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Wu Er

historical figure
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Wu Er, a leader of Heishui Mohe led the way. This is sometimes used as the name of a department in Chinese books.
Chinese name
Wu Er
historical figure
Later Tang Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Character's Life
In the second year of Tongguang in the Later Tang Dynasty (924), Wu Er was awarded as Zhonglang General of Huaihua by Zhuang Zong in the Later Tang Dynasty. In the first year of Changxing (930), envoys were sent to the later Tang Dynasty. The next year, his men went to Dengzhou (now Penglai County, Shandong Province) to sell horses, which was not seen in history since then. This department is located to the east of the confluence of Heilongjiang and Wusuli River, that is, the Wule River basin in the Qing Dynasty. [1]