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Julian year

A unit of measurement for time in astronomy
Julian year (symbol: a) is a time measurement in astronomy Unit of measurement , the value defined is 365.25 days, and every day is International unit 86400 seconds, totaling 31557600 seconds. This value was used in the early Western society Julian calendar The average length of middle age and the name of this unit. However, because the Julian year is only a unit for measuring time and is not specific to a specific date, it is not associated with the Julian calendar or any other calendar, nor with the definition of many other forms of years. [1]
Chinese name
Julian year
Foreign name
Julian year
astronomy Medium measurement time Of Unit of measurement
Define values
three hundred and sixty-five point two five day
31557600 seconds


The Julian year is neither the basic unit of measurement nor the International System of Units (SI) Recognized unit. however, astronomer And other scientists use it to facilitate the measurement of long periods of time as day Express time units that are awkward and inconvenient. Because Julian year is the accumulation of days, it can be misunderstood when used. No wonder most people regard it as a year. For example, Pluto Its orbital period is 248 Julian years (248a), which is easier to express than 90590 days. For this reason, International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Julian year is defined Distance measurement Company Light year The foundation of.
Julian year
One hundred Julian years (36525 days) are called Julian century One thousand Julian years (365250 days) are called the Julian millennium. This unit is used to calculate the solar system Calendar [2]


The epoch is a specific moment in astronomy. For practical reasons, a new epoch standard will be selected every 50 years.
The epoch standard is Julian calendar Yuan J2000.0. Its correct moment is TT Gregorian calendar (Not the Julian calendar) 12:00 on January 1, 2000 (very close Greenwich Midday , but not exactly). In the name J It means that other epochs before or after the Julian year are all 365.25 days apart. For example, the time interval of the future epoch J2100.0 is 36525 days from J200.0( Julian century )January 1, 2100 (the date is still the same because Gree The number of days in the 2000-2100 century is the same as that in the Julian century).
Because Julian won't Gregorian calendar The length of a year is the same, and the astronomical epoch will be different from the date of the Gregorian calendar hundreds of years later.
Newton (from 1642-12-25 to 1727-3-20 in the Julian calendar)
The positions and events of celestial bodies measured from the Earth will change over time. Therefore, when measuring or predicting the position of celestial bodies, it is necessary to assign and designate the appropriate epoch. [2]

Characteristics of the Julian Calendar

Julian year is the same time interval, not changing in the long history Julian calendar Confusion. The Julian year in astronomy has never been numbered. Astronomers also follow the resolution of the Calendar Congress as all over the world: on October 15, 1582 Gregorian calendar After being introduced, the Gregorian calendar was adopted (or later due to different countries and regions), while the Julian calendar was used before. [3]

Characteristics of Julian Day

Julian year should not be used in astronomy Julian Day (There is also Julian Day or JDN) confusion. Although the names are very similar, there is little connection between the two books. Julian Day Is specified from, called Starting epoch The number of (cumulative) integer days since the reference date of. Julian day is a single day count that does not refer to the day, month or year in any calendar. It is special that only days and time under decimal system are counted.