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Medical terminology
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Childhood is also called early school age or childhood. At this time, the growth of the body is still growing steadily. Except for the reproductive system, the development of other organs has approached the adult level. The inhibition, understanding, analysis and comprehensive ability of the cerebral cortex are enhanced, and the excitement is intense. Under the influence of primary school education, children's cognition, observation, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, language and other aspects continue to develop. Therefore, families and schools should cooperate closely, fully develop children's intellectual resources, develop good living and learning habits, and prepare for junior high school. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
Age stage
Perinatal period, infancy, early childhood, etc
The stage of life from foetus to adolescence

Age stage

According to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of various age groups, childhood can be divided into:
Perinatal period The fetus is 28 weeks old and one week after birth.
Neonatal period From delivery to 28 days after birth.
Infancy It is also called suckling period. From 28 days after birth to 1 year old.
Early childhood 1-3 years old.
Pre school age From the end of childhood to the beginning of primary school, that is, 3-6 or 7 years old.
School age From primary school to puberty, it generally refers to 6 or 7-12 years old.
puberty from Secondary sexual characteristics The reproductive function is basically mature, generally ranging from 10 to 23 years old, and girls are generally 2 years earlier than boys. Depending on the region, climate and race, girls and boys in most parts of China start from the age of 10 to 13 and start from the age of 12 to 15, respectively, at the age of 18 to 20. The above periods have their own characteristics, but also have continuity.
Adult child Older children. There are different opinions on whether it is over eight years old or over fifteen years old. By extension, it refers to a child prodigy.

Medical characteristics

Main performance:
① The physical development and organ maturity of children vary with age.
② The younger you are, the faster you grow. The total amount of nutrients and liquids you need is relatively higher than that of adults.
③ Abnormal pathological phenomena may occur when various diseases are stimulated.
④ Due to the incomplete immune mechanism, the infection is easy to spread.
⑤ Heredity and Congenital disease See more.
⑥ Since many children cannot correctly express their illness and do not cooperate in the examination, medical staff should pay attention to the parents' reaction to the illness.
⑦ The dosage and type of drugs used in children and the characteristics of surgery are different from those of adults.
⑧ Children's recovery function is strong, and the disease is easy to recover. However, due to the poor compensatory ability of the body, some diseases can develop rapidly and cause death.

Growth and development

Childhood is the most important stage of life development. The physiological, psychological and pathological characteristics of each age stage are different from those of the other age stage, and more significantly different from those of adults. The younger the age, the greater the difference. Growth refers to the growth of the body and organs. Development refers to cells Tissue and organ The differentiation and perfection of the brain and the maturation of its functions, that is, the qualitative changes, such as the development of the brain. Growth is closely related to development, and it is a dynamic change in both qualitative and quantitative progress of the body.
All over the body Phylogeny The speed is different, and it is generally carried out from top to bottom. The head develops earliest and stops early; The development of lower limbs started and stopped later; Nervous system and lymphatic system The development of the first fast and then slow. In the first year after birth, the brain develops fastest. Pharynx in infancy lymphoid tissue and tonsil The growth is fast, and the growth slows down after the age of 10. reproductive system And muscles develop rapidly after puberty. The height and weight increased at a high speed twice in infancy and adolescence.
Factors affecting physical development mainly include:
Congenital factor Maternal age, parity and fetus birth weight All have an impact.
② Genetic factors. various chromosome aberration And many metabolic diseases can be inherited, and there are differences in height and weight between different ethnic groups.
③ Nutritional factors. Nutritional deficiency The body weight and length are obviously low, and the intellectual development is also affected in different ways.
④ Acute and chronic diseases. The impact of chronic diseases is particularly significant.
⑤ Living environment. Clean environment, sufficient sunshine, fresh air, enough outdoor activities, regular living system and education methods all play a role in promoting physical development.
⑥ Exercise and exercise. It can promote metabolism, assist digestion and blood circulation, and is also an important factor affecting physical development.
The indicators for measuring children's growth and development generally include weight, length, head circumference, chest circumference, bone age, tooth development, perception and movement development, speech development, etc. All countries and regions in the world have their own standards, and there are differences between urban and rural areas.


Children are in the process of growth and development. They need to obtain nutrients from food to repair old tissues, grow new tissues, generate energy, and maintain physiological activities. The younger the age, the faster the growth and development, the stronger the metabolism, and the poorer the digestive function. How to choose the food and feeding method suitable for the nutritional needs of children of different ages is an important issue in child health care.
Requirements for nutrients Children's requirements for various nutrients are different from those of adults, and there are also differences among age groups. The total heat required by the engine body includes Basal metabolism Special dynamic action of food , energy consumption of daily activities, growth needs, and excretion consumption.
There were more body fluids in children than in adults. The total body fluids of newborns account for about 80% of the body weight, infants account for about 70%, school-age children account for about 65%, and adults account for about 60%. Therefore, the younger the children are, the more water they need.
Because of children Growth and development The daily needs of protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are more than those of adults. The lack of any nutrient can cause various Nutritional deficiency It endangers the growth and life of children.


Children of different ages have different feeding patterns. Milk babies mainly feed liquid foods such as milk, and the feeding methods are breast-feeding Artificial feeding and Mixed feeding With the eruption of teeth, solid food can be added gradually. Generally, you can wean after 1 year old. The older you are, the closer the nature, type and quantity of food are to adults.
① Breastfeeding. breast milk It is the most ideal natural nutrition for infants. world health organization The promotion of breastfeeding was included in the action programme for the survival, development and protection of children in the 1990s. The advantages of breast milk are: it contains various nutrients suitable for the growth of infants of all ages; Economical and convenient, not easy to pollute; It contains a lot of antibodies against diseases; Help the mother by feeding the baby postpartum recovery And infants' intellectual and physical development. The most appropriate period for weaning infants is 8 to 12 months. In case of hot summer, in order to prevent indigestion caused by food change, weaning can be postponed to autumn.
Artificial feeding Feeding babies within 6 months with cow's milk, goat's milk and other milk substitutes is called artificial feeding. The choice of milk substitutes should be determined according to children's age, digestive function and economic conditions, and attention should be paid to the nutrient content of various milk substitutes. Comparison of milk and human milk (see table).
Mixed feeding because Insufficient breast milk , or the mother can feed milk on time due to her physical conditions, work or social activities, and can add milk, which is called mixed feeding. However, mixed feeding should be based on the principle of feeding more milk after full feeding of breast milk.
④ Infant supplementary food. With the growth and development of infants, attention should be paid to the addition of various vitamins and auxiliary foods after birth.

Medication characteristics

Pay attention to the following five points when using drugs for children:
① In childhood, the metabolism is strong, Drug absorption Metabolism and excretion are faster than adults.
② Children's body fluids account for a larger proportion of body weight than adults, and are prone to water and Electrolyte disorder , Impact drug metabolism
③ Children's organs are developing, and their functions are incomplete. They are prone to poisoning if they are not careful with drugs.
④ Children have poor resistance and are prone to disease, which in turn affects the tolerance of the body to drugs.
⑤ Certain hormone drugs or acting on central nervous system And other drugs can directly affect endocrine system And the development of central nervous system.

Child care

It includes treatment operation, general nursing, prevention and health care, feeding, mental health and upbringing. Children spend most of their time at home or in childcare institutions, so nursing is not just the responsibility of pediatric nurses. Children's relatives, nursery carers and school teachers should all master the knowledge and skills of child care.

Anatomical and physiological aspects

Children's bones are soft and elastic. Incorrect posture or long-term compression will easily deform the bones. The ligament near the joint is loose, and the socket of some joints is shallow, so traction or weight bearing should be avoided to avoid injury. Children's skin is delicate, especially babies' skin Cornification layer Thin, easy to fall off, so the skin is vulnerable to damage and infection. Infants are prone to diarrhea, and a little careless hip care will lead to hip redness. Scratching with hands after mosquito bites can cause skin damage, and the damaged skin is prone to infection. So the newborn should bathe every day. If the skin is bitten by mosquitoes, it can be applied 75% alcohol To relieve itching and inflammation. in the event of Skin infection It should be treated actively.
Children are active and curious, but lack Self protection ability In any case, adult supervision is required, and they cannot play indoors or outdoors alone. School age No matter at home or at school, children like independent activities. During this period, they are competitive and often ignore safety. Therefore, safety education should be put first.


Childhood immunization Phylogeny Immature, unsound immune function, and some bacteria with weak pathogenicity susceptibility Maternal antibodies can be transmitted to the fetus through the placenta, and children suffer less in the first few months after birth measles Such infectious diseases. But after a few months, these maternal antibodies gradually disappeared, and the susceptibility to these infectious diseases increased, so we should accept the planned Immunization

Pathological aspects

Types, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis It is closely related to age. Infancy The most common anemia is Nutritional anemia , mostly due to improper feeding. The most common diseases are respiratory disease as Bronchopneumonia Causative nerve Phylogeny Imperfect and common Febrile convulsion With the increase of age, people have more opportunities to contact with people, dysentery , hepatitis mumps Alimentary canal Respiratory infectious disease It is also increasing. baby There are many atypical symptoms during the period, and they cannot be expressed verbally Chief complaint However, the condition changes rapidly, so it is more necessary to observe the condition carefully. The condition of children is changeable. Proper treatment and nursing will quickly turn the corner and recover functions quickly. as Toxic dysentery The child can be conscious 24 hours after rescue Pediatric fracture It heals faster than adults. Some Japanese encephalitis Children, although there are more serious convulsions , coma, but after recovering for half a year, the intellectual and physical functions can often be recovered. On the other hand, sick children can also die suddenly, such as Sudden infant death syndrome And explosive hair Epidemic meningitis Etc.

Psychological aspects

Attention should be paid to children's psychological activities during nursing. Educate children by means of beating, scolding and punishment, which will cause children in a long time Rebellious psychology , which will further cause various Psychological disorders
Infancy Sensation develops rapidly, while perception develops slowly. When obvious attention and initial memory ability begin to appear, thinking is still in the bud. Infants' perception is developed by playing with toys or using objects. Therefore, efforts should be made to increase various contents of infants' perception (such as giving toys with sounds and bright colors) to promote intellectual development. Children 6 to 8 months later will be suspicious of others, so it is very important to be kind when contacting children. Early childhood , especially after the age of 2, he began to walk independently, learned to use tools with both hands, and began to learn to use language as a tool for ideological communication. After the age of 1, children like to do what they want to do and are not very obedient to adults. At this time, adults must not use the tone of request to avoid forming the habit of children's resistance. After 2 to 3 years old, children show curiosity, self-esteem, shyness, and like to work alone or find adult companions. At this time, adults should help children understand the world around them.
At the early school age, the range of children's activities was expanded due to the development of hand movements. They have a strong interest in things around them. They are curious, active and inquisitive. They like to imitate the behavior of adults. They have a strong sense of self and require independent activities. However, their knowledge, experience and ability are limited. Therefore, they often conflict with their wishes. Play is the best form to solve this contradiction, so play is the most basic way to cultivate children's intellectual and physical activities. Preschool children have obvious shyness, so attention should be paid to them during examination.
Adolescent adolescents show strong self-reliance and competitiveness, and also show special interest in the opposite sex. But they often behave childishly and sometimes act with great blindness. Adults should pay special attention to and guide them. We should respect their opinions, but give them correct guidance and supervision. We should not only encourage their originality and consciousness, but also properly overcome their blindness, impulsivity and dependence.
Children's psychological development should lay a good foundation in infancy and early childhood, and pay attention to psychological education in early school age. The age of primary school is a major turning point. After entering school, they can communicate with teachers and parents, which plays a foundation role in the healthy psychological state of adults.