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All star conjecture

Entertainment quiz program launched by CCTV sports channel in 2003
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CCTV Sports Channel (CCTV-5) An entertainment quiz program launched on April 1, 2003, which is deeply loved by the audience CCTV The version of "All Star Guess" has been revised.
Chinese name
All star conjecture
TV station
CCTV Sports Channel (CCTV-5)
Entertainment Guess Column
Premiere time
April 1, 2003

Column Introduction

All Star Guess
The All Star Guess is CCTV Sports Channel (CCTV-5) An entertainment quiz program launched on April 1, 2003. There are three contestants in each episode of the All Star Guess program. The first half of the program gets clues about the main characters through three links, namely, Tracking, Chasing, and Ready to Come out, and pushes forward layer by layer to finally guess the suspense of the main characters in the program; The second half of the program consists of Guest Interview, Art Performance, Easy Duel, and Interactive Lottery. On the one hand, through interviews, we can learn about the growth experience of the guests, narrow the distance with the audience, see the great from the ordinary, see the true feelings in the emerging climax, and see another talent of the guests in the relaxed and interesting "Duel" and talent show.
The program "All Star Guess" has been loved by the audience quickly since it was broadcast, and the audience rating has also kept rising. The audience participating in the program interaction is increasing day by day. In addition, the All Star Guess program can not only maintain the healthy broadcasting of regular programs, but also seize some special platforms to make the program bright. For example, during the 2003 Women's World Cup, four issues of "Rose List Selection" were launched; Four special programs of the New Year: How Much Love Can Come Again, Romantic Four Seasons, Heart Will Go with Love, and Dramatic Talk about the 2003 Sports World; As well as the two episodes of "Star of Sports Charm Selection", they all received very good ratings. [1]
because CCTV The version of "All Star Guess" has been revised.

Broadcast time

First broadcast: 19:30 every Tuesday
Replay: 18:55 every Thursday
Duration of each episode: 55 minutes

Link Settings


Trace tracing

The basic score is 5 points. Each of the three players has one question for three questions. If the answer is correct, one point will be added. If the answer is wrong, no point will be deducted; After the three questions, each of the three contestants is required to say one information about the main character (such as gender, age, project engaged, etc.), and 2 points will be added for the one closest to the correct answer; The player with the highest score in this link can get a prize.

Follow and pursue

6 questions will be answered by the contestants, who can answer them by themselves or push them to other contestants. If the answer is correct, 1 point will be added; if the answer is wrong, 1 point will be deducted; The next three contestants are required to say one information about the main character (such as gender, age, project engaged, etc.), and 2 points will be added for the one closest to the correct answer; The player with the highest score in this link can obtain XX products provided by XX company.

seem ready to come out at one 's call

Within a certain period of time, through the narration of the host, guess a content about the hero (such as the noun of the project, the name of a friend, the unique characteristics of the hero, etc.). If you answer correctly in the first 10 seconds, you will get 3 points, if you answer correctly in the second 10 seconds, you will get 2 points, if you answer incorrectly in 20 seconds, you will get 1 point. If you cannot answer correctly, you will get no points. The player with the highest score in this link will get a "trick" about the hero, so that he can have more information to confirm the hero. At last, the player with the highest score will begin to name the hero in turn, and if you guess correctly, you will get a prize.

Guest Interview

After the guests came out, they would first watch a film about their brilliant achievements for about 3 minutes, and then they would have a question and answer conversation with the players and the audience on some topics.

Art performance

The guests themselves or actors (as the case may be) will perform the programs related to the theme of this issue.

Easy duel

Guests and contestants compete (or guests compete with one contestant against the other two) in the form of intelligence, knowledge, game or physical ability. The winning party will get a Feiyada series watch provided by Shenzhen Feiyada Group Co., Ltd.

Audience interaction

(1) Guests use sports games (shooting, archery, dart throwing, etc.) to choose prizes for one TV audience (audience source is participating in the program by writing short messages) who has been drawn out. The audience can get whatever they throw in the 9 points grid. The prizes are computers, DVDs, Amoi mobile phones, MP3, etc. provided by Amoi Amoi Electronics Co., Ltd.
(2) Select a TV audience's sports wish, and realize it through the efforts of the program group, and show this process in small films.

Star signature

The host wore the All Star Gold Medal specially made by the program team for the guests, and then the guests signed on the on-site star wall and the audience.

Requirements of competitors

He likes sports, has a good image and temperament, is diligent in thinking and good at expressing, has a wide range of sports and related knowledge, is enthusiastic and has affinity, and finally shows his talent in the All Star Guess program after enrollment, training and selection.


Zhen Cheng
full name: Zhen Cheng
Nickname: Sincerity
Place of birth: Tianjin
Hobbies: playing basketball, music, movies PS2 game console
Motto: For the happiness of those who love me, let them live happily!
Height: 1.82m
Weight: 72 kg
Constellation: Cancer
Blood type: Type A
Ethnic group: Han
Favorite colors: red (because the Bulls' team uniform represents victory), purple (that was the color of Florence)
Favorite fruits: watermelon, mango
Favorite books: Jin Yong Gu Long's martial arts novels, Sherlock Holmes' detective stories, and Xu Zhimo's poems
Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite stars: Jordan, Batistuta, Chow Yun fat.
curriculum vitae:
Admitted in 1998 Tianjin Normal University
In 2000, it was held by CCTV Coca Cola Cup National Sports Commentator Competition champion.
In 2000, he went to Sydney to watch the Olympic Games and explain the Olympic women's football competition.
Full live broadcast in 2001 America Cup
In 2002, he graduated from college and worked in CCTV Sports Center.
In June 2002, he hosted 34 large-scale live broadcast programs "Fans World Cup" during the World Cup.
In September 2002, he went to Busan, South Korea to host and explain the Asian Games.
Chaired in February 2003《 China Television Sports Award 》。
In 2003, he hosted Live Weekend.
On April 1, 2003, he began to host the new program All Star Guess on the sports channel.