Fourier's eye

Famous General of Northern Wei Dynasty
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Fu Hanyan (460-529), Beiqiu County, Qinghe County (today's Shandong Province Zibo City Zichuan District )People. Northern Wei Dynasty Famous general, Southern Song Dynasty Famous general Fu Lingyue Son of.
Fu Jiaoyan is resolute and heroic, and seldom has the style of his father. General Zhennan Wang Su He was led to join the army. He was tired from the expedition and made many achievements in the war. He was moved slightly to Shizhong, Infantry Colonel and General Zuo Zhonglang. The Di uprisings in Wuxing and Bajun were put down successively, and Emperor Wu of Liang was defeated Xiao Yan Attack. Tired officials, regular attendants, champion generals, governor of Liangzhou, and the son of Wuqiang County.
Yong'an He died of illness two years ago (529) at the age of 70. He gave free riding attendants, riding generals, Situ Gong, and Xiangzhou Governor as gifts. [1]
True name
Fourier's eye
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Beiqiu County, Qinghe County (Zichuan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province today)
date of birth
460 years
Date of death
Key achievements
Put an end to the Di uprising in Wuxing and Bajun and repel Nanliang



Investment effectiveness

Fu Hanyan, General of the Southern Song Dynasty Fu Lingyue Son of. He is resolute and heroic, and has his father's style since he was young. After Fu turned his eyes to the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Northern Wei Dynasty Zhennan General Wang Su He felt that he was very strange, and admired his father Fu Lingyue's integrity. He sincerely saluted him. The above table asked Fu Jiaoyan to be appointed to join the army. Fu Jiaoyan followed Wang Su in the expedition, and he had a lot of war achievements. He was moved slightly to the middle of the war, the infantryman, the lieutenant, and the general Zuo Zhonglang. Fu Jiaoyan often marched from east to west as the commander of the army. During the reign of Emperor Xuanwu, Fu Liaoyan was a Jianwu general, defeated the rebels in Yangzhou, and then guarded Hefei. Thousands of households in Nanliang were obedient to Fu Liaoyan.

Put down the rebellion of the Di

later Wuxing Yang Jiyi, the leader of the Di nationality, rebelled and elected his brother and son Yang Shaoxian Give priority to attack and encircle Guancheng Governor of Liangzhou Xing Luan Send Fu to fight. Yang Jiyi fought against the rebels. Fu Liaoyan fought repeatedly to defeat the rebels. Fu Liaoyan pursued the victory and conquered Wuxing. Back in Luoyang, the imperial court ordered Fu to raise his eyes and go to South Yanzhou. Yang Jingyan was good at pacifying the people, and most people in the Southern Dynasties were attached to him.

To pacify Yizhou

Fu Jiaoyan, General Zhuanzhaowu, Governor of Yizhou. At that time, Yizhou was initially established, and Ba Liao Similarly, the court allocated three hundred people to Fu Jingyan Yulin Huben, the champion general of Jin Fu Jingyan. wait until Gao Zhao In the war against Shu, Yang Zhiyan was appointed as the general of the conquest of the captives, and led the infantry 30000 to fight against Beiba first. When Emperor Xiao Yan heard about the Western Expedition of the Wei Army, he sent Ren Taihong, the governor of Ningzhou, to enter the northern border of Yizhou by way of Yinping, in order to disturb the Di Shu region and cut off the access road. Ren Taihong Rides the Northern Wei Dynasty National taboo (Emperor Xuanwu died) When the Wei army was in charge, they fanned the local people, attacked Dongluo and the two garrisons, and then pretended that the Liang army was coming. The people of Di and Shu believed that they followed him in rebellion. Ren Taihong led thousands of Di Shu rebels to besiege the pass city, and Fu Liaoyan sent General Ningshuo, Cheng Xingsun, to attack. Cheng Xingsun marched to Baihu, and Ren Taihong sent his assistant general Ren Shuobei and others to lead a thousand people to occupy the dangerous terrain and set up three military camps in the south mountain of Hujing to resist the Wei army. Cheng Xingsun dispatched various generals to fight against the rebels according to the situation. Ren Taihong sent the army leader Bian Zhao and others to lead three thousand rebellious people in Di Shu to attack the camp gate of Cheng Xingsun. Cheng Xing Sun Li fought and died in the middle. Fu Liaoyan also sent Jiang Xi and Ji Yuandu, the uniformed troops, to invade from Dongdang secretly, return to Xigang, attack the rear of the rebels, attack them in front and behind, smash the rebels, and kill Bian Zhao and Wang Longhu, the front of Ren Taihong. As a result, Ren Taihong and the five gates of Guancheng collapsed and fled.

Be good at appeasing

Fu was upright and honest, and did not operate any industry. In addition to the necessary food and clothing consumption, salaries, millet and silk were given to the barbarian leaders to relieve the soldiers. Use grace and credit to appease the people in Sichuan, protect the territory and the people, and even small profits will not be invaded. Some Shu people were taken into Wei and sent home. Fu Liaoyan strictly commands his subordinates, To guard the slaughter They are all serious and cautious. All the people from far and near came to pay homage to Fu Jingyan and admire his moral character. They all wanted to be the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Therefore, the people of Shu continued to join the army one after another for ten months, and Emperor Xuanwu highly praised Fu Eryan. At the beginning of Emperor Xiaoming, Fu Jiaoyan repeatedly asked to be removed from the post of governor of Yizhou, so the court Yuan Dharma Monk Instead of Fu's eye. The people of Yizhou followed Fu with tears for hundreds of miles. When Fu was in Luoyang, he paid homage to the General Zheng Lu and the Taizhong doctor. Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty sent general Zhao Zuyue to garrison in Xiashi to approach Shouchun. Zhennan General of the Northern Wei Dynasty Cui Liang The crusade against Zhao Zuyue took Fu Jingyan as the leader of the Southern Army.

Belligerent Nanliang

After the Yuan Dharma Monk took office in Yizhou, he lost people's hearts. Emperor Liangwu sent General Xinwu and Governor of Hengzhou Zhang Qi , when the people in Sichuan were dissatisfied with the monks of the Yuan Dynasty, they invaded and captured Jinshou Jia Meng With small swords, we garrison Yizhou City. The court was worried about the situation in Yizhou, so travel speedily from post to post along a designated route Go to Huainan to recruit Fu Eryan. After Fu Jiaoyan returned to court, he was appointed as the Right General and the Governor of Yizhou. Soon, he was joined by General Sanqi, General Pingxi, Fake General Anxi, and Governor of the Western Expedition, leading three thousand steps to fight against Zhang Qi. The court gave Fu Jiaoyan more than a thousand bronze seals. If he had to be appointed, Fu Jiaoyan was allowed to appoint officials below the sixth grade. Fu Xiangyan led the army to Liangzhou. Emperor Wu of Liang sent more than ten generals, including the champion general Gou Daoshi and Liang Zhou's governor Wang Taihong, to fight against Fu Xiangyan. In three days, Fu Jingyan fought for more than 200 li, and won nine battles without losing his armor. Xi Guangdu and others of the Tumin Tongjun stopped attacks everywhere on the way of Fu Jiaoyan's march, and the Wei army killed Wang Taihong and Yang Fuxi, the general of Nanliang's conquest. Zhang Qi leads his army to retreat westward and rush to Jia Meng When people in Shu heard that Fu Jingyan was re appointed as governor, everyone was happy. Every day, hundreds of people greeted Fu Jingyan's army on the road. Fu Eryan arrives in Yizhou, east of Baishui, and the people return to work in peace.
At that time, Yang Xingyi, the general of Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty, and the military officers of Dustong Baishui, rose up, and Li Guangzong, the general of conscription, attacked and occupied the old city of Baishui. Fu Jingyan sends Hu Wei General Qiang Qiu and Yin Ping Wang Yang Taichi Led thousands of people to cross Baishui at night, fought at dawn, defeated Liang's army, killed Yang Xingxing, and recovered the old city of Baishui. Fu Haiyan also sent Fu Tanbiao and others to defeat General Wang Guangzhao of Nanliang Ningshuo in Yinping. Zhang Qi occupied Baishuitun and invaded Jiameng. Fu raised his eyes and sent the generals to discuss. Zhang Qi sent his Ningshuo general, Fei Xin, to fight the Wei army on two thousand steps. Chen Hong, the leader of the Wei army, fought hard to break through the Liang army. The Wei army pursued the victory and then marched to Jiagu Sanjie. The Wei army unifies the army Hu Xiaohu The Liang army barracks were attacked on all sides, and all three of them collapsed. Zhang Qi led more than 20000 brave men to fight with the Wei army. Fu raised his eyes and ordered all generals to fight at the same time. Xu Chang, the leader of the Wei army, killed Mou Xingzu, the general of Xiongxin in the Southern Liang Dynasty. Kong led Zhou, the leader of the Wei army, to shoot Zhang Qi's horse, so that the Liang army was smashed and the Wei army gained many. Zhang Qi then set up camp at the foot of Hutou Mountain, and Liang Jun appointed Lingchong to garrison Xijun. Fu Liaoyan sent an army to fight again, and Ren Lingchong abandoned the army and fled overnight. So Fu raised his eyes to challenge Zhang Qi, broke through Zhang Qi's two barracks, and killed more than ten thousand Liang soldiers. Zhang Qi was seriously injured and fled. Liang's troops who occupied Xiaojian and Dajian abandoned the city and fled to the west. Yizhou was pacified. Empress Dowager Hu sent a letter of condolence to Fu Jingyan and bestowed it on him Hua Liu A horse and a sword.

Regret to die

Fu Jiaoyan asked to be removed from the post of governor of Yizhou, which was not allowed by the court. Fu Jiaoyan turned to General Anxi and the governor of Qizhou, and served as usual. Then he turned to the governor of Liangzhou, and served as a general. The people of Liangzhou were congratulated when they learned that Fu was the state shepherd.
Fu Jingshao, the son of Fu Jingshao, who was dangerous and cruel but did not speak of virtue, amassed wealth and indulged in women, and became a public nuisance. People from far and near resented Fu Jingshao. Soon the court appointed Fu Liaoyan as the general of Zhenjun and the governor of Liangxi Yiba. Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty sent his ten armies, including Shi Xixueru, the governor of North Liang Prefecture, Sima Yuhe, and Jiang Pingluo, the governor of Shangyong, to attack Zhicheng with 30000 troops. Fu Jingshao sent Fu Jingshao to lead the army against Liang's army. Fu Jingshao quickly marched into Zhicheng, and Liang's army occupied Zhikou. Fu Jingshao cut off his way back because of the Liang army. Gao Che, the governor and commander of the army, Wu He, and others fought against the Liang army, broke through the Liang army, captured and killed more than 3000 people, and Xi Xiuru and others returned to Weixing.
Fu Jingshao read more books and had a little courage and boldness, but he was extravagant and unrestrained, killing people. Fu Jingshao saw that there were many things in the world, so he harbored a conspiracy to put an end to the separatist regime Nanzheng Fu Jingshao ordered his concubine's elder brother Tang Jielun to incite the people outside the city and lead them to besiege the city and make trouble. Fu Jingshao acted as an internal agent. Later, after Tang Jielun incited the people outside the city to encircle the state city, Fu Jingshao's plot was revealed. The guards in the city arrested Fu Jingshao, reported to Fu Jingshao and killed him.
Fu Haiyan felt ashamed and resentful for his son Fu Jingshao's trouble, which led to his illness and death. In Yong'an, the court presented Fu with the gift of raising his eyes to fight against the East General, the minister of the Ministry of Officials, and the governor of Qi State. At the beginning of the reign of Emperor Xiaowu, he re presented Fu Eryan, a casual cavalry, a chariot riding general, Situ Sangong, and a governor of Xiangzhou.

Historical records

Wei Shu ·Volume 70 · Biography No. 58 [2]
Northern History ·Volume 45: Biography 33 [1]

Family members


Seventh Patriarch

Fu Xuan.

Sixth ancestor

Fu Gou , Later Zhao Shi, Ren Stone tiger Of Too often


Fu Rong , moving south across the river and settling down in Panyang.


Fu Lingqing, Liu Song Wang Xuanmo During the Northern Expedition, he fled for fear of guilt due to defeat and was Xiao Bin Killed.
Fu Linggen and Fu Ling were killed when they returned to Liu Song in Vietnam.


Fu Lingyue , because his elder brother Fu Lingqing fled and was killed for fear of being implicated, he defected to the Northern Wei Dynasty, and later returned to the Song Dynasty to become the Taiyuan Prefecture Chief.


Fu Jinghe Good wine is good. Li Qingzhou Zhen Yuan Fu Chang Shi. During the reign of Emperor Xiaozhuang, he was restored as the governor of Yizhou.
Fu Jingzhong, good wine is not good.
Fu Jingshao was killed in a riot. [2]