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The discipline of studying the behavior and application of photons as carriers of information and energy
Photonics is the study of photon The discipline of behavior and its application. Photonics and its related technology, namely photon technology, have rich connotations and broad application prospects. In the 1970s, with the High-speed photography Technology development, semiconductor laser Optical communication Devices Photodetector and New materials Photonics came into being with the development, application and improvement of.
August 1970, in the United States Camp David At the 9th International High Speed Photography Conference, Dutch scientist L. Bodewatt first proposed the definition criterion of photonics, believing that photonics is the study of photons information carrier Science. Later, he explained that taking photons as the energy carrier should also belong to the research content of photonics. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Taking photons as information carrier and energy carrier


Photonics includes light produce launch transmission Modulation signal processing switch , amplification and Sensing light Not just particles, not just wave , light has both characteristic Photonics includes ultraviolet rays visible light reach Far infrared All between spectrum Application of. Most applications are in visible light and near infrared.


photon differ Electronics , which belongs to Boson , without Charged , no electromagnetic crosstalk, no Static mass , can free space Communication, speed be equal to light speed Photons have larger Information capacity and rate As information carrier Light ratio The information capacity of electricity should be 3-4 orders of magnitude higher (general visible light Of frequency 5 × 10 fourteen Hertz, while in the microwave section electromagnetic wave The frequency is only 10 ten Hertz order), photons have extremely fast response ability. Electronic pulse The width is generally on the nanosecond scale transmission speed Limited to gigabit/second level; and Optical pulse Width reachable picosecond femtosecond Even the magnitude of attosecond. Therefore, it is possible to use photons as the information carrier, and the transmission rate can reach several gigabits per second, or even dozens of terabits per second. Photons are super strong Parallelism and interconnection Ability. Electronic tape charge , exists between each other Coulomb The force prevents electrons from interacting with each other. Photons have no charge and have good spatial compatibility and parallelism. In addition, the light time and space The characteristics on the can form inversion Phase conjugate wave , in front of the wave Distortion correction And adaptive control, etc information processing Unique applications in the field; Interference of light diffraction polarization and Birefringence photorefractive effect And a series of new applications. [1]

Sub discipline

Photonics is based on optics It has been developed and formed a corresponding branch discipline in its formation process, and has important application and far-reaching influence in the field of science and technology. The branches of photonics can generally be summarized as follows. [1]
Basic Photonics
quantum optics Research fields include light field Of quantum Noise, light field and substance Interaction In Momentum transfer Cavity quantum electrodynamics Etc. Such as optical squeezed states, atomic cooling and trapping.
Light quanta Information science. Research fields include quantum computer Quantum cryptography Quantum communication , quantum detection quantum state Preparation and operation of.
molecular photonics Including confined cavity( Quantum well quantum dot Basic and applied research of quantum electrodynamics effect in, etc., light in molecular optics physical process Study the enhancement effect of light quanta transport at organic and inorganic interfaces, and Near-field optics In molecular optics application research Etc.
④ Ultrafast photonics. Mainly including femtosecond Optical pulse Production and application of ultrafast photonics, ultrafast process and ultrafast technology in ultrafast photonics, ultrafast and ultraintense laser physics, etc.
⑤ Nonlinear Photonics. Mainly study photons and matter Nonlinear interaction , nonlinear frequency conversion effect phase matching and harmonic Production photorefractive effect photonic crystal Photonic band gap Optical fiber excited state The research of optical nonlinearity is the theoretical basis for the research and development of various nonlinear photonic devices. [1]
Photonic device
Including special treatment and processing, development of material elements and modules, involving light The generation, transmission, detection, conversion, storage and display of device It's photonics and Photonic technology The concrete embodiment of the combination. And electronic device Analogy, Photonic device It can also be divided into active (such as various laser sources detector And passive (e.g Optical communication In Wavelength division multiplexer Optical fiber device Optical interconnection Devices, including photonics Nanotechnology and Nanofabrication Application in. [1]
information photonics
Photonics and information science It is an interdisciplinary subject formed by combination. Due to optical waveguide devices Fiber laser Fiber amplifier The development of optical fiber and low loss optical fiber has led to the rapid development of optical communication, which not only creates a huge photonic industry, but also brings convenience to human beings Information exchange And promoted the civilization, progress and prosperity of society. On the other hand, due to the coherence Parallelism , making optical transmission Different correlation transforms and parallel operations (such as two-dimensional Fourier transform, etc.) can be performed. Plus electrically and optically addressable spatial light modulator And high-speed arrays detector With the emergence of, automatic pattern recognition, image information processing, optical display, optical computing and so on have become one of the most active application research fields of photonics. [1]
Biomedical Photonics
life sciences A new branch intersected with photonics. include biological tissue Optical imaging and photon migration, biophotonics Biological system Photon emission fluorescence Enhancement and detection, biospectrum and diagnosis, diagnosis and photodynamic diagnosis and treatment in laser medicine coronary artery Laser precision machining of intracavity stent, optical coherence tomography, light transmission mechanism in biological tissue and the effect of biomedical engineering Application in. [1]
Integration and Microstructure Photonics
The strong vitality of semiconductor electronics lies in its large-scale integration, which makes semiconductor device Significantly smaller size, lower power consumption, functionality and running speed Greatly improved, Price performance ratio Continuous optimization. Similarly, with the development of semiconductor photonics and Photonic technology The rapid development of Photonic device adopt optical waveguide Optical interconnection Optical switch Integrated in one optics chip Forming a photon integrated circuit or Optoelectronic integration System. Microstructure Integrated photonics, including ongoing two-dimensional waveguides and free space 3D integration optical system Microstructure fiber As well as micro optical electromechanical systems, their research will undoubtedly make a revolutionary leap in the development of the photon industry. [1]

Scientific research achievements

In 2022, the research team of the University of Rochester in the United States created the first multi-color integrated laser. The researchers said that this technology "may reshape the pattern of integrated photonics", [3]


Photonics Optoelectronics Domain works are《 Modern Communication Optoelectronics 》The latest version (sixth edition) of. This book reflects the latest progress in the field of optoelectronics. Main introduction Laser physics Various phenomena in the field and all device The most basic principle of Laser stay Optical fiber communication Application in. [2]