Yuanshi County

County under Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
zero Useful+1
Yuanshi County, Hebei Province Shijiazhuang City , on Hebei Province South central. West leaning Taihang Mountain And Jingxing County Bordering to the southwest Zanhuang County , South and Gaoyi County Connected with Zhaoxian County Luancheng District Adjacent, north and Luquan District Adjacent. 39 kilometers from east to west and 28 kilometers from north to south. Yuanshi County governs 8 towns, 7 townships and 208 administrative villages, with a total area of 676 square kilometers, [15] The cultivated area is 540000 mu, belonging to the warm temperate semi humid continental climate. According to the data of the seventh population census, by the end of 2022, the permanent population of Yuanshi County was 392491. [14] [34]
At the beginning of the Warring States Period, the State of Zhao granted the son Yuan here, hence the name Yuan. It has been more than 2000 years since the county was first established in the Western Han Dynasty Changshan County Site: Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty Liu Zhuang Birthplace, famous general of the Warring States Period Li Mu , Chu and Han celebrities Li Zuocha Its hometown was named "Millennium Ancient County" by the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names in 2010. [25] The domestic traffic is convenient, Jingguang Railway National Highway 107 The roads running from north to south and connecting with surrounding counties and cities extend in all directions. In March 2019, it was listed as the first batch of revolutionary cultural relics protection and utilization area and county list. [1] In 2019, it was listed as the second batch of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [2]
In 2022, the gross domestic product of Yuanshi County will be 19582.81 million yuan, an increase of 7.1% over the previous year. [34]
Chinese name
Yuanshi County
Foreign name
Yuanshi County
area number
one hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and thirty-two
Administrative Region Category
Shijiazhuang, Hebei
geographical position
Central and Southern Hebei Province
676 km²
Area under jurisdiction
8 towns and 7 townships
Government residence
89 Changshan Road, Yuanshi County, Shijiazhuang City [23]
Area Code
Postal Code
climatic conditions
Warm temperate semi humid continental climate
population size
392491 persons [34] (2022)
train station
Yuanshi Station
License plate code
Ji A
19582.81 million yuan [34] (2022)

Organizational evolution

At the beginning of the Warring States Period, Yuanshi County Zhongshan Zhao After the destruction of the State of Zhongshan, it belonged to the State of Zhao. King Zhao first granted the son Yuan here, hence the name Yuanshi County. It was set up as a county in the early Western Han Dynasty, and it has been more than 2000 years.
During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, various vassals set up their border areas as "counties". This area of Yuanshi County was the frontier of the State of Zhao at that time, in the north Hutuo River The other side is Zhongshan. Young Master Yuan called his fief Yuanshi County. This is the origin of Yuanshi County. [3]
  • ancient
Changshan Square, Yuanshi County
At the beginning of the week balkanize the seigniory , Huaishui River Basin 軧 State , on Fenglongshan Feilong Town is built at the south foot. [4]
Genus of Warring States Period Zhongshan capital Lingshou (Pingshan Sanji); In the time of the State of Zhao, the son of the State of Zhao was granted here, hence the name of Yuanshi County.
The Qin Dynasty belonged to Julu County.
It was set as a county in the early Western Han Dynasty. Han Dynasty Hengshan County , the county governs the old city of Yuan, and avoids the taboo of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty( Liu Heng )It is called Changshan County. Emperor Jing of Han Dynasty It was called Changshan Country at that time.
In the Western Jin Dynasty, Changshan Prefecture was moved by the Yuan family True definite (Today's northeast ancient city of Shijiazhuang).
Sui reset Hengshan County , governance is determined.
  • Modern times
January 1943 Huolu County Lunan District was incorporated into Yuanshi County and renamed Yuanhuo County, which was put under the jurisdiction of Shijiazhuang in August 1949.
In May 1958, the two counties of Yuanshi Gaoyi were merged into Gaoyuan County In December of the same year, it was renamed Yuanshi County.
In May 1960, the Shijiazhuang Special Area was revoked, and Yuanshi County was changed to Shijiazhuang City. In 1961, the Shijiazhuang Special Area was re established, and Yuanshi returned to it.
In March 1962, three counties (Yuanshi, Gaoyi and Zanhuang) were divided, and Yuanshi County was restored to its original establishment. [3]

administrative division

As of November 2018, Yuanshi County has 8 towns under its jurisdiction( Huaiyang Town Song Caozhen 7 townships (Zhaotong, Dongzhang, Suyang, Sucun, Beizheng, Qianxian, Heishui River), 208 administrative villages. [5]

geographical environment


Regional location

Yuanshi County
Yuanshi County is located in Taihang Mountain Donglu, central and southern Hebei Province. It is 315 kilometers away from the capital Beijing and 28 kilometers away from the provincial capital Shijiazhuang. The county government is located at 89 Changshan Road. [5]


Yuanshi County is located in the north temperate zone, a sub temperate and humid climate zone, with four distinct seasons. The average temperature in 2013 is 12.9 ℃. In 2013, the average growth period of Yuanshi County was 240 days, and the average frost free period was 209 days. The average annual precipitation of Yuanshi County is 500.6mm.

natural resources


plant resources

The western mountainous area of Yuanshi County is rich in walnuts, seedless black dates and Dahongpao Persimmon , red pomegranate all over the sky. The eastern plain is rich Wheat Corn cotton peanut rape sesame soybean , sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruits, etc. [6]

mineral resources

The serpentine reserves in the western mountains and central hills of Yuanshi County are 15 million tons, quartz The reserve is 1.5 million tons, Chromite The stone reserves are 3 million tons, Siliceous ore The stone reserves are 400 million tons, and the marble reserves are more than 10 million tons, kaolin The reserve is 280 million tons, the limestone reserve is 55.2 million cubic meters, and there are 60 million tons of high-quality coal seams in the north of the county seat. [5]


By 2022, the total registered population of Yuanshi County is 445387. The annual birth population was 2430. The birth rate was 6 ‰, down 0.67 percentage points from the previous year; There were 3272 deaths, with a mortality rate of 8 ‰, 4.93 thousandths higher than that of the previous year; The natural population growth rate was 6 ‰, up 2.4 thousandths of a point over the previous year. The permanent population was 392491, and the urbanization rate of the permanent population was 48.9%, 0.24 percentage points higher than that of the previous year. [34]
As of November 1, 2020, the seventh population census has 392710 permanent residents in the county. [14]


full name
County Party Committee
Deputy Secretary
Mi Feng
member of the standing committee
Rong Zengqian
County government
county magistrate
Deputy magistrate
Duan Changhai, Zhang Zhibin, Liu Jiandong, Liu Xiangdong
Standing Committee of County People's Congress
Chang Zhenfeng
Deputy Director
Huang Xinyuan, Zhang Lihong, Wei Huimin, Li Zhenying
ginseng Examination data [18] [26-33]




In 2022, the gross domestic product of Yuanshi County will be 19582.81 million yuan, an increase of 7.1% over the previous year. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 2694.36 million yuan, up 5.8%; The added value of the secondary industry was 630.567 million yuan, up 12.6%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 10582.78 million yuan, up 4.7%. The added value of the primary industry accounted for 13.8% of the GDP; The added value of the secondary industry accounted for 32.2%; The added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 54.0%. The added value of private economy was 14711.05 million yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year, accounting for 75.1% of GDP. [34]
In 2022, the fixed asset investment in Yuanshi County will increase by 9.5% over the previous year. Among the fixed asset investment, the investment in the primary industry increased by 171.6% over the previous year, the investment in the secondary industry increased by 23.6%, and the investment in the tertiary industry decreased by 3.1%. Infrastructure investment increased by 270.2%. Investment in industrial technological upgrading increased by 28.2%, accounting for 86.8% of industrial investment. Among the fixed asset investment projects, the completed investment in projects with a total investment of more than 100 million yuan increased by 7.7%, accounting for 79.0% of the fixed asset investment. [34]
In 2022, the general public budget revenue of Yuanshi County will be 1355 million yuan, an increase of 17.6%. The annual general public budget expenditure was 3209.46 million yuan, up 6.96% over the previous year. Among them, the expenditure on general public services was 25.647 million yuan, up - 8.5%; Public security expenditure was 145.69 million yuan, up - 3.43%; Education expenditure was 824.56 million yuan, up 27.29%; Science and technology expenditure was 33.29 million yuan, up 69.76%; Culture, tourism, sports and media expenditure was 20.59 million yuan, down 5.92%; Social security and employment expenditure was 343.95 million yuan, up 10.52%; Health expenditure was 246.5 million yuan, up 8.17%; Energy conservation and environmental protection expenditure was 179.2 million yuan, up - 1.47%; Expenditure on urban and rural communities was 490.63 million yuan, up 42.51%; Expenditure on agriculture, forestry and water was 48.173 million yuan, up 37.5%. [34]
In 2022, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Yuanshi County will be 35828 yuan, an increase of 4.1%; The per capita disposable income of rural residents was 20340 yuan, up 6%. [34]

primary industry

In 2022, the grain sown area of Yuanshi County will be 60576.9 hectares, an increase of 0.003%, and the total grain output will be 374820.9 tons, an increase of 1.77%. Among them, the yield of summer grain was 171145.2 tons, up 0.02%; The output of autumn grain was 203675.6 tons, up 3.28%. The annual vegetable planting area was 1865.56 hectares, with a year-on-year increase of 14.16%; The total output was 112141.03 tons, down 0.42% year on year. Among them, the output of edible fungi (dry and fresh mixed) was 143.42 tons, up 45.62% year on year. The annual total meat output was 31439.82 tons (pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry), down 0.57% from the previous year. Among them, the output of pork was 11049.24 tons, down 10.4%; The beef output was 9667.76 tons, up 1.25%; The mutton output was 1880.5 tons, down 2.75%; Poultry meat output was 8842.32 tons, down 13.26%. At the end of the year, there were 427.25 hundred pigs on hand, up 29%; 1946.58 hundred pigs were sold, up 7.03%. The output of eggs was 21697.96 tons, down 46.84%. The output of raw milk was 23416.12 tons, up 3.94%. [34]

the secondary industry

In 2022, the added value of industries above designated size in Yuanshi County will increase by 15% year on year. By industry, the added value of equipment manufacturing industry is 38.21%, textile industry is -12.40%, food industry is -17.09%, building materials industry is 16.72%, pharmaceutical industry is 1.06%, and petrochemical industry is 24.09%. The added value of the six high energy consuming industries is 24.75%. The added value of high-tech industries above designated size is 34.4%. The annual industrial profit above designated size was 4.7 billion yuan, an increase of 40.93% over the previous year. The operating income profit rate of industrial enterprises above designated size is 20.5%. [34]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2022, the investment in real estate development in Yuanshi County will decrease by 28.2% year on year. Among them, residential investment dropped by 38%; Investment in office buildings decreased by 39.8%; Investment in commercial business housing increased by 355.8%. The area of newly started housing decreased by 30.0% year on year, of which the area of newly started housing decreased by 34.8%. The sales area of commercial housing was 1382.71 million square meters, up 44.7%, of which the sales area of residential housing was up 44.5%, the sales volume of commercial housing was up 67.5%, of which the sales volume of residential housing was up 67.3%. [34]
In 2022, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Yuanshi County will be 5410.609 million yuan, an increase of 3.3% over the previous year. The retail sales of consumer goods of enterprises (units) above the designated size were 746.158 million yuan, an increase of 34.7% over the previous year. Among wholesale and retail enterprises (units) above the designated size, the retail sales of grain, oil and food increased by 87.3%; Beverages increased by 10.5%; Tobacco and alcohol increased by 3.3%; Clothing, shoes, hats, needles and textiles increased by 1.2%; Cosmetics increased by 14.3%; Gold, silver and jewelry increased by 50.1%; Daily necessities increased by 33.5%; Household appliances and audio-visual equipment increased by 12.4%; Cultural and office supplies increased by 54.3%; Furniture increased by 30.8%; Communication equipment increased by 8.5%. [34]
In 2022, the actually utilized foreign capital of Yuanshi County will be 4.93 million US dollars, an increase of 4.93 million US dollars over the previous year, of which the foreign direct investment will be 4.93 million US dollars, which will be zero in the same period last year. In the whole year, two foreign-funded enterprises were newly added, and the contractual foreign investment was 16.88 million US dollars, up 25.03% over the previous year. [34]
In 2022, the total business volume of the postal industry in Yuanshi County will be 48.6403 million yuan, up 11% year on year. Postal correspondence business was 2700, down 17% year on year; The parcel business was 10100 pieces, up 49% year on year. The express business volume was 3.074 million, up 42% year on year; The express business revenue was 6.2305 million yuan, up 19% year on year. The total amount of telecommunication business in the whole year was 220.23 million yuan, up 9.6% over the previous year. At the end of the year, 150100 Internet broadband users, up 4.7%. 508700 mobile phone users, up 0.65%; The number of fixed telephone subscribers was 14500, down - 5.2%. [34]
In 2022, the total number of tourists in Yuanshi County will be 872700, an increase of 190% over the previous year, and the total tourism revenue will be 232430000 yuan, an increase of 210% over the previous year. [34]
By 2022, the balance of deposits of financial institutions (RMB) in Yuanshi County had reached 44.109 billion yuan, up 24% year on year. The balance of various loans of financial institutions (RMB) was 23.856 billion yuan, up 17.28% year on year. [34]



Science and technology

In 2022, there will be 426 patents granted in Yuanshi County, 127 effective invention patents, and 3.23 invention patents per 10000 people. [34]


By 2022, there are 4 ordinary high schools in Yuanshi County, with 5862 students and 565 full-time teachers; 13 junior high schools with 18106 students and 1414 full-time teachers; 4 secondary vocational schools with 3645 students and 260 full-time teachers; There are 67 primary schools, 110 primary school teaching sites, 35173 students and 2431 full-time teachers. The gross enrollment rate in senior high school is 92.1%; The gross enrollment rate in junior high school is 100%; The gross enrollment rate in primary school is 100%; The enrollment rate of preschool children was 97.2%. [34]
Higher Education
School level

Cultural undertakings

By 2021, Yuanshi County has one cultural station and one public library, with a total collection of 85000 books. At the end of the year, there were 5466 cable TV users and 1414 fixed broadband home users. [24]

public health

By 2022, there are 310 medical institutions in Yuanshi County; There are 13 hospitals, 4 government offices and 9 private ones. There are 15 township hospitals, 208 village clinics, 1 disease prevention and control center, 1 maternity and child hospital, 1 disease control center, 1 health supervision center, and 71 individual clinics. At the end of the year, there were 2196 beds in health institutions. It has 2716 health technicians. Among them, there are 835 licensed doctors, 992 registered nurses, 92 pharmaceutical personnel, 84 inspectors and 334 other health personnel. [34]

social security

By 2022, 231897 urban and rural residents of Yuanshi County had participated in endowment insurance, 1906 more than the end of the previous year. The number of urban employees participating in pension insurance was 24808, an increase of 3166 over the end of the previous year. Among them, 18838 are on duty employees and 5790 are retirees. 18087 people participated in unemployment insurance, an increase of 2885 people. 31954 people participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 10109 people. Among them, 6673 migrant workers participated in industrial injury insurance, an increase of 654. [34]

Resources and environment

By 2022, Yuanshi County has completed 2933 hectares of afforestation. Among them, 267 hectares are planted artificially. The forest coverage rate is 33.06%. At the end of the year, there were 255 days of fine weather above Grade II in the urban area. [34]


Yuanshi County has Beijing Zambia Highway, Shixing Highway National Highway 107 Etc. Beijing Zhuhai Expressway Across the north and south, Qingdao Yinchuan Expressway Jingyuan Highway The Yuanzan Line connects the east and west, and the traffic network extends in all directions. [7]
In 2013, Yuanshi County had 57 roads of various grades, including 2 expressways, 1 national road, 3 provincial roads, 6 county roads, and 45 township roads, with a total mileage of 816.88 kilometers, 1 passenger station, 1 freight station, 1 railway station, and 6 special railway lines. The total traffic mileage is 640.6km.
By 2022, the total volume of road freight transportation in Yuanshi County will be 122.686 million tons, an increase of 15% over the previous year. The turnover of highway freight transportation was 85757.74 million ton kilometers, an increase of 15%. The total number of road passenger transport was 1.88 million, up 2%. The turnover of highway passenger transport was 56.28 million person kilometers, up 2%. At the end of the year, there were 51 bus (electric) vehicles in operation. At the end of the year, there were 60 taxis. [34]

famous scenery

  • Fenglongshan
Fenglongshan Also known as Feilong Mountain, it borders Taihang in the west and plain in the east. There are Han steles, grottoes, sleeping Buddha, Fenglong Academy, Yijun Mountain Stronghold, Zen House, Xiuzhen Temple, Old Dragon Pool, Eight Immortals Hall and other cultural relics and natural landscapes on the mountain. The drawing design of Fenglong Academy has been completed, the mountain road has been built, and the Xiuzhen Temple and the front hall of the West Stone Hall have been restored. [8]
  • Panlong Lake
Panlong Lake
Panlong Lake be located Chulong River upper reaches. Hunan Anyou Panlong Temple Ruins. Panlong Lake Tourist Area has built more than 10 hotels and convalescent bases, including Industrial and Commercial Bank Resort, Jeddah Resort, Economic and Trade Conference Center, Civil Affairs Training Center, etc., which can receive more than 3000 tourists at a time. The recreation facilities in the area are complete, and the water recreation projects, such as fishing, boating, swimming, mountaineering, large water ladders, high-speed motorboats, water and air flying people, lake center swimming pool, bumper boats, are quite famous. [8]

Historical celebrities

  • Ancient celebrities
He was born in Beiyan, Yuanshi County, with the word Juyuan. He was born in a family of officials. He knew books and had knowledge, but did not like Ah Sui. He liked to speak frankly, and he was the adviser of Yue Fei.
In the 11th year of Shaoxing (1141 AD), after Yue Fei was put in prison, Zhijia wrote a letter to make a grievance for him. Qin Hui and others falsely accused Yue Yun of taking bribes, and sent a letter to Zhang Xian, saying that they had been exiled to Yuanzhou for "Bianguan". Zhijia died in Yuanzhou because of being abused.
Intellectual review
A native of Beiyan, Yuanshi County, was once a Jinshi in the Yuan Dynasty. He knew that the fate of heaven would change him, but he was not an official. He avoided the chaos of the Four Ministers' Stronghold. He has studied for twenty years. The Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty opened the imperial examination and was still a Jinshi. He was a Jinshi in the two dynasties and the first Jinshi in the history of Yuanshi County. The leader of Mengyin County was implicated in his official's crime. Go up to the state and check its honesty. It is the best in the world. It was awarded the Imperial Academy to edit it at that time.
Li Qi
In the early Ming Dynasty, people came from Zhitun. Hong Wu was first appointed as the supervisor of the imperial court, and later transferred to the post of deputy governor of Dali Temple.
Wisdom Collar
Beiyan people of the Yuan family, employed Zhao Nanxing , Ren Zhixian, later promoted official in charge of the discipline of public functionaries , plus Maid Shaoqing After the Qing army entered the Shanhaiguan Pass Chief Secretary of Shanxi To participate in the deliberation and patrol Ji Ning Road.
Wise Phoenix Zhu
The Yuanshi Beiyan people, who passed the tribute in the eighth year of Chongzhen. In the second year of Shunzhi's reign, the Second Department of Official Rites raised the imperial examinations, pressed the imperial examinations and learned from the three academies. They all tried again and gave inferences. He tried before he was sick, returned, urged, and could not respond. He dived into the valley of the kuma, slept on the clouds and grass, wrote poems and books, discussed the past and the present, taught his children and grandchildren, and taught them that it was sunny rather than rainy in class. He was lazy and had brilliant birds, and was willing to travel with Canglu. In his later years, he compiled the Annals of Yuanshi County.
  • Modern celebrities
Intellectualize people (1902-1938) Beiyan people in Yuanshi County. In 1938, he served as the instructor of Yuanshi Independent Camp.
Jiang Jiwu (1903-1975) from Nanjie, Yuanshi County. In 1949, he served as a member of the CPC Plain Provincial Committee, and in July 1964, he served as the deputy director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Li Chuli (1903-2000) was born in Dongzhang of Yuan family. He joined the Party in 1927. During the War of Liberation, he was secretary of the CPC Jidong District Party Committee and political commissar of the Jidong Military Region, and participated in the Liaohe Shenyang Pingjin Campaign. After the founding of New China, he served as the Deputy Director of the Organization Department and Director of the Cadre Division, the Deputy Director of the Personnel Department of the Central People's Government, and a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.
Wei Zhewu (1907-1931) Yuanshi Zhongjie people. In 1929, he served as the organization director of Shijiazhuang Central Municipal Committee.
Wu Qiu (1909-1985) He was born in Chu Zhuang, the Yuan family. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the head of Xingtai's exclusive civil affairs section, the deputy director of the regional cooperation headquarters, the director of the handicraft bureau, the director of the Second Light Industry Bureau, and the deputy director of the Economic Commission.
Zhishichang (1910-2003) was born in Beiyan, Yuanshi County. In 1938, he served as the head of the organization of the Yuanshi County Party Committee and the secretary of the Yuanshi County Party Committee. Gao Yuanzan was the secretary of the county party committee in 1943. After 1949, he was the head of the organization of Jinjiang prefecture party committee, the secretary of the prefecture party committee, the member of the standing committee of the Fujian provincial party committee, and the head of the organization.
Liu Baotang (1922-1946) A native of Wu Village, the Yuan family. In 1938, he participated in the Youth Anti Japanese and National Salvation Association of Yuanshi County.
  • Contemporary celebrities
Zhang Ruifang He is a native of Dongjie, Yuanshi County. He is currently a consultant of China Film Association, chairman of Shanghai Film Association, and chairman of China Film Performance Association.
Jia Huisheng He was born in Yincun, the Yuan family name. He has successively served as the secretary of Shanxi Coal Administration Bureau, director of Shanxi Fenxi Mining Bureau, and deputy minister of the Ministry of Coal. He is now retired.
He Shaocun People from Yuanshi East Street. Vice Governor of Hebei Province, etc.
Zhang Zengshun The Yuan family is from Xiyuan Village. The rank of major general. He has successively served as Director of the Political Department and Secretary of the Party Committee of Shijiazhuang Army Staff College, and Political Member of Nanjing Army Command College. Retired in 2003.
Gao Jianguo He was born in Beisuyang Village of the Yuan family and served successively as Deputy Commander of the Shanxi Military Region and Deputy Chief of Staff of the Beijing Military Region.
Gao Qunshu He is a native of Li Renzhuang, a leading domestic director. His works include Thirteen Murders, Conquer, Wind, etc.
Niu Li Yuan's Niujialou, a national first-class actor, participated in the Central Spring Festival Gala five times from 2003 to 2010, and was elected as the director of China Environmental Culture Promotion Association and the public image ambassador of Beijing Youth Safety and Health Project.

folk culture

Yuan's Musical Tune
Leyue Tune is a folk opera inherited from the Li family in Longzheng Village, Yuanshi County and popular in the local area. Its performance form is similar to Beijing, Pingping, Bangzi and other operas. There is no written record of Leyue Tune, but it is oral and can be traced back to 9 generations.
The main musical instruments for the music tune singing are four stringed strings with the main string, followed by erhu, banhu, flute, etc. The percussion music includes bangu, clapper, gong, hand hairpin, small gong, bangzi, and tanggu. Although its singing is unique, its music has no more written records and has been passed down by word of mouth. This type of play is monotonous, with only the first board (adagio) and the second board, but the third board is homophony, and there are several original vocals such as tone sandhi, plum blossom tune, Chongtai, wailing, coloratura, and letter reading. Traditional plays include The Romance of the Luo Skirt《 Cuiping Mountain 》, Golden Jade Pendant《 Cleave the mountain to save his mother 》Wait, there are more than 30 in total. Later, they rehearsed again《 Yang Bajie's Spring outing 》、《 Legend of White Snake 》, Secretary of Literature, etc. [8]


On December 13, 2017, Yuanshi County was named the first civilized county in Hebei Province. [9]
On February 2, 2019, it was rated by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as the national advanced unit for TCM work at the grass-roots level at the county level. [10]
In 2019, it was listed as the second batch of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [2]
In November 2019, it was selected into the second batch of counties (districts) meeting the standard of water-saving society construction. [11]
In December 2020, it was selected into the list of civilized counties in Hebei Province that were reviewed and confirmed to retain the title. [12]
In 2021, it will be included in the list of national agricultural product quality safety counties. [13]
On September 8, 2021, it was selected into the pilot list of roof distributed photovoltaic development in counties (cities, districts) under the comprehensive department of the National Energy Administration. [16]
In December 2021, it was awarded the title of "River" by Hebei Provincial Greening Commission and Hebei Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau Northern Province Forest City. [17]