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[qīng xiàng xìng]
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Tendency refers to news organizations or News communication A person's position, opinion, interest, etc. about objective facts are reflected in the news, either explicitly or implicitly. Originating in the process of news communication, news communicators with different values, political attitudes, and cultural qualities will show completely different tendencies. News tendencies are most clearly shown in editorials or comments, and news reports and layout arrangements also express certain tendencies. When news arranges and expresses facts according to the internal logic and external relations of facts, it places intangible views and attitudes, showing a tendency. The layout arrangement expresses the tendency of news media managers by placing news or comments in different primary and secondary positions. Tendency also refers to the public opinion guidance formed by the reporting views and basic views of newspapers and other news media in a period of time. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
qīng xiàng xìng
Refers to the tendency to love and hate something, praise and disparage it




qīng xiàng xìng


① Writers and artists show their love and hatred for real life in their works.
② It generally refers to the preference for love and hatred in a certain aspect.
④ It refers to the tendency of love and hatred, praise and demotion shown in the attitude towards something.

Value characteristics

Different people have different behavioral abilities, produce different self-evaluation, and have different decision-making tendencies, which can be divided into two aspects.

Adventurous conservatism

Since probability value is equal to the product of state value and state occurrence probability, decision makers can be divided into adventurists and conservatives according to whether they attach importance to the state value of things or the state occurrence probability. Adventurers always believe that they have enough behavior ability to change the original probability of occurrence of things, so that the probability of occurrence of good results can be increased, and the probability of occurrence of bad results can be reduced. Therefore, they only care about the state value of things, not the probability of occurrence of things, and take the maximum state value of things as the selection criteria of their behavior plans; Conservatives do not believe that they have enough behavior ability to change the original probability of occurrence of things, so they only care about the probability of occurrence of the state of things, rather than the state value of things, and take the maximum probability of occurrence of things as the selection standard of their behavior scheme.

Optimism and pessimism

Since value is equal to the algebraic sum of positive value and negative value, decision makers can be divided into optimists and pessimists according to whether they attach importance to the positive value or negative value of things. Optimists always believe that they have enough behavioral capacity to withstand and weaken the negative impact of the original negative value on themselves, and make the original positive value play a greater positive effect. Therefore, they only care about the positive value of things, not the negative value of things, and take the maximum positive value as the selection standard of their behavioral plans, Such people are easy to see the good side of things and not easy to see the bad side of things. They are very sensitive to benefits and slow to reflect on losses. Their behavior and decision-making always follow the principle of "taking the big from the big"; Pessimists do not believe that they have enough capacity to bear and weaken the negative impact of negative values on themselves, nor do they believe that they can make positive values play a greater positive role. They believe that negative values will have a huge negative impact on themselves, while positive values will have very limited positive effects on themselves, Therefore, he only cares about the negative value of things rather than the positive value of things, and takes evading the maximum negative value as the selection standard of his behavior plan. Such people are easy to see the bad side of things, not easy to see the good side of things, slow to respond to benefits, sensitive to losses, and always follow the principle of "taking the big from the small" in their behavior decisions.

sense of worth

Values are the criteria that social members use to evaluate behaviors, things and choose their own desirable goals from various possible goals. Values are reflected by people's behavior orientation, evaluation and attitude towards things. They are the core of the world outlook and the internal driving force for people's behavior. It controls and regulates all social behaviors, involving all fields of social life.
Values have relative stability and durability. In a specific time, place and condition, people's values are always relatively stable and lasting. For example, there is always an opinion and evaluation on the quality of something, which will not change under the same conditions. However, with the change of people's economic status, as well as the change of their outlook on life and world outlook, this kind of values will also change. This means that values are also in the process of development and change.
Values depend on the outlook on life and the world outlook. A person's values are gradually formed from birth under the influence of family and society. The social mode of production and the economic status of a person have a decisive impact on the formation of their values. Of course, the opinions of newspapers, TV and radio, as well as the views and behaviors of parents, teachers, friends and public celebrities, can not be ignored for one's values

Network definition

Orientation Orientation orientation Orientation
Tendency: bias
Liability without fault Liability propensity Liability
Motivator [n.] Motivators Tendency [n.] Tendency Hoard [v.] hide