public space

Outdoor and indoor space for public use in daily life and social life
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synonym Public activity space (Public activity area) generally refers to public space (outdoor and indoor space for public use in daily life and social life)
Public space refers to the public's daily life and civil life Outdoor and indoor space for public use. The outdoor part includes streets, squares, outdoor venues in residential areas, parks Sports ground Etc; The indoor part includes government agencies, schools library market office space , catering and entertainment places, hotel accommodation, etc.
The public space in a deeper sense is not only a geographical concept, but more importantly, the people who enter the space, as well as the extensive participation, communication and interaction displayed on the space. These activities generally include daily culture held spontaneously by the public leisure activities , and top-down grandeur Political gatherings
Chinese name
public space
Foreign name
public space
Public places Public places public place
gōng gòng kōng jiān
Space for the public

Generalized concept

Public space (or public place) is a place that is not limited to economic or social conditions (even though the actual situation may not be so), and anyone has the right to enter; For example, people do not have to pay fees or buy tickets to enter, or entrants will not be discriminated against because of their background. Spaces (commons) is the earliest example of public space. The private shopping center, which looks like "public space", is the representative of "private space" (private place).
In addition, from philosophy, urban geography visual arts Cultural Studies And social studies, public space is some of the criteria of the key theory. The positioning of public space seems increasingly urgent, because assets involve more and more so-called "shared space". The term "public space" is often misunderstood, such as confused with "gathering place", but it is a part of a larger concept.
Most streets, including Sidewalk , like town squares and parks, as a public space. Government buildings, such as public libraries and many similar buildings, are public spaces. However, not all public buildings are included in this definition.
Some parks, shopping centers, waiting rooms, etc. will be closed at night. However, this situation does not exclude specific groups and is generally not regarded as a restriction on public use.

Relevant rights

Generally speaking, there is no expectation of privacy in public space.
In the United States, people enjoy rights in public space beyond the established ones. In the public space called public forum, the government usually cannot restrict people's speech beyond reasonable circumstances (that is, the government can prevent speakers from abusing passers-by, but cannot change their beliefs). Relatively speaking, in private (i.e. non-public) forums, the government is easier to control people's speeches; For example, people are not allowed to protest against others in the Pentagon medical insurance Reformed. This does not mean that the government can control the speech of people in their homes or the speech of others; The government can only exercise control over government property. Sometimes, the private industry can also be regarded as a public forum. The same is true in Britain. Traditionally, public spaces (such as the Speakers' Corner) are allowed public speaking
stay Northern Europe Countries, such as Norway Sweden and Finland According to a regulation called "allemansr ä tten" (everyone's right) Natural area As a public space.
Islamic countries During Ramadan, it is often unacceptable for people to eat and drink outside the public space.
Public space is a hot spot for many cheap tourists and vagrants, especially in some places with comfortable environment, such as shopping centers that have tile roofs and provide heating and cooling services in the weather.


Just as the society generally believes that all people have the right to enter and use public space, while private space will be limited, the academic community has begun to pay attention to how public space tries to exclude certain groups, especially tramp And teenagers.
Some measures of public space will be taken against vagrants to reduce their dependence on public space, such as demolition bench , or change its design, prevent them from sleeping and resting on the bench, restrict them from entering the public space at a specific time, block the indoor area, etc. Sometimes, the police will ask "unwelcome" people to leave the public space.
In addition, some public spaces have not been set up with proper passageways, so the disabled people are excluded.


The example of a store is between two meanings: everyone can enter and look around without shopping, but activities unrelated to the store's purpose are not completely unconstrained.
Corridors and passages in shopping centers (including Footbridge )It may not be declared as a public space, nor may it be open to the public after the store is closed. Similar corridors include railway platforms and Public transportation Waiting Room : People have to buy ticket Before entering. Public libraries are more or less public spaces. expressway The rest station or truck gas station next to the restaurant is a public space.
These semi public spaces will implement stricter regulations than those outside, such as clothing, trading, begging, advertising, publicity, and manipulation the skating shoes , sliding plate and Camera car Etc.
The typical difference between public space and private space can be seen from sitting in a public space bench , compared with the seat in a street cafe, it can be distinguished that:
① In the former, people do not need to spend money to use benches; The latter people involved purchasing behavior The former has unlimited time (even if it may offend Crime of vagrancy Or street detention); The latter people must time interval Domestic consumption.
② In the former case, people are allowed to carry their own food and drink (or may be subject to Alcoholism Laws and regulations restrict) eating; The latter is usually prohibited.
③ The former generally does not control clothing; The latter coffee shop can formulate requirements on clothes (such as no slippers).


Public space is not only a geographical concept, but more importantly, people entering the space, as well as the extensive participation, communication and interaction displayed on the space. These activities generally include the daily cultural and leisure activities spontaneous by the public, and the grand political gatherings from top to bottom.
Previously, in the Chinese public space, leaders, cadres and the masses were the leading figures, and the overwhelming contents of activities were vows, slogans and reports. At that time, the public space was just "public space". After the reform and opening up, in public spaces such as parks and streets spontaneity The activities began to return, and there were many styles. In the new century, large squares have sprung up all over China's cities, making up for the lack of public space for Chinese people to some extent virtual network Take out the most tender branches and buds.

Narrow concept

In a narrow sense, public space refers to those that provide city dweller Outdoor space for public use in daily life and social life. It includes streets, squares, residential outdoor venues, parks, sports venues, etc. According to the living needs of residents Urban public space Transportation, commercial transactions, performances, exhibitions, sports competitions, sports and fitness, leisure, sightseeing, festival gatherings and Interpersonal communication And other activities. Public space is divided Open space And dedicated space. Open spaces include streets, squares, parking lots Residential green space , street green space and parks, and dedicated public space includes sports ground, etc.
public space
Also refers to Land for public facilities Space, such as urban center, business district, Urban green space Etc.

Composition planning

Urban public space from building , roads, squares greenland And ground Environmental facilities And other elements. Urban public space is generally urban economy And social development In the process of construction, it is gradually formed due to the needs of residents' life.
In addition to various functional requirements, the number of urban public spaces is related to the nature of the city Population size There is a close relationship. urban population The more, the more requirement The larger the size, the more complex the function. Urban population size Large, and it is also possible to set a public space with more abundant content.
Urban public space
Urban public space Planning and design There are many contents, including General layout And specific design. It is related to Urban planning preparation The stages of Urban master plan Detailed planning And construction design phase Should be regarded as corresponding planning research. The planning and design of urban public space is essentially urban design The purpose of urban design is to create an environment with good functions and distinctive urban space. The focus of urban public space is City center , arterial roads, squares and Public green space

Urban commerce

Urban commerce
Commercial activity is one of the important functions of a city. It is a regular activity for residents to buy daily necessities such as food, vegetables, food, furniture, clothing and groceries handicraft industry The economy and society have developed, forming a retail and wholesale country fair trade And markets, shops and commercial streets appeared in towns. Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty of ancient China arranged the supply of Commercial trade West and East markets where activities are concentrated. Early Song Dynasty Bianliang, Tokyo The market was still established following the old system of the Han and Tang dynasties, but with the commodity economy The development of Northern Song Dynasty Later, factories appeared in cities and towns Commercial network And business street, from famous paintings《 Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 》We can see the prosperity of Bianliang Street Market at that time. Southern Song Dynasty The handicraft industry and commerce in Lin'an (now Hangzhou) were very developed Official and private Shops all over the city Lane lane And form an industry street market with concentrated business by industry. Various types suitable for business service trade Such as restaurants, teahouses, inns brick , bathroom, etc Synchronous development And become an important part of Lin'an commercial network. The emergence of business districts in cities and towns is an inevitable result of social and economic development, industrial production Further promote the development of the business district. In the West, Europe industrial revolution After starting urban development Rapid, for improvement Urban sanitation , fire safety and Building management The idea of urban zoning has emerged. Germany was the first country to stipulate the construction of urban districts in 1894 Frankfurt ( Frankfurt )The city is divided into industrial area, commercial area, residential area and mixed construction area. Later, the concept and method of commercial area planning were also adopted in the construction and planning of city scarves in various countries.
Content, distribution and form of business district
modern city A business district is a place where various business activities are concentrated Merchandise retail Catering, accommodation, culture and Entertainment services There can also be financial, trade and management industries. Generally, there are a large number of commercial and service buildings in the business district, such as Department Store , shopping malls, specialty stores, banks, insurance companies stock exchange , office buildings, hotels, restaurants theatre , Ballroom nightclub Etc.
The distribution and scale of commercial areas depend on the shopping and urban economy The demand for activities. Large population:. In densely populated cities, the scale of business districts is large. According to the business district service Population size And the scope of influence. Large and medium-sized cities can have city level and district level business districts, small city Usually, there are only municipal commercial areas, and commercial outlets are arranged in residential areas and neighborhoods, which are not large enough to form a commercial area.
business zone General distribution In the urban center and district center, near the city trunk road. There must be a good traffic connection so that residents can easily reach. Commercial buildings There are two forms of distribution, one is along the street development, the other is to occupy the whole neighborhood development. The planning and design of modern urban business district mostly adopts the combination of two forms, which is the development of street and neighborhood. the West Most cities in the United States have more developed commercial areas, such as downtown area (downtown), German cities Gcsch~fts - bezirk. The business district is city dweller And the place where economic activities, cultural and recreational activities and social life of the migrant population are most frequently concentrated, which can best reflect the vitality of the city Urban culture , urban architectural features and urban characteristics.
Nanjing CBD
Central Business District( CBD , central business district) is different from the business district in concept. The central business district refers to the Business activities Concentrated areas. Usually only in industry and commerce economic base Only large cities with strong business and financial activities and an important position in international trade and financial circulation have central business districts focusing on finance, trade and management. The CBD is urban economy , financial, commercial, cultural and recreational activities, and numerous office buildings, hotels, restaurants, cultural and entertainment venues are concentrated here. It provides a large number of factory jobs and places of employment for cities.
Shanghai CBD
The central business district is generally located in the central area of the city that has been shaped in the history of the city, and passes through commercial trade and economic height Development stage Can be formed. for example Shanghai , a port since the Opium War Commercial port , after one eye year, it developed to the 1940s, The Huangpu River west side The Bund The region has just become the central business district of Shanghai. After 1949, due to the decline of Shanghai's foreign trade and financial functions, the central business function also disappeared. In 1988, the State Council decided to open and develop Pudong New Area , and on Lujiazui Development of financial centers and Puxi Huangpu District Redevelopment is an important decision and measure to revitalize the economy of Shanghai and rebuild the central business district of Shanghai.

Public space

Before 1949, the grand public space( Political gatherings ) is very rare, even if there are some Public expression The street is a more common place for activities, such as the May 4th Movement in 1919, the anti hunger and anti civil war march in 1947. All this was completely changed in 1949. Before and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, as Zhongnanhai was identified as the foothold of the central government, The Tiananmen gate The renovation and expansion of the square broke ground. After the huge project, in front of the original imperial palace, a huge square unparalleled in the world appeared tian'anmen square
Layout Diagram of Major Buildings in Tiananmen Square
On the planning of the capital, Soviet Union The experts finally defeated architect and authority on the history of Chinese architecture etc. Native scholar The scale of demolishing old buildings and building new ones near Tiananmen Square is getting larger and larger, and more grand buildings have been erected, such as the Great Hall of the People, the Monument to Heroes, the National Museum Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall wait. With a new decoration The Tiananmen gate It has become the "public space" of the whole country and witnessed every major political event in the past 60 years, such as the founding ceremony National Day parade , Cultural Revolution Red Guards big link-up of Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution , big interview, etc. This is a typical example of Chinese "public space". All activities are organized and targeted, and public expression is also uniform.
Ruijin Shazhouba Auditorium
Far from the political heart of the capital, the grand square is still difficult to replicate. The carrier of revolutionary political function was replaced by various "auditoriums". Even in remote and backward villages, it is not uncommon to see an auditorium topped with a huge red five-star. When workers, farmers and students are not working, "concentration" has become an important ceremony in their daily life, which mainly focuses on listening the highest directive Convey the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and condemn Revisionism and Imperialism wait.

Common space

Public space: long and short chairs
People's life in the park After 1978, there were fewer top-down political gatherings, and the political ceremonies in the square and auditorium gradually faded from the lives of ordinary people. The mass space gradually has certain Autonomy , become“ Common space ”For example, the parks in the city began to become active again. Many parks that were destroyed or even closed during the unprecedented period reappeared in people's view, such as Beijing Municipal Beihai Park Jingshan Park It was closed in February 1971 and reopened in March 1978. For most people, they gather in the park in groups, no longer for some pre planned political activities, but purely for personal walking, chatting, singing, dancing, making friends and falling in love.
What is more valuable is that the real "public activities" have begun to appear. In contemporary China Art History The symbolic star painting exhibition on the Beihai Park in Beijing Hold? North Island The leading "Today" group yuyuantan park Two poetry recitations were held consecutively, one with four or five hundred audiences despite bad weather, and the other with nearly one thousand. As Folk magazine Today Zizhuyuan Park I held a meeting between the author and the reader. This has public spatial property Not only was the event unprecedented, but it was also unprecedented for a long time later.
Even for political gatherings with the same theme as the past, personalized content has begun to appear in public expression. In 1984, the 35th anniversary of the National Day government organization Of Tiananmen During the parade, Peking University The students printed the banner of "Hello Xiaoping", which is said to be a spontaneous action of the students. Although the content of the slogan is still related to leaders, it has become a conversational greeting rather than a worship of Long Live. In this famous photo, the students' unrestrained steps and free and unrestrained smiles leave a deep impression on us, which is one of our important memories of that open era.
Public space: looking forward to going from the network to reality. Since the 1990s, "commerce" has become Chinese society All things should be compromised, including the most sacred square and auditorium. Needless to say, all kinds of auditoriums have already lost their political function, and those that are still of use value have become dance halls video playhouse , exhibition halls, and most of the auditoriums in small towns have gradually declined and finally collapsed in the wind and rain of years. Even Tiananmen Square is full of commerce.
The country has guided and cultivated people's love for business Public awareness It is also disappearing synchronously. At the beginning of the reform and opening up, many ordinary Chinese people were thinking about such serious questions as "Where is China going?" territory Few even intellectuals really care about such issues.

present situation

Benefiting from the rapid economic development, various "new squares" have sprung up all over China, ranging from metropolises with a population of tens of millions to villages and towns with thousands of people. Or "People's Square", or "Citizen Center", "City Square", and so on. It is like a leap forward competition in the new era, and their scale is bigger and bigger.
"New Square"
However, most of the "public space" in these geographical terms is separated from public activities. On the one hand, its political function has weakened, and it no longer undertakes vast political activities as frequently as in the past. On the other hand, the public's spontaneous culture leisure activities It is seldom staged in these spaces, let alone public expression. Admittedly, these squares make up for the lack of public space in Chinese cities, but most of them are vanity projects Image project It has nothing to do with people's daily life.
The rudiment of public space appears in virtual space
From forum to blog to Mailgroup , up to domestic Watercress , food and foreign Twitter (Twitter), virtual public space begins to appear. The interaction on the Internet is extremely active, and it also promotes the growth of public space in reality. Various netizen gatherings break the boundaries of age, profession and region, and are more spiritual than external Identity
Network: Virtual Public Space
near Civil society The growth of the network benefits from the cultivation of the network. From the initial shocking discourse violence to "playing soy sauce" and "hiding cat", it shows that the discourse rules of public space have gradually formed. From the virtual public space to the real public space, it may be just a step away, or it may be a combination natural moat wide gap. Even so, the rapidly growing citizens will eventually cross the past.

social value

The public places of Chinese people have gone through changes in the past 60 years, from "public space" to "public space", and then to the initial bud of "public space". We began to understand that the real public space does not lie in its size, but in whether it is people-oriented and serves the public life, not only Political expression Tools.
public space
And according to jurgen habermas The meaning of public space is more extensive, which means“ political power In addition, as democratic politics Basic conditions Of Civil liberties Discuss public affairs and participate in politics Activity space ”。 He emphasized that in the public space, the communication between citizens is based on reading as the intermediary, communication as the center, and public affairs "Public communication" for the topic. Obviously, the current public Spatial distance Habermas' description of "public space" is far from the same The road to development There is still a long way to go.