Fourier's law

The law of thermodynamics proposed by French Fourier in 1822
zero Useful+1
Fourier's law is a famous French scientist Fourier An article proposed in 1822 Thermodynamic law This law refers to the amount of heat conduction per unit time through a given section in the process of heat conduction, Proportional The sum of temperature change rate and Cross-sectional area , and Heat transfer And the direction of temperature rise is opposite. [1]
Chinese name
Fourier's law
Foreign name
Fourier's Law
Heat conduction law
Fourier, a famous French scientist
Proposed time
Applicable occasions
Thermal conduction process of objects
Overall form and difference form

Introduction to Laws

The law of heat conduction, also known as Fourier's law, indicates the heat passing through a given section in unit time, Positive proportion The sum of temperature change rate and Cross-sectional area , and Heat transfer And the direction of temperature rise is opposite. We can express this law in two equivalent forms: the overall form and Difference Form.
Newtonian Cooling law Is a discrete generalization of Fourier's law, and Ohm's law Is an electrical generalization of Fourier's law. [2]

heat conduction

In solid heat conduction Is derived from Lattice vibration Atomic activity in form( phonon )。 Modern views put this Energy transmission It is caused by lattice wave caused by atomic motion. stay Nonconductive The energy transmission only depends on the lattice wave; In conductors (such as silver and iron), besides lattice waves free electron Of Translational motion The physical quantity used to measure the thermal conductivity of different objects is Thermal conductivity
(W·m -1 ·K -1 )。

mathematical expression

Fourier's Law
[English]: Fourier's Law
Fourier's law is Heat transfer A basic law of Fourier It was proposed in 1822. [3]
Text expression of Fourier's law: in the phenomenon of heat conduction, the heat passing through a given section in unit time, Positive proportion The sum of temperature change rate and Cross-sectional area The direction of heat transfer is opposite to the direction of temperature rise.
Fourier's Law Heat flux J T The expression is as follows:
It can be used to calculate the heat conduction. Wherein, heat flow density J T (W·m -2 )Is on the unit area perpendicular to the transmission direction x Directional Heat transfer rate It is different from the temperature gradient d T /d x Is proportional. Proportional constant κ Is a transport characteristic called Thermal conductivity (also known as thermal conductivity ), the unit is (W · m -1 ·K -1 )。 It can also be expressed as follows:
Where d Q /d t ( Q Previous point) is Thermal conduction rate (or recorded as I T ), in W
Fourier's law
A Is the heat transfer area, in m two
T Is the temperature, in K
x Is the coordinate on the heat conduction surface, in m
Mathematics in general form expression
Where: J T Is on r The heat flux in the direction perpendicular to the isothermal surface. The heat flux is a vector, which can also be decomposed into several components.
In the above formula minus sign It indicates that the heat transfer direction is opposite to the temperature gradient direction. [4]
[Physical analogy] The thermal conductivity and heat flux in heat can be compared to the conductivity and current density in electricity J = σE remember E T =d T /d x Is the temperature field intensity, then the heat flux can be written as J T =- κE T If the temperature difference of Inverse number T Recorded as temperature pressure difference Δ U T , then Δ can be deduced U T = R T I T , which is called heat Ohm's law among I T Is the thermal conductivity rate (see the above formula), R T Represents thermal resistance, which can be deduced R T = ρ T L / A , which is called Law of thermal resistance , where ρ T =1/ κ Is the thermal resistance. The thermal resistance is also similar to the resistance parallel connection Rules. [5]

Key points

Fourier's law is heat conduction The foundation of. It is not First law of thermodynamics Derived Mathematics expression , but a summary based on the experimental results, which is a Empirical formula At the same time, Fourier's law is a key physical property to define materials, Thermal conductivity An expression of.
In addition, as mentioned above, Fourier's law is a vector expression. Heat flux Is perpendicular to Isothermal surface And along the direction of temperature decrease. Fourier's law applies to all substances, regardless of their state (solid, liquid or gas).

Functional significance

Application of heat and mass movement and transfer
Heat energy (particles) possessed by matter Random movement Kinetic energy) is matter Energy form One is that it corresponds to the thermal mass of matter and can be regarded as the mass of pyron gas. In the process of heat conduction of objects Heat transport It corresponds to the transport of thermal mass (hot gas mass). Different from convective transport, heat and mass transport belongs to molecular transport or diffusion transport. It can use the macroscopic velocity of hot gas( Drift velocity )To describe.
Descriptive mechanical movement , we need to have Mass of object Movement speed and acceleration etc. physical quantity as well as Newton's law of motion Similarly, in order to describe and study the macro motion of the hot gas, it is necessary to establish physical quantities such as the velocity and acceleration of the hot gas motion. In order to determine the thermionic gas motion state The change of and the non-equilibrium applied on the hot gas Force We need to establish the relationship between heat and mass Law of motion
Fourier's law of heat conduction refers to that Temperature field The heat flux density of each point and its temperature gradient The direction is opposite, and the quantity is proportional Scale factor by thermal conductivity
Fourier's law of heat conduction Physical meaning It is generally understood as: temperature gradient yes drive Heat flux Is the driven heat flow. stay Thermodynamics of irreversible processes The former is called Thermodynamic knowledge , which is called thermodynamics Same flow. In relation to Transport phenomenon Fourier's heat conduction law and Newton's law of viscosity Analogy. Newton's law of viscosity describes fluid Constitutive relation Fourier heat conduction law describes the relationship between flow and temperature gradient.
We are based on Fourier's law and neglect inertia force Thermionic gas conservation equation , the above thermionic gas is obtained Viscous force Expression for. At the same time, it can be seen from the formula that the Fourier heat conduction law reflects the pressure and viscosity of the hot gas Force balance , is thermionic gas momentum equation An approximation that ignores inertial forces.
It is found that the Fourier heat conduction law essentially ignores the heat carrier gas under the condition of inertial force Pressure gradient Viscous equilibrium equation When the inertia force can be neglected, the momentum conservation equation of the hot gas degenerates into the Fourier heat conduction law. At extremely low temperature or extremely high heat flux, Fourier heat conduction law is no longer applicable.