New Year's Day

[yuán dàn]
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New Year's Day, January 1 of the Gregorian calendar, is commonly known as the "New Year" in most countries of the world. Yuan is called "the beginning", and the beginning of every number is called "Yuan"; Dan means "day"; "New Year's Day" means "the initial day". "New Year's Day" usually refers to the first day of the first month in the calendar. [6-8]
In China, the term "New Year's Day" has existed in ancient times, and is first seen in literary works Book of Jin The "New Year's Day" in China's history refers to the "first day of the first month". The calculation method of the "first month" was very different before the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the dates of the New Year's Day (the first day of the first month) in all dynasties were different. [6-7]
After the Revolution of 1911, in order to "go to the right place in summer, so follow the lunar calendar, from the Western calendar, so make statistics", the first year of the Republic of China decided to use the Gregorian calendar (actually 1912), and stipulated that January 1 of the Gregorian calendar is the "New Year", but not the "New Year's Day". In 1949, the People's Republic of China took January 1 of the Gregorian calendar as the New Year's Day, so the "New Year's Day" is also called the "Gregorian Year", "New Calendar Year" or "Gregorian Year" in China. [1]
New Year's Day holiday in 2024: 3 days from December 30, 2023 to January 1, 2024. [12]
Chinese name
New Year's Day
Foreign name
New Year's Day
Gregorian calendar year New calendar year solar year
Holiday time
January 1, Gregorian calendar
Festival type
World New Year
Epidemic area
around the world
Origin of festivals
Mechanism setting
Festival activities
decorate [2]
Holiday diet
Delicacies and snacks [2]
Festival significance
At the beginning of a year
Set time
September 27, 1949

Definition of name

Yuan is called "the beginning", and the beginning of every number is called "Yuan"; Dan means "day"; "New Year's Day" means "the initial day". The term "New Year's Day" usually refers to the first day of the first month in the calendar. The calendar stipulates when it is the first month (i.e. the first month), and New Year's Day is on the first day of that month, such as the "first day of the first month" in the lunar calendar, the "first day of January" in the solar calendar, etc. In Chinese history, "the first day of the first lunar month" has many titles, such as New Year's Day, New Year's Day, New Year's Day, New Year's Day, Yuanchen, Yuanchun, Shangri, Yuanshuo, etc. But among many titles, "New Year's Day" is the most common and the longest. [1] [3-4] [7]

Calendar concept


The first day of the lunar calendar

The concept of "New Year's Day" in China has always referred to "the first day of the first lunar month". The calculation method of the "first month" was also very different before the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Therefore, the month and day of New Year's Day in the past dynasties are not the same. summer The first month of the Xia calendar in the Shang Dynasty was the spring month, the first month of the Yin calendar in the Shang Dynasty was the winter December, and the first month of the Zhou calendar in the Zhou Dynasty was the winter November. First Emperor of Qin After the unification of China, the first month of the year was October, that is, the first day of October was New Year's Day. from Martial Emperor From then on, the first day of the first month was called New Year's Day, which lasted until the end of the Qing Dynasty. [6]
"The first day of the first lunar month" is called "Yuanzheng" in Cui Yuan's "Three Children Hairpin Inscriptions" of the Han Dynasty, "Yuanchen" in Yu Chan's "Yangdu Fu" of the Jin Dynasty, "Yuanchun" in the "Yuan Hui Enjoying the Songs of the Emperor Xia" of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and "Yuanshuo" in the poem "Retreat from the Imperial Court and Watch the Military Battle and Return to Camp on the first day of the Yuan Dynasty" by Dezong Lishi of the Tang Dynasty.

Beginning date of the Gregorian calendar

In 1911, under the leadership of Sun Yat sen Revolution of 1911 Overthrew Manchu And established the Republic of China. In order to "go to the right place in summer, so follow the lunar calendar, from the Western calendar, so make statistics", the first year of the Republic of China decided to use the Gregorian calendar (actually 1912), and stipulated that Solar calendar January 1 is called "New Year's Day", but not "New Year's Day". At a meeting in Nanjing, representatives of provincial governors decided to use the Gregorian calendar, calling the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar the "Spring Festival" and the first day of January of the Gregorian calendar the "New Year's Day". However, no official announcement was made at that time. [9]
On January 1, 1912, the founding of the Republic of China was announced, and Sun Yat sen took office as the interim president in Nanjing. In his inaugural oath, Sun Yat sen ended with "New Year's Day, the first year of the Republic of China". This is the origin of Chinese New Year's Day. [1]
On September 27, 1949, the first Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference When we decided to establish the People's Republic of China, we also decided to adopt the world's universal calendar, the so-called solar calendar. New Year's Day refers to the first day of the year in the Christian era. [6]
In order to distinguish the two new years of the Gregorian calendar and the Summer calendar, and in view of the fact that the first day of the first month of the summer calendar happens to be in the 24 solar terms“ Beginning of Spring ”Therefore, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar was renamed "Spring Festival", and January 1 of the Gregorian calendar was designated as the beginning of the new year - "New Year's Day", which was listed as a legal holiday and became a national holiday. [1]
January 1 of the Gregorian calendar marks the arrival of the new year. People are used to calling this day "New Year's Day", commonly known as "Gregorian Year", "Gregorian Year" or "New Calendar Year". [7]

Festival Culture


Chinese New Year's Day

On New Year's Day in modern China, according to the Chinese government legal holiday And become a national festival. After a day off, we often adjust the day before or after the two-day weekend, generally three consecutive days off. Compared with the celebration of New Year's Day in modern China Spring Festival , much less important. commonly office enterprise The year-end collective celebration will be held, but there are few folk activities. [1]

New Year's Day

Western New Year's Day: In 46 BC, Caesar in ancient Rome set this day as the beginning of the Western New Year. In order to bless the two-sided god "Janus", the door god in Roman mythology, "Janus" later evolved into the word "January" in English.
britain On the day before New Year's Day, every household must have wine in the bottle and meat in the cupboard. The British believe that if there is no remaining wine and meat, they will be poor in the coming year. In addition, the custom of "fetching well water" is also popular in Britain. People try to be the first to fetch water. They believe that the first person to fetch water is a happy person, and the water is auspicious.
Belgium In Belgium, the first thing in the countryside on the morning of New Year's Day is to pay a New Year's greetings to animals. People walked to cattle, horses, sheep, dogs, cats and other animals, and explained to these creatures in a solemn manner: "Happy New Year!"
Germany : During the New Year's Day in Germany, every household should put up a fir tree and a horizontal tree. The leaves are covered with silk flowers, which means that flowers are like flowers and spring is full of people. At midnight on New Year's Eve, just before the arrival of the New Year, they climbed onto the chair. As soon as the bell rang, they jumped off the chair and threw a heavy object behind the chair to show that they could shake off the disaster and jump into the New Year. In the German countryside, there is also a custom of "tree climbing competition" for the New Year, which shows that we are getting higher and higher.
France : To celebrate the New Year with wine, people began to revel from the New Year's Eve until January 3. The French believe that the weather on New Year's Day heralds the new year. In the early morning of New Year's Day, they went to the street to watch the wind and used to make divination: the south wind was blowing, which predicted that the weather would be good, and the year would be safe and hot; The westerly wind brings a bumper harvest year for fishing and milking; When the east wind blows, the fruits will be high; When the north wind blows, it is a poor harvest year.
Italy : New Year's Eve in Italy is a carnival night. When the night begins to fall, thousands of people rush to the streets, lighting firecrackers and fireworks, and even firing live ammunition. Men and women danced until midnight. Every family gathers old things, smashes some things that can be broken in the house, and throws old pots, bottles and jars outside the door, which means that they can get rid of bad luck and troubles. This is their traditional way of saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming the new year. [5]
Switzerland : Swiss people have the habit of keeping fit on New Year's Day. Some of them go climbing mountains in groups, stand on the top of the mountain facing the ice and snow, and sing loudly about the beautiful life; Some ski along the long snow path in the mountain forest, as if looking for the road to happiness; In some stilt walking competitions, men, women, old and young all went to the battle and wished each other good health. They welcome the new year with fitness.
Romania On the eve of New Year's Day, people put up tall Christmas trees on the square and set up a stage. The citizens sang and danced while burning fireworks. Rural people pull wooden plows decorated with colorful flowers to celebrate the New Year.
Bulgaria When having dinner on New Year's Day, whoever sneezes will bring happiness to the whole family. The owner of the family will give him the first sheep, ox or horse to wish him happiness for the whole family.
Greece On New Year's Day, every family will make a big cake with a silver coin inside. The host cut several pieces of cake and gave them to family members or visiting relatives and friends. Anyone who eats the cake with silver coins will become the luckiest person in the New Year. Everyone congratulates him.
Spain In Spain, on the eve of New Year's Day, all family members get together and celebrate with music and games. When midnight came, the first sound of the twelve o'clock bell began to strike, everyone scrambled to eat grapes. If you can eat 12 according to the bell, it will symbolize that everything is going well every month in the New Year. [5]
Denmark On the eve of New Year's Day, Danes will collect the broken pieces of cups and plates from every household and send them to their friends' door in the dead of night. On the morning of New Year's Day, if there are more pieces stacked in front of the house, it means that there are more friends in his family, and he must be very lucky in the New Year [9]




Xin Lanyou, a poet of the Jin Dynasty《 Yuanzheng 》Poetry: "On the first day of the reign of the Emperor Yuanzheng, Jiaqing was born here. The wine cups of ten thousand years were played, and the Little Datong was happy." The word "New Year's Day" first appeared in the Book of Jin in Chinese literature: "Emperor Zhuan took the first month of Mengxia as the Yuan Dynasty, but in fact it was the Spring of New Year's Day." [13 ] In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Xiao Ziyun, a scholar and historian of the Southern Dynasties, wrote a poem called "Jieya" in which the four seasons, the new New Year's Day, and the early spring of longevity were recorded. Wu Zimu of the Song Dynasty also wrote in the Record of Dream Liang: "The new day of the first month is called New Year's Day, which is commonly called New Year's Day. This is the first one year old festival sequence." [10]


It is said that in the heyday of Yao and Shun more than 4000 years ago, when Yao was in power, he worked hard for the people and did a lot of good things for the people. He was loved by the people. But because his son was talented, he did not pass on the leadership of the "tribal alliance" to his son, but passed it on to Shun, who had both morality and talent. Yao said to Shun, "You must pass on the throne in the future, and I will be able to rest in peace after my death." Later, Shun passed the throne to Yu, who had made great contributions to the flood control. Like Shun, Yu loved the people and did many good deeds for the people, all of which were very loved by people. Later, people regarded the day when Emperor Shun offered sacrifices to Heaven and Earth and the former Emperor Yao after Yao's death as the beginning of the year, and called the first day of the first lunar month "New Year's Day", or "New Year's Day". There was also a legend that the first day of the first lunar month (New Year's Day) originated from Zhuan Xu, one of the three emperors and five emperors, with a history of more than 5000 years. It is said that this is the origin of the ancient "New Year's Day". [9]

Current affairs hotspot

During the New Year's Day holiday in 2023, 52.7134 million domestic tourists will travel nationwide, up 0.44% year on year; Domestic tourism revenue was 26.517 billion yuan, up 4% year on year [11]