Eight colleges

Eight professional science and engineering universities on the way to Beijing University
zero Useful+1
Eight colleges: College Department Adjustment of Chinese Universities in 1952 , selected by the central authorities concerned Beijing In the northwest suburbs, a "college district" was built, and the first batch of (8) institutions of higher learning were established in a unified and centralized way, thus the name of "eight colleges" came into being. These eight colleges later developed into China University of Geosciences Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics China University of Mining and Technology Beijing Forestry University Peking University Medical Department Beijing University of Science and Technology China University of Petroleum China Agricultural University
Chinese name
Eight colleges
Eight professional science and engineering universities on the way to Beijing University
historical background
Realize national industrialization system
Brilliant achievements
"Eight colleges" are all strong in sports
Proposed time
June 1, 1950

historical background

In the early 1950s, the realization of the national industrialization system was one of the problems that needed to be solved urgently in the new China. In the face of the upcoming upsurge of economic construction, the old Higher Education Especially the system of engineering education and the need to establish an independent and complete national industrialization system not suited to So, at that time Central People's Government It was decided to adjust the departments of colleges and universities according to Soviet Union Higher education Centralized management State owned system and highly specialized division of labor in higher education Education system To build China's higher education system.
Turning to historical documents, we can see that on June 1, 1950, Ma Xulun, Minister of Education National Conference on Higher Education For the first time, it was clearly proposed that the national public security bureau should be adjusted preliminarily Private colleges and universities Or some of its departments in order to better meet the needs of national construction. So, nationwide
Old photos of "Xueyuan Road" and "Eight Colleges" in Beijing in the 1950s and 1960s
The part of institutions of higher learning remaining Comprehensive University In addition, many press Professional settings Disassemble and reassemble to form various departments Professional College
According to the teaching experience of the Soviet Union, the national colleges and universities, except for some comprehensive universities, were reorganized according to the professional settings to form specialized colleges.
Beijing's colleges and universities are very active in this combination of colleges and departments. The relevant departments of the central government have chosen to build a "college district" in the northwest suburbs of Beijing. at that time Peking University tsinghua , Yanjing, Furen University departments and many professional schools immediately merged to form 8 new majors science and engineering Universities: They are Beijing Institute of Geosciences Beijing Institute of Mining and Technology Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Industry Beijing Institute of Aeronautics Beijing Institute of Petroleum Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, Beijing Forestry University and Beijing medical college It is called "eight colleges". The name of "Eight Colleges" came into being, and in 1952, the summer school officially opened. [1]

geographical position

With the construction of the eight colleges, a road has been built from south to north in the college area Trunk road Named Xueyuan Road
East side of the road (4 stations) From south to north:
II Beijing Iron and Steel Institute (today Beijing University of Science and Technology );
III Beijing Institute of Petroleum (Today's China University of Petroleum)
IV Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization China Agricultural University ),
Activities of teachers and students of "Eight Colleges" in Haidian District, Beijing
West side of the road (4 stations) From south to north:
5 Beijing Institute of Aeronautics (today Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics );
VI Beijing Institute of Geosciences (now China University of Geosciences);
VIII Beijing Forestry University (today Beijing Forestry University );
Xueyuan Road was completed and opened to traffic at the end of 1954.
At that time, the bus passing through Xueyuan Road was No. 31 bus, and the first departure station of the bus was from Xi'an Gate to summer palace , later changed to Ping'an Li To Zhongguancun Jin331 Road, the driving route has been changed. [1]

Historical development


College Relocation

"China Geological University There are two, Beijing Geology Dahe Wuhan University of Geosciences. [1] ”President of University of Geosciences Zhao Pengda The reporter was told that at the end of the 1960s, four of the "eight colleges" moved away from their original locations.
Since 1969 international situation Severe, the national war preparedness work has been upgraded, and many large and medium-sized cities have begun to evacuate the population. Some leaders at that time proposed that, for example, the College of Agriculture, the College of Geology mining institute How can I stay in the city. Then, in October 1969, four of the "eight colleges" left Beijing at the order of the Central Committee.
Beijing Institute of Geosciences moved to Hubei Wuhan Beijing Institute of Mining and Technology moved to Chongqing, Sichuan Province in 1969, and was later relocated to Hechuan County Sanhui Dam And moved to Jiangsu in 1982 Xuzhou mining area Beijing Petroleum Institute moved to Shandong doy Shengli Oilfield , renamed East China Petroleum Institute Beijing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization first moved to Chongqing and then moved to Hebei Xingtai "Moving is all about Full container When carrying precision machinery, others call us "Box University" " agricultural university Ai Yinqian, secretary of the Party Committee, told reporters. Beijing Iron and Steel Institute was also determined to relocate. On the night of getting on the train, an emergency notice was given to stay there, so the Institute was lucky to stay in Beijing.
In the years of migration, the school only recruited workers, peasants and soldiers. Until the late 1970s Resume the college entrance examination , a few colleges have returned to Beijing one after another. Most of them returned to Xueyuan Road, only the University of Petroleum moved to Changping.
From the 1980s to the 1990s, eight colleges were successively renamed as universities. Beijing Iron and Steel Institute was renamed Beijing University of Science and Technology; Beijing Forestry University was renamed Beijing Forestry University; Beijing Agricultural Machinery College was renamed China Agricultural University; Beijing Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics was renamed as Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Beijing Institute of Geosciences was renamed China University of Geosciences; Beijing Petroleum Institute was renamed China University of Petroleum; Beijing Institute of Mining and Technology was renamed China University of Mining and Technology; Beijing Medical College was merged into Peking University.


Today, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) Moved to Changping. The North Fourth Ring Road separates Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Peking University Medical Department and several other colleges and universities, hence the name of the overpass "College Bridge". The college road is changing more and more, and more and more schools are gathering here, with nearly 20 colleges and universities gathering here.
In 1999, 13 universities including Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Beijing University of Science and Technology were jointly founded with the strong support of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and on the basis of the original eight colleges Beijing University The teaching community of colleges and universities in the railway area developed to include Beijing Normal University The teaching community of 16 universities. Xueyuan Road Community resource sharing To strengthen the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality and combine it with the cultivation of their professional quality in school, so as to form an organic whole and cultivate the high quality urgently needed by the country Innovative talents [2]

Brilliant achievements

"Eight colleges" are all strong in sports
The old professors of the "eight colleges" are all proud of their school's sports achievements. This is different from the college students physical quality The strict requirements of are inseparable.
President of University of Geosciences Zhao Pengda I still remember the morning exercises in the 1950s. At the whistle, students came out of their dormitories to the playground to do exercises with the radio, spring, summer, autumn and winter Never stop. "The geologist can't go out without good health." Cut willow Liu Chengyin. Many Chinese mountaineers are students of the University of Geosciences. For example, graduated from hydrogeology in 1984 Wang Yongfeng Top in 1993 Mount Everest It is one of the only two mountaineers in China who conquered the highest peaks on seven continents of the world. Geophysical the zang or tibetan people student Cilo Is the first college student to climb Mount Everest in China.
When it comes to the mountaineers at DiU, there is another secret: at 4:00 a.m. on May 25, 1960, DiU graduated Wang Fuzhou And teammates Tribute Qu Yinhua It is the first time for human beings to successfully climb Mount Everest from the north side, People's Daily Made Extra number However, overseas people do not recognize that Chinese people have climbed Mount Everest, according to International practice After climbing the summit, it should be confirmed by 360 degree photos, but it was 4:00 in the morning, so it was impossible to take photos. In addition to taking photos, it can also be confirmed when the successful climbers find the objects left behind. The Chinese did not take photos until 1984, when the foreign mountaineering team reached the top of Mount Everest, they found the plaster figure of Mao Zedong left on the top by Wang Fuzhou and others in 1960 Year The success of college students in climbing Mount Everest was recognized by the world.
“‘ tsinghua Beijing University, the third steel school ', this is about the sports of the steel institute. " In the college basketball match in Beijing in the late 1950s. When the men's basketball team of the Institute of Steel met the men's basketball team of the Institute of Physical Education, the amateur team beat the professional team by 5 points, which made a sensation in the national college sports arena.
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering When Zhong Nanshan was a junior at Beijing Medical College in 1958, he broke the The First National Games 400m hurdle And won the national record of Men's decathlon runner-up. There are several sports records set by Zhong Nanshan at Beijing Medical College that no one can break. When Wu Yi, the former Vice Premier of the State Council, was studying at the Petroleum Institute, she was also an active member of the school's women's handball team, and left a picture of the brave and brave on the court.
Political figures of the "eight colleges"
Wen Jiabao, former Premier of the State Council, studied at the then Beijing Institute of Geosciences in the 1960s. When it appeared on TV that Mr. Wen inspected the disaster area, went down to the mine and worked with the miners Eat dumplings Zhao Pengda, the headmaster, always feels very kind: "This is the most common essence of a geologist, and it is also the natural expression of loving the people and being close to the people's school spirit." Zhao Pengda revealed that Premier Wen once volunteered to go to the countryside for the Spring Festival for three consecutive years during his school years to celebrate the festival with farmers. The prime minister's love for the people is reflected from his student days. On holidays, Premier Wen will write letters to teachers in his alma mater no matter how busy he is, and write envelopes with his own hands.
Wu Yi, former Vice Premier of the State Council, graduated from Beijing Petroleum Institute at that time. Her teacher Lin Shihong still remembers the story of Wu Yi's "breaking into the boys' dormitory at night" when she was in college. One night in the midsummer of 1959, after careful Wu Yi dissuaded a girl who wanted to commit suicide due to lovelorn, it was already two o'clock in the night. In the habit of "staying overnight", she hurried to report to the head teacher who lived in the boys' dormitory. Lin Shihong, who had fallen asleep, suddenly heard someone knocking at the door. He hurriedly put on his vest shorts He opened the door and found that Wu Yi, a female student, was standing at the door. Lin Shihong, who has just become a teacher, feels embarrassed. Wu Yi reacted quickly when she saw the teacher's embarrassment, "just like she negotiated with the Americans later" (Lin Shihong). She said, "Please sit on the bed quickly, teacher. Don't cold Now, just report something in a few words. On the campus website of China University of Petroleum, there is a report of Wu Yi every time she goes back to school. The details are very touching. On one occasion, Wu Yi, who was making a speech back to school, bowed three times solemnly to her alma mater teacher sitting on the rostrum, which made the principal almost cry.
In addition, the Steel Institute, one of the "eight colleges", is proud that Luo Gan, Liu Qi, Xu Kuangdi, Huang Mengfu and other party and state leaders have all taken their jobs from Beijing Iron and Steel Institute.
The "eight colleges" are rich in academicians
Although it is impossible to verify whether Xueyuan Road is the region with the most academicians graduated in China, the number of academicians graduated from the old "eight colleges" is amazing.
Beijing University of Science and Technology Wei Shoukun Ke Jun Xiao Jimei 31 academicians. In 1958, when making steel, Academician of CAS Li Yiyi Just after graduating from the then Beijing Iron and Steel Institute, she recalled that we all lived in stove Yes, usually Three shifts I often go to and from work at midnight alone. To "high yield launch a satellite ”During the Great Leap Forward, we worked two shifts every 12 hours every day. In retrospect, we felt very brave and proud. Our No. 1 High was awarded by the League Central Committee and was named "Youth Blast Furnace".
China The Alumni Association According to the "2009 National University Academician Ranking List" on www.china.com.cn, among the top 20 universities in terms of the number of academicians, the old "eight colleges" accounted for four. Among them, China University of Geosciences ranked 12th; Beijing University of Science and Technology ranked 15th; Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics ranked 16th; China Agricultural University ranked 17th. The number of academicians from China University of Petroleum, Beijing Forestry University and China University of Mining and Technology also ranked in the top 40.

Characteristics of each school


A view of the campus

Beihang Green Garden
Beihang is proud of the garden known as "Big Green Garden". This park like green land is full of green trees, and even has a lake and small pavilions. The Green Garden is the largest garden among the "eight colleges", just like a large garden Green lung As nourishing Generations Students.
The old teacher of Beijing Airlines described that the most common picture in the Green Garden was that students were sitting in the morning reading by the lake. There were children learning to walk slowly on the path. The old people were doing morning exercises calmly on the grass. Passers by in a hurry did not forget to look at the beautiful scenery in the garden. Sars At that time, it became a place for many people to look for peace and quiet. Many Beihang students have written poems depicting the beautiful scenery of the Green Garden.
The campus of the University of Geosciences covers a large area, with kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools, residential buildings and various stores. Some people joke that a university is like a miniature small society, which can be solved here from birth to graduation. What impressed the students of Tianjin University was a straight road from east to west, which was one kilometer long from the east gate to the west gate, without a single bend. It is hard to see such a long straight road in other colleges and universities.
Steel Institute Philodendron selloum
Because of its picturesque scenery, especially a large area of golden ginkgo Lin, Steel Institute has been selected by many TV dramas and MVs Location shooting Land. The "Ginkgo Avenue" is located on the road to the south of the library. Ginkgo trees on both sides of the road are decorated with scenery all the year round.
In summer, the ginkgo forest is green and luxuriant, and birds are singing happily on the branches. In autumn, trees are everywhere Yellow leaves , falling leaves like sulfurS Fly. "It seems that four years ago, yellow Ginkgo leaf Blue sky... "At the graduation party of the 2006 graduates, the students also sang their own creation of" Ginkgo Leaf "to express their nostalgia for the campus.
Old willows in the Red Flag Playground
There is a famous big willow in the Red Flag Playground of Petroleum University. professor Yu Shicheng I told the reporter that when he went to college here in the 1950s, this old willow tree with luxuriant foliage was here, so thick that two people could hug it. Later, when building the playground, they were reluctant to move the tree. For this tree, the playground was moved two meters during construction.
This old willow tree has always been a symbol of the University of Petroleum until it was moved to another school. As the original school site was occupied and expanded, the tree disappeared. Yu Shicheng, nearly 80 years old, told reporters that Youth Park There are many big poplar and willow trees planted by them in those years, which are still preserved. Many old professors go back to recall Youth Always look for the tree they used to read.
Beilin Ginkgo Avenue
Once entering the small south gate, I saw a Golden Avenue "Ginkgo Avenue.".

The best of all schools

The Best Activities of Beihang Community
The numerous associations of Beihang were once the most in Beijing's colleges and universities, known as“ Hundred Regiments Battle ”。 Although it is University of Science and Engineering However, Beihang has more than 70 associations in sports, literature, art, economy, science and technology, such as the famous Lingfeng Community as well as tennis association Military association Big Mouth English Lovers Association College Student Psychological Association , Cartoon Club, etc. No matter what hobbies students have, similar groups can be found in the associations of Beijing Airlines. When the club recruits new students or the club culture month comes, the club members will set up a booth in the school to introduce the club activities to the new students.
In addition, Beihang also has its own art museum. The art museum regularly displays domestic and foreign contemporary art works and traditional culture , for teachers and students Free
University of Geosciences has the largest number of academicians
China University of Geosciences also has more than 30 academicians, and now the oldest academician is nearly 110 years old. Beijing University of Geosciences has the most academicians among the old "eight colleges". From the 1950s to the 1970s, the geological college at that time had outstanding training [3] many Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering , such as China Lunar Exploration Project The chief scientist of Ouyang Ziyuan He graduated from the Institute of Geology in 1956.
According to the ratio between the number of academicians in the past and the number of students each year, one academician can be selected from the average 2000 people. The school often encourages each new student to have at least two academicians.
The steel institute has the largest number of mayors
Beijing University of Science and Technology According to the relevant person in charge, the Steel Institute is known as the "cradle of mayors". More than 30 mayors or vice mayors of cities in China graduated from the original Steel Institute.
It is reported that the former mayor and vice mayor Beijing Mayor Liu Qi, Vice Mayor Sun Anmin Shanghai Mayor Xu Kuangdi, Vice Mayor Zhu Zongbao Chongqing Vice Mayor Zhao Gongqing Nanjing Mayor Wang Hongmin Vice Mayor Huang Mengfu, Guangzhou Mayor Zhang Guangning, Vice Mayor Chen Mingde... Coincidentally, the first president of Beijing Iron and Steel Institute Gao Yunsheng Served as Huangshi City Mayor, the second president Zhang Wenqi Served as Tangshan The first vice mayor after the liberation of the city.
The largest number of mountaineers in DiU
In the university world, there is a saying: For China University of Geosciences, mountaineering is like Peking University in Chinese and Tsinghua University in science and technology. There is no special mountaineering specialty in the University, but mountaineering is a geological specialty required course Many students have become famous mountaineers.
In 1958, the then Geological Institute established the first amateur team in China Mountaineering team In 1960, graduates of 1958 Wang Fuzhou get on Mount Everest The women's mountaineering team formed in 1961 climbed the Mount Gonger Jiubei (7595m above sea level) in Xinjiang, creating the world record According to the school history, more than 5900 teachers and students of the University of Geosciences have successively obtained State Sports Commission The certificate of mountaineer issued is indeed the most cultivated mountaineer.