Ni Kuan

Minister of the Western Han Dynasty
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synonym Infantile breadth (Han Dynasty figure) generally refers to Ni Kuan (Western Han Dynasty minister)
Ni Kuan (? - 103 years ago), [2] Zhongwen, [3 ] When Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty was in Qiancheng County (now Nijia Village, Guangrao County). [2]
Ni Kuan's family was poor when he was young. When he went to work, he always hung the Five Classics on the hoe hook and read it when he was free. [2] Later, he learned from Ouyang about Shangshu, and the prefecture elected Doctor Yi. He was also educated in Kong An State, proficient in classics and calendar, and good at diction. [4] Later, he was appreciated by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty for his mastery of Confucian classics, and was responsible for governing the civil affairs in the Guanzhong area where Chang'an is located in the capital, [2] Li Shi Ting Wei's literary death history, Zuo Yan Bian, Shi Yu Shi, Zhong Fu, Zuo Nei Shi. In the first year of Yuanfeng (110 BC), he was promoted to the position of imperial doctor and participated in the Fengchan of Mount Tai. In the first year of the Taichu era (104 BC), Sima Qian, Gongsun Qing and Hu Sui jointly calculated and formulated the Taichu Calendar. [4] He died in the second year of the first lunar month (103 years ago). [5 ]
During his tenure, Ni Kuan initiated the construction of the Liufu Canal on the south bank of the upper reaches of the Zhengguo Canal, which promoted the agricultural development in the Guanzhong area; [2] He governed government affairs with Confucianism, vigorously promoted persuading farmers, suspending punishment, managing prisons and lawsuits, sympathizing with the people, "the task is to win people's hearts", so that "officials and people have great faith and love". The Taichu Calendar, which participated in the compilation of, for the first time incorporated the 24 solar terms into the calendar, is a calendar implemented from the first year of Taichu (104 BC) of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to the second year of Emperor Zhang of the Eastern Han Dynasty (85 BC). It is also the first relatively complete calendar in Chinese history and the first major reform in the history of the calendar. [4]
Western Han Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
a great feudatory
Date of death
First 103 years
Key achievements
Proficient in classics and calendar
Main works
Taichu Calendar
True name
Ni Kuan
Official position
imperial censor

brief account of the author's life

Ni wide image
Ni Kuan was smart and eager to learn when he was young, but his family was poor and could not afford to go to school. He was there Junguo School The kitchen helps to cook, so as to get a chance to learn. He is often employed as a temporary worker. Whenever he went to work in the field, he always hung the scriptures on the hoe, read them carefully and studied them carefully when he rested. This is what people praise“ Hoe with sutra ”The story of. Thanks to his diligence and inquisitiveness, he was awarded the title of the famous scholar of the Western Han Dynasty《 Shangshu 》The Founder of Ouyang Studies Ouyangsheng It is handed down from person to person. Later, he was also benefited from Confucius Descendants, Doctor of Confucian Classics of Western Han Dynasty Kong Anguo Therefore, he had profound attainments in the study of Confucian classics, especially in the study of Shangshu system of political zoning He was selected as a doctor.
Later, Ni Kuan passed the oral defense exam (i.e. shooting strategy) and mastered Ritual music system Du's "anecdotes" (official name). Soon“ a military rank Literary death history "(an official who assists Ting Wei in writing). At this time, Zhang Tang Ting Wei is in charge of prison. Zhang Tang's criminal law is cruel and has always been A cruel official It is said that the people used are those who are good at using strict laws to torture. Ni Kuan was gentle, honest, good at literature, and not good at using force. Therefore, he was sent to the Northern Territory to manage livestock for several years in the name of not being familiar with the criminal law in the Tingwei Mansion. Because of his hard work, cattle and sheep are very popular. When he returned to the Tingwei Mansion to send the return materials (livestock books), the Zhengzheng Tingwei Mansion had a pending case, and several reports were filed, all of which were Martial Emperor reject. The person who was in charge of the newspaper presentation was very frightened and didn't know what to do. When Ni Kuan knew it, he wrote a new memorial for him. After writing, I read it to everyone, and they all admired it. Someone told it Zhang Tang Zhang Tang was so surprised that he summoned Ni Kuan to talk in person and was very surprised at his talent. After the memorial written by Ni Kuan was sent, it was immediately approved by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The next day, Zhang Tang saw Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked, "This memorial is not written by ordinary officials. Who wrote it?" Zhang Tang said, "It was written by Ni Kuan." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said, "I have heard of this man for a long time." So Zhang Tang promoted Ni Kuan to Zuan (yin yin) and Du à n (yin yu à n) (secretary who specially drafted the memorial). Ni Kuan is in a military rank The government persuaded Zhang Tang and the officials of Ting Wei's government to learn the Confucian classics《 Yao Dian 》、《 Shundian 》He has made outstanding achievements in governing the prison proceedings by applying the doctrine of "The Doctrine of Justice", which is highly valued by Zhang Tang.
Martial Emperor Yuanshou Three years (120 BC), Zhang Tang made imperial censor , Ni Kuan is recommended as To serve as an official And master the right to picket and recommend officials. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty summoned Ni Kuan and asked him to talk about "Confucian classics". Ni Kuan quoted scriptures and used them to explain the Yao Code and Shun Code in Shangshu very incisively and thoroughly. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Dayue, promoted him to be a Chinese doctor and was in charge of the court's discussions.
In the fourth year of Yuanding (113 BC), Ni Kuanqian was promoted to the post of "Zuo Neishi". Zuo Neishi, equivalent to later Jing Zhaoyin , responsible for governing the civil affairs in the Guanzhong area where Chang'an is located in the capital. During his tenure, Ni Kuan educated the people with Confucian morality, took measures to reward agriculture, suspend punishment, re clean up the prison proceedings, selected kind-hearted people, observed the people's conditions, and did things in a factual and realistic manner. Therefore, it has won the support of the people in Guanzhong area. Guanzhong area, built in the Qin Dynasty Zhengguo Canal The farmers on both sides of the Taiwan Straits benefited from irrigation. The land was fertile and the land tax was the first class, which was one of the important sources of taxes in the Han Dynasty. Ni Kuan learned that the Gaomao farmland on the south bank of the upper reaches of the Zhengguo Canal is still dry for ten years. In the early years of the Han Dynasty, there were still some people who were short of food and clothing. Ni Kuan Initiates Digging Liufu Canal With the consent of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Ni Kuan recruited migrant workers and built six canals on the Zhengguo Canal, known as the "Six Auxiliary Canals" in history, which irrigated the high and prime land on both sides of the river. The original Zhengguo Canal has played a greater role. In order to avoid disputes, use water reasonably, and give consideration to both upstream and downstream, a "water order" has been formulated and issued to make people use water according to the order, and ensure peace between upstream and downstream. Soon, the Guanzhong region witnessed a bumper agricultural harvest and economic prosperity. Ni Kuan was concerned about the sufferings of the people. When collecting the rent tax, he made appropriate adjustments to some areas and farmers with different wealth and poverty. Some poor and weak households and those who could not pay in time for some reasons could be delayed and exempted, so the tax collection speed was slow. Later, the court ordered Zuo Neishi to levy taxes because of the emergency of military supplies. So, everyone drives cattle and sets cars, and small families carry loads on their backs and pay for food People and vehicles continuous. As a result, the tax task has not lagged behind, but has become the fastest and best one. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was even more surprised by Ni Kuan's talent.
Yuanfeng In the first year (110 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty granted Ni Kuan the title of imperial censor , follow Emperor Wu on his east tour Mount Tai , held Fengchan grand ceremony. Ni Kuan, the leader of the company, held the ceremony of offering sacrifices. Before that, liang State Minister Chu Da master Five meridians , for Doctor Wujing When, Ni width is Doctor Disciple , ranking below Chu Da. The post of posthumous official was vacant, and Emperor Wu summoned Chu Da to Beijing. There was no doubt that Chu Da thought he was an imperial doctor. When I arrived in Luoyang, I heard that Ni Kuan had become an imperial doctor, but I was not convinced. I thought Emperor Wu was using someone other than him. When it came to Chang'an, they discussed with Ni Kuan about patrolling hunting and offering sacrifices in front of the Emperor Wu. Seeing that Ni Kuan quoted scriptures, answered fluently, and was impeccable, they knew that the Emperor Wu knew people well, and that Ni Kuan could really surpass himself.
Chu Suiliang's book Ni Kuan Zan (part)
In the early years of the Han Dynasty, Outline Dajidu is a start-up. The calendar is still the same as that issued by the Qin Dynasty. There are many mistakes in the construction of new moon, full moon and full moon. Yuanfeng In the sixth year, the Chinese doctor Gongsun Qing Kettle piece Taishiling Sima Qian It is suggested that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty revise the calendar Zhengshuo ”。 Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty accepted the suggestion and ordered Ni Kuan to preside over the revision of the calendar. Ni Kuan summoned more than 20 people, including Gongsun Qing, Hu Sui, Sima Qian, and necromancer Deng Ping Luoxia Hong And others worked out a new calendar, namely《 Primordial calendar 》。 This calendar has made great progress compared with the Zhuanxu calendar issued by the Qin Dynasty. It was the most precise calendar at that time. It is assumed that the first regression year is 365.3851539, and January is 29.4381. Zhuan Xu Calendar October is the first year of the year. Primordial calendar 》The first month of the year is January (the first month, the month of Jianyin). hold twenty-four solar terms A calendar has been inserted. Take the months without moderate atmosphere as leap months, and set seven leap months in the 19th year. Primordial calendar It's called Summer Calendar Or the lunar calendar. Implemented since the first year of the Western Han Dynasty (104 BC), it has been continuously used after continuous improvement.
Ni Kuanzuo imperial censor In the eighth year of his reign, he died of illness in the second year of Taichu (103 BC) and was buried in Qiancheng (now Shandong Guangrao County )。 His works include nine in Ni Kuan and two in Ni Kuan Fu《 Chant 》Etc, All have loss.

Historical records

Ni Kuan, a thousand people. [1] To govern the Book of History Ouyangsheng Doctor selected by the prefecture and country Kong Anguo Poor people have no use for them, and they are fed by all their disciples. Current rental, Hoe with sutra , rest and recite frequently, and their essence is like this. Take shooting tactics as an anecdote, and make up a military rank History of literature.
Statue of Ni Kuan
He is gentle and lenient. He is honest and knows his own will. He is good at literature. However, he is cowardly in martial arts. His mouth can't invent. Hour Zhang Tang As a Ting Wei, the Ting Wei's office is full of officials of literature, history and law, and is lenient with Confucian scholars. It is said that they are not accustomed to doing things and do not appoint Cao, except for From history , the northern part depends on the number of livestock years. Return to the mansion, go to the livestock book, meet a military rank When there are doubts, we have already seen each other again, and the history of the business is unknown. To be lenient is to say what it means, and to be lenient is to play the history of the business. When you finish reading, you will be satisfied with Bai Tingwei's soup. Tang was shocked and called for leniency and language, which was a marvel of his material. The music played by Shang Kuan is immediately available. See you tomorrow. Asked, "The prelude is beyond the reach of ordinary officials. Who is it?" Tang Yanerkuan. He said, "I have heard it for a long time." Rural studies , using width as the marker, In ancient times It is very important to challenge the law and justice. And soup imperial censor , width as the rubber To serve as an official See the above, the study of language classics, and the above, from the "Book of History". He was promoted to be a Chinese doctor and moved to Zuo Neishi.
as well as Governing the people To persuade agriculture, suspend punishment, manage prison proceedings, and humble corporal, it is important to win people's hearts; Select and use benevolent and generous people, promote feelings and lower levels, do not seek fame, and officials and people have great faith and love. Wide meter playing Liufu Canal Water is set to irrigate fields. Tax collection is narrow and generous at times. It is fake loan with the people, so rent is too much to enter. Later, there was a military dispatch. Zuo Neishi rented the hall of classes, which should be exempted. When people hear of it, they should avoid it. They are afraid of losing it Ox cart The small family is responsible for the loss of rent, and the class is the most important. From here, the more wide.
As for the discussion on the idea of releasing the ancient hunting tour and offering sacrifices, more than 50 Confucians were not sure. First, Sima Xiangru When he died of illness, there was a posthumous note, praising merit and virtue, and saying auspicious words, which was enough to seal Mount Tai. He wrote a wonderful book to ask for leniency and said, "Your majesty sends out the holy virtues, organizes the group, worships the heaven and earth, recommends hundreds of gods, and lives in the spirit of his hometown. Signs must be reported, heaven and earth should be combined, and auspicious signs should be revealed. He sealed Mount Tai, Zen Beam parent , whose surname is Kaorui, is also the most popular festival of the emperor. However, enjoying the meaning of recommendation is not based on scriptures, and it is regarded as a Zen Completion It can be dispelled by the gods of heaven and earth, and only Jiejing can pick up the gods. The position of the general hundred officials is called as a matter of fact. Made by the Holy Lord When This is not a list of monarchs and ministers. The commander will take great action and travel for several years, so that the officials will commit suicide and will never succeed. Only the Son of Heaven builds a neutral pole and a coherent whole. The sound of gold and the sound of jade shake it up, so as to smooth the formation of Tianqing and lay the foundation for all ages. " The highest nature is to make the instrument by oneself, and adopt Confucianism to write.
Once completed, we will use things and worship leniency imperial censor , from Mount Tai in the east, still climb Mingtang Kuan Shangshou said: Relative cause His Majesty is indignant, pointing to heaven and earth, and his ancestors Mingtang Piyong , Zongsi Taiyi, Six laws Five voices are used to praise the holy meaning, and the divine music is in four directions. Each has a square image, and Cheng Jia is used to worship. It is good for the world. Announce Jiandayuan Benrui another name for Taishan , open the gate to wait for the scenery. The worship of the Kuihai Clan, and the daily propaganda of light; Shangyuan Jiazi And enjoy forever. It is full of brightness, and the sky is bright. When you see an elephant, the sun is shining, and the falling sign is responding. The minister offered the wine cup and worshipped again, so that he could live for thousands of years. " The system said, "The wine cup for the king".
Order of the Empress Dowager Sima Qian As the saying goes: "The calendar is broken, and the Han Dynasty has not changed from the Zhengshuo, so it is better to be right." The imperial edict was extended and the relocation of officials jointly determined the Han Dynasty《 Primordial calendar 》。 Language in《 Legal chronicle 》。
At the beginning, Liang Xiangchu Datong was a doctor and Shi Kuan was a disciple of the Five Classics. and imperial censor In the absence of Chu Da, he thought that he would be the imperial official. In Luoyang, Chu laughed when he heard Er Kuan. At that time, Kuan Yi and Kuan Yi were unable to get ahead of him. He retired and said, "We are honest and know people." Kuan was an imperial official who was satisfied with his position, so he had no advice for a long time, and the official was changed. He is nine years old and serves as an official.


Ni Kuan's Tomb
Ni Kuan's Tomb is located in Shandong Province Guangrao County Le'an Street Tianwang Village is about 500 meters south, facing the "Tomb Head Ouyang Tombs" in the south. The tomb is Masonry structure , Existing Soil sealing It is about 3 meters high, 40 meters in diameter, and covers an area of more than 1200 square meters. In the past, the cemetery had towering ancient trees and quiet scenery. The old chronicles were listed as one of the eight major scenic spots in Guangrao, and it has the metaphor of "Ni Tomb and Autumn Smoke". Ni Kuan's Tomb was announced as a provincial priority in October 1976 Cultural relics protection unit