Advertising
Oppose war
1. Stop the war, for the children!
2. Look at the innocent smile on the child's face, how can we be willing to let this peace and tranquility pass away in a flash?
3. More lubrication, less friction.

Launch platform

TV, radio and magazines are the three major media, of which TV public service advertisements are the most, Coverage The most extensive and the best effect. More and more public service advertisements prefer to choose new media in order to attract more young people's attention and achieve environmental protection measures when choosing investment platforms. Such as network, mobile phone, building and outdoor Light box advertisement Etc. And because online advertising Overspread, Mobile advertising The outdoor light box advertisement has become the best platform for public service advertisement.
The picture is to save the dying The Sumatran tiger , a group of public service advertisements with light boxes.
"Protect Sumatran Tiger" light box public service advertisement
In the poster, the Sumatran tiger was mutilated to death. "Are your issues killing the critically endangered Sumatran tiger?" is even more thought-provoking.
Indonesia APP Paper Group, in order to seek profits, cut down Tropical rain forest , causing the environment to suffer Severe damage As a result, the number of Sumatran tigers has declined sharply, leaving less than 400 in the world. Major enterprises Environmental protection organizations And countless environmental protection enthusiasts started the activity of "Resisting Breeze Paper Towels and Protecting Sumatran Tigers".

data statistics

On May 8, 2024, the State Administration of Radio and Television released the 2023 National Radio and Television Industry Statistics Bulletin, which shows that in 2023, the broadcast time of radio public service advertising programs will be 612300 hours, a year-on-year increase of 3.92%, accounting for 45.08% of the broadcast time of radio advertising programs. The broadcast time of TV public service advertising programs was 1.2201 million hours, up 7.49% year on year, accounting for 56.27% of the broadcast time of TV advertising programs. [8]