Photosensitive food

Food liable to cause solar dermatitis
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Photosensitive food refers to those easy to cause Solar dermatitis Food. Generally speaking, after the photosensitive food is digested and absorbed, the photosensitive substances contained in it will enter the skin. If the strong light is irradiated at this time, it will react with the sunlight, and then the exposed part will appear skin Its symptoms include redness, swelling, rash, and obvious itching, burning or tingling.
Chinese name
Photosensitive food
Food liable to cause solar dermatitis

Photosensitive ingredients Food

The food with photosensitive ingredients is not only dandelion, but also Chinese cabbage, amaranth, fennel, shepherd's purse, radish tassel, spinach, purslane, lettuce and other vegetables; Fig, citrus, lemon, mango, pineapple and other fruits. In addition, some common drugs also contain photosensitive ingredients, such as sulfonamides aspirin , tetracycline, chlorphenamine Oral contraceptives , estrogen, etc.

matters needing attention

The photosensitive substances in these foods are absorbed by the human body and distributed to the skin along with the blood. After ultraviolet radiation, it is easy to cause plant solar dermatitis, which may occur in severe cases skin ulcer Within two to three hours after eating these fruits and vegetables, the concentration of photosensitive radicals in the skin is the highest, which is most likely to cause sunburn.

Anti photosensitive food

Since there are foods containing photosensitive ingredients, there are also sunscreen and photosensitive foods. For example, fruits rich in vitamin C, guava, kiwi, strawberry, etc. vitamin C , can interfere with melanin production and help eliminate freckles on the skin. In addition, red and orange fruits and vegetables and dark green leafy vegetables, such as tomatoes, papayas, and spinach, contain a large amount of carotene and other phytochemicals, which help to resist oxidation and enhance skin resistance. [1-2]