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Global brand

Some or all combinations of names, terms, symbols and designs used worldwide
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Global brand refers to some or all combinations of names, terms, symbols and designs used worldwide. The role of brands is mainly to distinguish themselves from competitors. When a company uses a global brand, it can carry out unified and coordinated promotional activities around the world. It is also easy to open sales channels and establish the company's image. Some famous brands in the world, such as Coca Cola Microsoft Disney, Kodak, etc. are intangible assets of the company and have high value. The strength of the brand proves the strength of the company, and the image of the brand also establishes the image of the company. Global brand is a powerful weapon for the company to gain global customers and economies of scale. [1]
Chinese name
Global brand [1]
Economic terminology
Global brands produce to specific countries and societies Image value , industrial value, and further promote stable economic development, as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1
A specific country may rely on its brand company value and popularity If the national brand image and its value are improved, the national brand image can be regarded as a reflection of country All product lines The former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone once said that when communicating with international people, Japan Sony Just like his left face, Pamasonic is his right face, international brand Make him superior feel At the same time, these brand image influence consumer Of psychology , for consumers Purchase Decision Impact, which is why commodity Service generates national brand value. [1]