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Japanese aggression

japanese pirates
the Ming dynasty Japanese invasion began in the second year of Hongwu. At that time, Japan was Southern and Northern Dynasties During the split period, the defeated samurai in the civil war, as well as some ronins and businessmen, gained some feudalism in the southwest Vassals With the support of the master of the temple, he often drove pirate ships to the coastal areas of China to rob and harass“ japanese pirates ”。
Chinese name
Japanese aggression
the ming dynasty
Annals of Huanyuan Cemetery at the Ministry of Military Affairs of the Ming Dynasty
In the early Ming Dynasty, when the country was strong and attached great importance to the construction of the navy and maritime transport, the Japanese pirates failed to cause great trouble. Jiajing During the period, political corruption, lax navy, and the development of industry and commerce in the southeast coast led to some rich businessmen and pirate businessmen such as Wang Zhi, Xu Hai They colluded with the Japanese pirates to plunder, which made the Japanese disaster worse and worse, bringing disaster to the coast and endangering Water transport By 1549 Governor of Zhejiang Zhu Wan was framed and dismissed because of her resistance to Japanese invaders, and the trouble of Japanese pirates became more and more serious. Since 1552, the Japanese pirates have plundered the southeast coast for years, killing people. The Ming government was corrupt and incompetent, and its armaments were not repaired. It was helpless against Japanese aggression. This is it. the ming dynasty Japanese invasion. bright Kong Zhenyun "Ming Ministry of War Secretary's Day Huanyuan Cemetery"( Yuan Keli )The debate of independence against Shu: 'Today, the West has captured the enemy and jumped over the beam, and the East China Sea has been consolidated by the spread of the chieftain. The Japanese invasion has not been extinguished, and the Central Plains is still plagued with frequent disasters. It is urgent to start abolishing and ask for words.' ".