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Systemic factors

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What is? Infertility Systemic factors? What is the general factor of infertility? There are many causes of infertility. In addition to reproductive, endocrine and reproductive organ abnormalities, some systemic diseases can also cause infertility. The most common diseases are endocrine and metabolic diseases, such as Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism, adrenal cortex dysfunction, diabetes and obesity. [1]


cause Infertility What are the systemic factors of? The following is an introduction to the causes of infertility:
Systemic factors 1. Abnormality of fallopian tube: Female infertility 20%~40% of them are caused by Tubal nowhere And cannot conceive. Common reasons are Salpingitis Abnormal shape of fallopian tube, fallopian tube spasm Tubal tuberculosis , oviduct hydrops, etc.
Systemic factors
2. Vaginal dysplasia: Imperforate hymen , narrow, stiff, Congenital absence of vagina Vaginal mediastinum , diaphragm, vaginal stenosis or upper segment atresia can cause infertility.
3. Congenital dysplasia: Congenital absence of uterus , various Uterine malformation , such as the single horn uterus Bicornical uterus , boat shaped uterus, double uterus, uterine septum or mediastinum, infantile uterus, etc. can cause infertility.
4. Vaginitis: Trichomonas, mold, bacteria and other infections damage the natural defense function of the vagina, change the normal acidic environment, and cause vaginitis, which can reduce the activity of sperm and shorten the survival time of sperm, resulting in temporary infertility.


The patient may be in an upright or supine position during examination. When measuring testicular volume, lie on the back accurately. Determine that the scrotal skin on the surface of the testis should be unfolded, and use the testis volume measurement model (Prader Testometer )Compare and palpate the testes. Record the conditions of the left and right sides respectively. Small or soft, indicating atrophy of testicles. It is better to take an upright position. The epididymis is located at the posterolateral side of the testis. The head, body and tail of the normal epididymis are close to the posterolateral edge of the testis. The epididymis is soft and can reach the edge. The touch pressure is slightly painful. If there are nodules or inflammation, the tenderness is obvious.

Therapeutic medication

At present, there is no one treatment method applicable to all infertility patients in the medical community, so comprehensive treatment measures should be taken to choose Traditional Chinese Medicine , surgery, physical therapy, artificial insemination, test tube baby and other means are combined to determine the appropriate treatment after a comprehensive analysis of the etiology, the age of the woman and the previous treatment process and other factors.
Female infertility The main causes of infertility are ovulation dysfunction, fallopian tube blockage or adhesion, uterine problems, cervical problems, semen quality problems, semen problems, sexual dysfunction, immune factors, etc. treatment Infertility The key is to find out the nine major causes and treat symptomatically. Costs cannot be generalized. It is suggested that the patient should go to a professional gynecological hospital for examination, find out the cause of disease, and then treat symptomatically.