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Fully automated

Mechanical concept
synonym fully automatic (Full automation of production and processing of mechanical devices and products)
Full automation refers to the working state of mechanical equipment that can complete all production links and processes by itself without manual operation and control after starting.
Chinese name
Fully automated
Foreign name
full automation
Disciplines involved
information science
Mechatronics of Mechanical Engineering
No manual operation and control


For more than a century, the machinery manufacturing industry, which mainly focuses on metal cutting, has changed from "skyshaft" to driving multiple lathes to one machine tool driven by one or more motors. In the past 20 years, there has been a combination of "turning, drilling, planing, milling, grinding" and other metal cutting processes numerical control machine or machining center In addition to a variety of other advanced processing methods, advanced manufacturing or modern manufacturing is gradually formed. In the middle of the 20th century, since the emergence of integrated circuits, the development of computer and optical communication technology has led to the information technology revolution. Under this situation, the fully automated industrial revolution is taking shape, which is the third technological revolution and the third industrial revolution proposed by someone.
During the first and second industrial revolutions, production lines and semi-automatic production lines have emerged. However, since the combination of computers with machine tools or production lines, computer controlled fully automated Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS), modern advanced manufacturing technology and automation technology have been inseparable. NC/CNC equipment has digitized machine tools, can be combined with CAD and CAM, and can form a "feedback system", which can make production efficiency and Tool life 60% and 35% respectively; Other machines and production lines are generally controlled by PLC, robots and various electromechanical integration equipment, which can complete a variety of processes other than machining and cutting, as well as transmission, assembly, inspection, packaging and other work, CAD technology CAPP technology and CAM technology (computer-aided design/process planning/manufacturing) have gradually eliminated documents such as drawings and process procedures, and eliminated the way that drawings and process sheets are distributed to workshops and workers; CIMS technology gradually integrates production management, new product design finalization and manufacturing process, and can realize flexible manufacturing and agile manufacturing to improve the overall efficiency of enterprises. In this way, the organization and management of the factory will be greatly changed, and the production efficiency will be greatly improved, which is an example of the transformation of science and technology into productivity. This has also solved some people's doubts about "how information is transformed into material".
The implementation of CIMS project has driven the computer, network and a series of software and hardware industries. ERP and MES software used for management needs to be developed in combination with the requirements of various enterprises, thus forming an important branch of the information industry, occupying a large number of high-level compound talents, creating the demand for high-tech talents, thus driving the education industry accordingly and forming a change in employment structure. In addition, it has also absorbed the management talents from the original enterprises... This can ease the employment contradiction on the basis of vigorously developing the tertiary industry.
The importance of fully automated machinery manufacturing industry, on the one hand, can play a huge role in the production of automobile and other products related to the national economy and the people's livelihood and in the transformation of traditional industries; On the other hand, it has promoted the revolution of production tools, such as machine tools and other machine tools. For example, "the reason why we know the signs of the three industrial revolutions in modern times is that the key to the progress and development of productivity lies in the fundamental change of production tools or equipment. Only this change can make productivity and production structure develop by leaps and bounds". The statements of previous waves and the statement that energy reform is the symbol are based on the situation at that time. Now the knowledge economy is beginning to take shape, the information revolution has been fully launched, and information technology, modern management technology, automation technology, and modern advanced manufacturing technology are being organically combined, so the conclusion of the third technological revolution and the third industrial revolution has been formed, which is in line with the objective law of development.

brief introduction

Full automation refers to the comprehensive automation of mechanical devices and product production and processing operations. At present, with the high popularity of computer technology, industrial product manufacturing, parts processing, human social life products and other industries have all entered the era of all-round automatic production controlled by computer programmable control. In addition, in the military industry, aerospace equipment, scientific research, agriculture, power and other industries, computer aided production has also been fully automated. It can also be said that the explanation of the word "fully automatic" is also a process of automatic operation by machines without relying on manual work in industrial and agricultural production. [1]


The concept of automation is a dynamic development process. In the past, people's understanding of automation or the functional goal of automation was to replace human operation with mechanical action to automatically complete specific tasks. This is essentially the view that automation replaces human physical labor. Later, with the development of electronic and information technology, especially with the emergence and wide application of computers, the concept of automation has expanded to use machines (including computers) to not only replace human physical labor but also replace or assist mental labor to automatically complete specific jobs.
The broad connotation of automation at least includes the following points: in terms of form, manufacturing automation has three meanings: replacing human physical labor, replacing or assisting human mental labor, Manufacturing system Coordination, management, control and optimization of man-machine and the whole system. In terms of functions, the replacement of manual or mental labor by automation is only a part of the goal system of automation functions. The functional objectives of automation are multifaceted and have formed an organic system. In terms of scope, manufacturing automation involves not only specific production and manufacturing processes, but also product life cycle All processes.


All automation of the machining industry, such as all automation of production lines in the automotive industry, all automation of automatic batching industry, and all automation of product assembly processes.

Fully automated design

Fully automated design is the whole process from PCB design The software provides a variety of automated tools for PCB design. This design has a short working cycle and can only achieve acceptable results even though unsatisfactory. Especially in the design of human power circuit and high-frequency circuit, this method cannot meet the actual requirements.
PCB full automation design is usually realized by integrated software provided by Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software companies. These integrated system software include schematic diagram editing software, circuit simulation software PCB design Software. If programmable is involved Digital integrated circuit It shall also include programmable device design software.
technological process
The process of fully automated PCB design is as follows:
  1. one
    Design a complete schematic file, and mark specific parameters and packaging models for components in the circuit. Then, the electrical rule check (ERC) is carried out to ensure that no violation of electrical rules occurs in the schematic diagram that has been drawn.
  2. two
    Set the PCB frame in the PCB design software, and then import the network table file output from the schematic diagram to PCB In the design software.
  3. three
    Use the automatic layout function and automatic wiring function of the circuit design software to quickly complete the PCB design work:
  4. four
    Save and output various drawings and report files for later processing.

present situation

On September 6, 2017, reported that the world's largest fully automated container terminal - Shanghai Yangshan Deepwater Port Area Phase IV Project has been less than 100 days since the port was opened for trial operation on December 10.
Fully automated wharf in Shanghai Yangshan deepwater port area
The law enforcement personnel of the Maritime Safety Administration of Yangshan Port recently inspected the waters at the wharf apron of Yangshan Phase IV Project and found that the shore crane and portal crane have been installed, and the workers are doing trial operation and commissioning work.
It is reported that the total land area of Yangshan Port Phase IV is about 2.23 million square meters, and the initial annual throughput is expected to reach 4 million TEUs.

Application and improvement

Under the situation of mutual penetration and integration of science and technology, cross cutting and cooperation among disciplines, globalization of science and technology development, and integration of science and technology and economic development in modern science and technology, automation science and technology should be integrated with contemporary important technologies to achieve its own innovation and development, and the full automation industrial revolution should also be supported by various science and technology sectors, And jointly complete the third industrial revolution of mankind.
In the new century, in addition to advanced manufacturing and automation technology, there are 12 important technologies, including biotechnology, modern agricultural technology, marine resources development technology, modern transportation technology, aerospace technology, modern information technology and communication technology, laser technology, environmental protection technology, energy technology, material technology, nanotechnology, etc, In this paper, the automation technology is reviewed.
life sciences Up to now, there have been applicable achievements, forming biotechnology. Modern biotechnology It mainly refers to genetic engineering Genetically engineered drugs , GM food Biological cloning technology In addition, the fermentation engineering in traditional biotechnology needs the cooperation of automation technology; Especially the Human Genome Project DNA chip (gene chip) and bioinformatics are technologies and industries with scientific research nature. They are products of the combination of biological science and information science, and their economic value is very high. Moreover, various operating equipment, analytical instruments, environmental assurance and other application equipment in genetic engineering and bioengineering have both scientific research value and production value. On the basis of introduction and absorption, Make full use of advanced manufacturing technology to develop instruments and equipment in this field.
In the new century, modern agricultural technology and automation technology will be closely combined. On the basis of agricultural mechanization, "precision farming" will be developed. On the basis of advanced temperature control and automatic irrigation technologies, new greenhouse technology, factory agriculture, soilless cultivation and factory aquaculture will be developed.
In modern transportation automation technology, the motion control technology of automation technology will play a huge role. Due to the national conditions, China's railway transportation will have greater development. Railway speed increase has brought many topics for vehicles, railways, dispatching, safety, management and other aspects. On the basis of learning from foreign technologies, there have been innovations. For example, in the railway signal automation specialty, track circuit superimposed balise is used to form an advanced control system, making contributions to the safe speed increase. Highway transportation and urban transportation will become a topic of great concern due to the development of cars for a long time now and in the future. Intelligent Transport System (ITS) will become a hotspot in automation technology, which will promote Discrete event dynamic system The scientific research work of the project will promote the application of operational research and the development of artificial intelligence technology.
Modern information and communication technology is closely related to automation technology. With the development of computer technology and network technology, the field bus technology, which has been debated for many years at the bottom of automation system, will be improved, and the flattening of CIMS and CIPS systems will become a reality; Make the human-computer interface more friendly, and the time to truly achieve low-cost automation will come in advance. The development of optical technology (optical communication and laser) has brought great changes to information technology and automation technology, and there will be greater development in the new century.
The development of environmental protection technology and energy technology, in addition to bringing huge markets to the automation industry, will also put forward many new topics for automation technology in the new century. A loud noise from Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant warned people that operators should not make any mistakes. If there are mistakes, there should also be measures to recover losses. This requires in-depth research on ergonomics and computer simulation technology; China is a big coal producer, and clean coal technology is very important. Automation technology started from controlling boiler combustion in the last century. By the end of the last century, the control technology of circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) was being promoted, and now integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) technology has been added. In addition, Effective conventional control technologies such as parallel cascade cross automatic combustion control still need to be vigorously promoted... Therefore, the practical task of control technology is very heavy. The task of energy conservation has a long way to go, which is an unshirkable task of automation technology.
Any breakthrough in the production, transmission, storage, conversion and terminal use of energy will benefit mankind and make science, technology and productivity advance by leaps and bounds.
Semiconductor materials, optoelectronic materials (laser materials, optical storage materials, optoelectronic control element materials), conductive polymers and nanotechnology, and modern Information science and technology It will have an impact on detection, storage, robot and other aspects. [2]


For example, the automatic Smart lock Full automation Washing machine Automatic watch, automatic equipment for military industry, automatic driving of cars. There are also fully automated production processes in industrial production, auto industry fully automated production lines, agricultural animal husbandry feed processing fully automated production, etc. In addition, we often hear of aerospace military equipment such as unmanned (fully automatic) aircraft.
In general, "full automation" is due to the rapid development of human science and technology, which has brought about Total labor productivity Rapid improvement of. At the same time, it also brings a safe and comfortable automated production environment to human society. And the "fully automatic" production of social products has also improved the accuracy of products in an all-round way. In other words, the full-automatic production of our daily necessities also represents the depth of the industrial chain between various industries in human society.