Boer Yijin, Best and Best

The Last Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty
zero Useful+1
synonym Yuan Huizong (Huizong in Yuan Dynasty) generally refers to "everything is good, everything is good"
Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty (Toghon Tem ü r, which means "iron pot" in Mongolian, from May 25, 1320 to May 23, 1370), yuan dynasty The eleventh emperor, Mongol Empire The 15th Khan( 1333-1370) It was also the last emperor of the Yuan Dynasty as the national unified regime. Yuanmingzong The eldest son, Yuanningzong Elder brother, your biological mother is Myredi [2] [32]
When you were a teenager, you were exiled to Korea because of the royal struggle for power Great Qingdao (present-day Qingdao, North Korea) and Guangxi Jingjiang (now Guilin, Guangxi) Yuan Wenzong and Yuanningzong After their deaths, they were killed by Empress Wenzong Buda lost Li It was ordered to return, and on June 8, 1333 (July 19, 1333) Shangdu (Now Zhenglan Banner, Xilingol League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region). For the next eight years, he endured the imperial court, and under the guise of his officials, he was the first to die Yan Timur Factions, overthrow the Prime Minister again Bayan , close up the power to govern. [2] [10] [12]
In the first year of Zhizheng (1341), after being fond of being friendly to the government, he was diligent in political affairs, initiated a series of reforms, restored the imperial examination, respected Confucianism and morality, issued a code, strengthened the integrity of the government, solved the famine, and resolutely revived to save the ruling crisis of the Yuan Dynasty“ Supreme New Deal ”。 [8] These reform measures have failed to solve the long-standing social contradictions and problems. In the eleventh year of Zhizheng (1351) Peasant Uprising in the Late Yuan Dynasty [21-22] Since then, Tohoku has gradually become depressed, tired of politics, obsessed with voice and appearance, and allowed a courtier to rise to the top, plus with the Crown Prince Ai You Knows Li Dala The internal fighting and the armed internal fighting of the landlords relied on by the Yuan court were uncontrolled, which missed the opportunity to counter the rebellion of the Southern Rebellion. In leap July of 1368, the 28th year of Zhizheng era, the Ming army attacked mostly The Yuan Dynasty ended its rule over the whole country. [27]
On April 28, the 30th year (May 23, 1370) Ying Chang (now Keshiketeng Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region) died at the age of 51, Temple name Huizong, The Mongol Khan was called "Uhadu Khan", [32] Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty His posthumous title was "Shundi". [33]
Full Name
Boer Yijin, Best and Best
Gengshen Emperor Geng Shenjun Zhizheng Emperor Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty Yuan Huizong
Posthumous title
Shun Di [94] (posthumous title of Zhu Yuanzhang)
Uhadu Khan
Temple name
Yuantong (1333), Zhiyuan (1335), Zhizheng (1341)
yuan dynasty
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Jinshan (Located in today's Altay Mountains)
date of birth
May 25, 1320
Date of death
May 23, 1370
Place of death
Ying Chang (Located in today's Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region)
Burial place
Rising Chariot Valley
In office time
July 19, 1333 to May 23, 1370
Yuanningzong Boer Yijin · Yilin Quality Class
Yuan Zhaozong Boerjijin · Aiyou Knows Truth
Key achievements
Supreme New Deal
Main works
Seven Rhymes "Answering the Ming Lord" (also known as "To the King of Wu")

Character's Life



Yanyou On April 17, 1320, Tokai Timur was born in northwest China Chagatai Khanate Of Jinshan Altai Mountains )One Belt. [2] He is the King of Zhou Dynasty and Shixuan (later Yuanmingzong )His eldest son, Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai khan The sixth grandson of Genuine gold (Yuan Yuzong) Dala Ma Ba La (Yuan Shunzong) Seamount (Yuan Wuzong) He Shi (Yuan Ming Sect). extremely large Four years (1311), Yuan Wuzong When Hai Shan (a well liked grandfather) died, his younger brother, Aiyu Lebali Bada, succeeded to the throne as the crown prince in order to Yuan Renzong According to the agreement between Emperor Wuzong of the Yuan Dynasty and Emperor Renzong of the Yuan Dynasty, it was the eldest son of Emperor Wuzong and Shijiu of Emperor Renzong who succeeded to the throne of Emperor Renzong of the Yuan Dynasty, but after he ascended the throne, Emperor Renzong turned back and tried to establish his own son Great Virtue and Eight Stabs (Later Yuanying Sect )As the crown prince of the emperor, He Shixuan was granted the title of King of Zhou and ordered to leave Yunnan. In November of the third year of Yanyou (1316), He Shixuan arrived Yan'an At that time, he and the old officials of Wuzong plotted to restore the crown prince's position, which was followed by Renzong. He Shixuan was forced to run to Jinshan (Altai Mountain) in the northwest, and got Chagatai Khanate The shelter of. [3] He Shixuan took a place in Jinshan when he took refuge Retrace Descendants of a woman and prince, Arsilan Hanlulumaledi , and had a good relationship with her. [2] After being well behaved, Michael died, and was later honored as the Saint Queen of Zhenyu Hui. [4]
The year when Tokai Timur was born was the year when Yuan Renzong died. From then on to the first year of the Tianli era (1328), the Yuan Dynasty experienced frequent changes in the throne and civil strife, which successively experienced the Yuan Yingzong Emperor Taiding Emperor Tianshun Three emperors, the throne has fallen into the hands of Wu Zongyi, which is Battle between the two capitals Tu Te Muer, the younger brother of the winner He Shixuan (Yuan Wenzong, that is, the uncle who likes Tu Te Muer). Tutemur claimed to abdicate the throne to his brother He Shixuan, who was located in Mobei in the second year of the Heavenly Calendar (1329). He was a sect of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. He was poisoned to death by Tutemur and his gang before he could go to Dadu. Tutemur ascended the throne again for Yuan Wenzong The status of the orphans and widows left by the Emperor Yuanming is in jeopardy. In April of the third year of Tianli (1330), Empress Mingzong Babusha (To be affectionate to Muer's real mother) was awarded the title of Empress Wenzong Buda lost Li Killing. In July of the first year of Zhishun (1330), the Emperor Wenzong of the Yuan Dynasty exiled Tuo You You You to Korea Great Qingdao Imprisonment and no contact with the outside world. [2] [5] The next year, someone secretly informed Wenzong Liaoyang To rebel with Korea [6] Wenzong announces to the world that he is not Yuanmingzong His own son, who was dispatched in December of the second year of Zhishun (1331) privy council Trapped Yin Zhongcheng Juegan and other people took back Tokai from Korea and exiled him to Guangxi Jingjiang (Now Guilin). [2] [7]
Tou Xier lived in Jingjiang for about a year. During this time, he lived in Dayuan Temple and learned《 The Analects of Confucius 》《 The Book of Filial Piety 》, and practice writing two pieces every day. Later, Tokai Timur was recalled mostly He also hid the books and stationery he used for learning in a small leather box for reading at any time. Tokai is also lively and active. He often digs the ground for holes, urinates in it, and then turns into mud to make various toys. He also likes to raise "eight horned birds". Sometimes the birds fly to the dead branches in the pond, but they can't even take off their boots. They are caught in the water. Elder Qiujiang has stopped them many times. He often became the king of children, leading twenty or thirty children to make paper flagpoles and put them in the city. Elder Qiujiang also paid attention to the cultivation of good manners, and taught him: "The prince is the golden branch of the country. He is not more than the ordinary people. When he sees senior officials coming, he must not make false statements or show self-respect." So whenever officials come to the temple for inspection, good manners and good manners will be taken seriously. Once the officials leave, they will play as before, so it is "just a moment of reluctance, not self-restraint". [8] After you ascended the throne, in order to repay the kindness of Elder Qiujiang, you not only greatly rewarded him, but also changed the Dayuan Temple into the Hall of Longevity (now located at Jingjiang Palace )。 [9 ]

Ascend to the throne

Yuan Wenzong After expelling you Zhishun In December of the first year (1330), he set up his own son Aratnatra For the crown prince, but the crown prince died a month later. This pair believes in Tibetan Buddhism as a man sows , so let him reap It is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Yuan Wenzong couple, who still have sons Yan Tie Gu Si However, Wenzong's last words when he died in August of the third year of Zhishun (1332): "The matter of the past shaking and forking (that is, Wang Huchadu," the place where Emperor Mingzong came from the north to drink poison and died ") is a great mistake in my life. I think about it in the middle of the night and regret it. Although Yantie Gusi is my son and I love him, today's position is that of the Ming Clan. If you love me, you are willing to call Master Ming to take Timur to the throne. If so, although I see that Ming Clan is underground, I can also say something to stop my ears! " [10]
The Image of Emperor Shun in Cai Dongfan's Romance of the Yuan Dynasty
At that time, King Taiping, the powerful minister in charge of the government Yan Timur It is not a good idea to be older, but it is right there mostly Yilin Zhiban, the youngest son of the Ming Clan (who likes to talk about his different mother and younger brother), succeeded to the throne as the Emperor Ningzong of the Yuan Dynasty. Unexpectedly, Yuan Ningzong died in November that year. Yan Tiemuer Wants to Stand Yan Tie Gu Si Succession to the throne, but the Empress of Wenzong in the Yuan Dynasty Buda lost Li Insist on being friendly. [2] [4] So he sent Zuo Chengkuo Lijis, the secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, to Jingjiang to pick up her and return to Beijing. In Liangxiang, Yan Timur leads others Bittern book Come to meet him. Yan Timur and Touyou are walking together, which shows the meaning of embracing him as the emperor. Tuoye Timur was still a thirteen year old boy, and he was too frightened to answer for a moment, so Yan Timur suspected him, and after he arrived in Dadu, he didn't make him the emperor, and then he was in charge of the celestial prison Taishi It was also said that it was better not to stand in harmony, but to stand in chaos, so the throne of the Yuan Dynasty was vacant for half a year. [2]
Yuan dynasty Tibetan Historical data have more detailed records of this. The diviners at that time said: "If He Shixuan's eldest son waits for six months in the Year of the Rooster and then ascends the throne, then the emperor's luck will be as long as Xue Chan Khan (Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty)." To this argument, the ministers said: "If the throne is vacant, who will bear the responsibility of the country?" At this time, Yan Timur said, "You can calculate the prediction of the gods carefully. If it is true, it would be great if it can make the emperor live a long life. I will bear the national responsibility when the throne is suspended." [11]
In the past half year, Buda was called by the imperial court, and Yan Timur's power was also at the peak. [2] In May of the fourth year of Zhishun (1333), Yan Timur died because of excessive indulgence. After deciding that his son Yan Timur should be the successor of Tuoye Timur, Buta Chuli decided to officially accept Tuoye Timur as the emperor. [2] [10] On the eighth day of June in the fourth year of Zhishun (1333) Shangdu , is the Yuan Huizong. After taking the throne, YouYouTiMuEr changed the year number to“ Proterozoic ”, and granted Yan Timur's daughter Bo Yawu (Dana Chuli) is the Queen, Buta Chuli is the Empress Dowager, and Yan Tiegusi is the Crown Prince.

Overturn the power phase

After you ascended the throne, it was a "living in the palace, nothing special" [2] The puppet emperor of Yan Timur Bayan with Right Prime Minister The identity of Yan Timur is autocratic, but the family of Yan Timur is still powerful. His younger brother Sadun is Prime Minister Zuo , Son Tang Qishi by imperial censor Her daughter Danahuli also has the honor of a queen. In the third year of Yuantong (1335), Sadun died, and Tang Qishi became the prime minister of Zuo. In order to fight for power with Boyan, he plotted a coup with Sadun Didali to kill Boyan, abolish Shundi, and establish Talahai (son of Yan Timuer, brother of Tang Qishi), the adopted son of Wenzong of the Yuan Dynasty. In June of the same year, Boyan smashed the coup of Tang Qishi, destroyed Yan Timur's remaining party, and expelled Queen Tanahuli from the palace and killed her. [2] [10] In November of the same year“ Ancestral account Shizu changed its name to Zhiyuan. [2]
At that time, Boyan was named the King of Qin, who covered the sky with his hands. [12] He dismissed his dissidents and even killed his old master, Tan Wang Thoroughly bald And relegated to Xuanrang Wang Stick the wood without flowers He Weishun Wang Broad and thorough generalization He amassed wealth, indulged in extravagance and lust, even went to the palace of the empress dowager Boda Chuli and had an affair with him, so that mostly A satirical ballad of Boyan was passed on, "The emperor bullies the monarch and the people, and the empress dowager relies on". [10] Boyan is most criticized for his anti Han style National oppression Under his leadership, the Mongols and Semu beat the Han people and the southerners were not allowed to fight back, the Han and southerners were forbidden to learn Mongolian and Semu characters, reiterated that the Han and southerners were not allowed to hold weapons, and strictly controlled the limits of the Han people as officials. The Han and southerners were excluded as never before under Boyan's power Secretariat only Wang Maode Xu Youren Fu Yan and Zuo Chenghe served as counselors. The local government even confiscated Han iron farm tools and banned Han cultural activities. In November of the first year of Zhiyuan (1335), Boyan canceled The imperial examination , which is also a big setback. When facing the resistance of Han people, Boyan even proposed to kill the five Han people named Jue Zhang, Wang, Liu, Li and Zhao. Fortunately, Huizong did not listen. [13]
Boyan's perverse actions made the Yuan Dynasty, which was already full of sharp social contradictions, more turbulent. In Guangxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hebei, Henan and other places, peasant uprisings or ethnic uprisings broke out, Peasant Uprising in the Late Yuan Dynasty The famous leader of Peng Yingyu It was launched in the fourth year of Zhiyuan (1338) Yuanzhou Uprising, widespread after failure White Lotus Cult , burying the kindling of national unrest more than ten years later. In the fifth year of the Zhiyuan era (1339), there was a farce of "passing on the imperial edict falsely" in Henan Fan Meng He claimed to have the imperial edict and killed a cadre of bureaucrats under Lu Timur in Henan Province's Pingzhang Political Month. Soon after, Fan Meng was killed. [10] [14] It can be seen to what extent the discipline of the Yuan Dynasty was relaxed.
The chaos caused by Boyan's dictatorship has been carefully watched. He and Boyan's nephew Tuotuo have already planned to get rid of Boyan. Boyan is also ready to move and conspires with Buta Chuli to Yan Tie Gu Si Replace Shundi. In February of the sixth year of the Zhiyuan era (1340), Huizong and Tuotuo took advantage of Boyan's hunting to launch a coup, deposing Boyan, first demoting him to be the Left Prime Minister of Henan Province, and then exiling him to Yangchun County (now Guangdong) of Nan'enzhou. So far, the Boyan era has come to an end, and he has been able to govern in person. [12] [14] During the coup, I was happy to sit in the Jade Temple, and I was in charge of calling and issuing orders Yang Yu When other officials drafted an edict against Boyan in front of the imperial couch, there was a statement that "each of them should be responsible for his own department, and the edict should be returned to his own guard when it comes to the day". Shun Emperor instructed that "from early to late, it can be changed from day to day." This fully shows his determination and shrewdness. [15] In June of the same year, in order to avenge the murder of my father, I issued an edict to destroy the ancestral shrine The Wenzong Clan abolished the empress dowager Boda Chuli and gave her to death, exiled Yantigusi, and also cancelled the year Yuan Wenzong He claimed that he was not the imperial edict of the son of the Emperor Yuanming. [10] [14] After finishing the revenge, "get dressed robe embroidered with dragons and crown worn by emperor in sacrificial ceremonies , naked Taishi ”, offering sacrifices to his father, Yuanming Zong, and catching up with his posthumous title. In the first month of the next year, Huizong of the Yuan Dynasty changed the Yuan Dynasty to "Zhizheng", appointed Tuotuo as the Right Prime Minister, and announced that he would Reform ”, preparing for the grand expansion of the Yuan Dynasty. [14]

Determined to govern

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty in 1342
Entering the era of supreme integrity, we are always ready to "seek governance" [16] Tuotuo also implemented a series of reforms in order to save the crisis of the Yuan Dynasty“ Degumming and upgrading ”。 Detached and recovered Imperial examination system , Promulgated《 Summary of Nongsang 》, reorganized the administration of officials, called for seclusion, reduced taxes, opened the horse ban, reduced the amount of salt, compiled the history of Liao, Song and Jin dynasties, and implemented the Confucian rule, including place where the emperor listened to lectures And the ancestral shrine Four time sacrifice Pro suburbia Sacrifice to heaven and travel The emperor personally and symbolically tills the land. Ritual and other activities. In the early years of the Zhizheng era, the Yuan Dynasty was once rejuvenated, and the Han Confucian scholars who were oppressed in the Boyan era were also excited by it Ouyang Xuan He wrote: "The most upright Bin Xingjun and the country's sages, and his majesty was seen again before Jia Yin. Apricot garden flowers were in March, and Guiyuan incense was sold for seven years. The leopard hidden mountain was covered with Chinese and fog, and the roc fought against the sea and the sky. In the Ming Dynasty, etiquette and music must be extremely handsome, and Confucian scholars should not be considered as saints." [17]
In the fourth year of Zhizheng (1344) when "Genghua" was in full swing, Tuotuo wanted to retire due to his illness. In addition, Shaman said that life would be difficult, so he asked for leave 17 times in a row, and finally agreed. [12] In the following five years, he was well liked and employed Arutu Don't be shy , Dorje He Youyi (Taiping) and other people are ministers. Although they are not treacherous ministers, their ability is not as good as detachment. During this period, Tokai continued to carry out some reform measures centering on building a clean government, such as promulgation《 Orthonormal grid 》The law on the recommendation and observance of orders, and the dispatch of 24 officials to inspect and pacify all parts of the country. He has never lost his ambition for governance. He attaches great importance to the appointment of local orders. He must take a personal look at them, investigate their virtue and foolishness, and earnestly warn those who His Majesty's Speech The local official said, "Your duty of keeping orders is like herding sheep. Hunger is like grass; thirst is like water. Hunger and thirst are like toil. If there is no time to lose, the sheep will die. You are my herding people, without losing their place. If there is hunger and thirst, you are good herding." [10] In the October of the fifth year of Zhizheng (1345), when an official was sent to serve as an envoy to Xuanfu, he ordered him to "show his virtue, inquire about the sufferings of the people, clear up grievances and obstacles, and get rid of vexatiousness demote and promote The guilty person shall apply for suspension of duty at the fourth grade or above and be executed at the fifth grade or below. We have heard of the holding of all folk activities to promote benefits and eliminate harm. " [18] But the officials who were sent to Xuanfu at that time, except Su Tianjue Wang Shoucheng In addition to the achievements of a few people, others have exacerbated the corruption of the officialdom and the sufferings of the people, especially in Jiangxi and Fujian. It is also widely known that "nine elixirs are used to deliver grace, and ten thousand liang of gold is sent back by envoys", "when envoys come, it is shocking; when envoys go, it is dark. Officials are happy, but people are crying" Folk songs such as "officials' black patent leather lanterns are added when envoys come". [19] It can be seen that the corruption of the Yuan Dynasty is beyond remedy.
The greatest blow to the friendship was the rare natural disaster at that time. Since the fourth year of Zhizheng (1344), the Yuan Dynasty entered a period of frequent disasters, especially Intra-abdominal and Henan Province Most serious. At that time, Yellow River Bursts, frequent famines, outbreaks of plagues, displacement of people, mass deaths mostly It was also affected. At that time, Korean people who lived in most places Li Gu He wrote: "Hungry people gathered in the capital. Inside and outside the capital, they called for beggars and beggars, and those who could not afford to be stiff fell asleep.". [20] In the ninth year of Zhizheng's reign (1349), Tuotuo became the Right Prime Minister of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, hoping to recover the decline of the Yuan Dynasty.

great disorder under heaven

At that time, the sequelae caused by the natural disasters were puzzling the Yuan court. First, the serious financial crisis caused by the river disaster. The water transport and salt taxes were sharply reduced, the financial revenue of the central government fell, and the national treasury gradually became empty; Secondly, the river disaster caused social unrest, and small-scale peasant uprisings occurred frequently, especially in the eighth year of Zhizheng (1348) Fang Guozhen Brothers gathered on the sea, posing a threat to the waterway transportation that Yuan Ting relied on for survival. Yuan Ting could not suppress them, so they had to appease them; At the same time, the administration of officials not only did not fundamentally reverse, but also intensified in the famine period. According to historical records, "the general of the Yuan Dynasty was in turmoil, and the officials from the top to the bottom became more and more rampant". [21] In short, the people of the Yuan Dynasty lived in dire straits, and chaos was imminent. After taking off the second phase worship, he tried to turn the tide, but he changed money and used it Jalu The two major policies of river harnessing, however, dug a tomb for the Yuan Dynasty. People at that time sneered: "The Prime Minister created counterfeit banknote He sacrificed others to become robbers. Jia Lu wants to open a river and stir up trouble in the world. [21] Finally, in the eleventh year of Zhizheng (1351) Liu Futong etc. Red Scarf Army detonate Peasant Uprising in the Late Yuan Dynasty , Shundi Sect privy council Tongzhi Hesi and Tuchi led 6000 elite Mongolian Azul troops and various Han troops to suppress, but when they met the Red Scarf Army, they saw the huge voice and shouted "Ah Bu! Ah Bu!" (run), which was unable to suppress. [10] It is recorded in history that "in the 11th year of Zhizheng Reign, Huainan was invaded, and everywhere in western Zhejiang, southeastern Jiangsu, northern Hunan, Fujian, and Sichuan, all cities were trapped." [22] The ruling institutions of the Yuan Dynasty in many places were paralyzed and fell into a desperate situation of collapse.
Red Scarf Uprising
You are no longer as diligent and energetic as you were at the beginning, and you begin to favor the courtier Conley people Hama , but he still cares about politics. Tuotuo was sweating. [10] Tuotuo was confronted with the chaos of the peasant uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. On the one hand, he stepped up measures to prevent Han, and military aircraft would never let Han people know about him [10] On the one hand, it relies on the donation of landlords and rich people and the "righteous soldiers" organized by them to fight Red Scarf Army , which led to the evil result of the warlords' scuffle at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. At the same time, Tuotuo personally went south to supervise the division in August of the 12th year of Zhizheng (1352) to suppress Xuzhou Of Sesame plums The Red Scarf Army broke Xuzhou and slaughtered the city in September. [12] By the end of the 13th year of Zhizheng (1353), the Red Scarf Army had once turned into a low tide. The rulers of the Yuan Dynasty, led by Tokai Timur, forgot about themselves and built up temple to a living person Yu Xuzhou (renamed Wudingzhou at that time) set up a tablet to level the bandits, and awarded the meritorious generals. At this time, the Yuan court began to discuss the establishment of Korean tribute women Queen Qi Born Ai You Knows Li Dala As the Crown Prince, Tuotuo has some complaints about it, Hama Take the opportunity to sow discord and foreshadow the civil unrest of the Yuan court. [12] [23]
In the first month of the 14th year of Zhizheng (1354), anti-Yuan rebel and rival of Zhu Yuanzhang He rose up and established the regime of Zhou Dynasty in Gaoyou. In September of the same year, he was willing to leave the army, including not only the Mongolian and Han armies, but also the Western Regions Tubo , Korea and other places, known as the millions of people. Zhang Shicheng is unable to support, so he can only stick to Gaoyou in the isolated city. Hama used Tuotuo to be out of court, and then slandered Tuotuo and his brother Also post Muer first Shun Di believed what Hama and others said and ordered to remove his military power and settle down Huai'an Road. Tuotuo was deeply influenced by the idea of being loyal to the monarch. After receiving the imperial edict, he handed over the military power. However, his "army of one million will disperse in a short time" [10] The power of the Red Scarf Army was greatly strengthened, and the Yuan Dynasty officials could no longer organize to suppress the uprising, and could only rely on the landlord armed forces. Tuotuo's family was exiled, and he himself was successively placed in Huai'an Road Yiji Nailu Yunnan Zhenxi Road In December of the 15th year of Zhizheng era (1355), he was killed by Hamajiao on his way to exile in Yunnan. [12]

Court infighting

After Tuotuo was banished and killed, Tuo Yit Timur completely degenerated. He was seduced by Hama, and became obsessed with the secret school. He practiced the so-called "double cultivation of men and women". He also built a palace of tranquility in the palace, built a hundred flower palace around the palace, moved the palace every five days, and handed the court administration to the Crown Prince Ai You Knows Li Dala [8] [23] In the 16th year of the Zhizheng era (1356), Hama tried to make Tulutimur abdicate to the Crown Prince, but was stabbed to Tulutimur by his brother-in-law, Tulutimur. Tulutimur was very angry and said, "My head is not white, my teeth are not falling, and suddenly I am called old?" So Hama was criticized. [23] Since then Plain and unadorned 搠 Ideological Supervision And so on. According to the historical records, "when the world became more and more old, the military was tired outside, and Xinjiang was growing more and more poor; inside, the money was empty, and the expenditure was not given; while the emperor was addicted to entertainment, and did not care about government affairs". [23] At that time, the Yuan Dynasty had lost half of its territory, and even the capital was in crisis.
In December of the 18th year of Zhizheng (1358), it was the alternate capital of the Yuan Dynasty Shangdu cover Broken Head Pan Mr Guan The Red Scarf Army led by him broke through and the palace was burned. Since then, he has stopped the tradition of summer resort every year. [24] In the 18th and 19th years of the Zhizheng era, due to the peasant uprising Water transport Cut off, mostly Hundreds of thousands of people died of famine. This situation did not improve until Zhang Shicheng reduced the yuan to transport grain. In December of the 20th year of Zhizheng (1360), Zhai Wang, in the north of desert Aluhui Timur They raised troops to make trouble and went straight to Shangdu, and sent envoys to tell Tohi Timur: "Your ancestors pay you with the world, why do you lose too much of it? It is said that the national seal was given to me, and I should do it myself!" The next year was suppressed. [18]
At this time, Queen Qi and the Crown Prince gradually became suspicious and tried to make Tou Yitai sit on the throne. They killed Prime Minister Zuo who opposed the Neichan plot He Youyi , and eunuchs Plain and unadorned , Prime Minister 搠 Ideological Supervision To rely on and drive away those who speak directly Chen Zuren , Li Guofeng and other ministers gradually controlled the imperial court. Outside, the Yuan court relied on the suppression of the Red Scarf Army Chaghan Temur (Followed by Enlarged Timur (i.e. Wang Baobao) and Polotimir The two warlords vied for territory with each other, and the people in the Central Plains were in dire straits. [8] In the 23rd year of Zhizheng era (1363), an amiable mother and uncle who were framed by the crown prince's party Old Sand Run away da tong In the Borotimur Camp of the 24th year of the Zhizheng era (1364), when the Crown Prince's party failed to pursue Borotimur, he asked Shun Di to crusade Borotimur. In April and July, Borotimur attacked Dadu twice, forcing Tuo You Tiur to hand over Pu Buhua and Xuan Si to kill them, then making Tuo You Tiur worship him as the right prime minister, and driving away the Crown Prince Aiyou Zhidalia. The crown prince fled to the expanded Timur camp in Taiyuan, yuan dynasty At one time, there were two imperial courts. At the beginning of his administration, Polotimur killed Balutimur and other treacherous ministers who had taught him how to be happy, drove away the Spanish monks in the palace, cut eunuchs, and saved money. At one time, Polotimur made great achievements, but later he defiled the harem, drank heavily and killed people, and suffered several defeats when the crown prince came to attack. Tolotimur was also extremely dissatisfied with Polotimur and ordered Prince Weishun buddhist monk Wait for an opportunity to assassinate Polotimir. [8] [25] On July 29, the 25th year of Zhizheng (1365), Polotimir was assassinated under the plum tree in Yanchun Pavilion by killers such as Boyan Dar when he entered the palace. When the assassination is going on, you should hide in the secret room, and the pigeon bell will ring when everything is agreed. After hearing the pigeon bell, he went out of the secret room and ordered the people to kill all of Polotimol's subordinates (the so-called "Sichuan Army"). At the same time, he ordered people to put Polotimol's head in a box and send it to the Crown Prince in Taiyuan. [8] [25] In September of the 25th year of the Zhizheng era (1365), Timur was extended to escort the Crown Prince back to Beijing, and was pleased to appoint an old minister Bethali For the Right Prime Minister, and for the Left Prime Minister, Timur was expanded. The internal battle in the palace came to an end.

Lose one's country and die

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty
Later, he made Timur the king of Henan Province, and went south to wipe out the Yangtze Huaihe River, only to find that Timur and Li Siqi Zhang Liangbi Many warlords fought in Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places. You like it. You suspect that Timur has a different ambition and orders the Crown Prince Ai You Knows Li Dala Take charge of all the soldiers and horses in the world, open the Fujun Academy, and crusade and expand Timur. [26-27] This warlord scuffle continued until mostly On the eve of the fall, the effective power of the Yuan Dynasty was greatly depleted. Although you are fatuous, you also know that the country is in danger. In the 27th year of Zhizheng (1367), you lived in Korea secretly Chejudo Build palaces for future refugees. [28] During the period of civil strife in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang Sitting in the south, Chen Youliang, Zhang Shicheng, Fang Guozhen and other heroes were flattened, and in October of the 27th year of Zhizheng (1367), the Northern Expedition was launched to "expel the foreign prisoners and restore China". In the first month of the 28th year of the Zhizheng era (1368), Zhu Yuanzhang called himself the emperor and the country's title Daming , Jianyuan Hong Wu The Ming army marched forward with great vigour and was unstoppable. In the leap July of the 28th year of the Zhizheng era (1368), it was too late to reconcile with the expanded Timur. [26-27]
On the 23rd of leap July in the 28th year of Zhizheng (1368), the Ming army arrived Direct selling On the 26th, it was known that Bu Yan Timur, the Privy Council official, was captured and killed when he came out to fight against the Ming army, the ancestral shrine The memorial tablets were also collected and taken away together when fleeing. [27] On the 27th, you are ready to post your life to Huai King Stick the wood without flowers China, Qingtong For the Prime Minister Zuo of Zhongshu, he was ready to flee. [27] On the 28th, you arrived at the Hall of Tranquility in Dadu, summoned all the officials, the three imperial concubines and the crown prince, and officially announced that you would flee to Shangdu. Know the Privy Council Hala chapter (Tuotuo's son) strongly admonished him and said, "Now that we have lost, how can we treat him with reinforcements?" [29] The eunuch Zhao Boyan did not spend time kneeling down and crying bitterly, saying, "The world is the world, the world of the ancestors. Your Majesty should stick to it. How can you abandon it? Your officials are willing to lead the army and the people Keshik If you go out of the city and refuse to fight, may your majesty stick to the capital! " Tokai sighed and said, "You can't make a badge today!" [27] On this night, most people Jiandemen Kai, I would like to go to Shangdu with the Crown Prince, empresses and more than 100 ministers. Like a frightened bird on the way to the mountain landslide They all thought it was the arrival of the Ming army. [29] On August 15, Tokai Timur and his party finally arrived in Xanadu. Most of them had been captured by the Ming army on August 2, and Timur, the king of Huaihe River, was killed. [27] The rule of the Yuan Dynasty in the Central Plains came to an end, Beiyuan Time begins.
While fleeing to the north, Tou Qingtie Muer sighed: "I can't leave the capital, I know that foreign affairs are like this. [29] At that time, Hala chapter Please ask YouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYouYou. [29] As expected, Kuangkuo Timur fought a beautiful battle with the Ming army in Handian in early October of the 28th year of Zhizheng (1368). [30] Tokai Timur was carried away by this victory, and declared Timur King of Qi [29] He ordered him to command the army to recover Dadu. The Ming army took the opportunity to attack and expand Timur. He was defeated and escaped with only 18 cavalries. [31] Since then, Tokai became depressed again, and his health worsened. When he celebrated the New Year's Day in the 29th year (1369) of the Zhizheng era, he was unable to get out of the hospital. Since then, he often stopped working due to illness. [29] At that time, the Yuan army was defeated in successive battles. On June 13, the 29th year of Zhizheng (1369), it was very nice to be a good man and abandoned Shangdu Ying Chang During this period, many ministers gave advice and ran quickly Helin , but because Aluhui Timur The shadow of the event was not adopted. [29]
In the thirtieth year of the Zhizheng era (1370 years), TuoXieMu'er was seriously ill, and the crown prince Aiyou knew Ridara to take charge of the military and state affairs. [29] April 28, the same year (May 23, 1370) dysentery He died in Yingchang at the age of 51, and was buried in the north of Fengzi Palace by Guanyinnu, the court envoy and the chief captain. [27] after death Temple name Huizong [1] , Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang He was given the posthumous title of "Shun Di" for "knowing the fate of heaven and retreating". [27] The Mongol khan was called Uqahatu (Uqahatu, which means wise). [32-33]

Measures for politics



  • Uprightness and rectification
In the first year of Zhizheng (1341), Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty began to use Desquamation When he was in power, he changed the yuan to "absolute integrity" and announced "change", which was historically known as“ Degumming and upgrading ”。 The main reform measures include:
  1. one
    Restoring Boyan's deposed Imperial examination system The imperial examination system originated in the Sui Dynasty, but it was not implemented until the time of Emperor Renzong of the Yuan Dynasty after the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty. After Boyan came to power, in order to prevent Han people from becoming officials, he ordered the abolition of the imperial examination.
  2. two
    Set up Xuanwen Pavilion and restore the four time memorial ceremony of the Imperial Temple;
  3. three
    Rehabilitate a number of unjust jails;
  4. four
    The horse ban, lighten the burden of farmers, and relax the policy; Desquamation After he came to power, he ordered to exempt the people from all kinds of tax arrears, and relaxed the policy for Han and Nan people. Previously, people banned horse raising, and Tuotuo came to power to repeal this ban.
  5. five
    He presided over the compilation of the history of Song, Jin and Liao dynasties.
  • Codification
In the second year of the Zhiyuan era (1336), on the basis of the revision of the supervision regulation Feng Xian Hong Gang in the Renzong era of the Yuan Dynasty, the regulations and systems related to the Yushitai were compiled as《 Xiantai Tongji 》。 [34]
During the reign of Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty《 Orthonormal grid 》Zhizheng Tiaoge is one of the laws and regulations of the Yuan Dynasty. In March of the fourth year of Zhiyuan era (1338), I would like to write a letter to you Pingzhang Political Affairs Ajira《 Dayuan General System 》The regulations were formulated and promulgated in April of the sixth year of Zhizheng (1340). It includes 150 imperial edicts, 1700 rules and 1059 cases. However, the number of volumes in the original book cannot be measured《 Yongle Grand Ceremony 》It is recorded in 23 volumes, divided into 27 items, including sacrificial rites, household orders, academic orders, elections, warehouses, arrests, taxes, and prison officials. [35] In South Korea in 2002 Qingzhou Discovered original《 Orthonormal grid 》, including Bar grid 12 volumes precedent case Nearly 13 volumes, as well as all 30 volumes of directories. Among them, 374 pieces were stored in the grid and 426 pieces were stored in the broken cases, with a total of 800 pieces.


After Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty came to power, he adopted the cultural policy of Confucianism, including restoration imperial examination , On place where the emperor listened to lectures And the ancestral shrine Four time sacrifice Pro suburbia Sacrifice to heaven and travel The emperor personally and symbolically tills the land. Rites, especially the compilation of three histories. China has always had the tradition of revising the history of the previous dynasties. Since the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, the history of the Liao, Song and Jin dynasties has not been formally compiled due to the dispute over orthodoxy.
In March of the third year of the Zhizheng era (1343), you are ready to make a speech about the imperial edict to repair the Liao Dynasty Song Dynasty , Jin San Shi, Desquamation Serve as the president. Detachment determined that Liao, Song and Jin were orthodox and organized Han historians Jiexi Ouyang Xuan Weiwuer nationality historian Lian Huishan The Hague Dangxiang nationality Of Yu Que Saraban (Liu Bowen in Han Dynasty), a historian of Mongolian nationality taibuqa They participated in the revision of history together, creating a precedent for historians of all ethnic groups to cooperate in the revision of history.
In March of the fourth year of Zhizheng (1344)《 Liao History 》Cultivate and save your life secretary in a public office It was advocated to guide people from the front to the back, and from the historical museum to Xuanwen Pavilion, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty greeted them in a dress, "the audience thought that there was nothing in modern times". [8] Soon Desquamation After leaving his post, the prime minister is responsible for compiling history Arutu The leadership was completed in October of the fifth year of Zhizheng (1345). Emperor Shun summoned Arutu and others to Xuanwenge. Arutu said: "I don't read it the han people A document has no meaning. Today, those who enter and present will beg for preparation in the spare time Overview 。” Emperor Shun said to him, "You are sincere about this matter. History is very important. It is not just written by Confucian scholars. People in that country should follow the law when they do good. If they do evil, the country will be abolished. I should take it as a warning. However, they should not only warn people, but also act as prime ministers. If they do good, you should follow suit, and if they do evil, you should be disciplined. Both I and you should take the good and evil of previous generations as encouragement. I may think that I have not arrived yet, but I will wait for your words. " [36] It can be seen that Emperor Shun attached great importance to the compilation of the three histories.


Zhizheng Tongbao
Appointed at the beginning of the reign of Emperor Shun Desquamation The economic policy of "reform" is mainly to reduce taxes, reduce salt amount, and settle positions immediately. However, at that time, the rule of the Yuan Dynasty was very corrupt, coupled with years of natural disasters, so the national financial revenue continued to decrease, and the economic situation was still not optimistic.
In the ninth year of Zhizheng era (1349), Tuotuo paid homage to the Prime Minister for the second time. In order to save the economic crisis, Tuotuo adopted two major policies, namely, currency change and river control. As for the method of changing money, Jixian University and Imperial College offered sacrifices Lv Sicheng After some controversy, Tuotuo was still determined to change money Baoquan Lifting Company Take charge. The so-called money change is printing“ To be in cash ”In fact, the old Zhongtong banknotes were stamped with "Zhizheng banknotes", and the new banknotes were always equivalent to one thousand copper coins or up to yuan bao banknotes. The two banknotes were used in parallel, and the value of the orthogonal banknotes was twice that of up to yuan bao banknotes; 2. Issuance Zhizheng Tongbao Money forms a situation of using both money and banknotes, and takes banknotes as the mother, money as the son, and money as the real money. The essence of this practice is to "buy money", that is, to use new money to loot folk Zhiyuanbao banknotes, and to use copper money to "use real money" is also empty talk, because without silver as a reserve, it is not cashable. After the implementation of the money change law, it soon became vicious inflation As recorded in the history, "the price of the money was high and more than ten times as high as it had been for a long time". Then the peasant uprising broke out at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and Baoquan Tiju Company printed a lot of money for military supplies, which further devalued the value of the most authentic precious money Broussonetia papyrifera However, there is no reason for national use. [37]
During the Zhizheng period, Yellow River Break a quarrel, get rid of the opposition of all ministers, and use Jalu To harness the river and restore the old course of the Yellow River. In April of the 11th year of Zhizheng (1351), Emperor Shun issued an edict to govern the river. Jia Lu commanded 150000 civilians and 20000 garrisons to carry out a huge project. It took more than half a year to harness the river, and Jia Luxian's "River Plan" was completed. But during the river harnessing, Han Shantong Liu Futong etc. White Lotus Cult Faction making One eyed stone man , Start Peasant Uprising in the Late Yuan Dynasty , dug a tomb for the Yuan Dynasty, so later generations attributed the demise of the Yuan Dynasty to harnessing the river. In fact, Jialu's governance of the river itself was successful, and no civilian responded to the uprising, but the White Lotus Sect forces used the governance of the river to launch the uprising. As《 History of the Yuan Dynasty 》As commented: "The discussants often refer to the chaos of the world, which is caused by Jalu The battle of harnessing the river was caused by the labor of the people. However, the reason for the death of the Yuan Dynasty is that it was based on the rules of the upper and lower levels. It was based on the habit of feasting. The outline was broken, and the custom was stolen. The order of chaos was not caused overnight. It has been for a long time. If we do not observe this, we can only blame the conscription. It is a matter of success or failure, not a general theory. If Jia Lu does not rise, it will be a battle, and there will be no chaos in the world. " [38]

International Relations

  • occident
Zhou Lang's Painting of Horse Offering in the State of Fulang
Sent by the Roman Catholic Church Qan-baliq Archbishop Montgovino He died in the first year of Zhihe (1328) Alans In the second year of Zhiyuan (1336), he wrote a letter to Benedict XII asking for new archbishop In the same year, Tokai Timur also sent 15 people, including Andre, a Fulang man who stayed in China, to visit Europe and write to the Holy Throne. the pope It was sent to Malinoli The delegation headed by dozens of people came to China and arrived in July of the second year of Zhizheng (1342) almost three years later Xanadu City On July 18, I met Emperor Shun at Ciren Hall in Xanadu. Malinoli presents to Tohoku the pontiff Letter and a horse from the country of Franc. This horse is "one foot one foot three inches long, six foot four inches high, pure black, and white on the back two hooves" [14] , which caused Manchao to exclaim. Later, I would like to order the literary attendants to write poems and paintings to remember its grand occasion, such as Jiexi "Tianma Praise" Ouyang Xuan Tianma Fu Zhou Boqi "Tianma Xingying should be made in parallel" by Lu Ren, "Tianma Song" by Lu Ren, and so on. Zhou Lang, the painter, wrote the Painting of Horse Presenting in the Kingdom of Buddha, which has been handed down to this day. [39]
In the fourth year of Zhiyuan (1338), Delhi SULTANATE Sudan Muhammad bin Tughluq send Morocco traveler ibn battuta As an envoy to visit the Yuan Dynasty. The gifts included 200 Hindu slaves who were attacked by Hindu believers in the alluvial plain between rivers. All 4000 cavalry of the Sultanate of Delhi were killed and 78 people were missing. They were divided, captured, and some killed. Ibn Battutai is lucky to arrive in China. However, he said that when he arrived in China, Khan died, and he continued to walk north, passing by with his partners Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal Come to Beijing to meet you.
  • Japan
During the reign of Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty, Korea captured a Japanese fishing boat, believed that the fishing boat was a spy boat, and sent it to the Yuan Dynasty, the suzerain country, to order it to be released and returned home, ashikaga shogunate Dispatched by one buddhist monk I would like to express my gratitude to the delegation for their visit. [40]
japanese pirates During this period, the Chinese coast was frequently harassed. According to Quanzhou local chronicles, the second year of Zhiyuan (1336) and the seventh year of Zhizheng (1347) Hui'an County Yamen were burned by Japanese pirates twice; During the Zhizheng period (1341-1368), a group of Japanese pirates Jinmen Landed, burned and looted villages near Maping. The ship sank due to typhoon, and was wiped out by the local people. [41] Since the 18th year of Zhizheng (1358), Japanese people On the first day of August in the 23rd year of Zhizheng (1363), the Japanese pirates harassed the coastal counties Pengzhou , defeated by garrison general Liu Siam. [42]

Historical evaluation

  • Scholars at the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty balance : The emperor reigned for 36 years, when Proterozoic During the period from, to Yuan Dynasty, emperors were controlled by powerful officials, and they died or were killed one after another. The emperor's fear was relaxed, but his leniency was alive... It was always the intention of Emperor Gengshen to keep his heart as upright as at the beginning, and finally protect the world. How could he escape far and become a captive Did Emperor Gengshen blind fools? Seeing that his desire to kill is human, he is always pretending to kill others. He has no choice but to kill internally. When he asked Jia, he said, 'B and you are not allowed to do so.' Asked B, he said: 'A and you are not allowed to do so.' If the strength of A is enough to defeat B, then it is said by A: 'B wants to try to defeat you, why don't you?' If the strength of B is enough to defeat A, then it is just like that. So when his minister died, he said, 'This powerful minister killed me.' When Xiaomin died, he said, 'This separatist regime is trying to kill me.' Although people die, there is no one to blame. How can a fool do it Was the Emperor Gengshen ever gentle? Since the reform of Zhizheng, all powerful officials who are arrogant and famous have died at their hands. From the front to the back, there have been more than 500 people who have killed top officials point with one's finger—in an instant There is no intention of regretting to kill. How can the gentle and unceasing be! But who lost the world? Said: Because of its insidious nature. And since ancient times, there has been a king in the world who has reached the position of 95%. Only those who uphold the virtue of masculinity and take over the power of masculinity can live there. If you are vicious, you can kill the world! [8]
  • Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang To the end, Emperor Gengshen was arrogant and extravagant, and he poured out his words on dogs and rags, which made him angry with gods and men. His relaxation was not over, but his downfall followed. This modern event can serve as a good example. I often use it as a lesson for all my sons. [92]
  • Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty Zhu Zhanji : Zhishun Emperor had been in power for a long time, wantonly indulged in immorality, neglected in political affairs, and the discipline and laws were completely destroyed, so he lost his country. So that Shun Di can be respectful and frugal, and keep the laws of the ancestors and benevolent ancestors, does the world belong to my ancestors? [93]
  • Qing Gaozong Aixin Jueluo Hongli
    • Since the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Shun has been in the deep palace and appointed officials. He did not hear the words of the Taiyuan to fight against sparsity, but believed in the mediocre views of scholars. He picked up the old news, admonished the hunting by name, and made a straight voice. How terrible! When Emperor Shun heard the words, he stopped. Fang Jiaqi, who had no knowledge, turned around calmly. He did not know that Emperor Shun was interested in feasting. He was fond of leisure, but hated labor. When he was admonished on the stage, he had words. Therefore, Yang was called "Bona good", while Yin was called "easy and easy". Later, Chuotai and others were given money and silk, and they wanted to imitate the concept of chastity, which helped to show that their intentions were false. However, how could they save their desires and overthrow the clan society?
    • Emperor Shun only knew that he would indulge in banquets and would not take the state affairs as his concern. How could he survive?
    • Obey the Emperor, and let Chuo Si Jian( 搠 Ideological Supervision )He stopped collecting his ribbons, and put Fu Wen in the imperial impeachment, and soon turned to the right minister, listening to his connection with the eunuch minister as the exterior and interior. The alarm function could not be heard, and the interior and exterior were disintegrated. At this point in the state affairs, benefits cannot be achieved. What a shame! The darkness of Emperor Shun.
    • Zhuge will die, and the big star will fall into camp. Then the white qi originates from the dangerous night, which is the bad omen of Chahantmoor. However, it is said that Emperor Shun predicted that Shandong would lose a good general due to the imperial edict, and it is not inevitable that he would give up his lightness. If you can be so observant, why is it that the group is so small and confused, so tired that the evil will die?
    • Borotemul( Polotimir )It has been a long time since Emperor Shun took care of the traitors who were despotic and disobedient... When Emperor Shun heard that he wanted to kill two traitors, he gave them orders to fulfill his desires. Moreover, he was given more official rank and held a banquet for the traitor party, for fear that it would not withdraw early. Now let's do it again Disobedience The evil plan will bring out the best, but we will sob and comfort each other. Weak like this, almost Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Tang Zhaozong Equal ears! [90]
  • Imperial Clan of Qing Dynasty Lotus : Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty, who was the king of the country's subjugation, did not have enough discussion. However, there were two or three political affairs far superior to those of the predecessors. Ba Yan is good at power and the whole country is dependent on him. The emperor can know Toktor in the middle of the line and make secret plans with him. Once he sets up his military handle and banishes him to a distant place, he looks like a hero. After being killed for many years, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty first launched his counter plot to put the descendants of Yaertermu into law. Although it was not without patience to move the empress dowager and murder the emperor's younger brother, it would be like nothing more than paying homage to Chen Hongjing in the Tang Dynasty. Tomorrow, Qi Zhi would not question Fang Congzhe and Cui Wensheng, but instead would bring the impeachment of treacherous officials to prison. He was also able to serve as the only minister of the Han people and reform the professionalism of Mongolian ministers. [43]
  • Qing Dynasty Historian Shao Yuanping Compilation of Yuan History 》: People are skillful and intelligent, but things are wild and unruly; The discipline is lax and wasteful; According to the barnyard history, it is not the heir of the Ming Dynasty; The attached edict is ambiguous. [44]
  • Qing Dynasty Historian Zeng Lian Yuan book 》: Are there people who are afraid of their son's fierce and gentle secret Buddhism? In the Sui Dynasty, Yang's father and son hated each other, but they didn't realize it until they died. Favour my concubine and proud son, and forget to be a hidden dragon because of the ring of robbing a rag. As for slaughtering generals and ministers, they are good at making war. Tuotuo and Taiping, because they lose their lives and families, stimulate the polo and expand the boundaries, as if people have limbs, but the structure is disabled, and the country is ruined without enough birds. But in the words of Tulu Timur, he killed Hema Snow However, I never noticed that the plan of abolishing and establishing came from the palace. The emperor also said that those who do not know the Miao are also famous. It is not unlucky to wander under the barrier and end up in the desert. [45]
  • Mongolian nobility in the Qing Dynasty Shanba : The politics and religion of the Han people who lost their pity were not intelligent, so they were named Huizong (Uhagatu Khan). [95]
  • Mongolian historian in the Qing Dynasty Rashi Penchuk : Lieutenant General in Chinese yuan dynasty It is said that his death was in the hands of Shun Di. I don't think so foolishly Now Khan is not like Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty It's not like that Jin Huidi Emperor Min of Jin Dynasty It's not like being captured and killed by the enemy Song Huizong Song Qinzong They were captured by others, but fled to defend Mongolia, so how can we say that the Yuan Dynasty perished It should be written that Emperor Shun lost Han and guarded Mongolia, continuing to inherit the Yuan Dynasty At that time, the so-called Han State was a country captured by us mostly And death, like the above emperors, is a disgrace. If it dies, the inheritance of Mongolia will be broken into chaos and become the booty of Han. Therefore, what's the use of not caring about Mongolia but defending Han so as to abandon life In the prime of time, Mongolian Your bravery has not weakened, the han people The number of heroes has not increased, and the Mongols did not come from the north to fight when the Han Dynasty was in turmoil, but Aluhui Timur Rebellion. This is a sign that people's hearts are deteriorating due to the obedience to the emperor's virtue. From this point of view, if you want to permanently dispel the pride of power, you must be diligent in virtue, which is known to all Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty The emperor, as a subject, betrayed his lord, so he could not escape the destruction of the principles and ethics Conspire against A felony. [46]
  • Historian at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China Tu mailed Historical Records of Mogul 》: The emperor Chongling practiced Tao. He respected his teacher and respected his morality. He killed Boyan himself and tried to cut down the policy. Long term intimacy is smaller than that of a group. They believe in lascivious monks, play recklessly, neglect everything, and desecrate people in the palace. So he ordered his shrewd wife to take charge of foreign affairs, and the proud son was born with a heart of internal meditation. The traitors planned to attack the country, and the powerful vassal became domineering. Nine times of isolation, the prestige moves down, right and wrong are unknown, rewards and punishments are unfair, floods and droughts are frequent, and thieves are thriving. Once the heart is gone, the destiny will follow. [47]
  • Official repair of the Republic of China Official history New Yuan History Ke Shaoyi : Huizong made the palace leakage with a new idea, which is unprecedented and knows astronomical disasters. In the 22nd year of the Zhiyuan era, after the qi became weak, the Taiwei Yuan was swept away, and the Taiwan officials told Shandong to respond to the flood. The emperor said, 'Otherwise, Shandong will lose a good general.' soon, Chaghan Temur The result is Tian Feng Killed. He is good at deducing and testing this. It has been enjoying the country for more than 30 years. The emperor indulged in prostitution, while the traitors planted their followers, harmed the loyal and good, and damaged their success. At last, the bandits rose up everywhere and took charge of the policy of appeasement. They were able to seize the land with officials and nobles, but they were still able to seize the land. Mencius once said: "If you are safe in danger, you will benefit from disaster, and you will be happy to die because of it.". Alas, what an emperor! However, it has been insured for more than years since it went north to Yingchang; The emblem of the Song Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty, and the Tianzuo of the Liao Dynasty are regarded as fortunate. [48]
  • of American nationality Chinese historian Huang Renyu : Shun Di is a powerful politician, suitable for survival, flexible, willing to compromise, good at using one person or one kind of organization to balance another person or factor. For example, he presided over various Buddhist ceremonies because he was a good Buddha, but he often attended them place where the emperor listened to lectures Listen to Confucian officials explain poetry. The Mongols and Semu people had the upper hand under him, but he quoted a Han person He Youyi To be the Imperial Doctor and the Prime Minister Zuo. He said that as a rule, only Mongolians could fill these positions. The emperor gave the Mongols the name of Taiping, insisted that he occupy this position, and ordered provincial Taiwan officials to also use southerners. There are no extreme words in his discipline. Whether he accepted the advice of his officials or not, he did not investigate the people who advised him. We imagine that with the difficult situation of the court at that time, if we were happy and peaceful, we would have to deal with the reality. Although he has no leadership ability, it is not because of his alertness and tact that he will never remain in office for such a long time. [49]
  • Novelist of the Republic of China Cai Dongfan
    • The Chinese zodiac is the master of mediocrity and gentleness. Sometimes it becomes ambiguous, sometimes it becomes clear, and then it becomes ambiguous again; The gentle will surely lead to the restoration of the country, no doubt! Although the Empress Dowager Boda lost her life, she repented of her wrongdoing, gave up her son to establish a nephew, and always protected the Shun Emperor to uphold the throne. People who are ungrateful forget virtue and resentment, and suddenly move away! The temple owner was removed from the temple and the emperor's younger brother was killed. He was so cruel that he could not do anything about it. Those who endured his actions and came out of the temple were not only immersed in the temple, but also took the initiative. The reform of the Yuan Dynasty was complete, and the people began to reform. We should observe their appointment of good ministers, call on Confucian officials, encourage Arutu to make an example of his sudden death, and even if there was a gap between them. It is just the beginning of the day, and the haze is gathering again. It can be seen that the small good is sufficient, and the death is not helpful to the general. It is specially recorded to hang the ring, so that future generations can know the length of a section, which is nothing to say. [96]
    • There are eunuchs, eunuchs, powerful officials and powerful vassals, all of which are enough to subjugate the country. In the season of obedience to the emperor, there are both covers, and the disaster is based on the female favourites... There are eunuchs Pu Buhua, powerful officials Yu Sijian, powerful vassals Polo Timur and Kuangkuo Timur, and they overlap with each other, like mountains piled on top of each other. The most important clue is to look at the queer mother and son. The mother and son of the queer queen sought to meditate in the inner world, so they were simple and unadorned, thinking about prison, acting treacherously both inside and outside, and hoping for favor; So Polo, Kuang Ku, successively committed crimes on the pretext of killing traitors. If it was not for obedience to the emperor, how could this strange disaster be caused? [97]
  • historian Qiu Shusen : Tuo Huantie Muer ascended the throne of the emperor. Since he came to power, in his nearly 30 years of political career, he seems to be different: the first Tuo Huantie Muer was with Desquamation Together, they have left the image of a young emperor who was once energetic, determined to eradicate corruption, and promising in history Hama 搠 Ideological Supervision Combined, this is a dissolute, fatuous and incompetent man who creates civil strife. [50]
  • historian Lei Qing : Emperor Shun is an emperor from good to bad. He should be affirmed and denied. The word "fatuous" cannot be used as the evaluation of his whole life. [51]
  • historian Zhang Peng : As the longest reigning Yuan Dynasty《 History of the Yuan Dynasty 》Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty, who was recorded as a fatuous monarch, was indeed responsible for the country's demise. However, his positive role in education, culture, science and technology in the development of the Yuan Dynasty cannot be obliterated. [52]
  • Lu Dawei, an American historian: Many researchers have noticed that Toussier intended to revive Wu Ruth at the beginning of his reign, but more people played up his shortcomings. Some people accused him of being considerate, saying that he had no intention of national politics and was morbidly addicted to Tibetan Buddhism, bedroom art and red tape rituals. Others tried to prove that his talent and wisdom did not meet the ideal standards of Confucian sages. Later historians accused him of being insightful and manipulative, and once he found that his important officials were not useful, or that his power was dangerous, he abandoned them. To some extent, Toyo Timur is a strange person. He did not drink like most Mongolian nobles, but sought pleasure and comfort from painting, calligraphy and boating. In any case, he was finally known to the world as the last Mongolian emperor who ruled the Central Plains, and was cut off Kublai khan A solid foundation has been laid. [91]

Main works


Chinese poetry

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty has three songs kanshi Be handed down from generation to generation. When he was in office, Fujian reported the story of the filial son Wang Jian, and Shun Di made two poems to praise him. The poem said, "My father is ill and prays piously to heaven. I wish to count myself as a good year for my relatives.". Feeling filial piety, I was moved by the sky, and the god passed on the emperor's life in a trance. My mother is thirsty and thinking of the melon. It is cold in the year, and there is a long snow on the mountain road. The two melons suddenly grow empty in the rock, and return to be kind to their relatives and have a chronic illness. [53]
After Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty was driven out of Dadu, Zhu Yuanzhang sent an envoy to surrender him. Emperor Shun wrote a poem "Answering the Master Ming", which said: Jinling When the messenger crossed the river, a thousand miles of wind and smoke came together. Sometimes, the king's anger still subsides, and the holy grace returns everywhere. I believe that the emperor will return to Ming at home, and I also like the talent in Jiangnan. Go back and be honest. Spring breeze comes first Phoenix Platform [54]
In addition, Emperor Shun also made a couplet: "Birds crow in the mangroves, while people are in the green", which is recorded in history as "the world recites it". [21]

Mongolian poetry

Mongolian Historical Records after the 17th Century《 History of gold 》、《 Origin of Mongolia 》, "Golden Wheel, Thousand Blessings" and so on all recorded a Mongolian poem written by Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty when he fled north. The contents included in each edition are similar to each other. The version of Mongolian Origin is:
My precious and magnificent mostly City,
I live in a cozy summer Shangdu Kaiping Kuer City,
The summer camp of the ancient saints, my Shangdu's Fulatara (that is Jin Lianchuan )Yo,
Where everything withers and yellows Wushen Year I lost a big country by mistake!
My magnificent metropolis decorated with nine color treasures,
But I am even with ninety-nine white horses,
My happiness of both politics and religion,
It's a pity to be called the Lord of the World,
Get up early and climb high to look at the distance. The smoke is wreathed in the sky. The scenery is beautiful,
No matter in winter or in summer, you can live happily without worry,
I'm free Emperor Xue Chan The established Baocheng Dadu!
My vast and magnificent metropolis, where my ancestors enjoyed themselves,
My princes, prime ministers and people who are destined to meet,
It is my regret not to listen to the advice of the Prime Minister,
It's my ignorance to listen to the rebellious Zhuge officials!
Miskill intelligent Desquamation Grand Master,
It is my sin to expel Guru Dade.
What a pity that I am the emperor of the Lord of All!
It's a pity that I enjoy the happiness!
Built by the powerful Emperor Xue Chan,
My metropolis is gathered by Fulu!
cover the han people Brother Zhu's officials have taken it!
The evil name has fallen on me, Tuohuan Timur! [55]

Anecdotes and allusions


Son of Emperor Song

according to balance Gengshen External History 》Record, Emperor Song Gong Zhao Xian was granted the title of Duke of Ying after he surrendered to the Yuan Dynasty, and later he was granted the title of Duke of Ying Kublai khan Order to go Tubo Be a monk. When Zhao Xian stayed in tin Ganzhou King Zhao came to visit one of the temples of Retrace The woman (i.e. Mailaidi) gave birth to a son in April of the seventh year of Yanyou (1320). It happened that He Shixuan, the king of Zhou, was passing by here at that time. Seeing the colorful dragon pattern on the temple, she took the mother and son as her own. This was the origin of Emperor Shun of Yuan Dynasty. [10] Later, Yuan Che of the Ming Dynasty recorded that Cheng Zu Zhu Di Having looked at the portraits of emperors in previous dynasties, I found that Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty looks very similar Emperor of Song Dynasty This proves that Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty was the son of Emperor Song. [56] This story was widely spread in the Ming Dynasty. It was believed that the Song Dynasty's Deze Mianyan and Tiandao retaliated against the Yuan Dynasty's destruction of the Song Dynasty, so that Emperor Song Gong gave birth to the fallen monarch of the Yuan Dynasty. The reason for this rumor is probably related to Yuan Wenzong He once made known to the world that he liked and cared about Erfei Yuanmingzong Most modern scholars think that this statement is only an unofficial record and is absurd. [57]

Infatuated with Tantrism

After the middle of the Zhizheng period, the Shun Emperor gradually slackened his administration and trusted the sycophant Hama. The Xuanzheng Academy made Hama and his brother-in-law Tulu Timur introduce the Tibetan Buddhism Tantrism to Emperor Shun. They recommended the Indian monk and Tibetan Lama Sangha Linzhen and others, and introduced Old Sand (Shun Di's mother and uncle), Balang (Shun Di's younger brother) and other 10 people, known as "Ten Leaning Na", teach Shun Di“ Performance ”。 [10] [23] The so-called "Yan Yan Er" means "Great Joy" in Chinese, and "Great Joy" is also called double practice, that is, both men and women practice Qigong. These people rely on Korea My concubine is an eye and ear spy who specializes in spying on noble families A life woman , or women from good folk families, brought to the palace for Emperor Shun to enjoy while practicing "great joy". [10] Shun Di and others were in a room called "Xilang Wugai" (Chinese: "Everything is OK"). It is recorded that the "Secret Dharma Hall" was built next to Xuanwen Pavilion [58] )"Men and women live naked, or the monarch and his subjects are covered together" in the Shangdu In addition, Muqing Pavilion was built. Hundreds of houses were filled with women, all of which were used to build "Great Joy". [10] [23] Crown Prince Ai You Knows Li Dala Originally, he hated this, but under the influence of Shun Di, he also indulged in it. Historical records: "The monarch and his officials engage in lascivious activities in public The monks are forbidden to enter and exit. Ugly voices are heard outside, although people in the market also hate to hear. [23] Judge of the Xuanzheng Yuan at that time Zhang Yu He wrote a poem and said sarcastically, "It seems that he will break the stupidity of Wisdom Sun and go fishing in the pavilion as usual in the daytime. Men and women fall into the city to beg for precepts, and the secrets in the law cannot be explained.". [59]
Sixteen Devil Dances in the Oil Painting Mongolian History
When Shun Di and "Shiyina" were practicing "Great Joy", they wore gold jade Buddhas in their hats, held several beads in their hands, and asked sixteen palace ladies to hang their hair with several braids, wear ivory crowns, wear gold long short skirts and jackets with red silk threads, cloud skirts with sleeves closed, sky clothes with ribbons, shoes and socks, sing the "Golden Word Sutra" and dance the "Swallow Dance", which was called "Swallow Dance"“ Sixteen Demons Dance ". There are also hundreds of beautiful women, all of whom are tassels, each holding musical instruments, one of whom is holding a bell to play music, and eleven palace ladies are practicing to beat chignon and lapa, or using Tang towel Narrow shirt, for instruments played Dragon flute Head tube , small tube, Zheng Pipa Sheng Huqin Castanet Clapping board Let the eunuch Chang An not take the lead. Every time when they praise Buddha in the palace, they play music according to the dance. Queen Qi He once persuaded Shun Emperor to stay away from the Sixteen Demons. Shun Emperor angrily said, "I am the only one in ancient and modern times?" He even ignored the Queen for two months. [8] Emperor Shun's favorite 16 day Devil Dance was even introduced outside the palace, anti-Yuan rebel and rival of Zhu Yuanzhang Zhang Shixin, his younger brother, is also a fan of "Demon Dance". [60]

Emperor Luban

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty was a genius in architectural technology and mechanical engineering. When building the palace, Emperor Shun painted the house by himself, and cut the wooden palace himself, so that craftsmen could build it according to his drawings. [8] build Dragon Boat At that time, he also set out to draw his own samples. The ship was 120 feet long and 20 feet wide, with tile curtains, corridors, two warming pavilions in the front, and the buildings in the rear of our hall. The dragon body and the temple were made of colorful gold, with two claws in the front. There were twenty-four sailors on board, dressed in purple clothes, gold lychee belts, and four headdresses. Each side of the boat carried a pole. After the Dragon Boat was built, Shun Di played in the boat from the Hougong to the Qiangong Mountain. When the boat was moving, its head, eye, mouth and foot moved. [61] And self-control Uterine fistula It is about six or seven feet high and half its width. It is made of wood and stored in various pots to carry water up and down. The Western Three Holy Halls are set up on the chamber, and the ladies standing at the waist of the chamber are always ready to raise money. When the time comes, they will float on the water. There are two gold armor gods on the left and right, one hanging bell, the other hanging upright. At night, the gods will automatically press the button to strike, no difference. When the bell rang, the lions and phoenixes on the side danced. In the west and east of the chamber is the Sun and Moon Palace. The six Feixian people stand in front of the Palace. At noon when meeting Zizi, the Feixian can automatically couple into the Palace, pass the Xianqiao Bridge and reach the Three Holy Halls, and then stand back as before. [61] Shundi also made the Wuyun cart, which is also exquisite. [62] Therefore, mostly People call Shun Emperor "the Emperor Luban". [8]
When the Ming army invaded Dadu, it captured the palace drain made by Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty and presented it to Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, as a trophy. After reading it, Zhu Yuanzhang said, "It is useless and harmful to do this with all one's heart. If you change this heart to govern the world, will it be destroyed?". [63]

Good view of the sky

Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty "was good at observing the sky" [8] And firmly believe in the "destiny". It is said that the reason why Shun Emperor trusted and doubted Tuotuo was that Si Tianjian observed that "Lianxi Xiangxing stars violated the throne". [10]
In December of the 18th year of Zhizheng (1358), when the Red Scarf Army broke through Shangdu, the minister advised Shun Emperor to take refuge. Shun Emperor knew that the sky was not hurt, and calmly said, "Let's not say more, if you are lucky, let it come. How can I avoid it?" [8]
In December of the 20th year of Zhizheng era (1360), when the news of the rebellion of Aluhui Timur, King of Yangzhai, came, Emperor Shun was very calm and said, "The destiny is there, and if you want to do it, do it." [24]
In the 22nd year of the Zhizheng era (1362), there was white gas, which was more than 500 feet long A precarious stay , Scan Taiweiyuan Si Tianjian The Tai Shi told that there would be a flood in Shandong, but Shun Di said, "Otherwise, Shandong will lose a good general." So he sent people to Shandong urgently Chaghan Temur He was warned not to take it lightly, but Chahan Timur was assassinated before the messenger arrived. [26]
In the 28th year of Zhizheng (1368), the Northern Expedition of the Ming Army approached mostly At that time, the left and right persuaded Shun Di to stick to Dadu and wait for reinforcements. But after observing the sky at night, Shun Di was determined to flee, and no one could persuade him. [8] He escaped to Shangdu Later, several foxes ran into the throne, imperial censor Alebusha told Shun Emperor that the country was doomed, and Shun Emperor also said, "It is God's will. What can I do?" [29] It can be seen that Shun Di is a person who believes in the "destiny" very much.

interpersonal relationship




  • younger brother: Boer Yijin · Yilin Quality Class (Yuanningzong); Prince Balang
  • Sisters: Yue Lu, Princess of the State of Chang (married to Shalan Duo'er, King of Chang); Princess Minghui Zhenyi (don't answer you)


  • The Queen of Annapolis, Bo Yawu , the first queen, Yan Timur Daughter of. In the first year of Yuantong (1333), she was listed as a queen, and in the first year of Zhiyuan (1335), she was elected as a queen because of her brother Tang Qishi After being expelled from the imperial palace due to the failure of the rebellion, he was poisoned by the Prime Minister Boyan with poison liquor at Kaiping Minshe. [64]
  • Boyan Hudu The queen, Hongjira, is the second queen of Timur. In the third year of Zhiyuan era (1337), she was listed as the queen in March, and died in August of the 25th year of Zhizheng era (1365). [64]
  • Queen Qi , Mongolian name The end of the whole is suddenly the capital , Chi Shi, Korea People, please take care of the third queen. Qi gave birth to the prince Ai You Knows Li Dala Later, she was listed as the second queen in the sixth year of Zhiyuan (1340), and as the queen of Zhenggong (1365) in the 25th year of Zhizheng (1365). In the first year of Hongwu (1368), she fled from Dadu with Tu You Timur and returned to the northern grassland. Her whereabouts were unknown. [64]
  • Empress Munahuli, the third empress of Hongjila, lived in Longfu Palace and died in 1347, the seventh year of Zhizheng era. [89]
History of the Yuan Dynasty 》The Chinese were vague about Emperor Shun's harem. Shi Zai Shun Emperor's "Empress Palace" [58] It also records that "there is no discipline for Shundi's concubines to enter the imperial palace, and there are no fewer than a hundred people who wear the seals of their wives and concubines" [62] ,《 Gengshen External History 》It was also said that Emperor Shun "ordered more than one hundred concubines and concubines to receive great joy and Buddha's precepts" [8] It can be seen that Emperor Shun's harem was very numerous, and there were hundreds of concubines. Later, these empresses fled with Emperor Shun Shangdu and Ying Chang In May of the 30th year of Zhizheng era (1370), he was captured by the Ming army in Yingchang. [65] Only a few of them Tao Zongyi Yeting Record of Yuan Family 》And other historical materials. They are:


It is difficult to verify the number of children of Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty. History of the Yuan Dynasty 》It is recorded that he has three sons, and the eldest son is Ai You Knows Li Dala , leaving two to die early. However, there are obviously more than three Shundi princes, and the number of daughters cannot be confirmed. The recorded princes are as follows:
  • Yuan Zhaozong Ai You Knows Li Dala In the 13th year of the Zhizheng era (1353), he was appointed as the Crown Prince, and in the 30th year of the Zhizheng era (1370), he became the second emperor of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, and his mother was Queen Qi.
  • Boer Zijin Real Gold , biological mother Boyan Hudu Queen, died young at the age of two. [64]
  • The prince who lost his bald son also acted as a real teaser and lost his Benedict son, and was escorted by decree in December of the 11th year of Zhizheng (1351) King Kongmin Couples go Korea And married the Korean daughter Lin. [67-68] In December of the 30th year of Zhizheng (1370), Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty Grant him a mansion. [69]
  • In the 13th year of Zhizheng (1353), the Prince Luanluan was ordered to go to Korea and marry the Korean daughter Kim. [68] [70]
  • Boerjijin Snow Mountain , his mother, Empress Boyan Hudu, in the 24th year of Zhizheng (1364), Polotimir He led troops to Beijing, drove away the crown prince Aiyou Zhidalia, and tried to establish Snow Mountain as the crown prince. In the 25th year of Zhizheng (1365), Polotemul was assassinated and died. Aiyou Zhidalia and Enlarged Timur (Wang Baobao) led the troops to Beijing. Empress Boyan suddenly died of anxiety. His youngest son, Xueshan, was taken back by his mother's family to Zhibeihaidu farmland. [71]
  • Yiwang Tuogu Sitimuer In the eighth year of Xuanguang (1378), he became the third Khan in the Northern Yuan Dynasty (the son of Aiyou Zhili Dala and the grandson of Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty).

Historical data index

  • The History of the Yuan Dynasty - Shundi Ji [2]
  • The History of the New Yuan Dynasty: Hui Zongben Ji [72]

Chinese level

When he was young, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty received a year of Chinese education in Jingjiang, Guangxi. After he ascended the throne, he "summoned Kui Zhang Ru's officials to speak about the Six Classics Prohibition". [73] But powerful ministers Bayan Oppose sinicization and advocate "no teaching and reading Haner's letters" [10] Therefore, Shundi's level of Sinology stagnated. After Shun Di united Tuotuo to overthrow Boyan, Tuotuo asked Shun Di to "pay attention to holy learning" [12] So Emperor Shun held a sutra feast and later Kuizhang Pavilion It was changed to Xuanwen Pavilion as a fixed place for Jingyan. Shun Emperor as Prime Minister Desquamation There were three officials who were also officials of the Jingyan, counselors, translators and translators, four people who reviewed, five people who wrote, and four people who were ambassadors for the Xuanyan, which further improved the Jingyan system since Emperor Tai Ding. [74] Emperor Shun followed the Confucian officials of all ethnic groups at the Sutra Feast to "read the Five Classics, four books, write big characters, play the ancient tune on the piano". [10] Emperor Shun's sutra feast was held three times a month, and the time for each explanation was uncertain, Wu Gu Sun Liangzhen He once criticized that at that time, "after a few days of speaking, I will stop for a few minutes" [75] However, there were also relatively long periods of speaking, such as the verse of Zhang Yining, the banquet official at that time, "Your Excellency Xuanwen moved at the beginning of the battle, and told that the cock man reported noon... Confucian officials have warned Chen Zhongjin, and the saints have done nothing but treasure, thrift, and kindness." [76] Ye Heng also wrote a poem: "The crystal palace Liu was deeply fascinated, and he walked away from thousands of officials to scatter horses' hooves. Only the officials of Ci stayed near the courtiers, and went to the west of Rilun after the banquet." [77] It can be seen that the length of the feast depends on the emperor's interest. Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty also paid great attention to his son Ai You Knows Li Dala The cultivation of Confucius started his own school and made him receive systematic Confucian education. [78]
As Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty received a good sinology education, his cultural attainments in the Han Dynasty were quite high, second only to those in the Yuan Dynasty Yuan Wenzong He is very good at calligraphy, Tao Zongyi Evaluation of the word "rigorous and dense, not easy to learn". [79] Hu Zhenhuan, who had watched Shun Emperor write a book, said, "When I saw the beginning of the writing, I wrote it as if I had been studying it. Every time I carefully reviewed it, I swept it with my arms and did not polish it." Wang Yi The thinking is the same: "I am honored to serve the imperial edict and Xuanwenge, and I can see the beauty of the emperor's writing. The phoenix and the phoenix are flying, and they are calm in the law... The holy of Tianzong, written in four strokes, has been seen in the days of hiding." [80] Emperor Shun left many calligraphy treasures, including "looking at the clouds at leisure", "modeling with text, decorated with cloud dragons", "Yuancheng Palace", "Shanzhai", "Jiuxiao", "Mingliang", "Qingshou", "Fanggu", "Yuanjue" [80] "Loyal people in Jiangnan" [81] And so on, it was also awarded to the officials with the "real grass thousand (word) tablet". [82] Calligraphers at that time Sheng Ximing Zeng Edited《 A study of legal script 》Eight volumes, Shun Di, "see the full volume, life hidden emperor's living quarters ”。 [79] Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty loved calligraphy so much that many imperial edicts were written by him, and his officials were flattered by the imperial edict. [83-84] Driven by Emperor Shun, the Yuan court started calligraphy, not only the crown prince Ai You Knows Li Dala Proficient in calligraphy, even the courtiers who followed the emperor Hama He is also good at writing big characters. [18] [85]
In addition to calligraphy, Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty also liked painting, Conley Confucian officials kuikui Take the opportunity of Shundi's love of ancient famous paintings to present Guo Zhongshu "The Map of Bigan", and admonished Emperor Shun with the story that King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty was defeated by his loyalty. One day, Shun Di was watching Song Huizong When he painted, he repeatedly said "good". He said, "Hui Clan has many abilities, and the only thing can't do." Emperor Shun asked, "What is one thing [86] It is also recorded in Jinhua Collection Pullout He used Huizong paintings to advise Emperor Shun. [87] In addition, Emperor Shun can write poems Ye Ziqi Grass and tree seed 》"Birds crow in the mangroves, while people are in the green", which is a beautiful line he wrote. [21] He also has three songs kanshi Be handed down from generation to generation.
Emperor Shun of the Yuan Dynasty also followed the etiquette and music system of the Han nationality. After he was upright, he wore official costume Enjoy in person the ancestral shrine In October of the third year of Zhizheng (1343) and November of the fifteenth year of Zhizheng (1355) [88] Before that, the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty who personally offered sacrifices to heaven only Yuan Wenzong nothing more. At a sacrifice, Shun Di arrived Yuanningzong When making the memorial tablet, he asked, "My brother and his brother, do you agree with each other?" Doctor Liu Wen He replied, "Although Emperor Ningzong is a younger brother, he once inherited the vessel and became the emperor. His majesty also tried to be his courtier when he came to worship, State of Lu Duke Min and Duke Xi are the princes of. Duke Min was his younger brother and became a vassal first; Duke Xi was his elder brother and became a vassal after Duke Min. His ancestral temple offered sacrifices at four times. I never heard that Duke Xi would not worship Duke Min. More than this, your majesty worships. " [10] [18]

Film and television image

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Hong Kong, China
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Chinese Mainland
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Chinese Mainland
Chen Zulie
the republic of korea
Li Xijiu
Mendsei Khan (teenager)
Erdenbat (adult)
Chinese Mainland