
Phenomenon of human social development
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The word "globalization" is a concept as well as a human being social development The phenomenon process of. There are many definitions of globalization. Generally speaking, globalization refers to the growing global ties, the development of human life on the basis of global scale and the rise of global consciousness. Countries are interdependent in politics, economy and trade. Globalization can also be explained as the compression of the world and as a whole.
Chinese name
Foreign name
globalisation (globalization)
Model city
New York London Hong Kong
After the 1990s


In the long history of human development, Globalization Wave It is a continuous flash of light. "Globalization", a popular concept that often occupies the world's headlines and is familiar to people, refers to a historical change process in which the links between countries, regions and regions around the world are constantly strengthening and upgrading, during which the political, economic, cultural, social and other diverse fields are increasingly becoming deeply integrated and interdependent, Relative to national consciousness Global awareness It has gradually become a mainstream ideology. [6]

Development trend

Globalization has made countries increasingly interdependent in their economic development. although financial crisis This has led to the slow growth of the world economy, but has not changed the overall trend of the in-depth development of globalization. In the process of coping with the crisis and promoting recovery, relying on international production, foreign trade and services, cross-border capital flows and technological innovation, countries have increased their efforts to open up international markets and allocate global resources, resulting in closer economic ties and deepening interests. [7]

Economic pattern

developed country With its own strength and enterprise ownership advantages, it has always been the promoter, leader and rule maker of globalization. in recent years, Emerging economies and developing country Through foreign trade and investment absorption, gradually integrate into the international production system and Global division of labor , stimulating economic vitality. [7]

international competition

Rulemaking is an important means to determine the distribution of global interests. There are many disputes over the formulation of international economic and trade rules. On the one hand, emerging economies and developing countries strongly appeal for the fair right to participate in rule making and global governance, such as striving for greater voice in global organizations or regional groups to reflect their development demands. [7]

multilateral trade

Doha negotiations Deadlock, regional and bilateral FTA It has become an important means to carry out economic strategic cooperation and competition. All countries are accelerating their FTA strategy, and new trends have emerged in global trade and investment liberalization [7]


Since the industrial revolution, the decisive force of globalization has been summarized in the form of a "double-layer game" model: first, the competition of interests among countries mainly depends on the rulers of various countries. In history, some monarchs encouraged or personally participated in overseas colonial activities, while others cut off one 's country from the outside world , depending on the stability of their own rule. The second is the competition among the factor owners, which is mainly based on the organization of the company and the cost (risk) income entrepreneur policy decision. Due to the asymmetry of the global mobility of factors, capital and technology are more likely to flow across borders than labor. Globalization often leads to "failure" of some sectors. Of course, there are interactions between the two layers. The attitude of the public and enterprises towards globalization can also promote domestic decision-makers to make different choices. [8]

Main impacts


background of times

First, globalization as the background of the times. Although we can make different generalizations about the times we live in, globalization is in any case a significant feature of our times. It can be said that globalization has "marked" an era. Globalization firmly weaves every country on the network of the world system, so that it is impossible for every country to seek independent development without globalization. [9]

Intrinsic element

The second is globalization as an internal element of social development. Globalization is not only the background of each country's development, but also its development The intrinsic elements of. according to system theory In the relationship between a large system and a small system (or the whole and part), a large system can be regarded as the external environment of a small system. However, the qualitative prescriptiveness of a large system affects the qualitative prescriptiveness of a small system to a large extent. If the relationship between globalization and any of these countries is regarded as the relationship between large systems and small systems, then the development of this country is clearly characterized by globalization. In fact, under the condition of globalization, the emergence and proposal of any important issue in social development are not completely isolated, but are affected by various factors at home and abroad to varying degrees, and are the product of the interaction of various factors. Therefore, globalization is not only an external influence on the development of countries, but also a“ Endogenous variable ”。 [9]


Third, globalization as a tool and means of development. Globalization is often associated with modernization Connected. The reason why many countries actively participate in globalization is to accelerate their modernization. In this regard, globalization is used as a tool and means of development. [9]
In general, globalization plays a diverse role in the development of contemporary society, and the issues raised are also acute and complex, so that research and development cannot ignore globalization. The emergence of this situation objectively requires the establishment of a global way of thinking. This is that when we examine the issue of social development, we should not only consider it from the perspective of one country or nation, but also have World history We are good at examining national issues from the perspective of globalization, so as to achieve a comprehensive understanding and grasp of the issues. [9]


Anti globalization ”The root cause of the trend is the continuous downturn of the world economy in recent years, the increasing economic inequality in some parts of the world, the unfair distribution of resources, and the increasing sense of abandonment and insecurity in society, which makes the public turn to political figures who play the "populist card" and regard them as life-saving straws. [10]
There is still academic discussion on whether globalization is a real phenomenon or just a statement. Although this word has been widely used, some scholars argue that this phenomenon has already appeared in other historical periods. In addition, many people have noticed that those who believe that we are in the Globalization process Such phenomena as the growth of international trade and the increasingly important role of transnational corporations were not formulated when they were first established. Therefore, many scholars prefer to use "internationalization" rather than "globalization". In short, the difference between them is that the role of the state is more important in internationalization. In other words, globalization is deeper than internationalization. Therefore, these scholars believe that the borders of countries are far from disappearing. Therefore, complete globalization has not yet begun, and may not begin - historically, internationalization has never become globalization. famous Dependency theory The proposer, Smir Amin, proposed that "globalization is a reactionary Utopia ”And give globalization Latin America and Asia The negative significance brought by the state was analyzed incisively.
Another interpretation of globalization
Huang Shudong In "Choice and Rise - China's Crisis under the State Game", he wrote:
With globalization, Neoliberalism It has become a new mainstream trend of thought in the world. International political pattern Great changes have taken place, and the pursuit of "equality and justice" is no longer the mainstream of international political life. what Neocolonialism North South negotiations give way to globalization and free competition among countries. The cause of poverty in a country is no longer historical Colonialism , or the unequal relationship in reality is no longer the result of the combined effect of many subjective and objective factors, developing country I became the only reason why I fell behind. The way to solve many injustices in the real world is no longer adjustment international order , but globalization.
The demand for justice was pushed behind the world agenda, and a new theory and belief began to rise. This is a belief based on the jungle principle. On the surface, this belief advocates that everyone and every country, rich or poor, must help themselves and save themselves. In fact, this belief advocates "free competition" between the strong and the weak, "free competition" between capital and labor, and "free competition" between the strong and the weak. This belief gives the strong and the weak the same freedom on the surface, but under the veil of "freedom", the strong rule the weak and the strong plunder the weak.
Are we experiencing unprecedented globalization?
Is globalization in the "sun never sets" imperial era inferior to that in the US Lijian era? If McDonald's Kentucky Fried Chicken To reflect globalization, Chinese restaurants have landed around the world in the last century, and their popularity is far from the United States Fast Food Energy comparison. I suspect that today's globalization has been exaggerated by the rapidly expanding "press".
The current globalization is mainly Communication technology As a result of the rapid progress of, there is no leap forward in transportation technology. From the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the transportation technology represented by ships, railways, cars and planes has made a qualitative leap, and the international exchange of personnel and materials is Geometric progression growth At that time, immigration was easy, immigration management was not strict, and passports were optional. America It was in that era that the Chinese began to change their clothes Western costume , use Western style pen and ink, carry foreign guns, live in foreign houses matches , nails, and Go to Nanyang , Go to the West and East.
even if it is capital flows I'm afraid the old times may not be far behind. A hundred years ago, many Chinese started their own business in foreign countries In the bank Save, withdraw, borrow money. The currency at that time could Free convertibility export of capital cover Lenin See tradition Imperialism One of the main characteristics of. It is said that today's globalization is reflected in the amazing scale of“ finacial capital ”Flow. There are more than $100 trillion in the world every day financial market Gambling and speculation on the global market every year“ Hot money ”Up to $400 trillion. But that What does it mean? Today's International trade volume Only $8 trillion. international finance Can gambling affect life in every corner of the earth? Capital is one of the three elements of economy, and its fundamental significance lies in promoting labor force and Means of production Combined efficiency. However, how much efficiency does the "capital" used for international gambling promote? The backbone of globalization is industry and Commercial capital , not "gambling capital".
The use of electricity, the rise of radio, the emergence of the telephone, the popularity of press and publishing, and even the subsequent television era, the significance of any of the above-mentioned advances in communication technology is not necessarily lower than that of the Internet. So, in the past spiritual product The degree of globalization is no less than today, and the diversity of spiritual products is no less than today. Otherwise, the democratic ideology, the ideology of the Communists and even all kinds of others ideology How to spread it to the world in the 19th and 20th centuries? In addition to the huge amount of "financial capital", it is said that globalization is also reflected in the prosperity and popularity of the Internet. The Internet makes information transmission It is fast and convenient. But having information is obviously not the same as having knowledge, information content The increase of does not necessarily increase the diversity of ideas. Americans are no more diverse than they were during the Vietnam War, and no more than India. The concept of Chinese intellectuals is not even better than that of 2300 years ago the warring states The times are diverse. Compared with contemporary universities, isn't Peking University in the 1920s much more diversified in ideology? Of course, Chinese people have more diversified ideas than 20 years ago, but that is not the result of the Internet.
twice World War add Cold War It has lasted for 80 years, cutting off the globalization process of the world, making the international exchanges that began to resume after the Cold War suddenly and novel. The author is not historian However, I would not be surprised if a historian told me that in the last century and early last century, the degree of international exchange of people, materials, capital and spirit was higher than that of modern times.
Of course, I did not say that the globalization in the future will not exceed the globalization in the past.
What does globalization bring?
Whether we are in an unprecedented process of globalization or not, the past experience is enlightening. The historical experience of globalization can be divided into four categories: moral issues; Income problem; Convergence and divergence; internationalism And nationalism Question. The following four characteristics of globalization correspond to these four problems.
1. Globalization without rule of law and morality. The marketization within any country follows Legal environment Gradually mature and mature. The international marketization is not carried out under the rule of law environment, so it is impossible to "mature". As long as there is no world government, the so-called international market The rule of law is impossible. When legislation, justice and law enforcement all belong to one family, only idealist just Go to extravagance Hope for fairness, and only those countries that are most capable of profiting from injustice will talk about it international order How fair. If there is no global Government under the rule of law , so-called“ Global governance ”(global governance )It cannot be governance that embodies international justice.
2. It is impossible to predict the globalization of national profits and losses. It is very difficult to talk abstractly about the conditions that benefit or suffer from globalization. Strong countries, weak countries, large countries and small countries may all benefit, but also may suffer. Traditional China was defeated by globalization, but it also rose rapidly from globalization. British Empire It rose from globalization and declined in globalization. At present, although the United States has always been the biggest beneficiary of globalization, it tends to be indifferent to globalization, because the United States is beginning to feel the cost.
3. Stimulate globalization in pursuit of difference. The "convergence" caused by globalization is shallow“ Dissimilarity ”It is profound. The pursuit of difference is the most profound feature of the era of globalization. Globalized capital has no human nature to speak of, it brings intense social change Stimulating the rise of various ideologies is bound to be accompanied by intense social groupings , ideology and even nation-state Conflict between. Globalization in the past has brought prosperity and progress, as well as great revolution and national civil war Competition also brings“ World War ”。
4. Promotion nationalism And the globalization of national boundaries. There is no doubt that all kinds of internationalism It all comes from globalization. However, globalization has brought stronger nationalism, passports and customs, barriers to personnel exchanges, "inviolable" national boundaries, more advanced weapons and stronger national defense. In the past globalization, it was not internationalism that won, but Nationalism , especially nationalism. Today, we see "Europe united states ”The rise of the doctrine, Eurocurrency The use of European customs, the consolidation of European borders, the establishment of European customs, and the unification of European defense. What stimulates this new“ Western Europe Nationalism "? Which of the United States, Japan and Western Europe is still talking about internationalism? When people have extended the battlefield to protect the border security Space Who can say that globalization destroys national boundaries? Once upon a time, the Olympic Games and the World Cup set up for universal happiness turned into a national arena, and the competition between countries even became the capital for competition within national countries.
For“ economic performance ”People moved into cities from vast scattered and self-sufficient villages. They live together in close proximity and depend on each other, but they can only survive by haggling, competing and competing with each other. The people in the city look the same, but everyone is pursuing uniqueness from the bottom of their bones. Only difference can Survival competition It stands out. Cruel market competition Make more and more "villagers" gradually become scarce Moral sense People who have lost the concept of justice worship all the "civilization" brought by capital, or simply worship capital itself. People naturally forget Afghanistan The life of the poor is equal to that in the World Trade Center. They will light candles for more than 2000 "civilized" lives in New York, but they would never expect to burn more than 4000 "barbaric" martyrs in Afghanistan A stick of incense Human beings can openly claim that selfishness and the law of the jungle are their nature and can lead to "the greatest happiness of the greatest majority of people". Such human beings have to replace the fence separating families with security doors made of steel Armed to teeth Instead of elders who mediate neighborhood disputes. When poor and vast global village Has become a prosperous and small global city“ National interests ”Naturally become international relation The supreme principle of "force" also naturally becomes the premise of security and order.
When internationalization began to refer to such a process, globalization was used to distinguish a series of trends, many of which became particularly prominent after World War II. Many trends are viewed as positive by various organizations that support globalization. In many cases, globalization is actively promoted by governments and others. For example, there is an economic theory that comparative advantage enables free trade to resource allocation It is more effective and beneficial to both parties involved in trade.
After World War II, many international organizations such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) have greatly reduced the barriers to international trade. Especially from GATT World Trade Organization

Economic vision

Macroeconomics In itself Closed economy Learning in, but currently global economy In fact, it is very consistent, especially since China joined in 2001 in 2010 World Trade Organization In the tenth year of, China's economy Every change of is closely linked to the global economy. China Europe International Business School Xu Bin, a professor of economics and finance, pointed out that "the most important thing at the moment is to have a global economic vision".
The global economy is in an "L" shape. If you want to say Economic recovery In fact, the next two or three years will still be in a very depressed state.
Previously, Federal Reserve chairman Bernanke Clearly, the zero interest rate policy will not end until the middle of 2013. As a country federal Savings institutions Chairman, why do you promise to maintain extremely low zero interest rate for a long time monetary policy , obviously very unusual. It also reflects Bernanke's commitment to American economy Our future expectations are also very low.
In this view, the US economy may continue to be depressed for some time. Government adopted Macroeconomic policy About to National economy It has a very big impact. Take Japan for example, Japanese economy It has been depressed for 30 years. The Japanese government also listened to the United States economist By issuing more Japanese yen Stimulating economy; This method may have some effect in a closed economy, but with economic globalization The Bank of Japan has issued more yen open economy Was "borrowed" by the market, resulting in some commodity market On the so-called Arbitrage transaction
Returning to the U.S. economy, in the future benchmark interest rate At a relatively low level, the United States as a savings currency dollar And is expected to issue more currencies. In fact, these currencies will not play a significant role in stimulating the domestic economy of the United States, but for other countries, especially emerging market The country caused a severe shock. For China, this is a very realistic problem. So when we think about the prospect, we should first think about the channels through which the US dollars that have been issued or will be issued in the future will flow into China, and then this will affect our economy, monetary policy and various types of Asset price What kind of impact does it have. This is closely related to everyone's life and investment. In the next few years, domestic socio-economic activities, management, operation Investment activities Will have a relationship.
Like many opinions nowadays, the economy of the United States is actually worse than people think, that is Bernanke It is said that before the middle of 2013, even in early 2014, it may not be optimistic. More optimistically, observe Macroeconomy At the same time, we should look at both the short-term situation and the long-term trend as Keynesianism One of the drawbacks of the Chinese version is that it only focuses on the short-term situation and ignores the long-term trend.
In the long run, pay attention to the number of private economic sectors in American society Entrepreneurship innovation ability And new technological processes. If there is an unpredictable spirit or potential thing there, the innovation ability of the United States must not be underestimated. Although the US economy is very sluggish, we should not underestimate the US economy. After all, the US is one of the world's major countries, market economy It has the largest composition. Only the private enterprises in the market economy have vitality is the foundation of the national economy. The American society itself has the characteristics of Christian spirit. For a long time, for example, in the third, fourth year or after, the American economy is still sustained development , the strong wind is rising again.
Before that, the US economy was still in an "L" shape, which was a good opportunity for China. If we seize the opportunity to turn around some distorted domestic markets, it would be of great benefit to China's economy. [3]


The globalization index covers 60 global top Big economy Volume, measured locally respectively GDP The calculation method of globalization degree of each link is based on five major factors driving globalization: openness of trade, capital flows , exchange of technology and ideas, Labor mobility And cultural integration. According to the international accounting firm“ Ernst&Young ”In the annual globalization report released on February 25, 2013, Hong Kong has been ranked among the 60 largest economies in the world for three consecutive years Global Index Ranking highest. [4]
Ernst&Young Hong Kong and Macao Chen Ruijuan, the regional managing partner, said that Hong Kong mainly performed well in science and technology and ideological exchange in the survey, ranking far better than other markets, so Hong Kong can rank first in the globalization index. [4]
Chen Ruijuan said, Special Zone Government We have taken a more enterprising attitude in attracting foreign investment, including actively promoting the four major enterprises pillar industry And six Advantageous industry To promote, for example, education creative industry Development and innovation. It is expected that Hong Kong will continue to lead in terms of globalization scores in trade, capital and technology in the future. [4]
Chen Ruijuan stressed that Hong Kong is a major trade and financing bridge between the mainland of China and the rest of the world The return of Hong Kong The new measures promoted by the latter have enabled it to stand out from other growth markets and play the role of China's offshore global financial center, so it can maintain the first place in globalization. [4]
Ernst&Young Top 10 in 2012 globalization index Economies Respectively: China Hong Kong (Overall score: 7.81) Singapore (6.31)、 Ireland (5.63)、 Belgium (5.49)、 Switzerland (5.3)、 Netherlands (5.19)、 Sweden (4.96)、 Denmark (4.94)、 Hungary (4.75), UK (4.74). [4]


Today's weak national language Is facing dominating language , globalization, the Internet and other impacts, its social use function is in a dangerous situation of gradually weakening or disappearing; Therefore, relevant institutions and linguistic circles should take active and effective measures to rescue endangered national languages; Protecting national languages is conducive to human civilization The inheritance and development of National unity Social stability—— Zhou Haizhong [1]
Contemporary globalization is mainly reflected in the four aspects of internationalization, liberalization, universalization and star orientation. Internationalization mainly refers to crossing national boundaries and describing the political and economic differences between different nations and countries. Liberalization is often used by economists, while generalization is more used by cultural researchers, mainly involving specific sense of worth Read: A more global world lies in cultural trends Homogenization Planetization involves the dissemination of information and culture safety problem 。—— Wang Ning [2]

Model city

United States《 times weekly (Asian Edition) An article entitled "A Tale of Three Cities" Signed article It is believed that, New York London and Hong Kong Shared by three cities Economic culture It not only becomes a model of globalization, but also explains the reasons for globalization. These three cities have built a Financial network More importantly, it has facilitated the smooth integration of mainland China into modern society. So when you understand“ nylonkong "Then you can understand the world today [5]