Yuan Family Class

Refers to the students of the Yuan generation of Yu Zhanyuan
zero Useful+1
Yuan Family Class mainly refers to Yu Zhanyuan's "Yuan" generation students, including Yuan Long( Hong Jinbao )、 Yuan Lou Jackie Chan )、 Yuan Biao Yuanhua Yuanting Yuan Kui Yuanbin , Yuan Wen Yuanwu Yuantai Yuande Yuanqiu , Yuanfu, Yuanhong Yuanbao , Yuanhui Yuanju Yuan Jun , Yuanlin, Yuanfa, Yuanxin, Yuansheng, Yuannan... They are from Hong Kong action movies The backbone
True name
Yuan Family Class
University one is graduated from
China Academy of Drama Studies (Hong Kong)
Representative works
have one 's star in the ascendant Seven Xiaofu
Actors and directors
Key achievements
Hong Kong Film Awards Best Actor Award, etc
China Academy of Drama Studies (Hong Kong)
Supervised by
Yuanjiaban mainly refers to Yu Zhanyuan Yuan Student

Yu Zhanyuan

Yu Zhanyuan
Yu Jim Yuen (1905-1997): teacher of Hong Kong's famous action instructors, born in 1905 in the troubled times Shuntian Mansion (Today's Beijing). When he was young, he was a famous Peking Opera actor. Later, when he went to Hong Kong, he performed both on the stage and on the screen. Because life forced him to establish“ Chinese drama Although the name of "Research Institute" is deceptive, its scale is only medium among many drama schools in Hong Kong, and the school buildings are dilapidated and the conditions are simple.
Fortunately, Shifu did not mislead his children. He taught them seriously and the children studied hard. Apprentice Guan Zhengliang Yuanting Yuanhua Hong Jinbao Yuan Kui Yuanbin Yuande Yuan Biao , Yuanlou (i.e Jackie Chan ), Yuanqing (i.e Yuan Heping , followed Yu Zhanyuan to learn martial arts for more than a year), etc. The "Seven Little Blessings" was created by Yu Zhanyuan for his disciples Beijing Opera It is also the general name of his group of proud disciples. There are dozens of disciples in this group, among which the most stable and outstanding ones are said to be Yuan Long, Yuan Lou, Yuan Biao, Yuan Kui, Yuan Hua, Yuan De Yuanwu Seven people (Note: Jackie Chan's stage name at that time was Yuanlou, and Yuanlong was the stage name of Senior Brother Hong Jinbao.)
Later, when Hong Jinbao, who is two years older than Jackie Chan, left the film world first, Jackie Chan won the name of Yuan Long. And of course Yuanqiu Because the performance was very successful, Yu Zhanyuan formed a "Seven Little Blessings" theatrical troupe, which not only allowed his disciples to increase their performance experience, but also earned some money, which is called "killing two birds with one stone". This is the embryonic form of the famous "Seven Little Blessings" that later had a profound impact on Hong Kong and even the world film world, and in the eyes of movie fans. Later, in the movie Seven Little Blessings, Hong Jinbao played a mentor. After the 1960s, they continued to enter the film circle as dragon and tiger martial artists, doubles and even leading actors, and gradually became the most important group of filmmakers in the 1980s.
Yu Zhanyuan's own achievements in the film industry are very modest, but several of his apprentices are still the mainstay or even the best in Hong Kong films. Including his daughter Yu Suqiu She played the leading role in such works as Tathagata's Divine Palm in the 1960s.

Film and television works

Shifu comes out (1979)
Hongni Pass (1964)
White Gate Tower Chops Lv Bu (1961)
Sword Knows a Good Match (1954)
Qin Liangyu (1953)


"China Drama Academy" and "Seven Little Blessings"
The mainland in the 34s Warlord scuffle While Hong Kong's opera industry is thriving, it is hard to do anything. Yu Zhanyuan, who was born in Beijing, like many artists from the North, went south to Hong Kong to seek a way out. Yu Zhanyuan didn't do much when he arrived in Hong Kong, but his little daughter Yu Suqiu He came to the fore and opened a new road - he began to make films in the film company of Hong Zhonghao and others in the late 1940s.
By the early 1950s, Yu Suqiu had become famous. Yu Zhanyuan occasionally played guest roles in films starring his daughter, such as Qin Liangyu《 The sword ties the knot 》These. Accidental acting company Make a small fuss Not really. What Yu Zhanyuan is good at and likes is still his familiar operas. After consideration, Yu Zhanyuan took an important step in his life and founded the "Chinese Drama Research Institute".
Yu Zhanyuan was not a celebrity in Hong Kong, nor did he run a senior colonel, so he did not cause much response. But after all, there is a skill. It is not a deceitful school. Lu Liuxu also received some students. For example, Hong Zhonghao, Yu Suqiu's boss and the director of South China Film Factory, saw that his grandson Hong Jinbao was naughty, and sent Hong Jinbao to the "China Theater Academy".
The original intention of the "China Theater Academy" was not to send people to the film industry. At that time, the market for opera was good, and the school intended to teach outstanding children in the pear garden, so it followed the tradition of the pear garden rules and strictly studied. But the teachers in the school at that time - like Guan Zhengliang People like Yu Zhanyuan, who is also a dragon and tiger martial artist in the movie martial arts, suggested that Yu Zhanyuan might as well let these young disciples go to the movie industry to exercise.
The film income is quite good, and some small actors are really needed. Therefore, since the 1960s, some elementary school students have been able to make an exception to the film shop. But on the days when there is no filming, they still need to go to Liyuan (not Liyuan) and other places to perform opera.
Around 1968, with the decline of opera, Liyuan changed, and the "China Drama Academy" was struggling. Some students who graduated from the full normal university have followed Han Yingjie When the senior enters the movie martial arts. Yu Zhanyuan felt that there was still a market in the United States, so he took another group of students to perform in the United States.
The Chinese Academy of Drama Studies has also come to an end.
This opera school, which was ordinary at that time, was not outstanding. It seemed that it was almost the film industry of Hong Kong“ Huangpu Military Academy ”, generals come forth in large numbers, which has a profound impact Port film (especially action movies) history.
In fact, compared with other opera schools, the China Academy of Drama has no advantages. In terms of debut time, most of us are children who mixed up in the film industry in the 1960s; On the relationship between film circles, fans Home class There are big stars Chen Baozhu Xiao Fangfang , Oriental Drama School Tang Di In terms of basic skills, who is afraid of who, who can be better than who
But when it comes to solidarity, the Chinese drama school is far superior to other schools. Of course, at the beginning, they benefited from their senior brother Hong Jinbao, who had the charisma to unite all the senior brothers, Active Work together, eat together, and make the world come true slowly. And here we are Jackie Chan Yuan Biao Yuan Kui Yuanhua After they became famous, the mutual cooperation between Yuanjia classes continued for decades, which was not found in other drama schools.
Therefore, other schools only stand out from the crowd and their names disappear. However, the "Yuan Family Class" and "Seven Little Blessings" of the Chinese Drama School are often Be treated as Bring it up collectively.

Seven Xiaofu

Yuan Family Class Leading Role
Students of the Chinese Academy of Drama
"Seven Little Blessings" Yuande Yuan Kui Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan Yuan Biao Yuanwu Yuanbin , the seven people who became famous Golden statue award At the award ceremony. Unity, brains and courage, combined with indispensable hard work and luck, finally achieved the glory of Yuanjiaban.
"Seven little blessings" is another concept. Yu Zhanyuan has given more than 100 apprentices. Strictly speaking, not all students of Chinese drama schools can call them members of the "Seven Little Blessings". Of course, Non scientific It is not necessary to be so strict in the field of "seven blessings", so it is right to say that they are all "seven blessings".
What are the seven blessings? This has to start from decades ago.
In 1962, Hong Kong "Maolin Cinema" wanted to start shooting a series of "The Princess and the Seven Little Swordsmen", and selected the so-called "Maolin Seven Treasures" from Yu Zhanyuan's "China Drama School" Yuanqiu Yuanhua Yuan Hong, Yuan Fu and Yuan Sheng play "Seven Little Swordsmen". And Master Yu Zhanyuan is from the film Wushu Guidance
After the film was shot, Yu Zhanyuan was deeply inspired by the name of "Seven Little Swordsmen", thus creating a Peking Opera troupe of "Seven Little Lucks", and began to perform in Liyuan and other places. As time goes by, he is also famous. (Note: The origin of Seven Little Blessings should be consistent with Wu Hui The director's 1961 film "Seven Little Blessings" also has some relationship
Although it is called "Seven Little Blessings", in fact, the staff is not fixed, and there are far more than seven people. Yuanhua accepted Zheng Peipei When interviewed by others, they said that Master Yu Zhanyuan would arrange the combination according to different occasions in those years. More often, there would be three or four groups of "seven blessings" performing in different places such as "Liyuan" at the same time.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan Yuan Biao Yuan Kui Yuanhua Yuanbin Yuande When several martial brothers became famous, the outside world mistook the "Seven Little Blessings" for Hong Jinbao and Jackie Chan.

leading member


Yuanting Wu Mingcai

Little Poisonous Dragon Wu Mingcai Yuanting. In the 1970s and 1980s, people in the Yuan family used to add their surname before the name given by their master, so Yuanting was also called Wu Yuanting. Wu Mingcai baby face In fact, the door to enter Zhanyuan was early. It was Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan Their elder martial brother.
He left the Chinese Drama School and entered the film circle around 1965. At that time, he was filming in Shao Shi and other companies. His performance in the film was average, and later he and Han Yingjie Hu Jinquan In the movie Wushu Guidance When we got on the right boat, our achievements were excellent. But except for the films of Hu Jinquan, most of the other films we participated in were just so so.
In the 1990s, Hu Jinquan fell into the dilemma of having no films to shoot. Disciple who used to work beside him Wu Mingcai And Hong Jinbao came out to support Hu Jinquan《 Painted Skin: Yin and Yang Dharma King 》。 But no one could have imagined that "Painting" was Hu Jinquan's last work.
In the 1980s and 1990s, Jackie Chan And Sammo Hung's Family building class Hong Jiaban Wu Mingcai and Yuan Biao Yuanhua They planned to form a team to fight the banner of "Yuan Family Class". The members at that time were Wu Mingcai, Yuan Biao, Yuan Hua, Yuan Fu Yuande Yuan Kui , Yuanchang, Yuanbao, etc. These people have their own abilities, but they are leaderless. Together, they are just a ragtag crowd, far from giving full play to their power. Only a few photos are taken《 Frozen Hero 》、《 Act without remorse 》, "Du Yuesheng, a Shanghai tycoon", "Play with Pygmies" and a few other films were called off.
Since the 1990s, I have had my own Film companies Of Wu Mingcai Most of them just invest in making movies, and seldom appear in front of the screen again. In 2007, Wu Mingcai reintroduced Hu Jinquan Of《 The map of the martyrs 》Move to the screen.
Education of Love Hong Jinbao, Wu Mingcai
Empty mountain rain Xu Feng Wu Mingcai
Legend in the Mountains Wu Mingcai
The Painting of Martyrs Wu Mingcai White eagle


Zhang Zhuannan Zhang Yuanqiu, Lin Xiu and Gan Jiafeng are all names used by Yuanqiu. Yuanqiu His father was also born in Beijing in the mainland, and he was friends with Yu Zhanyuan. After arriving in Hong Kong, he sent Yuanqiu to Yu Zhanyuan because of the heavy family burden. At the age of 7, Zhan Yuan was introduced to the school. She ranked third among the hundreds of disciples Zhan Yuan received. Later, two other senior sisters immigrated Canada She was automatically upgraded to the senior sister of the Yuanjia class.
He also worked in the film circle after he completed his teaching in the Yuan and Autumn Period, when he was a martial arts stunt double for a female star. Yuan Qiu practiced martial arts since he was young, but he thought he was not a pretty girl. Later have a chance to Dan Zheng plays the leading role, but the company wants her to shoot Literary film , she cursed the company for wanting her dead. In the early 1970s and Jackie Chan She signed a contract with "Dadi Cinema", and her achievements were mediocre. After the bankruptcy of "Dadi", she made films in Shao Shi and other companies. In fact, her career was not satisfactory. During this period, she worked with kungfu film directors Lu Jungu (Wang Zhenyang) Married (he and his wife had a lot of cooperation at that time), and then gradually withdrew from the film world. She teaches kungfu Younger sister Wen Xueer Instead, it became popular and became the Huadan of TV station.
Yuanqiu Until 2003 Stephen Chow Got it《 Kungfu Online 》Is really popular“ Charterer ”The role also won her 42 Golden Horse Award Best Supporting Actress. In the following years, there were many films. However, after Kung Fu, most of the films in the first autumn were Wang Jing Those rotten movies.
Lu Jungu's Tianchan Yuande Dragon's Claws 》Yuanqiu; New Flying Fox Liang Jiaren He Yuanqiu plays Hu Yidao and his wife.

Yuan Fu - Li Juhua

In 1962, "Seven Little Blessings" was able to participate in "Sweeping the Seven Heavenly Kings in South China", which was led by her. She plays Zhang Yiba, Hong Jinbao plays Zhang Erba, Yuan Ting Xiaoxiao plays Zhang Sanba, Jackie Chan yes Zhang Liu Ba
Yuanfu only plays occasionally in the film circle, and he doesn't appear much. What news about her came after the 1980s.

Hong Jinbao

Two Lakes 18 Darts Hong Jinbao , Yuanlong, Zhu Yuanlong.
Hong Jinbao came from a movie family. Grandpa Hong Zhonghao is a film director, director of the film factory, and grandma Qian Siying It's a kungfu star.
Later, Yu Zhanyuan founded the "Chinese Drama School". The couple funded Yu Zhanyuan and gave Yu Zhanyuan a pair of twins (Jin Long, Yin Long) and his eldest grandson Hong Jinbao to teach. Hong Pang and his two uncles were called triplets at that time because of their age.
Yuan Long Hong Jinbao
Hong Jinbao followed his interest after he became a teacher Martial arts At that time, he was Master Brother Han Yingjie (Han Yingjie is Yu Zhanyuan's eldest son-in-law, but Hong Jinbao and others call him Master Brother.) Not only did he take him into the Hu Jinquan Work in the team Wushu Guidance , and got to know each other Bruce Lee The innovative approach and non conformism of Hu Jinquan and Bruce Lee in making films have opened Hong Jinbao's eyes and learned a lot. Later, he became a Kung Fu movie giant in Hong Kong.
Education of love 》Sammo Hung's first film. The film, Zhu Yuanlong's little friend, was highly praised.
Qian Siying And grandson Hong Jinbao
Shaolin Sect 》Hong Jinbao
Chivalrous woman 》Hong Jinbao
Jackie Chan Hong Jinbao Congratulations on Yu Zhanyuan's birthday

Yuan Wen Meng Liang

Snatch staff 》Yuan Wen: Meng Liang Meng Yuanwen Jackie Chan Their junior brother. The age of child stars is quite eye-catching《 Monkey Bing Huashan Help 》Other senior brothers and sisters Hong Jinbao and others all play the big black monkey, while he plays the little white monkey alone. Playing "Er Gouzi" in "Qun Ying Hui" in 1972 is already a villain.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Yuan Wen was once highly praised. He played the leading role in some kung fu films, such as "Taking the Stick", "Dragon and Tiger Gate", and so on. But he failed to follow the trend and ended up nowhere.
Monkey Soldiers Rescue Hua Mountain
The Gathering of Heroes Yuan Wen
In the late 1970s, Meng Yuanwen and Hong Kong Cantonese Opera Minghuadan“ Mei Xue's Poems ”(Atay) Being in love was once concerned by the circle of Cantonese opera.
Old version of Dragon and Tiger Gate Meng Hai, Yuan Wen
"Take the Staff" Yuan Wen, Qin Qian

Yuanwu - Zhou Yuanwu

Patriarch Dharma Yuan Wu: Zhou Yuanwu. Most of Yuanwu just do Wushu Guidance Later, I followed my elder martial brother Hong Jinbao and worked in the Hong Family Class. Most of my achievements were during the Hong Family Class《 The Odd Couple 》, People Scare People, Mr. Zombie, Good Luck, etc. See (Hong Family Ban Yuanwu)
Jackie Chan He also participated in the Drunken Fist 2 for the Hong Kong Martial Arts Association.
Lin Shirong Lin Zhengying Li Haisheng Feng Ke'an , Yuan Wu
"Life Striving Single Sabre Life Taking Gun" Chen Huiyi Lin Zhengying, Yuan Wu Zhong Fa

Yuanlou - Jackie Chan

Yuanlou, also known as Chen Gangsheng Fang Gangsheng Chen Yuanlong He was sent to Yu Zhanyuan's family by his parents when he was young. It has a great reputation and is the most beautiful class in the Yuan family.
Yuan Family Class, the circle is Jackie Chan.
Jackie Chan returns to port Overestimate one's life , accepted by Wang Zehong.


I have always been in the performing arts industry, but I have done a lot of detailed work, such as field notes Wushu Guidance , drama guidance, martial arts doubles, etc., rarely in front of the screen.
Yuanju belt Yuanqiu We went to the Kung Fu audition together, but the Yuanqiu who read the newspaper behind us was selected.

Yuanjun - Wu Yuanjun

Wu Yuanjun : Yu Zhanyuan has a unique vision and will choose names according to the characteristics of each disciple. He got the word "handsome".
Yuan Jun signed a contract with Shao Shi at the end of the 1970s Jackie Chan Hong Jinbao and others were much better. They were praised as the leading roles at that time《 Tangshan Five Tigers 》"Liancheng Jue", "Buddhist Kid", etc. Later, Shao's production was reduced, and he gradually lost his foothold in the film industry. Instead, he changed to TV stations to shoot serial dramas, which entered the late 1980s atv Later, he developed in Taiwan (in 1984, he worked with Lin Qingxia Er Dongsheng Yes《 Lover Watches Knife 》)In the 1990s, he returned to ATV, which was far away from movies.
Playing in Liancheng Jue Di Yun


Five Lang Eight Trigrams Staff Yuande : Yuan De is too thin, and his movements look like monkeys. It's not like that to play a decent and good person. He was Hui Yinghong He misunderstood him as a villain and almost got cut off. He must be good at playing the Monkey King.
People coming out of the Yuan family class are naturally skilled. Yuande played a lot in Shaoshi and other companies in the early 1980s Kung Fu film , the main characters have also done it (such as《 Betrayed the school 》), and Lu Jungu Chuyuan They cooperate, acting and doing Wushu Guidance This habit has been maintained for more than ten or twenty years, but most of them are behind the scenes.
Among them, he and his senior brother Yuan Kui The cooperation of《 Zhongnanhai Bodyguard 》、《 Letter to Dad 》、《 Scorpion Warrior 》, New Jingwu Gate (Stephen Chow)《 Royal female general 》Children in troubled times, Gamblers, 91 Condor Heroes, 92 Condor Heroes《 Cartoon Weilong 》Running Naked, Rose and Rose I Love You《 Black rose tied golden orchid 》、《 Rodinocarb 》、《 full of courage 》、《 Sparrow Flying Dragon 》Ma Yongzhen (part of the members of the Yuan family class)... Fang Shiyu also won the best action design award for them in 1994.
recent years Yuande The number of high-quality jobs is about to be counted Chen Jiashang AD 2000 and Jackie Chan "Myth" of these two.
Tianchan Change Yuan De Yuanqiu Play the killer.
Betrayed the school 》Yuande, one of the few leading characters
Ma Yongzhen: Yuan De Plays the Great Traitor Yang Shuang
In Myth, Yuan De plays Morocha

Yuan Kui

Fang Shiyu 2 Yuan Kui : One of the best fingers in Hong Kong, followed Wu Siyuan , Sammo Hung, and later Liu Zhenwei Cooperation, all go Hollywood Has.
Great Martial Arts Master and Little Escort Yuan Biao Yuan Kui's youth (77 years)
Ma Yongzhen Yuan Kui Takeshi Kaneshiro
Hong Jinbao, Yu Zhanyuan, Yuan Kui. Standing next to Zhan Yuan was Hong Jinbao Jackie Chan Yuan Kui, Yuan Biao, we can see Yuan Kui's position.

Yuan Biao

Plan A Jackie Chan Yuan Biao (The last two are Mars and Taibao)
Baby Plan 》At the end of the film, as usual, there is a NG scene of Jackie Chan. In one scene, Jackie Chan jumped from the air conditioner of a high-rise building and was detained by Yuan Biao. Yuan Biao recited the wrong lines in that scene dissolve into undue laughter during a performance He had to do it again. Jackie Chan croaked angrily, wearing a headdress and saying: Summer earthquake , I will kill you
Xia Lingzhen is the original name of Yuan Biao. Also known as Xia Yuanbiao. (Actually, there is another name: Ou Jinping)
As the three brothers who shocked the Chinese world in the 1980s and 1990s, Yuan Biao has long been known.
In recent years, Yuan Biao has been filming less and less. In 2006, he used a double for some simple roll movements in the Baby Plan.
Baby Plan: Yuan Biao, Jackie Chan wears a black headband.
Shaolin Sect 》At Yuan Biao Tian Jun Let him pick up an arrow and shoot it dead.

Yuanhua Rong Jizhi

At the age of 7, he went to China Drama School to study. After graduation, he and his fellow teachers went to work in Shao's Company Tang Jia Because of his excellent skills, especially the somersault, few people can compete with him. He has done many star doubles, among which he is especially famous for Bruce Lee (Bruce Lee has superb kung fu, but the somersault is not beautiful).
Hong Jinbao's auction in 1986《 Oriental Bald Eagle 》, give a chance Yuanhua Play arch-villian , and then came to the fore. Therefore, Yuanhua is ready to thank Hong Pang. Since his role came into being, Yuanhua has played the villain for many times in Kung Fu movies. Many roles have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he is an outstanding supporting actor in Hong Kong. After the 1990s, he entered wireless, but he often went out to make movies. Three years ago, I shot Stephen Chow's Kung Fu, which was finally recognized by the organization and won the Best Supporting Actor of the Golden Statue Award. When I came to the stage, I was so excited that tears filled my eyes, and there was applause from the audience.
Police Story 3 Yuanhua
Yuanhua Yuan Biao Jackie Chan At the Chinese Drama School
The Descendants of the Dragon Yue Fei , Yuan Hua helped Zhou Xingchi carve characters


"Love in Heaven" Yuanbin : After Yuanbin's graduation, and Yuanhua Same as Tang Jia. Hardworking and able to fight, there are more and more opportunities for him to come out in the public. He and Yuanhua often go out together as killers or bodyguards. After Shao collapsed, Yuan Bin and Tsui Hark Cheng Xiaodong Du Qifeng There are many cooperations, and many famous action movies have been shot, such as《 The Story of Alan 》, "Love in Heaven", "The Ghost of a Beautiful Woman 3", "Asia the Invincible", "New Dragon Gate Inn", "Deer Tripod", "Lion King Strives for hegemony", "Wind of the King", "Green Snake" (Tang Jia is invited to leave the mountain), "Knife", "Dragon City Fights the tyrant", etc., mainly in the mid and late 1990s Galactic image Working with Du Qifeng, the masterpieces produced by Galaxy are their achievements, such as《 Dark flower 》Big Brother《 Very suddenly 》、《 Two can only live one 》、《 Major events 》Etc. Now, Yuanbin also often works in the mainland, making some soap operas.
Japanese Disaster Yuanbin Long Tianxiang Yuanhua
Underworld Yuan Bin

Wei Bai

Ten Tigers and Five Tigers in Guangdong Wei Bai Wei Bai is a pretty boy in the Yuan family. In the late 1970s Zhang Che , is Zhang Che's son, but Zhang Che was at the end of his tether at that time, and Wei Bai and others failed to emerge as red stars. However, Cheung Chew Wai's《 Five poisons 》But it is very good.
Later, Wei Bai pats John Woo Of《 Gallant 》, and Hong Jinbao《 Black sheep 》, Lin Shirong, and Jackie Chan Shoot《 Younger Martial Brother, take off 》After ten or so films ended, they disappeared before Wei Bai arrived in the 1990s.
"Younger Martial Brother Comes" Wei Bai Plays Jackie Chan's Elder Martial Brother
Hero Liu Songren Wei Bai, Qian Yuesheng
Lin Shirong Yuan Biao Hong Jinbao Guan Dexing , Wei Bai Watermelon shaper


"Disciple" Yuanbao: In his early years, Yuanbao mostly participated in second and third rate films, and there was not much worth mentioning. His more important job is to do military fingering wirelessly.
Yuanbao stayed in wireless for 27 years and directed My Kindness, Southern Emperor and Northern Beggar《 Real Kung Fu 》And so on.
In the last two years Panyu Attack during filming, to protect the scene leading lady Broken arm( Entertainment gossip The press said Chen Haomin The woman who was the eldest brother in the underworld was found, and Chen Haomin fled. Yuanbao stood out and got this disaster). Yuanbao was copied by wireless without receiving compensation for work-related injury, and then Yuanbao had no choice but to complain about wireless. Later, the situation became unclear.
In recent years, it seems that the yuan treasure with all its vicissitudes has been transferred back to the film industry, Du Qifeng I have seen him in "Underworld" and Er Dongsheng's "Disciple". It is needless to think that such a face will not have the role of a good person.
The Underworld: Yuanbao as Dinosaur
The treasure of "The Disciple" Wu Yanzu

Yuan Hui Yin Weiquan

Its real name is Yin Weiquan. Former name: Yuan Jinhui
Yuan Hui's father Yin Lingguang is a famous teacher of Cantonese opera Xue Juexian Your apprentice, and Yu Suqiu They are familiar with each other. Because of these relationships, Yuanhui was able to enter the Yuanjiaban because of Suqiu's endorsement. It was 1965, and Yuan Hui was 8 years old.
In 1974, Yuanhui entered the Shaw Brothers As a martial arts master and a double, I have made some achievements in those years Wushu Guidance He Neng took part in some roles. As Shao's production decreased, he joined Wireless. He was also a martial artist. At that time, he mostly did Jiang Dawei wife Li Linlin A stand in for.
In 1991, Yuanhui left Wireless and arrived Australia Teach boxing. Then he came back to shoot, but that time made him feel sad. Yuan Hui said, "Take some nonsense plays. When he received them, he said they were martial fingers, and finally asked me to do them together with the stand ins..."
After that, Yuan Hui went to the mainland to develop his Kung Fu performance. His Kung Fu performance was very popular and gradually became bigger Sanda King These opening ceremonies were attended, and from then on, performances were organized in both places.
huang feihong Jacky Cheung Yuan Jinhui , Jet Li
"Betraying the School" Jing Miao , Yuanhui

Xu Songhe

He was born at the beginning of the founding of the Chinese Drama School. Jackie Chan Their eldest brother started filming in the 1950s, and later brought younger martial brothers to work on the set. He was born in 30 years and has been a martial artist for decades. In the 1990s, he still participated in kungfu movies.

Yuantai Wang Yuantai

Yuantai. Live Little Hero 》China plays Prince Sen.
He may be more active in the opera industry. In his early years, he also acted in several films, and later disappeared on the screen.

Guan Zhengliang

Its original name was Guan Decai. In 1939, Xu Xiaochu set up "Shanghai" as a day student in Shanghai Drama Ruan ", Guan Zhengliang 's father Guan Hongbin Responsible for overall planning. At that time, only more than 100 people were enrolled in 600 or 700 applications. Due to strict school running, more than 40 people graduated later, all of whom were "Zheng" apprentices, and Guan Zhengliang was one of them.
In 1948, Guan Hongbin took people to Taiwan to perform. After the liberation of the mainland, people stayed in Taiwan (including Taiwan Mei Lanfang So-called Gu Zhengqiu Et al.); His son, Guan Zhengliang, went to Hong Kong to visit Yu Zhanyuan. In addition to performing in Beijing Opera, he began to participate in movies and movies Wushu Guidance On weekdays, I also help Master Yu Zhanyuan to train his disciples.
In 1966, he also set up the "Longguo Film Company" as the boss. Because he and Yu Zhanyuan's younger daughter Yu Suqiu The development of Han Yingjie, the eldest son-in-law, and others in the film industry paved the way for many disciples of the Yuan Family Class.
Guan Zhengliang The willingness to teach younger generations has won everyone's love. A few years ago, Hong Kong held a party to "salute the action guidance", Liu Jialiang I also invited Guan Zhengliang to attend.