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Azo group

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Azo group is a chromophore that can absorb visible light of certain wavelength.
Chinese name
Azo group
Foreign name
Azo group
Two Single bond Both with Alkyl group Of carbon Atomically linked - N=N - Group for example azobenzene C6H5—N=N—C6H5。
azo dye It has the most varieties and the widest application Synthetic dyes It can be used for coloring fiber, paper, ink, leather, plastic, color photographic materials and food. Some Azo compound It can be used in analytical chemistry Acid-base indicator and Metal indicator Some azo compounds are easy to decompose when heated, releasing nitrogen and generating free radicals, such as Azodiisobutyronitrile AIBN, etc.: so it can be used as polymerization The initiator of.
Many azo compounds have carcinogenic effects. For example, the "cream yellow" used to color margarine can induce liver cancer, which is now banned. Methyl red used as an indicator can cause bladder and Breast tumor