China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network

Medium and long-term planning of China's high-speed railway network
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synonym Eight vertical and eight horizontal (Main railway channel under key construction) generally refers to China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network
China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network is China's《 Medium and long-term railway network planning 》The high-speed railway passenger transport channel planned to be constructed in China, of which "eight vertical and eight horizontal" is the main channel. "Eight vertical" channels include Coastal corridor Beijing Shanghai Channel Beijing Port (Taiwan) Channel Beijing Harbin Beijing Hong Kong Macao Channel Hohhot South Passage Beijing Kunming Channel Baoyin Haitong Road Lanzhou (West) Guangzhou Channel "Eight horizontal" channels include Sui Man Channel Beijing Lanzhou Channel Qingyin Channel Land bridge passage Channel along the river Shanghai Kunming Channel Xiamen Chongqing Corridor Guangzhou Kunming Channel [1-2]
Chinese name
Eight vertical and eight horizontal
Foreign name
Eight vertical and eight horizontal high-speed railway network
Key points
Build and strengthen the reconstruction of the main railway channel

development history

On July 13, 2016, National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China China National Railway Group Co., Ltd The Medium and Long term Railway Network Planning (the planning period is 2016-2025) was issued, which proposed to build a "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway main channel. [1-2]
By August 2023, China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed rail network main channel has been completed and put into operation for 35300 km, accounting for about 77.83%; 7025km under construction, accounting for 15.49%. [4]
By the end of November 2023, the construction of the main channel of China's "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed rail network has been accelerated, with 36100 km completed and put into operation, accounting for about 80%, providing strong support for promoting regional coordinated development. [3]

Introduction to Planning

The "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway network is a high-speed railway network with the coastal, Beijing Shanghai and other "eight vertical" channels and the land bridge, riverside and other "eight horizontal" channels as the backbone, supplemented by intercity railways. "Eight vertical and eight horizontal" can realize 1-4 hour traffic circle between adjacent large and medium-sized cities and 0.5-2 hour traffic circle within urban agglomeration.

Eight longitudinal channels

Channel name
Channel definition
Line composition
"Dalian (Dandong) - Qinhuangdao - Tianjin - Dongying - Weifang - Qingdao (Yantai) - Lianyungang - Yancheng - Nantong - Shanghai - Ningbo - Fuzhou - Xiamen - Shenzhen - Zhanjiang - Beihai (Fangchenggang) High speed Railway (Qingdao Yancheng section uses Qinglian and Lianyan railway, Nantong Shanghai section uses Hutong railway) , connecting the eastern coastal areas, connecting Beijing Tianjin Hebei, central and southern Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula, East Longhai, Yangtze River Delta, the west coast of the Strait, Pearl River Delta, Beibu Gulf and other urban agglomerations. " [2]
Tianjin Weihai High speed Railway [5] Weiyang Yantai High speed Railway [6] Qingrong Intercity Railway [7] Qingyan Railway [8] Yantong High speed Railway [9] Tongsu Jiayong High speed Railway [10] Ningbo Guangzhou High speed Railway [11] Guangzhou Zhanjiang High speed Railway [12] Shenzhen Shantou High speed Railway [13] Shenjiang Railway [14] Jiangzhan Railway [15] Hefei Zhanjiang High speed Railway [16] High speed railway from Beihai to Fangchenggang [17] Fangdong Railway [18]
"Beijing Tianjin Jinan Nanjing Shanghai (Hangzhou) high-speed railway, including Nanjing Hangzhou, Bengbu Hefei Hangzhou high-speed railway, connects North China and East China through Beijing Tianjin Dongying Weifang Linyi Huai'an Yangzhou Nantong Shanghai high-speed railway, connecting Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and other urban agglomerations." [2]
Beijing Shanghai High speed Railway, Nanjing Hangzhou High speed Railway, Hefei Hangzhou High speed Railway [19] Beijing Shanghai High speed Railway Line 2 [20]
"Beijing Hengshui Heze Shangqiu Fuyang Hefei (Huanggang) Jiujiang Nanchang Ganzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong (Kowloon) high-speed railway; the other branch is Hefei Fuzhou Taipei high-speed railway, including Nanchang Fuzhou (Putian) railway. It connects North China, Central China, East China and South China, connecting Beijing Tianjin Hebei, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the west coast of the Strait, the Pearl River Delta and other urban agglomerations." [2]
"Harbin Changchun Shenyang Beijing Shijiazhuang Zhengzhou Wuhan Changsha Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong high-speed railway, including Guangzhou Zhuhai Macao high-speed railway, connects Northeast China, North China, Central China, South China, Hong Kong and Macao, and connects Harbin Changsha, Central South Liaoning, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Central Plains, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Pearl River Delta and other urban agglomerations." [2]
Beijing Harbin High speed Railway [21] Guangzhou Shenzhen Hong Kong High speed Railway [22]
"Hohhot Datong Taiyuan Zhengzhou Xiangyang Changde Yiyang Shaoyang Yongzhou Guilin Nanning high-speed railway connects North China, Central China, Central China and South China, and connects Hubao'eyu, central Shanxi, Central China, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Beibu Gulf and other urban agglomerations." [2]
"Beijing Xiong'an Taiyuan Xi'an Chengdu (Chongqing) Kunming High speed Railway, including Beijing Zhangjiakou Datong Taiyuan High speed Railway, connects North China, Northwest China and Southwest China, and connects Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Taiyuan, Guanzhong Plain, Chengdu Chongqing and Yunnan." [2]
"Baotou Yan'an Xi'an Chongqing Guiyang Nanning Zhanjiang Haikou (Sanya) high-speed railway, including Yinchuan Xi'an and Hainan Island Ring high-speed railway, connects the northwest, southwest and southern China, and connects Huhhot Baotou Hubei, Ningxia along the Yellow River, Guanzhong Plain, Chengdu Chongqing, central Guizhou, Beibu Gulf and other urban agglomerations." [2]
"Lanzhou (Xining) - Chengdu (Chongqing) - Guiyang - Guangzhou High speed Railway connects the northwest, southwest and south China, and runs through such urban agglomerations as Lanxi, Chengdu Chongqing, central Guizhou and Pearl River Delta." [2]

Eight horizontal channels

Channel name
Channel definition
Line composition
"Suifenhe Mudanjiang Harbin Qiqihar Hailar Manzhouli high-speed railway, connecting Heilongjiang and eastern Mongolia." [2]
"Beijing Hohhot Yinchuan Lanzhou high-speed railway connects North China and Northwest China, and runs through Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Hubao Hubei, Ningxia Yanhuang, Lanxi and other urban agglomerations." [2]
"Qingdao Jinan Shijiazhuang Taiyuan Yinchuan High speed Railway (Suide Yinchuan Section uses the Taiyuan Zhongyin Railway). It connects East China, North China and Northwest China, and connects Shandong Peninsula, Beijing Tianjin Hebei, Taiyuan, Ningxia along the Yellow River and other urban agglomerations." [2]
"Lianyungang - Xuzhou - Zhengzhou - Xi'an - Lanzhou - Xining - Urumqi high-speed railway connects East China, Central China and Northwest China, and runs through urban agglomerations such as East Longhai, Central China, Guanzhong Plain, Lanxi, and the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains." [2]
"Shanghai Nanjing Hefei Wuhan Chongqing Chengdu High speed Railway, including Nanjing Anqing Jiujiang Wuhan Yichang Chongqing, Wanzhou Dazhou Suining Chengdu High speed Railway (Chengdu Suining Section uses Dazhou Railway), connects East China, Central China and Southwest China, and connects the Yangtze River Delta, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Chengdu Chongqing and other urban agglomerations." [2]
"Shanghai Hangzhou Nanchang Changsha Guiyang Kunming High speed Railway, connecting East China, Central China and Southwest China, runs through the Yangtze River Delta, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, central Guizhou, and the medium-sized urban agglomeration of Yunnan." [2]
"Xiamen - Longyan - Ganzhou - Changsha - Changde - Zhangjiajie - Qianjiang - Chongqing High speed Railway (Longxia Railway and Ganlong Railway are used for the Xiamen Ganzhou section, and Qianzhang Changjiang Railway is used for the Changde Qianjiang section). It connects the west, central and south western regions of the Straits, and connects the west, middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Chengdu Chongqing and other urban agglomerations." [2]
"Guangzhou Nanning Kunming High speed Railway, connecting South China and Southwest China, runs through the Pearl River Delta, Beibu Gulf, and Yunnan medium-sized urban agglomeration." [2]

Relevant interpretation

The planning period is from 2016 to 2025, and the long-term outlook is 2030: by 2020, a number of major landmark projects will be completed and put into operation, and the scale of the railway network will reach 150000 kilometers, including 30000 kilometers of high-speed railway, covering more than 80% of large cities. By 2025, the scale of the railway network will reach about 175000 kilometers, including about 38000 kilometers of high-speed railway. The network coverage will be further expanded, the structure of the railway network will be more optimized, and the backbone role will be more prominent, so that the railway will play a better role in ensuring economic and social development. It is expected that by 2030, internal and external interconnection will be basically realized, inter regional multi-channel will be unblocked, provincial capital high-speed railway will be connected, cities and prefectures will be quickly accessible, and counties will be basically covered.
The Planning is in the original“ Four vertical and four horizontal ”On the basis of the main framework, add high-speed railway with passenger flow support, appropriate standards and development needs, and make full use of the existing railway to form a high-speed railway network with "eight vertical and eight horizontal" main channels as the framework, regional connection lines as the link, and intercity railways as the supplement. The Plan clearly defines the construction standards of high-speed railway network: in principle, the new projects planned for the main channel of high-speed railway shall adopt the standard of 250 km/h or above (which can be appropriately reduced in areas with complex topography, geology and climate conditions), and the railway with dense population, developed economy and large cities along the line can adopt the standard of 350 km/h. In principle, the regional railway connection line adopts the standard of 250 km/h and below. In principle, the intercity railway adopts the standard of 200km/h and below.
Specific planning scheme: First, build the main channel of "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway. Second, expand regional railway connections. On the basis of the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" main channels, the regional connection lines of high-speed railway are planned to further improve the road network and expand the coverage of high-speed railway. Third, develop intercity passenger railway. While giving priority to the use of high-speed railway and ordinary speed railway to operate intercity trains to serve intercity functions, it is necessary to plan and construct intercity passenger railway of urban agglomeration that supports and leads the development of new urbanization, effectively connects large and medium-sized cities with central towns, and serves commuting functions.
After the implementation of the above road network scheme, the long-term railway network scale will reach about 200000 km, including about 45000 km of high-speed railway. The high-speed railway network will basically connect the provincial capital cities and other large and medium-sized cities with a population of more than 500000, realizing a 1-4 hour traffic circle between adjacent large and medium-sized cities, and a 0.5-2 hour traffic circle within the urban agglomeration. [1]