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Fu Donghua

Former professor of Chinese Department of Fudan University
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Fu Donghua (April 21, 1893 to September 9, 1971 [3] ), his surname is Huang, his adoptive uncle, his surname is Fu, his pseudonym is Wu Shi, Guo Dingyi, Huang Yuezhai, Yue Zhai, Jinhua Caozhai Town Dahuang Village People.
In 1912, Shanghai Nanyang Public School graduated from the middle school. The next year, he joined Zhonghua Book Company as a translator and began to publish short stories. Since 1914 Dongyang Middle School, Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Minmin University, and Beijing Normal University teach English.
After the founding of New China, he served as a researcher of the Chinese Character Reform Commission, editor in chief of Zhonghua Book Company, and chief editor of Cihai's lexicology discipline. [1] As a translator, Fu Donghua is involved in many kinds of translation, such as Homer's Odyssey, Iliad and Milton "The Lost Orchestra", classic novels such as Don Quixote by Cervantes, literary theories such as Loriere's "History of Comparative Literature", Han De's "Introduction to Literature", popular novels such as Margaret Mitchell His interest in Gone with the Wind and Wenthor's Amber is so broad and his translation is so exquisite and advanced that people can't see the continuous mountains when facing such a brilliant translator. In terms of fairy tales alone, Fu Donghua was one of the first translators to introduce Methrink, Andersen and Gaidar. [2]
Chinese name
Fu Donghua
Wu Shi Guo Dingyi Huang Yuezhai
date of birth
April 21, 1893 [3]
Date of death
September 9, 1971 [3]

Character experience

In 1920, he joined the Literature Research Association in Beijing. Since then, in Shanghai University, Shanghai national university Teaching and translation. One term commercial press Compilers. Served in 1932 Fudan University Professor of Chinese Department.
July 1933, and Zheng Zhenduo The editor in chief of the large-scale monthly magazine Literature published by Life Bookstore commercial press Compiled 6 volumes of 3 sets of "Basic Junior High School Chinese", "Revival Junior High School Chinese", and "Revival Senior High School Chinese", and distributed them nationwide.
In the spring of 1935 Jinan University Professor of Chinese. In 1936, the Association of Literary and Artistic Artists was launched, calling on writers and artists to go to the national disaster together. August 13 Incident Later, he joined the Shanghai Cultural Salvation Association《 National Salvation Daily 》Editorial board member, participating in the translation of Snow《 Ramble on the westward journey 》。 After Shanghai was occupied by Japanese invaders《 Floating 》, "Karma", etc., edited and published a series of books "Lonely Island Leisure Books".
In the summer of 1942 Jinan University He invited his family to go to Jianyang, Fujian, and was captured by the Japanese invaders when passing through Jinhua, and was taken to the Japanese puppet enemy industrial headquarters in Hangzhou.
In September 1942, Fu Shi, a traitor, was released on bail, and Wang Fai, the editor in chief, published Southeast Monthly. The next year, he lived in seclusion in Shanghai and engaged in translation and language research.
Successive posts after the founding of the People's Republic of China Chinese Character Reform Commission Researcher, Zhonghua Book Company《 unabridged dictionary 》Edited and reviewed by the editorial office, member of the editorial committee of Cihai, and chief editor of the language discipline. yes Chinese Writers Association Member, specially invited member of Shanghai CPPCC. Participation《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》The punctuation book is proofread and annotated, and the punctuation Book of Han Dynasty, etc.

Anecdotes of characters


On the road of translation

Fu Donghua April 21, 1893 [3] He was born in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, and his surname was Huang. Later, he changed his surname to Fu because of his stepmother and uncle. The Huang Family has practiced medicine for generations. They often apply medicine to poor people without taking any money. They have a good reputation in Jinhua. Fu Donghua's father, Huang Erfeng, was in the city to teach children. He had two sons and one daughter, Xihua, the eldest son. Later, he and his cousin Huang Renwang went to Japan to study. Fu Donghua was the second son.
Fu Donghua was educated by his father in a private school when he was young. He has a solid foundation of Chinese culture. There is a bookseller next to his family. In private, Fu Donghua borrowed many embroidery novels from booksellers. When he grows up a little, his cousin Huang Renwang will become his idol. He will walk in the direction of his cousin. When he was young, Fu Donghua's family planning was more difficult than before. In his article "Father's New Year", he wrote: "From the time I can remember until the end of my childhood, every New Year's memory always has his father's image at the forefront. At the beginning of December, his father's face became serious; the accounts need to be cleared, the annual affairs need to be prepared, and everything has to be borne by his father alone. Sometimes, my father frowned. With their hands folded in their sleeves, they walked silently around the room all day long. We all knew that he was going through a difficult time, so the new year's happiness was cancelled by his father's sympathy. "
In 1911, Fu Donghua was admitted to the Middle School Department of Shanghai Nanyang Public School. After graduation, he was admitted to the Zhonghua Book Company as an intern in 1913 because his family could not support him for further education. Later, he became an editor because he was good at both Chinese and English. During this period, Fu Donghua was mainly engaged in editing and translating selected short stories in foreign language journals, such as White Feather Crown, Beauty Pill, and Golden Magic. Most of these translated novels were published in Chinese Fiction Circles.
In the autumn of 1916, "Chinese Fiction Circles" was closed. Fu Donghua left Zhonghua Book Company and returned to Jinhua to work as an English teacher in Dongyang County Middle School and Higher Normal School. In 1918, upon the introduction of Shao Piaoping, a classmate, Fu Donghua's translation of "Green Bird" was serialized in the Beijing News, and his joint translation of "Study of Poetry" with Jin Zhaozi was subsequently published in the Beijing News. Before long, Fu Donghua went to Beijing to teach English at the High School Affiliated to Minmin University and Beijing Normal University, but he was dismissed because of lack of academic ability. In 1920, Fu Donghua joined the "Literature Research Association". During this period, he wrote "Discussion on Europeanization of Language Style", "Forty Years of English Poetry", and "Commentary on Cervantes".
In 1923, Fu Donghua's Green Bird and Study of Poetry were published. The next year, he moved to Shanghai and taught in Shanghai University and Chinese public schools. Since then, he has worked as a compiler in the Commercial Press, and the translations of "Shen Qing Meng" and "Yuan Shi Lu" are from this period. In 1925, Fu Donghua transferred from Shanghai to Hangzhou and served as an English teacher in Hangzhou Liangzhe Salt Middle School. Fu Donghua was strict in teaching. He did not allow students to write Chinese characters in books and asked students to speak English in class. After teaching for a year and a half, he was invited to Fudan University and became a professor of the Chinese Department of Fudan University in 1929. While teaching, Fu Donghua translated western classical literature and popular literature while creating. [4]

Served as editor in chief of Literature

One day in 1933, Zheng Zhenduo, a teacher at Beijing Yanjing University, came to Shanghai to visit Mao Dun. When they talked about the depression of the Chinese literary world at present, Zheng Zhenduo said that there is a lack of a journal of his own that can be run for a long time. "Writers suffer from no place to publish their works". Mao Dun felt the same way. The two decided to re launch a large literary journal belonging to the left-wing literary world, so they chose Novel Monthly.
Fiction Monthly was founded in Shanghai in July 1910. It mainly publishes novels for creation and translation, as well as literary criticism and prose. He has made contributions to the promotion of new literature and the evaluation of world progressive literature. Lu Xun, Mao Dun and Ye Shengtao often publish their works in the Novel Monthly. In December 1930, after the war broke out in Shanghai, the newspaper office was bombed by the Japanese army, and Fiction Monthly was forced to stop publishing.
After careful discussion, Zheng Zhenduo and Mao Dun believed that on the basis of the Novel Monthly, they could set up a larger publication with creative content as the main content, advocating realism and attaching importance to criticism and translation, with a left-wing viewpoint, and the name of the publication could be changed to Literature. Both of them encountered difficulties in selecting the chief editor. Zheng Zhenduo asked Mao Dun to be the official. Mao Dun thought that he was not suitable and should find a person who would not let the official notice. Mao Dun wants Zheng Zhenduo to work as a writer. Zheng Zhenduo feels that he is not suitable to be in Shanghai, so he can help pull the script to do some practical work. They thought of Fu Donghua. After the selection, Mao Dun was worried because Fu Donghua had a better and more fixed job as a senior translator. I don't know whether he would like to work or not.
Zheng Zhenduo said that he would do the work. Two days later, Zheng Zhenduo told Mao Dun that Fu Donghua was willing to resign as the senior editor of the Commercial Press and come to be the chief editor. Now he has a set of Chinese textbooks for middle schools, which he cannot get away from. Mao Dun said that it was easy to do this. He asked people from the newly formed editorial board of Literature to help him. In this way, Fu Donghua became the chief editor of Literature Monthly.
After the launch of the monthly magazine Literature, it made a great success. Lu Xun's essay "On the Third Kind of People Again" was published in the first article in the comment column of the inaugural issue, and "On Jin Shengtan" was published in the essay column of the inaugural issue. Mao Dun, Ye Shengtao, Yu Dafu, Ba Jin, Zhang Tianyi, Ai Wu, Sha Ting, Wang Tongzhao, Zhu Ziqing, Xia Beggar Zun, Feng Zikai, Chen Wangdao, Lou Shiyi, Yu Pingbo and Zheng Zhenduo also published their works on the inaugural issue. As soon as it was published, "Literature" was favored by readers. Ten thousand copies of its first edition were sold out on the 5th. Later, it was reprinted several times, which was a miracle. [4]

Communication with Lu Xun

"Literature" was launched in one shot, which made Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Zheng Zhenduo and other colleagues very happy. Lu Xun devoted great enthusiasm to Literature. However, he never expected that an article in the second issue of Literature signed "Wu Shi" would disappoint him greatly.
The title of this article is "Hughes in China". Hughes was a black American writer who was known as the "central figure of the Harlem Renaissance" at that time. He was invited by the Soviet Union to shoot a documentary about black life. After that, the Soviet Union went to Shanghai via Japan, and was invited by the writers of the Left wing Federation to China to introduce the visit to the Soviet Union. The Leftist Federation invited Fu Donghua to preside. One is that Literature has just been founded, and the other is that Fu Donghua is the editor in chief of the journal.
This was originally a happy thing, but Fu Donghua wrote "Hughes in China" under the pseudonym of "Wu Shi". At the beginning, there was a paragraph:
Langston Hughes, an African American writer, arrived in China through Soviet Russia in early July. Compared with the momentum of George Bernard Shaw's arrival in China not long ago, it is really so-called "cannot be said in the same day"; Not only was there no welcome from the ladies on the dock, but also his name was not seen in the daily newspaper. The reason behind this is naturally simple: Xiao Weng is a celebrity, and he deserves to be entertained by our celebrities, and only his celebrities entertain celebrities, which gives Mr. Lu Xun and Dr. Mei Lanfang a chance to get together once in a thousand years. As for Hughes, not only is he not the celebrity in our eyes, but also he has a layer of scruples about his skin color!
This remark made Lu Xun very unhappy. He got angry and wrote a stern letter to Literature magazine that day:
I met Xiao (Bernard Shaw) once, and I have been laughed at and scolded by literary giants of all sizes until now... However, it was the host who invited me to go. I didn't receive any notice of the reception of Hughes this time. I don't know the time and address. How can I get there? Even if the invitation fails to arrive, there may be different reasons. It seems that a little investigation is necessary before the verbal and written criticism. Now I'm not blamed for not telling you, because I can't, I conclude that I despise the black race. The author believes it. Readers may also believe it if they don't know the truth, but I don't believe that I am such a despicable person!
It is common to slander and insult me, and I am not used to it. But that is a tabloid, an enemy. If you have a little insight, you will understand at a glance. And "Literature" is hung with a high sounding signboard. I am also one of my colleagues. Why make up evil deeds without reason and ridicule them so much? Is it possible that a despicable old man would dance on the literary stage to make the audience happy and vomit? I am confident that I can not play such a role, and I can also jump off this terrible stage from now on. No matter how insulting or taunting, there is no contradiction between them.
Lu Xun's anger and coldness towards peer publications overflowed in his words. After this happened, Fu Donghua, as the editor in chief, felt guilty because "Wu Shi" was his alias. The original meaning of his article did not satirize Lu Xun, but objectively it had such an effect, and he felt deeply remorse.
Fu Donghua specially sent Lu Xun's letter to members of the editorial board for circulation, and specifically asked Mao Dun for relevant handling measures. When it happened, Mao Dun was busy mourning in his hometown Wuzhen because of the death of his grandmother. Suddenly, after receiving a letter from Fu Donghua, he hurried back to Shanghai and drafted a reply letter to Lu Xun on behalf of the editorial board. It says:
Wu Shi is Fu Donghua. Using this pen name is not a cold arrow. He wrote this draft in a hurry on the eve of the deadline of the second issue of Literature, so that the opening remarks could not be explained clearly, and negligence was sincere. However, it was never malicious to your teacher. The editorial committee colleagues at this level are sure and hope you understand.
Mao Dun particularly stressed that "Fu Wenzhong's negligence has never been seen by the editorial board members, who share the crime of misconduct. Please be relieved. Give criticism from time to time, so that Literature in the public garden can progress day by day."
In addition to Mao Dun's explanation, the Editorial Committee of Literature also asked Mr. Zhou Jianren to apologize to Lu Xun for his explanation, and sent a special letter to Yu Dafu, who had close relations with Lu Xun, to come to Shanghai from Hangzhou to persuade him. "Literature" has a sincere attitude, and this is a misunderstanding, which Lu Xun did not investigate again.
When the monthly magazine Literature was surrounded by reactionary forces, Lu Xun, who had not written to Literature for many years, wrote again for the magazine. He submitted his translation of "Bamboo Rhythm in the Mountains" to Literature for publication. Later, there were essays published in Literature successively, such as "Remembering the Lord Wei Suyuan", "Essays after Illness", "Title Uncertain" Grass, and "Literary People Are Lighter", to show support.
Later, Fu Donghua resigned as the editor in chief of Literature magazine and became a professor of Chinese literature at Jinan University. He continued to engage in creation and translation after teaching. [4]

Translation and Introduction of Gone with the Wind to the Chinese World

Created by American writer Margaret Mitchell in the spring of 1938 Gone withthe Wind Once published, it was popular with readers. In the early summer of 1939, the film "Gone with the Wind" adapted from this won 10 Oscar awards at one stroke and became a classic card in film history.
When Gone with the Wind was released in Shanghai for more than 40 days, it opened an unprecedented record since the foreign film was shown. At the same time, the reprinted version of the book became a hit reading material, and some people even used it as an English textbook.
A few days before the film opened, a friend encouraged Fu Donghua to translate the book. At that time, Fu Donghua thought that a fashionable book might not necessarily be a good book, so he hesitated and stopped for nearly a month. When he read the content of the book and the film, he felt that Gone with the Wind was definitely not a fashionable novel with low taste - its popularity was not without reason, and it was indeed worth translating.
Coincidentally, when Guohua Compilation and Translation Service had just organized, when it heard that Fu Donghua intended to translate the book, it immediately sent a representative to contact him. As we met each other sincerely, we settled the matter in a few words.
In this way, Fu Donghua began to translate. The first thing he solved was the title problem. Gonewith the Wind originally meant that the hero's hometown had "gone with the wind". The original translation of the film was "Gone with the Wind". Fu Donghua thought that although this translation was appropriate, it was not like the title of the book. Later, it was changed to Gone with the Wind, which had to be used exclusively for the film. Therefore, he translated the title of the book into Gone with the Wind, which he felt was enough to express the meaning of the original name.
In the process of translation, Fu Donghua dealt with the question of what cultural traditions and language styles to use. Some people say that Mr. Fu Donghua's translation undoubtedly demonstrates the same fluency and naturalness in another language. Some people commented that Fu Donghua's translation of Gone with the Wind has both the beauty of the original text and the similarity of style. It has fascinating charm and has no astringency in the translation. It conforms to the habits of Chinese people, and comes from his deep love for Chinese language and literature, which is very infectious. Therefore, Gone with the Wind is still considered to have high research value.
With the outbreak of the war, Jinan University continued to move, and Fu Donghua also fled from exile. In May 1942, shortly after the outbreak of the Zhejiang Jiangxi Campaign, Fu Donghua was captured by the Japanese army. In September of the same year, Fu Shiyue (the nephew of Zhang Taiyan, who was once the governor of fake Zhejiang Province) was released on bail. Less than half a year later, Fu Donghua remained in seclusion in Shanghai and continued to engage in translation and language research.
After the liberation, Fu Donghua was appointed as a special member of the Shanghai Municipal CPPCC, editor of the Cihai editorial office of Zhonghua Book Company, chief editor of the language discipline, etc. He also participated in the work of punctuating Zizhi Tongjian and Hanshu. At this time, Fu Donghua mostly used the pseudonym of Huang Yuezhai. [4]

Character works


translation works

Translated by Fu Donghua
Translated into Spain Cervantes Don Quixote 》, UK John Milton Paradise Lost 》, Virtue comes to play "Miss Jenny", ancient Greece Homer Iliad 》Etc.
Fu Donghua's translation of Gone with the Wind has a profound influence on the first generation of Chinese readers. In today's view, his translation is flexible, natural and clear. However, Fu Donghua's random deletion of large sections of the original description of scenery and nature also made the translation lose much color. Nevertheless, Fu's translation still has high research value. The domestication translation in Fu Donghua's translation of Gone with the Wind includes the domestication of the names of people, places and institutions, as well as the placement of sentence elements such as attributes and adverbials, and the domestication of some prepositional phrases, - ing participle phrases and other structures. Domestication in Fu's translation can be theoretically supported by social semiotics, schema theory, and German functionalism.

Literary works

His monographs Li Bai and Du Fu, Li Qingzhao, Origin of Words, Sinology, Evolution of Modern Chinese; Collection of essays "Pecan Collection", etc.