Guangming Daily

[guāng míng rì bào]
Media sponsored by the CPC Central Committee
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Guangming Daily, founded on June 16, 1949 Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Hosted by intellectual For the main audience Ideological culture Big newspapers.
As a bridge and link between the Party and the state and the vast number of intellectuals, Guangming Daily has always received the warm care of the central leadership. Mao Zedong Comrade wrote an inscription for the founding of Guangming Daily: "Unite to celebrate the publication of Guangming Daily.". Deng Xiaoping Comrade has successively inscribed "Guangming Daily 40 Years" for the 40th anniversary of the founding of Guangming Daily and the publication of "Truth Standard Discussion Anthology"“ Practice is the only criterion for testing truth ”。 Since the 18th CPC National Congress Xi Jinping The Party Central Committee with comrades at the core has made a series of important instructions for further running Guangming Daily.
Published by Guangming Daily on May 11, 1978 Contributing Commentator Article Practice is the only criterion for testing truth 》And has a profound impact on China's social development. On June 21, 2005 Xi Jinping Comrades published an article in Guangming Daily, "Promoting the" Red Boat Spirit "in the forefront of the times", which was first proposed and explained“ Red Boat Spirit ”This is the source spirit of the Communist Party of China. [2] Entering a new era, Guangming Daily Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era As a guide, politicians' awareness of running newspapers has been constantly strengthened, and the positioning and characteristics of ideological and cultural newspapers have been further highlighted.
Guangming Daily has developed into the owner of Guangming Daily《 abstracts paper 》《 China Reading Daily 》And《 Digest 》《 well-read 》New World, Studying Abroad, Educators, and Guangming Daily Press Guangming Guangming Daily“ Two micro ends ”And the modernization of all media newspaper group
Guangming Daily has 37 reporter stations nationwide and 23 countries and regions in the world Resident reporter The circulation of newspapers reached more than 1 million. On June 16, 2022, Guangming Daily will celebrate its 73rd anniversary. [1] [9]
Chinese name
Guangming Daily
Foreign name
GuangMing Daily
Competent unit
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (entrusted by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee) [8]
CPC Central Committee [8]
Edit Unit
Guangming Daily
Start date
June 16, 1949
Publication cycle
Domestic serial number
International serial number
Sending code
Newspaper format
Folio version 4-16
1 million 29 thousand and 500
Community address
5 Zhushikou East St, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Postal code
one hundred thousand and sixty-two

Historical evolution



Guangming Daily was initially hosted by the China Democratic League. Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai Zhu De Ye Jianying And other leading comrades of the Central Committee wrote an inscription for the founding of Guangming Daily. [3]
Guangming Daily has been founded since July 1949《 Economics 》, Literature《 Literary criticism 》Academics, New Chinese and other special issues have begun to form their own distinctive features.
Since 1953, China's democratic parties All China Federation of Industry and Commerce Jointly organized. In 1957, it was led by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee.
Since 1978, Guangming Daily has adjusted its policy for several times, but the audience of intellectuals has not changed.
In November 1982, Guangming Daily was explicitly led and hosted by the CPC Central Committee.
In August 1994, the establishment plan of Guangming Daily approved by the CPC Central Committee clearly stipulated that Guangming Daily is a public institution directly under the CPC Central Committee and a news agency managed by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee.
The serial number of this newspaper has lasted from the title of "No." of the first issue to today, which is different from the title of "period" of some other newspapers. The retail price of this newspaper at that time was 20 yuan in the old currency system, and later rose to 200 yuan.
At that time, the office address of Guangming Daily was at No. 32, West Chang'an Street, Beiping, and the editor and printing factory were at No. 90, Shifu Ma Street. The head of the newspaper office did not sign his name. At that time, the newspaper office had eight departments and offices with contact numbers.

Historical evolution

From the evolution of Guangming Daily, we can see that today's harmonious society is hard won. Since the founding of Guangming Daily, it has played a positive role in keeping close ties with and encouraging intellectuals for the Party and giving full play to intellectuals' service for the socialist construction of the motherland. Guangming Daily has developed from a democratic party organ newspaper to a national important party newspaper hosted by the CPC Central Committee and managed by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee. It has become the "mouthpiece of the Party" and has gone through a tortuous development process.
When Peiping was liberated in January 1949, there were 26 newspapers. According to the central government's different opinions on the handling of the old progressive, reactionary and intermediate newspapers, the Beijing Municipal Military Control Commission has closed down the old newspapers in Peiping, except for retaining the World Daily and Xinmin Daily, two private newspapers. Immediately, the World Daily published the Kuomintang press releases while publishing the contributions of Xinhua News Agency, and was confiscated as the Kuomintang CC Department newspaper on February 25. After more than two months, according to Chairman Mao Zedong's opinion in Xibaipo that New China should set up a newspaper mainly targeting intellectuals, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China designated the China Democratic League, which is composed of middle and senior intellectuals, to take over the industry and staff of the former Beiping World Daily. World Daily is a private newspaper founded in February 1925 by Cheng Shewo, a newspaperman who is the only one person to run three newspapers (World Evening News, World Daily and World Pictorial) in China's news history. The newspaper not only mainly reports on military and political news, but also focuses on education news. 1937“ July 7th Incident ”Shortly after that, Japan occupied Peiping and the World Daily was closed. At this time, the World Daily was the daily newspaper with the largest circulation in Peiping and had a great social impact. his scale equipment The team of editors and authors can be called the national first-class level. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, it was republished in Beiping on November 20, 1945. At that time, the NLD gathered a large number of well-known figures in China's educational and cultural circles, had a tradition of running newspapers, and accumulated considerable experience in running newspapers. On the afternoon of May 14, 1949, the NLD headquarters Beijing Hotel The 11th meeting was held to discuss how to take over and transform the World Daily. As the dark old China was facing the demise, the new democratic revolution was about to win the final victory, and China's future was full of bright political background, the meeting passed a resolution to designate the registration as the "Guangming Daily", and decided to officially accept the newspaper office on May 16. The address of the office was still the original "World Daily" The address of West Chang'an Street. The inaugural title was inscribed by Mr. Guo Moruo. Some people think it is Shen Junru No matter who wrote what Mr. Wu wrote, this headline was used until the early days of the Cultural Revolution. Before and after the founding of New China, Chairman Mao wrote the headlines of hundreds of newspapers, but Guangming Daily is one of the few newspapers that did not write the headlines of Chairman Mao. After all preparations were made, the new newspaper was published on June 16. The Guangming Daily, the first democratic party organ newspaper publicly issued at home and abroad in New China, hosted by the headquarters of the Democratic League, came out in Peiping.
At the beginning of running the newspaper, Guangming Daily published four folio pages every day, and added four folio pages on Saturdays, which were called supplements, mainly including "academic", "new language", "history teaching", "literature review", etc. The traditional layout is still vertical. On January 1, 1955, Guangming Daily took the lead in reforming the format of typesetting, which was the first of its kind in China. As we all know, before this time, Chinese newspapers had always been vertically arranged, without the precedent of horizontal arrangement. At that time, the position of Guangming Daily was very similar to that of the former Soviet Union's Shimbun, so the Shimbun was used as a reference mark to carry out the typesetting reform. Finally, Guangming Daily, the second largest newspaper in China, became the first newspaper to change its text. On New Year's Day in 1956, the People's Daily was also changed into a horizontal row, which was followed by a positive response from the national press. Until the beginning of the anti rightist movement, Guangming Daily was hosted by the democratic parties, but it also accepted the leadership of the General Information Administration of the Central People's Government. The funds for running newspapers shall be subject to the policy of "supply system" in accordance with the public newspapers. The central people's government shall allocate the funds and equipment needed for running newspapers and the basic living expenses of the staff. The president is a member of the democratic party. Zhang Bojun, vice chairman of the China Democratic League and chairman of the Peasant Workers Democratic Party, was the first president. Successive chief editors are basically people with dual identities of democratic parties and Communists, such as the first Hu Yuzhi The second Shao Zonghan and the third Chang Zhiqing were all members of the Communist Party except for members of democratic parties. The fourth Chu Anping Only members of the democratic parties. When Guangming Daily was founded, it positioned its main readers as intellectuals. In addition to important current events at home and abroad, the content of the report is mainly about various situations in the intellectual world. In April 1952, according to the political task of the NLD, the National Press Conference clearly stipulated that Guangming Daily took the propaganda and reporting of cultural and educational work as the central content of the newspaper. Since then, the content of propaganda and reports on cultural and educational work has accounted for almost 1/4 of the page. In addition, Guangming Daily has Fei Xiaotong historian Jian Bozan Mao Dun Lao She Ba Jin Mei Lanfang Beijing opera star second only to Mei Lanfang in popularity Yu Boping, Shen Congwen, Qian Weichang, Tan Jiazhen, Su Buqing, Ding Shisun, Ye Jianying, Chen Yi, Dong Biwu and other historians, writers, artists, scientists, revolutionaries and a large number of famous elite authors. Guangming Daily is very popular among readers because of its distinctive features among many newspapers nationwide. In January 1953, Guangming Daily was co sponsored by all democratic parties and the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce. At this time, in order to report the content of the War against America and Aid Korea, all the supplements of Guangming Daily were cancelled except for "history teaching". But soon after, Guangming Daily successively established a series of supplements with strong academic color, such as "history", "literary heritage" and "philosophy". From the spring of 1954 to the first half of 1957, the development of the supplement of Guangming Daily entered the peak period before the "Cultural Revolution". Guangming Daily is very popular throughout the country and has become the most influential newspaper among intellectuals.
In April 1956, Chairman Mao proposed the policy of letting a hundred flowers blossom in art and a hundred schools of thought contend in academia. In order to enable intellectuals to feel that they have sufficient freedom of speech and promote the smooth progress of the "Double Hundred Policy", Chairman Mao and the Party Central Committee made full use of newspapers as a propaganda tool to mobilize the enthusiasm of intellectuals. On March 10, 1957, Mao Zedong asked Chang Zhiqing, the then editor in chief of Guangming Daily, at a forum specially invited by the press, "Guangming Daily is a newspaper of the democratic parties. What kind of editor in chief you are a Communist Party member there? You withdraw and find a democratic owner to be the editor in chief." Shortly afterwards, the CPC Central Committee abolished the party group of Guangming Daily. Let democratic parties run newspapers alone. On April 1, Jiusan Society Chu Anping, Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, officially took the post of Chief Editor, while Zhang Bojun continued to take the post of President. In the ensuing rectification movement, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China transformed the "contending" of literature, art and academic thinking into encouraging non party people and intellectuals to "speak out" and put forward criticism and suggestions to the work of the Party and the government. In this regard, Chairman Mao once again held a special forum for representatives of the press and publishing industry. In terms of running newspapers, he believed that "the Communist Party is inferior to non party people, and now it is an expert leader". In this way, in the stage of "rectification" and "publicity", non party personages and intellectuals showed great enthusiasm and actively responded to the policy of "long-term coexistence and mutual supervision" between the Communist Party of China and the democratic parties. In the name of Guangming Daily, Chu Anping sent a large number of reporters to cover nine major cities in China, held symposiums for members of the democratic parties and senior intellectuals, encouraged them to put forward their opinions to the Communist Party, and personally arranged a page for "publishing the records of the symposiums 11 times, accounting for 12 pages, about 130000 words". In the rectification speech, the members of the democratic parties fully expressed their views. Zhang Bojun and Chu Anping respectively put forward the statements of "the Political Design Institute" and "the party under heaven". At the same time, Guangming Daily, as the central organ of all democratic parties in China, became one of the two most active newspapers in the country at that time, boldly publishing various "voices". On June 8, the People's Daily published an editorial "Why is this?", which kicked off the "anti rightist movement". Guangming Daily was identified as one of the two newspapers that pursued the "bourgeois orientation" and became a "poisonous snake" in the press contention of a hundred schools of thought And the rectification movement, and published a large number of provocative reports. " From June to July 1957, 18 people in Guangming Daily were classified as rightists, and both Zhang and Chu were identified as "big rightists" and ranked among the top ten rightists in China.
Shortly after the anti rightist movement began in 1957, Guangming Daily was led by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee, keeping pace with the Central Committee. In 1958, the whole country entered“ Great Leap Forward ”During the period, in order to better publicize the "Great Leap Forward", the press also carried out the "Great Leap Forward" movement. February 27, 1958. People's Daily Announced the Outline of Three Years of Hard Work (Draft), which emphasized that "we should make every effort to use the letters from readers, so that the letters from readers can really become the source of enriching the content of the newspaper, and strive to publish 600 to 1000 letters from readers every month...". Driven by the People's Daily, the press has set off an upsurge of competition with each other. Guangming Daily is also unwilling to lag behind. It has changed its style of "running a newspaper with people" and "running a newspaper with experts", relying on the masses to open the door. "In just three months, more than 500 communication groups have been set up in cultural and educational departments around the country, and nearly 2000 correspondents have been developed.". As a result, the number of manuscripts increased sharply, and the length was tight. So on October 25, the editorial board published the Notice on the Closure of Five Special Periodicals of Our Newspaper. After reading the notice, Chairman Mao believed that "the supplement of Guangming Daily, as well as' philosophy 'and' literary heritage ', should continue to be run, not be closed". According to the opinion of the chairman, on November 2, the "Notice on the Continuation of the Publication of Our" Philosophy "," Literary Heritage "and Other Special Periodicals" was published. During the period of the Great Leap Forward, the newspaper office also carried out the Great Leap Forward. For example, the typesetting room case proposed that "compared with the drive, put 'satellites', and the typesetting work showed marvelous power; regardless of editing, deleting, dumping, and spending, the political leader overcame it!" The proofreading room proposed that "quality is better than time, and every minute is the first, the political leader is more energetic, and the proofreading satellites fly all over the sky." Like other newspapers, Guangming Daily It has also become a powerful tool to promote the "Great Leap Forward". On January 3, 1967, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Notice on Newspapers, which mentioned that provincial and municipal newspapers could stop publishing for revolution, but should not stop printing People's Daily, PLA Daily and Guangming Daily on behalf of others. By the end of 1968, most newspapers had been closed, and the number of newspapers nationwide had dropped to a historical low of 42, leaving only four national newspapers. Guangming Daily was one of the few national newspapers that could be preserved. Since the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, the People's Daily, the Red Flag and the PLA Daily have been formed throughout the country“ Two newspapers and one magazine ”The propaganda organization of the campaign is responsible for disclosing the "highest directive", the new campaign slogan and the latest "strategic deployment" of the campaign. "Two newspapers and one magazine" has become the baton of national public opinion and the main channel for the people of the whole country to understand the "Central Spirit". At that time, the content and format of national newspapers were all based on "two newspapers and one magazine". In terms of content, the supplement and special issue of Guangming Daily were all cancelled, and a large number of political articles were reprinted, which weakened the academic color and simplified the content. In terms of format, taking Guangming Daily as an example, in order to change the image of "the vanguard of bourgeois rightists attacking the Party" after the beginning of the anti rightist movement, someone proposed to change the former newspaper header and asked Chairman Mao to write. Until the summer of 1964, the newspaper Mu Xin Comrade Mao wrote a special report to Chairman Mao for this purpose, but Chairman Mao believed that the newspaper header (Guangming Daily) was originally written by Guo Moruo. He once said that all the newspapers used Lu Xun The headlines written by Mr. Guo are no longer written. This is not the case. Old Guo only wrote the title of the special issue of "Literary Heritage". After explanation, there was still no agreement, so the matter was postponed. With the deepening of the "Cultural Revolution", in order to avoid being criticized by "rebels" because the head of the Guangming Daily was not inscribed by Chairman Mao, and to ensure the normal publication of the newspaper, on December 24, 1966, newspaper office comrades wrote "Man Jiang Hong and Comrade Guo Moruo" in Chairman Mao's handwriting on January 9, 1963 at the end of the word "Guo Ci See Guangming Daily on January 1, 1963" The "Guangming Daily" in the Chinese characters "Guangming Daily" was made into a newspaper header, and after the template was sent to Chairman Mao for review, it was used on New Year's Day in 1967, and has been used since then.
In 1976, after the end of the ten-year catastrophe, the press made efforts to strengthen its own construction and gradually restored the fine tradition of Chinese journalism. In 1978, Yang Xiguang became the chief editor of Guangming Daily. The first thing he took office was to change the edition of Guangming Daily in May, making it a newspaper on the cultural front focusing on propaganda, science and education. The first domestic newspaper to propose not to publish general political and economic news, to add scientific and technological news content, and to cancel the daily publication of Quotations of Chairman Mao The quotation of proletarian revolutionary leaders such as Ma, En, Lie, Si, Mao, etc. is changed from boldface to Tahoma Later, other party newspapers followed suit. The revised Guangming Daily, while putting science, education and intellectual issues in an important position in the report, maintains the academic color of the newspaper and expresses opinions on major theoretical and ideological issues. On the front page of Guangming Daily, the full text of the article "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth", which was published by Hu Yaobang, the then Vice President of the Central Party School, criticized the idea of "two whatevers", and opened the prelude to the great discussion on emancipating the mind. "On the same day, Xinhua News Agency broadcast the full text to the whole country. The next day, the People's Daily, the PLA News and seven provincial and municipal newspapers reprinted the article. By the end of May, 30 newspapers nationwide had reprinted the article.". With the gradual development of the discussion on the criterion of truth throughout the country, an extensive and in-depth ideological liberation movement has been formed, which has completed the preparation of ideological theory and public opinion for the convening of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. In November 1982, Guangming Daily was explicitly led and hosted by the CPC Central Committee. In 1993, Xu Guangchun, the chief editor, proposed twelve changes in newspaper publicity, of which the key is to realize "changing science, education and cultural newspapers into comprehensive newspapers". In August 1994, the CPC Central Committee approved Guangming Daily as a public institution directly under the CPC Central Committee and a news agency entrusted by the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee. Guangming Daily became an important national party newspaper. Since 1978, although Guangming Daily has adjusted its policy for several times, the purpose of making the newspaper a "spiritual home for intellectuals" has not changed, and the distinctive feature of taking intellectuals as the main target audience has not changed.
On June 16, 2022, Guangming Daily will celebrate its 73rd anniversary. [9]


Unite to Build a Democratic New China
The light shines on the eastern continent, and a new era of people's victory has arrived!
The Chinese People's Liberation Movement over the past three decades, especially the Chinese People's Liberation War, finally ended the reactionary rule of feudal landlords, warlords and bureaucrats, finally destroyed the last fortress of the old ruling class headed by Chiang Kai shek, finally defeated the imperialist forces of aggression in China, and fundamentally shook the imperialist colonial slavery system in the East.
The Chinese people have in fact become the masters and rulers of Asia's largest country. The people, relying on their own strength, liberated most of the countryside and most of the important cities and Haikou, including Shanghai, the first big city in Asia. The remaining small courts of the Chiang family in Guangzhou, Taiwan and other places had already been routed, and were unworthy of a blow by the People's Liberation Army. The once overbearing US imperialist naval fleet had to retreat quietly from Shanghai and Qingdao.
There is no doubt that this is a great change in Chinese history. This great change came into being in Asia, which has a population of 475 million. Naturally, it will change the situation of the whole Asia and even the whole world. The great victory of the Chinese people's liberation cause has changed the balance of power between the people of the world and the anti people, peace and aggression, and has set back the imperialist attempt to launch a new world war. The movement of people's democracy and lasting peace around the world has received the strongest support.
It is no accident that Guangming Daily published in Beiping, the National Revolutionary Leadership Center, in the huge wave of the victory of the Chinese people's democratic revolution that shook the world.
Although the final victory of the Chinese people is in front of us, we still have to work harder to make the democratic national revolution through to the end. We need to eliminate the remnants of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and we need to completely eliminate the feudal bureaucratic capitalism and imperialist aggression in China. We need to support the People's Liberation Army and continue to fight to liberate the northwest, southwest, Fujian, Guangdong, Taiwan and even the remote border. We need to speed up the resumption and development of production in the vast liberated areas, so that economically backward China can quickly embark on the road of national industrialization. We need to unite and educate the broad masses of cadres and people so that the people themselves can shoulder the great responsibility of building a democratic country. We need to build political, economic, cultural and national defense in an organized and systematic way throughout the country and in various places. More importantly, we need to immediately prepare for the convening of a new political consultative conference without the participation of reactionaries to formulate a people's democratic common governance program and establish the central coalition government of the People's Democratic Republic of China.
As the saying goes, half of those who travel a hundred miles are 90. The closer the final victory is, the more complicated and arduous the work we need to do.
Guangming Daily was founded by the China Democratic League. In the political report of the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Chinese Democratic League, it was said that from the very beginning of its establishment, the League declared that its basic goal was to achieve democracy, peace, independence and reunification in China. We fought for these goals in the past, and we will continue to fight for them in the future.
Democracy, peace, independence and reunification are the goals of the China Democratic Alliance, which is also the goal of Guangming Daily. But to achieve the goal of democracy, peace, independence and unity, and to build a free, happy and strong New China, we must first rely on the strength of the masses of workers and peasants and the leadership of the Communist Party of China. At the same time, we must unite all revolutionary classes, democratic parties and patriots from all walks of life to work together. The China Democratic League has always advocated unity and unity first. During the Anti Japanese War, the people of the whole country need to unite. During the War of Liberation, the people of the whole country needed unity. In the future work of building a democratic country, the people of the whole country need even more unity.
We demand unity in organization and unity in action. We can have different ideas, different opinions and different styles. But when different ideas, opinions and styles are translated into action, we must seek consensus. There can be struggle in unity, but struggle should be for the sake of unity. It is permissible for different opinions to argue with each other, but the purpose of arguing is still to seek agreement in action.
We can say that if we do not unite the people of all revolutionary classes throughout the country, the great cause of revolutionary founding will not be carried out to the end. If all revolutionary classes, democratic parties and patriots from all walks of life in the country fail to take concerted action, the work of democratic nation building will inevitably encounter some unnecessary difficulties and obstacles.
To unite and build a democratic new China is the hope that Guangming Daily will put forward to people all over the country. In addition, we would like to state four points to our readers regarding our opinions and news policies:
The first is responsible attitude. After the people become the masters of the country, the responsibility of journalists should be to correctly reflect the people's opinions, help the people's government to implement policies and decrees, explore various problems and seek solutions to them. Being responsible to the people is the attitude that people's newspapers should have.
The second is the spirit of service. Journalists of the people are by no means uncrowned emperors but should be people's messengers. Although the Guangming Daily was founded by the China Democratic League, it mainly served the revolutionary classes, the democratic parties and the people's organizations. Serving the people is the spirit that people's newspapers should have.
The third is the criticism of construction. Apart from anti people and anti democracy speech, all criticism should be free. But criticism is for unity and construction. Only constructive criticism, with unity as the basic spirit, can be conducive to the cause of people's liberation and the construction of new democracy.
The fourth is faithful reporting. Although the news report must be true to facts, it is not enough to report the superficial phenomenon, but also to find the root of the phenomenon. It is incorrect to report the facts without principle and purpose. News reports must be linked with the interests of the people and the policy of action, so that newspapers can become a real tool to educate and guide the people.
On the first day of our meeting with readers, we sincerely ask you to criticize us. Let us all first unite and work together to make the light shine everywhere in China and everywhere in the world. [4]

Functions of newspapers and periodicals


Nature of newspapers and periodicals

It is a national and comprehensive daily with a long history and unique characteristics directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and has extensive influence at home and abroad. For half a century, Guangming Daily has won the favor of readers at home and abroad for its extensive and profound humanistic connotation, agile and authoritative reporting style and elegant and fresh personality. At the time of reform and opening up, Guangming Daily grasped the correct direction, worked hard to forge ahead, maintained a positive and upward momentum of development, served economic construction, was close to reality, was close to life, and was praised by all sectors of society.
Guangming Daily has a high level of readers, mainly distributed in government agencies, enterprises and institutions, state-owned universities, etc;
The purpose of Guangming Daily is to unite the people of the whole country and patriots of all democratic parties in the broadest way and build a new democratic China. On the first front page of Guangming Daily, Mao Zedong wrote an inscription for the newspaper, "Unite, bright is in sight, celebrate the publication of Guangming Daily", and Zhu De wrote an inscription, "Democracy and bright". The inscription of Dong Biwu, Ye Jianying and other national leaders and celebrities from all walks of life will be published in the next few days, which shows the importance of the establishment of Guangming Daily.

Evaluate impact

When the newspaper was first published, it was printed on four pages of newsprint, with fixed topics on each page, such as the first comprehensive edition, the second international edition, the third supplement, and the fourth local edition. In case of major events, it will also be added. After the addition, the price will be increased sometimes, and sometimes it will be attached. The publication form of dividing the page by topic will be changed to no special edition only a few days later. When Guangming Daily was first published, the layout format of Guangming Daily still followed the old Chinese writing format of right to left vertical layout, left to right page turning, and the font was traditional characters. Until January 1955, Guangming Daily took the lead in reforming the layout format and changed it to horizontal layout, which was approved by Guo Moruo and others, and commented that the horizontal layout was scientific and economical. Guangming Daily has been published for more than 60 years. The number of pages has increased from 4 when it was first published to more than 20 now. It involves disciplines and fields such as Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, philosophy, current affairs, social economy, humanities, and has become one of the most influential newspapers in China. In addition, Malaysia also has a "Guangming Daily"

Status of newspapers and periodicals

Guangming Daily was founded on June 16, 1949. It was in China that after 30 years of liberation movement, especially the three-year liberation war, the imperialist aggression force was defeated, the Kuomintang politics was overthrown, and the founding background of the victory of the Chinese people's democratic revolution was achieved. On the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Guangming Daily was born. Guangming Daily is a national and comprehensive party newspaper hosted by the CPC Central Committee, which is based on the intellectual world and oriented to the society. It is the link and bridge between the Party and the government to connect intellectuals, and is the spiritual home of the vast number of intellectuals.
Guangming Daily adheres to its unique orientation towards intellectuals and embodies its distinctive characteristics of focusing on education, science and technology, culture and theory. Carry forward the traditional style of knowledge intensive, theoretical frontier and academic exploration
Guangming Daily is a national and comprehensive daily directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with a long history and unique characteristics, which has a wide influence at home and abroad. For half a century, Guangming Daily has won the favor of readers at home and abroad for its profound humanistic connotation, agile and authoritative reporting style and elegant and fresh personality. During the reform and opening up, Guangming Daily grasped the correct direction, worked hard to develop, maintained a positive and enterprising development momentum, served the socialist economic construction, was close to reality and life, was close to readers, and had a new look. Guangming Daily has constantly reformed its reporting content and layout, reflecting its strong sense of the times and fresh and lively life, which has been well received by all sectors of society.
The readers of Guangming Daily are mainly distributed in government agencies, enterprises and institutions, state-owned universities, etc; It is an academic platform for intellectuals to communicate with each other, with certain authority and universality, and an effective display platform for enterprises, institutions and universities.

Newspaper layout

Each page of Guangming Daily:
(1) Theory is the theory edition: including "Theory Weekly, Theory Synthesis" and other pages, and soliciting: excellent academic contributions of social sciences, such as theoretical articles on philosophy, sociology, ethics, demography, economics, law, history, etc. Requirements for contributions: the topic is unique and novel; The title is prominent and concise; The content highlights pure professional theory, and does not emphasize politics and policy.
(2) Education: including pages such as "Education Weekly, Education News", and soliciting manuscripts such as education research, education news, school style, educational figures, and enrollment information.
(3) Photography art: including "Light and Shadow World, Human Geography, Fashion Rainbow, Art Vision, Image Notes, Art Comments" and other pages, and soliciting: all kinds of high-quality photography and art works.
(4) Economy: including "Economy, Market, Economic Plaza" and other pages, soliciting: economic news, economic research, enterprise display, market information and other manuscripts.
(5) Literature and art: including "Literature and art review (art, literature), works supplement, literature collection supplement" and other pages, and soliciting excellent manuscripts such as literature and art review, literary works, artistic works, and art review.
(6) Science and technology: including "Science and Technology Weekly (Science and Technology, Health), Science and Technology News" and other pages, soliciting: science and technology news, health news, product recommendation manuscripts.
(7) Book publishing: including "book review, book forest" pages, soliciting: book recommendation, publishing news, reading review and other manuscripts.
(8) Domestic Political Department: including the page of "Politics, Rule of Law and National Integrity", soliciting contributions from: political news, rule of law news, local information, leader interviews, etc.

Development value

In addition to printing in Beijing, Guangming Daily is also printed in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Shenyang, Wuhan, Lanzhou, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, Jinan and other cities.
Guangming Daily owns U.S.A britain Germany France Italy Switzerland Pakistan Wait for 22 foreign press stations and 48 domestic press stations.
Looking back at the development history of Guangming Daily and its contents, we can see its distinctive characteristics, which can also be said to be the witness of more than 60 years of history, and it is a rare treasure for us to study history. As time goes by, its historical value will become greater and greater.
On April 27, 2010, Guangming Daily was shortlisted for the "Media Promotion Award for Cultural Heritage Protection".



Editorial Committee

President and Chief Editor: Wang Huimin [7]
Deputy Chief Editor: Bo Jieping Xing Yuhao [10] [12]
Vice President: Constant garrison [11]

Newspaper Group

In addition to Guangming Daily, Guangming Daily Newspaper Group has three newspapers, five journals, one website and one publishing house:
Abstract newspaper, the longest established abstract newspaper in China;
China Reading Newspaper, the first national authoritative reading newspaper in China;
Abstracts, the first comprehensive monthly journal of book extracts in China;
Extensive reading, book knowledge and information monthly; The examination is a professional publication focusing on the national college entrance examination and supplemented by the local high school entrance examination;
The Elderly World, a monthly magazine serving the work and life of the elderly;
Scientific Fitness, semimonthly, including Mr. Bodybuilding Edition and Beauty Bodybuilding Edition;, relying on the well-known domestic big cultural website group of Guangming Daily Newspaper Group, which has rich information resources;
Guangming Daily Press is one of the first media publishing houses that specializes in publishing scientific books.
Beijing Guangming Tianxia Advertising Media Co., Ltd., an advertising company directly under Guangming Daily, is a comprehensive agent of Guangming Daily's advertising business, and the planning and implementation of large-scale social activities of Guangming Daily.

data base

The database of Guangming Daily is a newspaper database with full text retrieval function produced by Green Apple, including all articles, advertisements, page information and other data of Guangming Daily since its inception. It is of great significance to the study of Guangming Daily itself and China's contemporary historical events, political, social, economic and cultural life since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Guangming Daily database has been produced by the Green Apple Data Center and has been selected into the Chinese newspaper literature database. The database reading platform of Guangming Daily applies digital layout reconstruction technology and full text retrieval technology, and adopts Acrobat Reader and IE dual platform browser, which can not only realize PDF original reading, but also realize text browsing. At the same time, it can realize full text retrieval on dual platforms, integrating the most distinctive technology in domestic newspaper electronic editions. The database has been opened to the world and accepted users' trial applications. [5]


Guangming Daily Press (hereinafter referred to as "Guangming News Agency"), founded on January 10, 1981, is a comprehensive publishing house in charge of Guangming Daily Newspaper Group directly under the CPC Central Committee.
For more than 20 years, the "Guangming Society" has been based on the intellectual world, facing the whole society, adhering to the publishing direction of focusing on teaching, science, literature and science, carrying forward the traditional style of knowledge intensive, theoretical frontier and academic exploration, adhering to the principle of running the society to serve the people, socialism and actively disseminate advanced culture, and striving to build a "spiritual home for intellectuals".
Relying on Guangming Daily Newspaper Group, "Guangming News Agency" has formed a unique core group of authors, established a multi-channel distribution and marketing network, and cooperated with "Guangming Daily Book Review Weekly", "China Reading Daily", "Beijing News", "extensive reading", "book extracts" Guangming ”And other news media have established a benign interactive publicity and promotion mechanism.
Through continuous deepening of reform, the "Guangming Society" has developed into a publishing complex with multi-disciplinary, multi type, multi-level, multi variety and multimedia publishing capabilities. Its business involves books, journals, electronic publications, network communication and other fields, and its content covers politics, economy, society, culture, education, science popularization, art and other fields, It has formed a unique "Bright Edition" brand effect.
"Knowledge guides the world, and reading changes life". In 2005, "Guangming News Agency" will continue to adhere to the concept of "honesty, sincerity, diligence and benevolence", comprehensively promote the development strategy of "one heart and diversity, focusing on books, one body and two wings, high-quality and double effects", and strive to build Guangming Daily Press into a modern publishing complex with high reputation and good reputation by introducing CIS system and ERP platform.

Honors won

On January 8, 2020, the economic and social news page of the General Editor's Office of Guangming Daily was selected into the list of advanced collective publicity of "combating pornography and illegal publications" in 2019 (the publicity period is from January 8 to January 14, 2020). [6]
In November 2023, "Shenshan Village Three Days", published by Guangming Daily, won the first prize of the 33rd China News Award. "The history of the Yellow River's" suspended river on the ground "is being rewritten. Twenty one years of water and sediment diversion has cut down the main channel of the lower reaches by 3.1 meters" won the second prize of the 33rd China News Award. "To you and me!", "Tell you a real Xinjiang" "Who saws seeds of conflict and reaps benefits from turbulence? Standing on the right side of history the only way to resolve Ukraine crisis" won the third prize of the 33rd China News Award. [13]